InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mini-Miko ❯ Ramen on the Brain and the Mini-Miko ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This is my first fanfic so sorry if it bites. Also I am aware of the fact that I can't spell very well and I have extremely bad grammar. So if you are going to review please don't tell me my spelling or grammar mistakes all I am interested in is what do you think of the Plot and story. I will update if I get reviews…the more reviews the more updates…MAY CONTAIN ADULT CONTENT IN LATER CHAPTERS! RATED R-NC-17 DUE TO POTTY MOUTHS AND POSIBAL SEXUAL CONTENT.

Summery: Kagome meets a Hanyou who wants her shards of the jewel when Inuyasha isn't there to protect her. Now Kagome is pocket sized. How will Inuyasha react and how will he get her back to normal…that is IF HE CAN GET HER BACK TO NORMAL!?!?!

Disclaimer: I wish I was an Inuyasha owner…that is what id really like to be!!! Cause if I was an Inuyasha owner…Inuyasha would be in love with me!!! With that said I do not own Inuyasha.




By: SugarGliderGirl


Chapter 1

Ramen on the Brain and the Mini-Miko

"Sit Boy!" Kagome yelled at the angry dog-boy she loved to hate. "I will only be a couple of days! I have to take this test!" With that said she ran in the direction of the well. `I'm going to make it' she thought as the well came into view. `Almost there!'

"Oh no you don't!" Inuyasha yelled as he grabbed the young Miko by her backpack and lifted her up in the air right before she got to the well. "You're not going anywhere!"

"Come on Inuyasha." She pleaded. "I told you it will only be a couple of days."


Kagome wanted so bad to sit him till his neck broke but since he was holding her she'd get crushed by the command too. But she got an idea. "If you let me go and don't follow me to drag me back I'll bring you your own personal backpack…."


"Filled with RAMEN!"

`Ohhh RAMEN!' His ears perked up. But all he said was. "Feh. Fine….But you have to cook it for me WHENEVER I want."

`Yes! It worked!' she smiled to herself. "Fine you have your self a deal Inuyasha. NOW PUT ME DOWN!"

`Eeep! Why am I still holding her?' He dropped her on her butt and said "Feh!"

"Ow can't you be more gentle?" Kagome said as she got up and rubbed her sore rump.

"Feh!" Inuyasha grumbled. `Ya I'll be more gentle and you'll slap me like Sango does the monk.' He said to himself as he thought of the last time he tried to show Kagome a little affection and she slapped him for no good reason. (Episode 14 Kikyo's stolen ashes)

"Fine…Whatever…be a jerk!" she interrupted his thoughts. And with that said she jumped in the well.


Mid-afternoon 2 days later in the Feudal Era


"We can't just leave with out Kagome!!!" Shippo whined. "Can't we wait till she gets back?"

"No! If we wait the demon carrying the shard might be gone by the time we get there!" Inuyasha yelled at the little fox demon. "We have to go now!"

Miroku had just recently told them of a rumor he herd of a village that was being demolished by a large snake demon said to be carrying a jewel shard.

"Fine then just go to her time and drag her back…Like you always do!" Shippo cried.

"I WON'T GET MY RAMEN IF I DO!" The mad dog-boy yelled. `Shit did I just say that out loud?'

"She bribed you?!?!" Miroku couldn't help but laugh at the cleverness of his young Miko friend. "With ramen?!?"

"Grrrrrrrr" Inuyasha didn't know what to say. All he could do was growl and glare.

"Houshi-sama please don't get him riled up. Remember Kagome isn't here to say the magic word to save you." Sango whispered in Miroku's ear. To the rest of the group she said. "Inuyasha is right if we don't leave now we will might lose the shard…But I do think that Kagome will be upset if she came back and we are all gone."

Miroku raised one of his eyebrows as he spoke. "I would gladly stay back and await Lady Kagome's return." He said this to get a reaction out of a cretin someone in the group.

"I don't think so you pervert!" Inuyasha growled.

`Ok you're not the person I was trying to make jealous Inuyasha' Miroku gave a small sigh.

"I wouldn't leave you alone with Kagome if your life depended on it monk!" Inuyasha continued. "Shippo will stay behind."

"Yippy!" Shippo jumped up and down.

"Oh why do you think so poorly of me Inuyasha?" Miroku whimpered as his cursed hand made its way to Sango's backside.

Grope. Grope.


"Henti!" Sango screamed. Although she was smiling on the inside. `Thank god. I thought he was serious when he said he wanted to wait for Kagome.'

`Ahhh it is worth the pain' he thought as he doubled over in pain from the slap he had just received.

Sango really did love the monk but she was not going to tell him that unless he stopped his lecherous ways and admitted that he loved her and was only acting this way to make her jealous.

