InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Mine ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: So, this is the first piece of fiction I have ever posted at, even though I seem to live on here...XD What can I say, I'm a total hentai. Miroku has nothing on me.

Anywho, this is a one-shot lemon fic about, you guessed it, Kagome and InuYasha. Do I ever write anything else? XD I still feel kinda weird about posting my lemons for people to read, so I would really appreciate it if you guys would leave me a review and tell me what you thought about this one-shot, even if its just to tell me it sucked. I shan't be upset if you don't, I'm guilty of reading and not reviewing...what can I say, I'm lazy...but I would like to know what you all think.

So, I hope you all enjoy. I surely did. ::wicked grin:: And if you feel this lemon sucks the big one, I give you all permission to flame and blast it too your hearts content. I'd pay good money to see someone MST something I've written....Bwhahahaha...::Watches InuYasha and Kagome scream and run for cover::

Disclaimer: Yes. Yes I do own InuYasha. ::is surrounded by a rabid pack of lawyers:: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME SAY IT! ::lawyers brandish legal documents and a copy of my kindergarten Christmas concert:: You guys really are heartless bastards. ::sigh:: Fine. Don't own InuYasha. Are you fucking happy now!? ::runs away sobbing hysterically::

Her heartbeat was pounding in her ears like a drum, racing with adrenaline and anxiety. She swallowed hard, chewing on her bottom lip as she scanned the clearing that held the Bone Eaters well. The only sounds were that of the surrounding wildlife, everything calm and tranquil.

And, best of all, there was no hanyou around to stop her from leaving.

Kagome drew in a deep breath and broke from her spot in the trees, running as fast as she could with her depleted, yet still heavy, backpack hanging from her shoulders. She was almost there, fifteen feet...ten feet...five feet. She glanced over her shoulder, checking to make sure InuYasha wasn't bounding up behind her to stop her, when she slammed head-on into a brick-wall of a chest, sending her flying backwards.

Her backpack fell off and skidded away from her as she landed hard on her bottom, letting out a yelp as her tailbone connected with the hard ground. She cast her gaze upwards, mentally cursing as her eyes trailed upwards, tracing long legs that were braced apart slightly, over lean hips and a flat stomach, strong arms that were crossed over the chest she had just slammed into, and onwards onto the scowling face of InuYasha himself.

Kagome blinked, feeling as if she had butterflies fighting to get out of her stomach as she sat on the ground under InuYasha's hard glare. She fidgeted slightly, again chewing on her bottom lip.

"And just where the hell do you think you're going?" She felt her left eye start ticking at his tone; a tone that was highly reminisce of a parent catching their child sneaking out in the middle of the night.

She made an annoyed sound in the back of her throat and struggled to her feet, casting a glance towards her book bag, and over InuYasha's shoulder where the well lay.

"I'm going home." It was a simple statement, and had she said it too anyone else they would have stepped away, allowing her to go back to her time without a fight. However, InuYasha was probably the most stubborn person in the world, and he would not allow her to leave. At least not without a large fight and quite a few sits.

"Why the hell do you need to go back there, bitch? We have shards to find." That damn tick in her eye was starting again.

"Its my home, InuYasha. My family is there. I have to go see them. I have tests too study for. I'll be back in a few days. I swear it." Oh, Gods, the butterflies were back. Kagome began gnawing on her bottom lip again; fighting to keep herself from screaming sit and running for everything she was worth.

However, that would point to rather obvious fact that she was hiding something from him. And if InuYasha really knew why she was going back to her home...all hell would break loose.

"I'll bring you ramen. Lots of ramen!" Kagome was sure this would work. Never before had he ever turned down ramen. Sesshomaru would propose to Jaken before InuYasha ever said no to ramen.

InuYasha's eyes narrowed, and he took a step forward, making Kagome take two steps back. His nose twitched, picking up on Kagome's scent. It was all telling...and now it was telling him that she was nervous. Which meant she was hiding something from him.

InuYasha did not like that. So he leveled a glare on her that had made the most deadly of youkai cower before him. Kagome was very close to bursting into hysterical tears at that point, and she felt guilt welling in the pit of her stomach. Which she promptly smashed down.

She had nothing to be guilty about damnit. She had faced down demons. She had killed demons. She had been groped by Miroku...she could damn well do whatever she wanted without InuYasha's permission.

And we're just going to let her believe that, for the time being, at least....

"What are you looking at me like that for!?" She demanded, her eye ticking harder.

"You aren't going." It took all he had not to smirk at her. He would never admit, but he loved to fight with her. It made his blood heat in a way that was completely primal. Kagome's scent would spike and turn spicy, and she would flush softly, eyes sparkling with a fire that was deadly.

