InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Found ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"I was lost and now I am found. With you I am made new..." -Onigumos reincarnation to his wife, Yuka, 2010.

Her vision was blurry and she could hardly see anything. The only thing she knew was that whatever was above her was an animal. But she didn't pay attention to it and she didn't really care. She closed her eyes and mumbled, "You don't want to eat me. I taste bad."

The animal groaned and she tore her hands away from her face at the familar sound.

And then she knew…

She was going insane. Jaken was now looking down at her and he was crying… Well, okay. That wasn't exactly strange. Jaken cried all the time. He wept when Lord Sesshomaru left him alone. Or with Rin. Or Ah-Un. Or when he hit his stubby feet on some rock. The frog cried a lot, period. But he always wept loudly.

Looking up at Jaken through swollen eye lids, Rin noticed that she heard only a feint sniffle… Jaken wasn't loud. He was weeping silently. Jaken never did that!

She lifted her head from the ground. "Jaken?" she whispered.

His eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hands. "Rin," he murmured brokenly. "What happened to—"

She narrowed her eyes and looked beyond him. Ah-Un was there staring at her with huge eyes. And then they groaned. Rin nearly jumped up at the sight of them. The pain of her movements held her down though.

"Ah-Un," she rasped and smiled, brokenly. "I am so glad you are here."

Jakens countenance changed from one of worry to displeasure. He grimaced. "You are happy to see the beast, but not me?"

Rin smiled at him. He couldn't help it; he smiled back—and then burst in to tears.

Ah-Un bent his head and blinked at her. He then bent down one head to lick Rins cheek. The pain of the wound went away and her vision cleared.

Then suddenly, Ah-Un looked up and groaned loud enough to make Rin wince.

Out of the shadows of the forest came lord Sesshoumaru. He looked so clean and perfect with his long white hair and pale skin. Compared to Rin, he was a god while she was the epitome of a squashed roach.

His eyes widened when he saw her broken body lying on the dirt floor half naked. She couldn't see that he was there; she was looking at Ah-Un oddly. But he could see her clearly, and he hated what he saw. He was gone for no more than a day and Rin was… God, she looked like a corpse. Her skin was pale and there were contusions all over her arms and legs. And her eyes…

Those beautiful brown eyes were almost swollen shut.

He took a few steps toward her, making sure he made little noise to startle her. When he was beside her body he knelt down and stared…

"Who did this to you?" He asked her softly.

Rin was so shocked that her whole body shook when she heard his warm whisper on her left ear. She looked to him and saw her Lord and love. The demon was absolutely beautiful and… and… Oh, God the sight of him alone made her weep.

He came for me.

"I-I-" she stammered trying to find her words.

His gaze met hers and she swore she saw a spark of emotion there. Lord Sesshomaru was angry? "Who did this to you?" He said a bit louder.

"Some men," she rasped. "A few hours ago... I think."

His gaze ran down her arms and kimono. His lips formed a thin line at the sight of her garment. The garment he bought her. "How many?" he growled.


His golden eyes met her brown. "How did they look?"

A coughing fit erupted in her throat. She is too weak, he thought. I mustn't question her too much. "I will leave the questioning for later. As for now, you must rest."

She touched his thigh.

Jaken gasped behind Sesshomaru. She dared to touch the master. And the master didn't kill her! He tried to look at Lord Sesshomaru and found the same expression on his face as the one of old: Nonchalance.

"Please do not leave me, Lord Sesshomaru."

He said nothing, but she knew he would stay. The way he looked at her said enough. He seemed... concerned as he was when she was but a child.

Sesshomaru looked at each wound on her sore and naked body and his body heated with rage. As she watched he lifted her kimono off her body and trailed his fingers down her stomach. She had large scars on her legs and contusions the size of an apple on her stomach and abs. She had a bump on her forehead and a cut on her lip and her nose had a trail of blood...

He then looked back down at her privates and saw a streak of dried up blood going down her inner thigh. His eyes widened and Rin saw it.

"What is wrong milord?"

"Do you remember all they did to you?"

"I remember bits and pieces. Only fragments of it all. They kicked me on my sides… but after that I lost consciousne-."

She heard a deep menacing growl build up in his throat and watched as his eyes transformed from a golden hue to a crimson color so deep, the blood now on his hands seemed pale in comparison to it. "My Lord?" she whispered, somewhat afraid of what she was seeing.

"Those fools!" He growled.

A reddish, pink vapor began to swirl around him. And she knew, Sesshomaru was transforming into his demon form before her eyes.

"You're angry," she stated lamely. His reaction surprised her. Never in her time with him had he been so upset. Why was this so? "What is wrong?"

He stood up and backed away from her to change into his true demon form. His nose grew into a long dog snout and white fur rose from his skin. He bent down on all fours and then lept up in to the sky.

Rin began to panic. "Lord Sesshomaru!" she cried. "Please, do not go!" But he did not seem to listen for he continued to fly away.

Rin grabbed her stick and lifted her body up, wincing at the pain, but somehow holding it all in. "Sesshomaru!" She cried as she began to limp in his direction, moving down the river. "Lor-" She fell to the ground in that instant, face first. She lifted her head up and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Sesshomaru!" She screamed. "Sesshomaru!"