InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku and Sango's First Child ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Spoilers ahoy. I'm in the mood for short, funny stories, so I thought I should write one. Just some background information, since I'm not in the mood to write an exposition: Naraku has been defeated, and the Shikon no Tama purified by wishing that Sesshomaru had his arm back. Why? Because Sesshomaru needs both his arms. Rin said so. And I said so. So there. Also, Kagome and Inuyasha finally kissed. As did Sango and Miroku, if you didn't figure that out from the title. I guess that's it. Enjoy. *continues to write indecipherable symbols on the wall in a dark corner*


"Oi, stop pacing like that. You're giving me a headache," Inuyasha growled, his eyes narrowing slightly. Miroku stopped walking and glanced up at the hanyou, but the look of worry did not leave his face.

"He's right, Miroku. You're wearing a hole in the ground," Shippo commented, before continuing his search for chocolate in Kagome's bag.

"Stop worrying, everything will be fine," Kagome added from her place on the ground next to Inuyasha.

"You don't know-" Inuyasha started to say, but Kagome slapped her hand over his mouth before he could finish his sentence. He replied by running his tongue over her palm. She jerked her hand away with a loud "SIT!!!!" Inuyasha muttered a few curses under his breath, before he was able to lift his head off the ground, only to see that Miroku had resumed his pacing.

"Miroku…" Inuyasha growled, and the monk stopped once again.

"I'm sorry. I know, you asked me to stop. But, I'm just so worried. Anything could happen to Sango, and I don't know what I would do if anything did."

"But nothing's going to happen to her. She'll be fine. And so will-" Kagome said, standing to comfort Miroku. She was interrupted by Kaede clearing her throat. Four heads turned towards the old woman that had exited the nearby hut.

"Well…" Miroku asked anxiously.

"You can go see her, Miroku," Kaede said, her face emotionless. Miroku paled a few shades before entering the hut.

"What happened, Old Hag?" Inuyasha asked. Kaede opened her mouth to answer, when Miroku burst through the hut's entrance, a smiling covering his face from ear to ear. In his arms was a bundle or cloth.

"It's a girl!" he exclaimed, holding the bundle so that the others could make out a small face peaking out from underneath the cloth.

"Omigawsh," Kagome gushed, quickly rising to her feet and coming closer to Miroku and the baby. "She's sooooo cuuuuuttte!"

"I don't see what the big deal is," Inuyasha said, glancing over Kagome's shoulder. "It looks like any other baby to me."

"Sit," Kagome said.

"But this is no ordinary child. Look!" Miroku said, holding out his daughter's hand. "There's no hole! The curse has finally been broken!"

"That's wonderful, Miroku! By the way, how is Sango?" Kagome asked.

"She's sleeping. But we managed to decide one thing before she fell asleep," Miroku said.

"What's that?"

"We've decided to name her Kagome, after you," Miroku said.


Changed my mind. I'll post the other half tomorrow. Ja ne!