InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Why did it have to be him?! ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger viewers.

Chapter Eleven: Why did it have to be him?!

“Sesshomaru!” Kagome gasps.

Looking coldly at the girl, the yokai lord observes. “You reek of that half breed.” With blinding speed he reaches her side, carelessly knocking the other girl back as he lifts Kagome from her feet by her throat. “And yet there is something different about you... You smell of him and hanyou, but you don't smell human. What are you?” His eyes narrow speculatively.

Inuyasha comes charging towards them, snarling furiously at his brother. “Get your fucking hands off of her!”

As quickly as he had grabbed her, the cold yokai lord flings her aside, forcing the hanyou to choose between attacking him and keeping her from getting hurt.

Without hesitation, the hanyou changes directions and just barely manages to catch Kagome before she collides with a tree trunk. Setting her down and shoving her behind him, he turns back to his brother. “Sesshomaru... I'll kill you for that!”

The older yokai smirks arrogantly. “Then come at me.. little brother.”

Inuyasha draws the Tetsusaiga and launches himself at his brother.

Sesshomaru flexes his claws and green acid begins to ooze from them. Dodging the hanyou's sword and slashing at him with his deadly claws, he grunts in surprise as a fist slams into his solar plexus driving the air from his lungs. Looking down, his jaw drops when he sees the little miko standing there. The air around her crackles with a strange and powerful energy, causing an even stranger wind to blow her hair about her face. Before his eyes her brown eyes change slightly and dog ears form on her head. 'How very interesting. It seems the little miko is not so human after all...'

Taking advantage of the distraction, Inuyasha slashes at Sesshomaru with his own claws. When his brother narrowly manages to dodge the attack, he growls and pursues keeping an eye on Kagome as she almost perfectly mirrors his own attacks. 'Where did she learn to fight like that?! It's like before.. she isn't controlling her yokai instincts, they're controlling her...'

Sensing that the balance is not in his favor with the two of them synchronizing their attacks, Sesshomaru retreats using his full yokai speed to put as much distance as possible between them and himself.
* * *

Miroku catches up with Inuyasha and helps Sango to her feet. “What happened?” He asks in concern.

“Sesshomaru,” Sango begins. “He came after Kagome-chan...”

“How would he have known where to find us?” Miroku asks curiously. “And what does he want with Kagome-sama?”

“From the looks of things he wanted to fucking kill her...” Inuyasha snarls, wrapping his arms around her tighter.

“I'm not so sure Inuyasha.” Sango says slowly. “When he first showed up it was just Sesshomaru being Sesshomaru... He used the fact that she uh- carries your scent to basically insult you. But then he seemed puzzled and after he knocked me aside like that he said something about she doesn't smell human even aside from your hanyou scent on her...” She looks deeply concerned and turns her attention to the young miko. “And even though Kagome-chan still looks human she was having no trouble making Sesshomaru notice when she struck him, or in keeping up with you in an effort to contain and eliminate the threat.”

Inuyasha stops and actually thinks about it, remembering the way that Kagome had mirrored his own attacks at nearly the same speed. 'But if she's just human right now she shouldn't be able to do any of that... And just where did she learn to fight so well?!' He scoops her legs up from under her and looks down at her bowed head thoughtfully. 'Fool, you assume because she looks human that's it... don't trust your eyes, trust your nose!' Inhaling deeply he frowns at the strong hanyou scent coming from the girl herself.

In his arms, Kagome growls. “I am sick and fucking tired of all of you talking about me as if I weren't even here...”

Shippo's tail twitches and he flings himself into her arms, which open and catch him faster than a human's should have been able to do. “Okaa-san, I don't think you need to get upset.” The yokai child says as he pats her cheek. “They might be treating you kinda like they treat me but they are just concerned about you.”

Breathing slowly, Kagome lets the kit's words sink in. Ashamed of her outburst, she lowers her head to hide her face. “Gomen... I don't know why I am so quick to lose my temper anymore.”

Inuyasha growls at this kitsune. “Dammit runt stop upsetting her!”

“But,” The kit wails. “I'm not the one who upset her! She only got upset just now because you were all talking about her like she's just a kid who doesn't know any better...” The last is said in a grumble of mutual suffering.

“Keh.” He barks. Irritated and in a foul mood, he carries Kagome back to camp without bothering to wait for the others. 'As if Naraku hunting us wasn't bad enough... now we have to deal with Sesshomaru butting into it?' His growl deepens as the others slowly make their way back too, and he takes his mate up to a tree branch. 'Why can't everything just work itself out? There are threats everywhere here and it seems like more and more of them are fixating on her...'
* * *

While Kagome sleeps, Inuyasha keeps a watchful eye on the forest. She shifts in his arms and mumbles something too soft for even his ears to catch before settling down again and he finds himself distracted by the shine of the moon on her hair. 'I promise that I will keep you safe... Forever...'

* * * Kagome's dream

'We overdid it... if we aren't careful we could burn out and be stuck in one form or the other...'

'Great...' Heaving a weary sigh she says. 'This place again... Just where are “we” exactly? And who are
you for that matter? I want some answers here!'

'We are not your enemy, child.' The familiar disembodied voice says with humor. 'When your kit was threatened did we not protect it? Do we not keep you safe when danger stalks you? You will see soon enough...'

'Just what in the seven hells is that supposed to mean?'

The voice grows even more distant and the hazy fog begins to thin. 'In time, all will be revealed... For now you must wake up, the hanyou is calling you. We will never leave child we like it here...'
* * * End of Kagome's dream

Gasping as she sits up and scrubs at her eyes, Kagome looks blearily at the hanyou. “Hn? What's wrong Inuyasha?” Belatedly realizing that they are no longer in the tree, she looks around at the others gathered around her. “Did I do something strange?”

They all blink owlishly at the girl. Miroku manages to regain his composure first and begins hesitantly. “Kagome-sama, you became so agitated in your sleep
that Inuyasha had to bring you down here with us so you wouldn't hurt yourself. You were muttering nonsense so far under your breath that neither he nor Shippo could make out what you were saying...”

Blushing, she laughs nervously and waves her hand dismissively. “Is that all? I was probably just dreaming...”

With a growl Inuyasha says. “You were terrified and none of us could get you to wake up! What happened, bitch? You're acting evasive...”

Sango nods reluctantly. “He's right Kagome-chan, you're acting as though you're purposely keeping something from us. Whatever it is it might be important for us to know so that we can protect you...”

Looking down at her lap, she feels a slight pang of guilt as she lies. “It must have just been a bad dream... I don't remember what it was about...”

“Kagome...” Inuyasha starts, his growl a clear warning.

Shippo, unaware of the undercurrents or of the deception defends her. “Okaa-san says she doesn't remember the bad dream. Do you really think she'd hide something dangerous?”

At a loss for how to argue with the kitsune's logic, the three of them refrain from pushing further for answers although each of them privately continue to speculate on what the problem could be.
* * *

A/N: Alright another chappy done and posted! Huzzah! ^.~ Anyways, I hope that the plot is niether too predictable nor dwindling. If you do happen to notice any glitches in the plot or in the story itself feel free to email me and i will do my best to correct them, I apologize if there are any such mistakes. As always please R&R! ^.^