InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku finds someone ❯ mosholu temple ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
chapter 2

mosholu temple
The moonlight shines on a water fountain. near by two people a monk and a half tiger demon girl talk. kinra jumps into mira's lap. mira pets kinra. kinra starts to purr.

miroku: so um what did you want to talk about?
mira looks up at the at miroku. the moon's light hits mira's eyes. they seem to sparkle in its light.
Mira: how did you get thing in your hand miroku?
miroku: well its called a wind tunnel. it's a curse that was pass down from my grandfather to my father and to me.
mira: is that bad miroku?
mikoru looks at his hand the one that has a the wind tunnel.
miroku: it's my family's curse.which naraku put on us.
mira: naraku? um what happen if a giant praying mantis damage the sides of your wind tunnel?
miroku: it it could sallow me whole.if i use when its damaged like that. it can happen anytime.
mira: so you might not be able kids?
miroku looks mira.
miroku: that's why am tryin' to find someone to bear my child. so if i do die someone else will be able to carry out my mission.
mira: what is your mission mikoru?
miroku looks up at the sky.
miroku: to defeat naraku. so me or my future family can't be cursed with this dreaded wind tunnel.
mira then takes miroku's hand and places it on her chest. miroku turns his face to mira. kinra looks up at them wonderin' what's going on. mira blushs a little bit.
mira: miroku.........?
miroku: what is it mira?
mira: i too collect shards of the scared jewel and i must destroy naraku. so he'll pay for what he did to my family.
miroku looks at mira's chest as her jewel shards seem to glitter in the moon's light.
miroku: i can see that.
mira: miroku look at me!
miroku looks back at mira's face.
mira: miroku i um....will you-
near by in the bushs inuyasha is listening to this.
inuyasha: god here comes that line again.
miroku: will you bear me a child?
mira turns and looks down. tears fall on the floor on to the grass.
inuyasha: what the heck is going on here?! why is she crying?
mira turns back around looks up at miroku with eyes full of tears.
mira: yes miroku! i have been waiting for someone just like you to ask me that question.
inuyasha: Holy shit! i gotta go tell the others. but i better stick around a little bit longer.
miroku*confused*: you want to bear my child?
mira nodds happily.
kinra*happy*: meow! meow!.
kinra jumps on top of miroku's head still meowing happily.
miroku *confused* : what's going on with kinra?
mira *smiles* : well i take care of kinra as if she was my child. and now that i have found someone to give me a child. kinra has appected you as like well the father of her.
kinra jumps down from miroku's head into his lap. she starts rubbing her head against his chest. miroku then grabs kinra and puts her back into mira's lap.
inuyasha: never thought i see that happen.
miroku turns his back to mira.
mira: what's wrong miroku? aren't you happy?
miroku stands up.
miroku: yes i am. but your a demon.
mira: am half. so what are you talking about miroku?
miroku: what am saying mira is that...............
mira: ...........what?
miroku: i can't be with you!
kinra jumps down from mira's lap and walks over to miroku kinra then looks up at miroku with eyes full of tears.
Cherry-moon: this isn't like miroku?
SliverInusasha: sit down and be quiet!
Cherry-Moon: why?
SliverInusasha: u ask for it!
Sliverinusasha takes out her piko piko hammer.
Cherry-moon *nervously* : what are you goin' to do wit that?
Sliverinusasha: hah!
Sliverinusasha swings her piko piko hammer at cherry-moon. Cherry-moon screams as Sliverinusasha's piko piko hits her. Cherry-moon flys off into the distance.
Sliverinusasha *yells* : have a nice flight.
Cherry-moon *crying in outer space* : whyy doess thiss alwayss happenn too mee!!!!!!!!!!!
Sliverinusasha *sweatdrop* : well reviewers since Cherry-moon isn't here. your all gonna have to wait 2 weeks for her to fall back into our orbit. or you can help me bring her back by sendin' as many reviews as you all can.