It called to him, and made all his instincts demand that he make her submit to him. True that it would leave him aroused to the point of pain, and with no way to relive the tension that had built inside him, but he wouldn't trade their fights for anything.

But there was an edge to her scent that had rarely smelt, as Kagome very rarely lied to him. But he could pick it up now, her unease and a tint of fear. She was trying to keep him from finding something out, more then likely about why she wanted to back to her time...

"Excuse me?" She turned her own glare on the hanyou, eyes narrowing dangerously. "I will go home if I want to!"

"You're fucking hiding something from me, and if you can't tell me then you aren't going, bitch." Kagome should have kept her mouth shut at that comment, but when she become angry she seemed to have no internal thought process.

"You want to know!? Fine! I'm going on a date. With Hojo! Now will you move!?" She glowered at him for a brief moment before she turned pale, her eyes widening. She could have smacked herself in the head, how in the hell could she have just blurted it out like that? She knew full well he would more then likely go absolutely insane and forbid her to go, but somehow the thought of him forbidding her to do anything made her angry all over again.

InuYasha, on his part, felt as though someone had just dumped ice-cold water on him. For a split second he was silent, still, face slack with shock before his hands balled into fists at his sides. His head tilted forward, his bangs dropping down to hide his eyes from Kagome's view and a low, harsh growl rumbled from his chest.

"So that's what you're doing? Going off and fucking little boys in your world?" He fairly snarled the words out at her, and Kagome wanted nothing more then to smack the hell out of him as indignation filled her.

"You ass! I'm not...I'm not doing that with anyone! And even if I was no one could tell me I couldn't! Especially you!" With a huff she turned around, starting towards back pack, intent on getting out of there before she caused the hanyou intense amounts of pain.

That, however, seemed to have been exactly the wrong thing to say too InuYasha at that point, for she had not even taken a full step forward before he was on her, knocking her to the ground on her back, InuYasha straddling her hips, one hand grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head. She let out a shriek and tried to buck InuYasha off her, with no success.

"Fucking bitch." Kagome stilled all her movements at the low snarl, her eyes snapping up too meet InuYasha's gaze, nearly flinching as she watched his eyes flicker between a molten gold and bloody red.

Rage nearly rolled off InuYasha in waves, and his jaw clinched spastically as he drew in harsh breaths through his nose.

"No one will touch you, do you understand me? You are mine." Kagome's breath caught in her throat, but before she could even fully process his words his mouth was on hers, hard and demanding. She let out a gasp at the feeling, and he took advantage of it, deepening the kiss. For a moment Kagome struggled with herself, not knowing if she should try and get him off her and jump down the well before sealing it with anything she could her hands on, or simply let him kiss her.

Her body decided for her, practically melting into the ground as shyly began to kiss him back. His growl smoothed at her reaction, though anger still hummed in his blood. How dare she even think of allowing another male to touch her, taste her, claim her...he would not allow it. She belonged to him, end of the fucking story.

He broke the kiss raising his head to look down at her. Kagome gave a slight whimper a the loss, eyes fluttering open, and an sort of arrogant pride and pleasure surged through InuYasha at the sound and the sight of her glazed eyes. He licked his lips, though his eyes narrowed at her.

"Wh-What are you-" He slanted his mouth over hers again, effectively silencing her. The hand that was not pinning her hands above her head skimmed up her side, before he curled his fingers and jerked his hand down, ripping her shirt off her body with his claws, doing the same thing to her bra.

He released her hands and slid his legs down, pinning her down with his body, growling in satisfaction when her arms wrapped his neck as soon as she was able to move them. He left her lips and began to lick and nip his way down her throat, his arousal rising with ever small sound Kagome made.

Kagome whimpered in the back of her throat, opening her glazed eyes, fighting to draw in a proper breath. She was trembling from the onslaught of feelings that InuYasha was creating in her. Her back arched and her hands knotted in his hair when moved lower and drew one taunt nipple into his mouth. She couldn't stop the small cry that was ripped from her throat when he bit down on it roughly, before soothing it with a stroke of his tongue. She squeezed her eyes shut, biting down on her bottom lip to keep herself quiet.

InuYasha lifted his mouth off her breasts and growled at her again, leaning up and nipping at her lips.

"Don't. I want to hear you." She felt as though the world spiraled out from under her at his words. She knew a lot about sex, she was a teenager from the modern era, but this...this was unlike anything that she had been told or had ever read about.