Which was the case but he wasn't going to say anything till she admitted her love for him. So they were stuck in this Grope-Grope THUD relationship till someone slipped or gave up.

"Feh…Fine it's settled…Shippo will stay...the monk's a Henti….Sango has a grate right hook…and I get my Ramen!" He smiled with his back turned to his friends. He didn't like when people saw him smile or laugh. He didn't want people to think he was weak. "Let's move out!"

"Yes, oh fearless leader!" Miroku chuckled as he got off the floor.

With that they all headed out the door minus the little fox that had already left to go wait at the well for his mommy Kagome. He stopped at the well and though

`Hmm maybe I should finally ask her if I can call her mom. Nah I like getting Inuyasha pissed when I sleep in her shirt. If he knew that I felt Kagome to be my new mom then it wouldn't make him so mad….And it is funny to see him mad.'

With that settled he perched himself on the well's lip and took a little nap.


Kagome's house later that evening.


"Mom did you buy the extra pack and ramen for me?" Kagome asked after she finished her homework and gave it to her brother Sota to hand in for her the next day since she wouldn't be in.

"Yes honey I packed the pack full of ramen and put it by the door all set for you."

"Oh thank you mom you are the best! You know that right?"

Her mother just smiled and thanked her daughter for the complement.

"Ok, well I did my test., I think I passed it this time, I took a bath. I did my homework and gave it to Sota. I packed my pack full of supplies and you packed Inuyasha's, I think I'm all set! Bye guys" she said as she put her yellow pack on one shoulder and Inuyasha's new red pack on the other. `WOW these are heavy!' she thought as she struggled her way out the door as her mom and brother waved and said good bye.

She made her way to the well and jumped in.


Feudal Era seconds later


Kagome landed at the bottom of the well in the Feudal Era softly. The light in the well faded and she breathed in the fresh scents of the past. `Ahh' she sighed happily and looked up when she herd her name.

"Kagome! Kagome! You're finally back!" The little fox yelled as he bounced around the rim of the well with his puffy tail wagging wildly.

Kagome giggled at the little tikes antics and started to climb up the well wall. It took her a lot longer then usual due to the extra bag. "Where's Inuyasha? He's usually here to help me out of here? I figured he'd be here waiting for is precious Ramen!" she was getting mad at the thought of how much he loved his ramen more then he cared for her.

"They got a rumor about a shard and headed out earlier." Shippo stated.

"Wha...What?" Kagome gasped and almost fell back down the well. "He…They left with out me?"

"Well they didn't want to lose track of the shard and Inuyasha wouldn't go get you because he didn't want to lose out on getting his ramen."

"Oh" She said as she finally made it out of the well and sat down next to Shippo so she could rest. `Well my plan worked…a little to well' she thought and let out a sigh. "I need a rest all this stuff is heavy and that climb up the well knocked me out."

"Okey!" he smiled and jumped in her lap and snuggled in for another little nap.


An hour later at the well


`Heh so that's the little Miko that has the shards? She doesn't look so tuff sleeping there with the kid on her tummy. Stupid human sleeping out here with no protection. Well I guess this will teach her a lesson and I'll get some shards out of it too.'

The human looking woman stepped out of the bushes. "Yo! Miko awaken!" she demanded.

"Eeep" Kagome jumped to her feet and looked at the woman in front of her.

"She's a hanyou" Shippo whispered to Kagome from on top of her shoulder.

"The child speaks the truth. Now hand over the shards you carry and I will not harm you." She spoke calmly.

Her hair was Jet Black and it was in a braid that ended at her waist. Her eyes were a bright yellow and she had long claws.

"I will not hand over my shards." Kagome replied with a fear in her voice that she tried to hide. She grabbed her bow and said to Shippo as low as she could "Run."

Shippo didn't move he wouldn't abandon his mother figure.

"Have it your way human I shall take the shards by force." She said as Lightning came from her eyes straight at Kagome.

Kagome knew that she couldn't defend herself fast enough but she did the only thing she could think of `Save Shippo' and she tossed him off her shoulder right before the lightning shot through her.

Shippo flew threw the air and landed 10 feet from where Kagome once stood. He got up and looked and his adopted mother was `Gone' the lady hanyou just walked to where Kagome once stood and picked something up. Then walked over to the stunned and weeping Shippo.

"I shall take the shards. You can have this. Hahahaha." She placed an item in the fox's hand and vanished. But he could still hear her voice. "Take care to watch where you step from now on. Hahahaha."

Shippo looked down in his and and gasped. "K….Ka….Kagome?"

Looking back up at him in his hand was a the mini-miko Kagome………

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok please review and let me know what you think. If I get enough reviews I will post the rest. I hope you all liked it. And remember I know my spelling stinks and I know my grammar sucks But I just want to know if the story is good enough to keep going or not.

If I keep going there might be some limes or lemons but I don't know I guess well just have to see.