InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ The breach widens... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dislaimer: I still own none of the characters or rights to Inuyasha.
WARNING! This story is not for younger readers or for people who find violence, sex, and foul language to be offensive.

Chapter Four: The breach widens...

The crack that had started before grew bigger and Inuyasha's eyes bled to scarlet. “You wont get a chance to put your filthy paws on her!” He found it difficult to hold the weight of the Tetsusaiga and he tossed it aside to lunge with his claws and fangs at the demon.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted frantically. “The shards! He has two of them!” Without warning, the miko leaped from Kirara's back trusting Inuyasha to catch her.

“You idiot!” He barked and abandoned the enemy, he raced to catch the falling girl. He tucked her into his chest he snarled. “You could have hurt yourself! Tell me where the shards are then get out of here...”

From above them he heard Sango's weapon and glanced behind him to see it knock the panther back to a safe distance without doing much damage.

“The shards are in his chest. And I'm not leaving until you get your sword back!” She snapped at him. “Besides, I'm not stupid, I knew you wouldn't let me fall you idiot.”

Setting her down he gave a soft growl that promised retribution, he turned back to the yokai and renewed his attacks. Herding the panther backwards, he retrieved his sword and used it and his claws to tear a great gaping hole in his chest. When Kagome rushed forward to take possession of the shards he snarled and yanked her away from the dead yokai as soon as she had them. “Next time you need to stay where it's safe bitch!” Ignoring his wounds, he crushed her to his chest. “And keep that fucking monk away from you...”

Shoving against his chest, Kagome shouted. “You jerk! And here I was worried about you!” Putting a little distance between them she yelled. “Suwaru!”

Crash. “Dammit!” Grabbing her ankle, he yanked her foot out from under her.

“Ite!” Rubbing her abused tailbone, the miko glared at him. “What was that for?!”

“You know damn well what that was for!” He snarled. “I think it's about time you take these damn beads off bitch...”

“No!” She yelled furiously. “You can't bully me, baka. You may be an ass-”

With a growl, he slowly pushed himself up and crouched over the seated miko.

“Inu...yasha...?” She swallowed nervously.

“You better stop swearing little girl or I'm going to have to put you over my knee...” He rumbled dangerously.

Kirara landed and the others hurried over to their friends. When the transformed hanyou snarled a warning at them, Sango snapped. “Stop it Inuyasha! Kagome-chan are you alright? What is going on between the two of you?” Reaching out to try to help the other girl to her feet she gasped when Inuyasha snatched the miko up and leaped away from them.

“Stay out of this Sango...” He barked.

“Inuyasha,” Miroku began. “Be reasonable. We are concerned for Kagome-sama.. you have lost control of your yokai blood and that could prove to be very dangerous to her.”

“Fuck off!” He snapped at the monk. “There's no way in hell I'd ever hurt her!”

“I tried to tell you to leave it alone and that he wont harm Kagome.” Shippo told the others smugly.

“Indeed.” A familiar voice chimed in.

“Myoga!” Shippo exclaimed.

Clearing his throat, the flea demon continued. “Kagome is likely the only living creature who is safe around master Inuyasha at this time. I would suggest that we give them a little space so that he can stop feeling threatened and calm his yokai blood and instincts.”

“I'm not leaving until I know that Kagome-chan is safe.” Sango said firmly, with a glare at Inuyasha. “And that means until she herself assures me she is safe and wishes for me to leave.”

Inuyasha's hands tightened and Kagome winced as his claws bit into her arms. “Calm down Inuyasha! Gods, you always act like such a baby when you don't get your own way! Sango's my friend and right now you're scaring her with all your stupid growling.”

“Ah, Kagome,” Myoga stepped in. “I don't think it is wise for you to goad master Inuyasha until he has managed to calm down. He may not cause you harm but yokai view harm in a relative manner when it comes to discipline.”

“Shut up!” Inuyasha barked. “As soon as you all back the fuck off and give me a little time with Kagome to make sure she's okay we'll catch up...”

“Master Inuyasha,” Myoga interceded before anyone else had a chance to make matters worse. “Perhaps if we merely put a small distance between ourselves and the two of you. Yet remain close enough to aid young Kagome if the need arises..”

“Fine but no one's coming near Kagome until I say so...” He grumbled.

Reluctantly Sango and the others backed away far enough to give them a small measure of privacy they kept a careful watch.

Not completely satisfied, he realized they wouldn't give him more space, Inuyasha began looking Kagome over. When he saw his claw marks on her arms he whined and leaned down to lap at them gently before he ran his hands over her body despite her protests. “Well no serious damage as far as I can tell.” His heart lurched painfully in his chest when his yokai blood began to settle down.

