InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku has a sister? ❯ Caya is revealed. ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miroku has a sister??

Miroku started to walk through the woods feeling something or someone following him He quickly turned around and saw a young woman standing there. She looked almost as old as he. "You there...why are you following me?" he asked the girl as went to stand next to her."Well you are Miroku aren't you??"she asked. Miroku looked at her and slowly moved his hand towards her backside."Yes I am Miroku." he told her."Well then I'm your sister!!"she said cheerfully. Miroku quicky threw his hand back before it touched her. "WHAT??!!" he screamed. Miroku looked at the girl as he circled around her. "Well your half sister to be exact." she corrected her previous statement."What are you saying these lies?" he asked. "I'm not lying...we have the same father. Do you want proof or something??" she asked Miroku slyly. "Y..Yea I do." he told her." Fine." and the girl slowly took off the hankerchief and prayer beads off her right hand and open her hand. All of a sudden rocks and leaves and parts of the ground were getting sucked into her hand."There you see? I have a wind tunnel just like you, Miroku." She told him as she quickly wrapped the beads and hankerchief around her hand and stopped the wind tunnel. Miroku's jaw dropped and he relized she was telling the truth."So...whats your name anyway??" he asked not relizing what to say. "My name is Caya. I'm half demon and half human." she told him."What kind of demon are you??" he asked."Vampire..seductress." she said with a a sigh. "A seductress?...theres an actual demon like that?"he asked confused. "Yea we are supposed to luer humans ,mostly men, to us then we devour them. But,since I am half human and part vampire, I try not to do that."she told him giving out a slight giggle. "How old are you Caya??" the curious monk asked."I'm 16. But tomorrow is my birthday and I'm going to be 17"Caya quickly told him."How come you aren't telling me anything about yourself??...Don't you trust me??"she asked."Oh it's not that I just...I.."Miroku couldn't think of an excuse for he didn't trust her she could just be a seductress trying to luer him but then again why would that seductress pretend to be his sister?"I just don't really know you."he finally said."C'mon I need you to meet my friends."Miroku told Caya."OK then Miroku.What are they like??" she asked being curious."You'll see."Miroku concluded.

Miroku brought Caya to where he left the gang. Inuyasha had smelled him coming. "Miroku's coming but....nevermind." Inuyasha said outloud."What?" Kagome asked." Well I smelled a woman but I just figured Miroku was feeling her up."Inuyasha said. "You're probably right Inuyasha." Sango said with a sigh. Miroku walked into they're little campsite. "Hey guys." Miroku said to everyone."This is Caya." He told them. "Lemme guess, she accepted your 'baby' proposal??" Inuyasha joked. "Actually, Inuyasha, she's my....sister." Miroku announced. Everyones jaw dropped for they never knew that Miroku had a sister."Um...well I'm Kagome." Kagome said to Caya cheerfully."Oh and I'm sango". "I'm Inuyasha." they all said introducing temselves."I didn't know Miroku had a sister." Sango said."Well I didn't know either."Miroku joked back."Well I am only his half sister. We have the same father. I'm half human and half demon. I am a vampire and a...." She couldn't finish her sentence because the monk was very excited and blurted it out for her."She's a sister of all people a seductress."..."Yea go figure"Inuyasha said."Miroku lemme talk with you for a second."Inuyasha asked."Ok.."Miroku answered. They walked off not too far away but in privacy."Listen you're 'sister' is a vampire and a seductress.....the need to feed on atleast 1 human's blood or flesh at least once a month. I'm surprised she hasn't yet."Inuyasha told him, quickly getting to his point."Please Inuyasha you must be making this up." Miroku hoped."Unfortuantly I'm not. as long as she's with us I am gonna keep an eye on her." Inuyasha threatened as returned to the others. Miroku then followed after. Caya felt alittle wierd and decided to go for a walk."I'll be back...I'm just going to take a walk"She told them as she left.Caya walked over to a little pond as she went to sit down her stomach started to hurt causing her to fall to the ground.she felt as though she hadn't eaten in weeks.After about 10 minutes of the pain it quickly dissapated as soo as she caught smeel of a villiage full of young healthy humans. Caya ran to the villiage but when she got there all that was left was dead villiagers and wolves. There was a man standing there too he seemed to dirct these wolves.He quickly turned around."Well it seems you wolves left one human girl alive.Kill her!"he ordered his wolves. The wolves went charging at Caya 5 maybe 6 wolves.But caya just looked at them with a cold stare that had a certain charm to it and every wolf stopped dead in it's tracks.The Caya looked at this man who was controling these wolves. He couldn't move.Caya slowly approached him."Who are you?...why did you send your wolves to kill me?"She asked with a tone very different from before." name is..Kouga. And my wolves need to feed on humans."Kouga said with alittle fear in his voice. Caya felt strange again her stomach was feeling like it did before and she passed out right there on the floor. Kouga was now able to move..'How did this human girl control me??' he questioned to himself.'I'm going to find out.' and with that he picked up Caya and him and his wolves were on their way back to their caves.

Miroku was worried where his new found sister was. She had been gone for along time and decided that they all she go out looking for her. Inuyasha caught onto a scent."'s mixed with that wolf Kouga. She must be with him" Inuyasha said with a grunt. Caya was starting to wake up. 'Where am I??' she thought."Bout time you got up" Kouga said as he sat down next to Caya."Where am I?" Caya asked."At my den....and until I find out how a human like you could do all that 'stuff' to me you ain't leaving." Kouga told Caya as she sat up."I don't understand what did I do??" Caya asked very confused."You don't remember??" Kouga asked. " No....I don't even no who you are." Caya said lying. She knew who he was but she never did that before. She didn't understand it herself."Well I'm Kouga. New leader of the wolf demon tribe...or whats left of it."Kouga with a slight sigh. "I'm Caya. What do you mean by 'whats left of it'?" Caya asked."This demon ,Naraku, destroyed most of my pack. I will not rest until Naraku is killed by my hand." Kouga said , anger appearing in his voice.'Naraku....why does that name sound familiar.' Caya thought. Miroku and the others didn't tell her about Naraku yet so how did she know his name??"Kouga.....I...I do remember what happened. But...I don't know how it happened. I never did that before."Caya told him confessing." You were able to keep me still. I couldn't even move my hand.You don't know how a human like you did this??" Kouga asked confused. "Well I'm not full human. I'm half demon too." Caya explained."What type of demon are you?" Kouga asked."Um well I'm two typs. Part vampire demon and part seductress demon." Caya told him." Well that explains it. Your seductress side must be able to controll movement or something like that." Kouga told her."Well it never happened before to me though...I'm kinda surprised my brother isn't looking for me. How long has it been since that 'incident'?" Caya asked."Well it's been about two days."Kouga explained."Who's your brother?" Kouga asked."He's a monk named Miroku." Caya told Kouga."Miroku?...That's that monk that muttface is always hanging around with." Kouga said."They'll probally come soon. Don't you worry."he said. As kouga was getting up from the floor he cut his finger on a sharp rock that was on the floor. Caya instantly smellled the blood."Here let me fix that for you"she said.As she took his finger the blood's fumes went through her nose. She felt that churning in her stomach again. Her teeth slowly began to grow , her eyes changed color to black , she became very pale." Kouga....." Was caya said to him." What Caya??". After Kouga said her name he couldn't move. Caya slolwy went up to his neck and opened her mouth. SHe stuck her sharp teeth into his neck. Caya began to suck his blood but stopped because she smelled Inuyasha and the others coming. She let go of him and ran out of his den. She slpwly was turning back into herself. Kouga dropped to the floor and was unconcious.

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