InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku finds someone ❯ The battle chase ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
the battle chase

In the moon's light shines on a long black sliver haired young half tiger demon and a monk who is clucthing close to the young tiger half demon's waist. as they ride on the young half tiger demon fox like beast companion with fire lighted paws who has transformed into her ulimate form. as they make there way to get to miroku's before inuyasha does.

mira: do you smell that kinra?
kinra growls a yes.
mira: follow its trail girl.
miroku: how can you know if thats really inuyasha's smell?
mira: who can miss the smell of a wet dog. wooooo he smells dead ass bad damn doesn't he take a bath? how do you put up with that?
mira takes out a piece of red cloth she then shows it to miroku. mira then sniffs it a little.
mira: there is no doubt or mistake that it is inuyasha.
kinra then starts to run faster like how inuyasha runs. mira holds on to kinra's fur a little bit tighter. miroku then grabs on to mira's medium sized boobs.
mira: miroku! not yet.
while holding on to kinra's fur with one hand, with her other hand she pushs miroku's hands one by one back down to her waist. inuyashas ears starts to twich.
inuyasha: huh?
kinra jumps out from behind the trees right near inuyasha. inuyasha turns his head to see mira and miroku again with hands up mira's short kimono top.
inuyasha: hey miroku!
miroku his head turns to inuyasha.
inuyahsa: what are you doing you perverted monk?!
miroku: nice to see you to inuyasha.
mira turns her to inuyasha.
mira: so your the one lady kikyo calls inuyasha.
inuyasha: heh. how do you know about that?
mira: she told me to tell you this SIT BOY!
inuyasha: heh. only kagome can-
inuyasha floats in the air and comes crashing down into the dirt.
miroku: how could you-
miroku is cut off by an unexpected kiss.
mira: shhh. were almost there.
kinra brings them to the mushi's village. where kagome and the others are staying in.
kinra stops and let's mira and miroku get off. shippo is outside. he spots miroku. he goes inside to get kagome and sango. miroku goes to pet kinra.
mikoru: thank you for taking me here.
kinra rubbs her face against miroku's face as she smiles.
mira: oh just look at you two. picture perfect.
miroku smiles as he walks over to mira with kinra by his side.
shippo: sango, kagome wake up.
shippo goes and fetchs some water. he then throws at their faces.
kagome: why did you throw ice cold water on me for?!
sango: am all wet!
shippo quickly covers their mouths.
shipppo: shhh! miroku is outside with a tiger girl.
sango: it might be the one from this afternoon.
kagome and the rest tip toe quietly outside.
kagome: its that girl from before.
miroku grabs hold of one mira's hands and polls her closer to him. mira looks down a bit. then looks back at miroku's soft black brownish eyes.
mira: why are you looking at me like that miroku?
miroku: will you............
miroku's ohter hand starts to go up mira's kimono top.
kagome: why didn't she slap him yet?
shippo: shhhh! the best part is coming up.
miroku: mira will you...........
mira *smiles*:yes i told you already miroku i will bear your child.
sango then faints.
kagome: sango, sango, sango? wake up.
kagome starts fanning sango with her hand. sango opens her eyes.
sango: huh, what?
kagome: you fainted when mira said yes to miroku.
sango and kagome look back at mira and miroku.
mira: now we can start our lives together you me and family.
mira's ears twich she hears something rusting in the bushs. kinra hears it too.and runs over to miroku. she stands infront of him crouched on the floor like a cat waiting for a mouse to run her way. inuyasha jumps out from the bushs with great speed with his tesusiga in his hand. kinra roars loudly.
inuyasha: die, mira!!!!
kagome *gasp*: inuyasha!
miroku pushs mira to the floor away from inuyasha's tesusiga. but miroku gets hurt really bad in process. miroku falls on back.
miroku *screams*: ahhhhhhhh! my arm!
mira gets up from the floor and runs over to miroku.
mira: miroku, miroku are you alright?
miroku: the question is are you alright?
kagome, sango and shippo, kilala try to run over to miroku. but are stop by kinra. kinra growls at them angerily at them. kinra walks backwards towards mira and miroku. kinra then lies next to miroku. kinra licks mikoru's face as she trys to comfort him. mira looks over at miroku's arm.
mira: miroku your arm, its bleeding.
mira then stands up and turns to inuyasha.
mira: this always happens when i get close to someone. they always get hurt.
miroku: its not your fault mira.
mira: yes it is miroku. its my fault your hurt.
inuyasha:blah, blah, blah. am tired of hearing all this mussy stuff.
mira: inuyasha your pay for hurting my miroku. but frist *mira takes out her black tesusiga* HEALNIER!!!!!!
a small cat with two tails and a red cross on its fore head jumps out from the tree tops. it lands and looks over at mira. mira then points at miroku. the cat then runs over to miroku and looks at him walking around in a circles. the cat then looks at kinra nodds her head. the cat starts to lick miroku's wound with its purple like tounge. miroku screams out as the cat licks his wound.
sango: miroku!