When her friends would talk about it, it was always soft and slow, with soft whispers of "I love you" and candle light and rose petals. And though she had never admitted it out loud, or even thought about it too much, that wasn't how she wanted it. When she thought about sex it was hard and rough. And then she and Sango had somehow stumbled upon the topic of youkai mating, it seemed even more that her thoughts on sex had changed.

Sango had told her how it was with all male youkai-they were primal, and always dominate. Then Kagome simply had to ask about inu-youkai (earning herself a sly look and arched eyebrow from Sango), and she learned that they were one of the most dominant of all youkai. They demanded submission from their mates, and Kagome had felt a thrill straight to her toes at the thought of it.

She had ended up staying in her time for two weeks after that, unable to even look at InuYasha without being swamped with desire, with the need to simply throw herself on him, letting him have his way with her.

Then she had found a story on the internet that had very nearly had trying to drown herself in a cold shower. It had introduced her to BD/SM, to Dom and sub. That explained it for her, she knew then she was nothing but a submissive (not that she all), and she wanted nothing more then to let InuYasha claim her.

After that Kagome had been hard pressed to keep herself from molesting InuYasha, or, more to the point, to letting him molest her. And here he was on top of her, angry and downright horny, commanding her too not keep herself silent. Because he wanted to hear her.

There was no way she could deny him, she didn't want too. She wanted this, and had wanted it for a long time.

InuYasha smirked, knowing she would obey him, and slid down her body, ripping her skirt and panties off her without a second thought. He thought he was going to loose all his control at the sight of her, naked and laying on the ground, lips swollen and bruised from his kisses, the scent of her arousal surrounding him.

But he couldn't, wouldn't, not yet. He had to make sure she understood that she belonged to him. Him and no one else...she had been his since he saved her from the centipede-youkai, and she was damn well going to learn that.

He slipped a hand between her thighs, drawing one finger lightly over her slick core, and Kagome very nearly came all the way off the ground at the contact, letting out something akin too a choked sob.

"You fucking thought I would let you go to some little human boy?" Kagome somehow managed to open her eyes at InuYasha's words, and as soon as he saw the smoky-gray orbs he pressed his hand harder against her, rubbing a finger against that little bundle of nerves, and Kagome let out a strangled shriek, throwing her head back, pushing her hips forward.

"You thought I would let anyone else touch you like this?" His gaze burned down her, and pushed two fingers inside her, his constant growl rising in volume at the feeling of her tight, wet, heat surrounding his fingers.

Kagome started to pant as he began to thrust his fingers inside her, unable to stop herself from rocking herself against his hand.

"Pl-please. Please, InuYasha...please!" She didn't know what she was begging for, if it was for him to stop or continue, or anything in between. InuYasha smirked down at her, leaning down and lightly nipping at the underside of one breast.

"Please what, Kagome?"

"I don't-I don't know! I-" She was unable to continue speaking, the feelings InuYasha was creating inside her overwhelming her. Heat seared her body, starting at the bottom of her feet and spreading all the way up, and she felt as if she was going to fly apart at any moment.

She was close, very close. InuYasha could feel her internal muscles beginning to ripple around his fingers as her scent spiked dramatically in her pleasure. He gave a fang baring grin and began to move his hand faster, making Kagome cry out louder and longer as her head thrashed from side to side.

One more push, one single push, and she would fly off the peak, and InuYasha knew that. But, instead of letting her gain her release, he pulled his hand away at the last possible moment, clinching his teeth together to keep himself from simply ripping his own clothing off and slamming into her with abandon.

Kagome felt tears prick the back of her eyes and she tried to push herself up on shaking arms. He had stopped and she thought she was going to die; it was too much, far too much. She made a soft, pleading noise in the back of her throat, her entire body trembling.

"InuYasha." She whimpered out his name, and InuYasha sent her a dark smile, sliding his hands down the insides of her thighs before pushing them farther apart, moving so he was kneeling between her legs.

"You want me to finish you, Kagome?"

"Yes! Please, yes..."

"Then tell me who you belong too." She drew in a gasping breath, the heat increasing at InuYasha's growled command. He leaned forward, his breath puffing over her aching flesh and Kagome fairly sobbed, reached one hand and grasping a hand full of his hair. "Tell me, Kagome."

"Yours. I'm yours." InuYasha let out a satisfied rumble at her words, and he drew his tongue along her folds, groaning at the taste of her.

"That's right, bitch." He growled out. "Mine. You're mine." With that he set his mouth on her, scraping a fang over her clit. Kagome let out a soundless scream, falling onto her back, clinching his head to her as he worked his mouth on her.

InuYasha was very nearly drowning in the scent and taste of her, something he had longed to experience for years. Within moments Kagome came, letting out a shrill scream as her body convulsed, and InuYasha lapped at her juices greedily.

