InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Unwanted company returns... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Dislaimer: Inuyasha and all rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ.
WARNING! This story is not intended for readers under 18.

Chapter Five: Unwanted company returns....

“Kagome,” Koga said. “I'm sorry I didn't come for you before Inutrasha put his filthy hands on you. But don't worry, once I kill him you'll be mine.” He reached for her over the edge of the hot spring and nearly fell in when she screamed again even louder. “Dammit Kagome, be quiet! I'm here to rescue you.”

She yelped in alarm after she edged away from the wolf demon and found herself yanked backwards out of the water and against a familiar chest.

Inuyasha tucked her into his chest and covered her nudity with one of his sleeves when the others came crashing through the tree line. “Don't you touch her you mangy wolf!”

Miroku gaped at the dripping and obviously nude miko pressed tightly to the hanyou and he chuckled lecherously. “Why Inuyasha, Sango didn't think you had it in you to seduce Kagome-sama. Obviously she was wrong. I must say I didn't peg you for the type who enjoyed an audience though.”

He tucked Kagome closer and glared at the monk. In order to shield her with both arms from the eyes of the other males he dropped Tetsusaiga. “Back off bozu...” He snarled at Koga with even more menace in his tone. “You too you mangy wolf!”

Mortified, cold and thoroughly irritated, Kagome yelled. “Will everyone just leave me the fuck alone?!”

Five pairs of eyes blinked owlishly at her use of profanity yet again and Sango was the first to recover. “Why don't you all leave Kagome-chan and I alone. I will guard her while she dresses and bring her back to camp.”

Koga stepped forward as though to take the miko from the hanyou and had to leap back to avoid being struck by the Hiraikotsu.

“That was a warning...” Sango said coldly. “Inuyasha is the one who brought Kagome-chan here to bathe and it was obviously you who caused her to become frightened. If you take one more step closer to her none of us will keep Inuyasha from killing you... I may even help.”

Koga growled in defeat and quickly disappeared in a whirlwind, leaving Kagome and the others to stand in tense silence.

In his arms, Kagome trembled lightly and he closed his eyes in an effort to remain calm. “Leave us...”

“Inuyasha,” Sango began. “I think it would be best if you went with Miroku and Shippo back to camp and allow me a few moments with Kagome-chan. She is human and young, do you really think she understands what is going on?”

Frustrated, Inuyasha grumbled. “I aint leaving until the letch and the runt are gone...”

With a sigh of feigned suffering, Miroku took the kitsune and began heading back to camp, on his way he muttered about the foolishness of a certain hanyou.

Satisfied that the monk was far enough away, Inuyasha slowly unwrapped his arms from around Kagome before he reluctantly stepped back. “If you aren't back in ten minutes I'll come get you myself...” After handing her pack to Sango, he looked back over his shoulder and smirked when the miko yelped and tried to cover herself. “Do you understand Kagome?”

“You peeping tom!” She yelled. “Just go away so I can get dressed!”

Sango carried the bag over to her young friend and asked cautiously, she suspected that Inuyasha had not gone far. “I assume Inuyasha has... claimed you? Are you alright Kagome-chan? Do you have any questions?”

Embarrassed, she pulled clothes out of her bag and got dressed as quickly as possible before she turned to her friend. “What do you mean 'claimed' me?”

The exterminator blushed along with her friend and tried to politely explain. “Has Inuyasha lain with you? My training in yokai behavior has taught me that although demons may appear to be very similar to humans, they have a very different outlook on certain... things.”

'How can I tell Sango that I've been with Inuyasha? In this era it's even more taboo than in my own for me to have done that!' As she chewed on her lower lip, Kagome asked nervously. “Sango? How can I even think to admit that I would do that when I know how you and others of this time will look at me for it?” Tears filled her eyes and she buried her face in her hands. “Please don't hate me Sango-chan!”

Startled and concerned for her young friend, the exterminator put an arm around the other girl's shoulders. “Kagome-chan, I could never hate you. And as I said, with yokai things are different than with humans. There would be no shame if you had married a human man and lain with him would there?”

“N-No.” Kagome answered in confusion. “But I don't see what that has to do with this.”

'How can I explain to her that by laying with Inuyasha she has become his mate?! How can I make her understand that to yokai mate is husband... I don't even fully understand it and I have been trained extensively in yokai behavior.' Feeling unsure how best to set Kagome at ease with what had happened she explained the way she had been taught. “Yokai, and especially inu yokai, pursue their potential mates. For them courtship can consist of a great many things from semi familiar actions such as offering protection or gifts, as well as their more animalistic instincts to dominate. Once the pursuer manages to take or dominate the other, it is considered a claim. The claim proclaims them a-” She was cut off when Inuyasha burst through the trees and grabbed the miko, pulling her into his arms.

“That's enough Sango...” He growled. “When she needs to hear about all of that I be the one to tell her!”

Overwhelmed by the events of the last couple of days, Kagome stifled a yawn and tried to process the information Sango had given her.