“You know, if you keep acting so strangely the others are going to guess that something happened between us.” She accused.

“Yeah, so what if they do? It's not like it's gonna stay a secret forever you know...” He nuzzled the side of her neck as he pulled her against his chest. “You smell good Kagome.”

Embarrassed, Kagome glanced at his once again golden eyes and called out to the others. “Anou.. he's back to normal I think it'll be safe if you go on ahead so I can talk with him now!” Pushing him away, she got to her feet and rubbed her tailbone again with a grimace. In a softer voice she told him. “Now stop that. We'll talk while we follow the others, but you keep your hands to yourself!”

With a frustrated grunt he got to his feet and trailed after her. “Why do I gotta keep my hands to myself? I've already touched your naked flesh..” He reminded her smugly and a hint of scarlet returned to his eyes.

Her cheeks reddened and she slapped him across the face. “Dammit Inuyasha! I told you we're putting that behind us and pretending it never happened!”

When he caught her hand, he laid it over his heart, drew her close and murmured. “But it did happen, Kagome. And I aint ashamed that I claimed you. I just wish I'd been aware so I could have made sure you enjoyed it, that's all. But I'm willing to wait until you're ready for that part of the bond.”

'Claimed?! Bond? What's he talking about? He dragged me back here and forced- no he didn't, he managed to seduce me... But he makes it sound like he owns me now!' She pushed uselessly against his embrace and squeaked. “I don't understand what you're talking about Inuyasha... You don't own me, no one can own another person. It doesn't work that way.”

'She disputes the claim! She seeks to deny her mate...' His inner beast roared. He struggled internally and continued to hold her close to him in silence. 'She doesn't want to belong to me? I thought she wanted to stay by my side always.. She's mine though, she let me have her. Maybe I'll get lucky and the initial claim did more than create the mate bond and she wont be able to deny me then!'He lifted her into his arms and walked slowly towards the others. Carefully he kept a steady distance between them. When he heads them stop to make camp for the night he grinned smugly and veered away from them.

“Inuyasha? Where are you taking me?” Kagome asked nervously as he walked further away from the faint glow of a fire into the growing darkness of the forest.

“I've got blood all over me, and there's some on you to. Don't worry there's a hot spring a short way ahead.” He smirked as he pulled her closer.

Kagome's eye twitched. “There is no way I am going to get undressed in front of you Inuyasha... So you might as well take me back to the others and let Sango and I come bathe on our own.”

He snorted and kept walking away from the camp. “You need to learn obedience, bitch.”

With a frustrated shriek, Kagome punched his shoulder. “You're such a creep! Stop calling me that, baka. Gods do you even realize how stupid you sound? Obedience my foot... I'm not a puppy you know!”

Setting her on her feet near the hot spring he barked. “I know you're not a puppy, stupid. Now get out of those clothes and get your ass into that water!”

With an indignant gasp, the young miko stomped her foot. “You can't order me around! And I already told you I refuse to get naked in front of you!”

With a huff, he pulled her shirt over her head. “You can either take the rest off or I can cut them off! Your choice little girl, but either way you're going to clean up!”

She blushed hotly and turned her back to him. She said with soft anger. “Sit.”


She quickly undressed and slipped into the water. She scrubbed the dry blood from her body. When she noticed a few small bruises on her arms and trailing from her breasts to her collar bone she reddened more and sank down in the water. 'He marked me! He put love bites on me and then today he actually managed to break the skin with his claws on my arms!'

Inuyasha pushed himself up and glared at the miko's turned back before he busied himself rinsing the blood from her clothes.

Kagome glanced over her shoulder and gaped at the sight of the hanyou washing her clothes.

When he felt her gaze on him, Inuyasha looked at her and barked. “What now?”

“Y-You're washing my clothes..?! What's gotten into you Inuyasha?” She asked warily.

With a soft woof and an irritated glare he growled softly. “It's my job to look after you. And it was my fault you got blood all over your clothes.”

She smiled softly in bemusement and ducked under the water to rinse her hair. When she surfaced, her clothes had been laid out on the grass to dry and Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen. Panic tightened her stomach and she called out softly. “Inuyasha?” Something rustled in the bushes behind her and she whirled around with a frightened shriek.

* * *

A/N: Alright so there's the story so far. I've gotten quite a few views but no reviews yet.. V.V I can only assume that means no one likes it so far~ Please bear with me while I slowly work around my unpredictable WiFi to post the chapters and I hope that you enjoy the story even if you don't want to review.