He pulled himself away from her, taking in the sight of her lying on the ground, her entire body flushed and trembling from her orgasm, eyes closed as she panted.

He pulled his clothing off as quickly as he could, and then pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. Kagome moaned into his mouth, so weak she could hardly kiss him back. He broke away from her and turned her over, one arm wrapped around her waist as he positioned her on her hands and knees.

Kagome started to move, trying to twist herself up so she could look at him, but the second she started to push herself into a kneeling position InuYasha snarled, pushing her back down. He pressed his chest against her back, giving her a reprimanding bite on the shoulder.

"I didn't say you could move, bitch." Kagome shuddered, her head falling forward as her eyes shut. Again InuYasha smirked, pleased at how willingly she obeyed him. His bitch was learning.

He braced himself with one hand on the ground, his other arm supporting Kagome, his hand clinching her hip. He hissed when his throbbing erection slid along her wetness, and Kagome gasped, pushing her hips backwards. Unable to stop himself, and not really wanting too, he slammed into her, eyes once again flashing red as he threw his head back, clinching his teeth together at the feeling of her tight heat surrounding him.

Kagome cried out softly, from both pleasure and pain, and InuYasha bent his head down, nibbling and licking her neck, relishing in the soft whimpers and moans she made at his touch. He pulled himself almost the way out of her before slamming back, groaning and loosing the tenuous hold he had on his control, lifting himself so he was on his knees, wrapping his free hand in Kagome's hair and pulling her head up so her neck arched.

InuYasha began to thrust into her, hard and fast, and Kagome was unable to stop herself from pushing back against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Again she began to pant, body arching, as the friction between her body and InuYasha's began to build her up for another release.

"That's right, Kagome." InuYasha panted out, voice harsh as he moved his hand from her hip to the apex of her thighs, using his middle finger to rub against her clit, making her buck her hips harder. "You're going to cum for me again like a good a bitch, aren't you?" He tugged on her hair, making her body bend even more then already was.

InuYasha leaned forward, pressing his lips against her ear. "Say it for me Kagome. Tell me that you're going to cum like a good bitch."

Kagome fought to bring enough air to comply, chest heaving even as tears leaked from under her closed eyelids from the pleasure that was swamping her.

"I'm...I'm going to cum for a good bitch..." InuYasha growled at hearing her words, and began pushing into her harder then before, letting her hair go, and Kagome was unable to support her own weight, her arms to weak. She collapsed forward, her head resting on her bent arms, the angle making InuYasha drive even deeper into her.

Bright lights began to flash before Kagome's closed eyes, and she began to sob, desperate for release of any kind from the agonizing pleasure. InuYasha could feel her body once again tightening, readying itself for another peak, and braced one arm on the ground near Kagome's head, leaning over her and sinking his fangs into the soft flesh between her shoulder and neck.

Kagome let out a keening wail, the bite sending her over the edge, and her entire body shook from the force of her orgasm. The feeling of her walls contracting so tightly around InuYasha's member sent him into a frenzy, and with a few more short, hard thrusts he came inside her, letting out a sound that was somewhere between a snarl and a growl of pleasure.

He gave one final thrust, keeping their bodies connected as he slumped over, falling on his side and curling Kagome against his chest. She was still shaking lightly in his arms, and he raised his head, using one hand to turn her face towards his, and pressing a soft kiss on her.

They lay there for a long time, catching their breaths and regaining their shattered sanity. Kagome let out a contented, if drowsy, sigh, half asleep and feeling as if nothing could harm her in the safety of InuYasha's arms. She tucked herself closer against his chest, feeling InuYasha chuckle lightly behind her, the tone and level of it vibrating through her body. He nuzzled her neck and gently lapped at the wound he'd left in her shoulder, using his saliva to heal it faster.

"I think I wore you out." InuYasha chuckled again as Kagome made a sleepy sound of acknowledgement, lightly tracing random designs on her stomach with his claws. He watched her as she fell asleep, a feat that took no more then a minute, and kicked one leg out, somehow managing to hook his haori on his foot and drag it up to them. He spread it over their still entwined bodies, and kissed Kagome's shoulder before curling around her tighter.

And then he let himself fall asleep beside her, growling contentedly. It had taken nearly three years, but it was final now. Kagome was his.

A/N2: LOL Dude, can anyone else see InuYasha screaming "WHOSE YOUR DADDY!?" ::dies laugh:: Sorry., I hope you all enjoyed it. I did. Rargh. ::toddles off to molest Inu-chan and Fluffy-sama::