He carried Kagome back to the camp and leaped into a tree above the others and settled her against his body. “Go to sleep Kagome.”

To tired to argue, her eyes drifted shut and she tangled a hand in his robes before she mumbled. “You better not let me fall out of this tree..”

“Never.” Below them he heard the others talking quietly with Myoga.

“Indeed Kagome is the only person who is ever truly safe with master Inuyasha.” Myoga said. “His first instinct in either form will be to protect his mate, should anyone threaten or harm her in any way he would likely go into a blind rage and slaughter the offender weather human or yokai.”

“Do you really think if his rage would blind him that completely that we could trust him not to turn on Kagome-sama?” Miroku asked skeptically.

Sango looked at him owlishly before she said. “Inu yokai are extremely protective and possessive of their mates. They would fight to protect them, even at the cost of their own lives Miroku. As far as I can tell from my training, a sort of bond forms between a mated pair that no matter how far gone one of them is they somehow always recognize their mates and offspring even if they do not know themselves. Kagome-chan truly is the safest human in the world. Have you not noticed that even when he transformed earlier, Inuyasha was able to rationalize where she was concerned? With the yokai blood urging him to fight he abandoned his opponent to catch Kagome-chan and shield her with his own body. However, there are drawbacks to traveling with or even near a newly mated yokai or hanyou...”

“How very astute of you Sango.” Myoga praised the exterminator. “While Kagome does seem to be able to control Inuyasha even while transformed, his control will be tenuous at best until the bond settles fully into place and he feels secure that she is truly his. And while his human blood realizes she will eventually age and die, his yokai blood will rage at the fact that she will eventually elude him through the natural process of death someday.”

“Meaning what exactly?” The monk asked in concern.

“That his yokai blood will see even the smallest thing as a threat to her fragile human body and his temper will be much shorter than usual.” He answered. “I fear that master Inuyasha's yokai blood and instincts may work in ways we cannot as of yet predict in an attempt to ensure she never leaves his side...”

The implications weighed heavily on the minds of the others and they fell silent as they tried to comprehend their new situation.

Inuyasha closed his eyes and pulled Kagome closer before he fell into a light sleep.
* * *Dream Sequence

'She cannot be allowed to die...'

'But she's human... eventually she will get old and die stupid.'

'We could stop that from happening... we must stop that from happening!'

'But how..? I want to keep her beside me forever... but it isn't possible...'

'Isn't it?'

Something builds within his soul and goes relatively unnoticed. Taking the strange new feeling to be simply part of the bond, he slips away from the internal struggle between himself and his yokai blood.
* * *End Of Dream

In his arms, Kagome began to stir. He stretched and pulled her tightly to him. Then rubbed her against his chest in a manner that clearly said 'mine' to the others who watched from below.

Miroku rolled his eyes and Sango snorted rudely. Shippo and Kirara merely watched with curiosity on their faces.

He rolled from the tree branch and smirked when Kagome squeaked in alarm and her arms locked around his neck. “Whatchya worried about Kagome? You don't really think I'd let you fall do you?”

“That was a rotten trick baka!” She griped at him. “See if I ever rub your stupid ears again...”

The hanyou's ears twitched, his only outward sign that the threat had hit home. Setting her on her feet, he cast a warning glare at Miroku before he demanded. “What are you gonna make me for breakfast Kagome?”

Her spine stiffened and she threw him an icy look. “Sit boy.”

Crash. “Dammit what was that for, bitch?”

“Don't be such an ass, Inuyasha.” Kagome said calmly. “You may think you own me, but I'm hear to tell you that I don't have to, and won't obey your every demand!” She turned on her heel and stormed off leaving the others to either stay with the prone hanyou or follow after her. 'That stupid jerk!'

“Hey!” Inuyasha whined. “You guys can't just leave me here! Come back here Kagome!!”

Kagome ignored him and kept going while the others cast apologetic looks at the hanyou before following her.

“Kagome-sama,” Miroku began nervously. “Do you really think it's smart to anger Inuyasha in light of the current situation?”

She rounded furiously on her friends shouted. “I could really care less if he's angry, because I'm pissed! He thinks just because he did what he did that I'm going to jump whenever he says to? He's got another thing coming if he really expects me to be nice to him..”

“Kagome?” Shippo cried as he launched himself at her.

She calmed herself and caught the kit and asked in a softer tone. “What Shippo-chan?”

“I don't know if Myoga is right or not,” He wailed. “Try not to push Inuyasha too far. If he looses control completely he might not realize he's hurting you.”

She gave the yokai child a puzzled look and asked. “What do you mean Shippo-chan?”

“Well 'cause if he turns yokai he might not think about the fact that you're human. And if he decides to punish you for being out of line-”

“Punish me for being out of line?!” She exclaimed, her anger having returned. “If he tries anything like that I'll say 'it' so many times he'll pass out then I'll bind him to the sacred tree and invite Sesshomaru to have at him! Out of line indeed! What a jerk!” Still holding the kit, she stomped away from where they had left Inuyasha even quicker than before.

* * *

A/N: Please read and review. ^.^