sango tries to run to miroku. but kinra jumps and lands right infront of sango growling feriously at her. sango calls for kilala. kilala comes running to sango. she jumps up in the air and transforms into her ulimate form. sango jumps up to and lands on kilala's back. kilala then goes in for an attack. kinra stands her ground. and charges at kilala with all her strength. kilala gets hit in the head really hard kilala falls to the side and hits her back on a rock kilala roars out in pain. sango quickly jumps off kilala just in time. sango then quickly again tries to run over to miroku. kinra sees this and runs in front sango. kinra snarls and bears her teeth at sango. sango takes a few steps back.
mira: alright inuyasha are you ready to rock!
mira raises her arms to the moon's light. mira looks up at the moon and closes her eyes as chants strange words that only tiger demons can understand. mira slowly starts to spin. she then chants lounder she begins to spin faster. her hair color starts to change into a sliver like white color. her body changes too her boobs are now really big and sherds a bit of her kimono top off as they grow. her ears turn black and her tail her stripes are now orange. mira tries to stop spininng. she cover her face with her hands. she falls to her knees she takes her hands away from her face and looks at kagome. kagome screams. mira then stands up. as pieces of her cloths float away in the wind.
kagome: her face. its changed.
inuyasha: enough its time to die!
inuyasha takes out his tesusiga.
mira: inuyasha your not the only one with a tesusiga you know.
mira then takes out her black tesusiga.
mira: but mine is black which makes it more deadly than yours is inuyasha.
inuyasha: i guess your not an averege half-breed are you?
mira: unlike you inuyasha i can turn into a full fledge tiger demon every full moon. but i turn into an ordinary human during a new moon just like you inuyasha.
inuyasha: how do you know that?
mira *smirks* : i know alot about you inuyasha and your friends.
kagome reachs for one of her arrows. mira glances back at her.
mira: heh. don't even think about trying to hit me with one of your pathic sacred arrows kagome. i would kill you before you would even get the chance to.
inuyasha: don't be stupid kagome stay out of this.
mira: am not surprise that you defend her inuyasha all because she looks like KIKYO!
mira looks up at a far away tree. kikyo is standing on a tree branch with one of scared arrows ready to shoot at mira with.
kikyo: inuyasha is only for me.
kikyo releases her sacred arrow. mira steps to the left.
inuyasha turns around to sees what mira is looking at he thens sees her kikyo.
inuyasha: ki..kyo.
kagome: kikyo's here.
kikyo reachs for another arrow. she gets ready aims and releases it at mira. mira eyes widen. there's a sudden white lighting where mira once stood at.
kagome: did kikyo get her?
kinra jumps up into the air. and starts to fly up into the air she roars into the air. ands comes and lands. she heads back to miroku. and stands guard of him. from above a yell comes the sky everyone looks up into the air.
mira: die kikyo! cursed lighting tiger strike.
mira attacks kikyo with her dreaded crused lighting tiger stike. mira's attack hits the tree branch that kikyo is standing on it falls and so does kikyo.
inuyasha: KIKYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mira: you think am stupid right. kagome is the reincarnation of kikyo so your sacred arrows can not hit me. i know your stargety kikyo. this fight is suppose to between you and me didn't you say that inuyasha didn't you not.
inuyasha turns and starts to run to where kikyo fell.
mira: heh. koga was right you are just a wimpy dog demon. inuyasha then stops running to kikyo and turns to look at mira.
mira: which reminds me. koga dump me because of you kagome.
kagome looks at mira confused.
kagome: because of me?
mira: i don't know what he sees in plain human girl like you. what do you have that i don't have? so for that am gonna make you suffer.
mira goes into her side pocket and takes out a sling shot and a small pointed twig. mira puts the twig in the sling shot. mira then pulls back aims it at kagome.
inuyasha: KAGOME!!!!!!
mira: suffer kagome!!
mira then shoots it at kagome. kagome's eyes widen as the twig heads straight for her. inuyasha is too late the twig then hits kagome at the side of her neck. kagome falls to her knees. kagome's eyes then turn blank as if she had lost her soul. inuyasha forgets about kikyo and runs over to kagome. inuyasha thens holds kagome in his arms he takes out the twig and then sniffs it.
inuyasha: its poison.
the cat that was licking miroku's wound runs off into the forest.
mira: thank you healiner! kinra get miroku.
kinra does what she is told and gets miroku on her back. kinra runs over to mira. mira then jumps on kinra. kinra looks back at mikoru looking concern.
mira: don't worry girl miroku's okay. he's just sleeping.
sango: kilala! their taking miroku.
kilala stands up sango then jumps onto kilala. kilala starts to run in the air. kinra starts to fly in the air. sango starts to cry.
sango: miroku!! miroku!!! MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mira looks back as sango and kilala get closer.
mira: deadly wind tiger slash.
a huge gust of wind hits kilala which causes them to get thrown off course. sango: MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kilala then lands. sango wipes her tears away and heads fo kagome and inuyasha. sango places her hand her forehead.
sango: she has a very high fever. we have to get her back to the village quickly.

Well thats the battle chase chapter
Please tell me what if its good. it will hep me alot.
Please no flames. *sweat drop* ^_^:
