InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku & Kagome: Forbidden Games ❯ Diabolical Amusement Part II ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome & Miroku: Forbidden Games
Diabolical Amusement - Part Two
Kagome didn't start getting nervous about being left alone with the still somewhat mysterious monk until she caught him watching her from his resting position against the trunk of a large tree across the campfire from her. A little unnerved, even though she knew he could see little more of her than her eyes in the dark, she scooted a bit closer to Shippou, and subtly nudged her arrow and bow nearer to her sleeping bag. She remained sitting up, and glanced across the fire again to see him now sitting in a meditative position, eyes closed. That wasn't alarming in itself, but she immediately noticed that the elaborate knot in his purple robes had come perilously close to being undone, and in fact, seemed to be in danger of slipping completely free even as she looked on!
Blushing, she dove into her sleeping bag, burying her face in her blankets, and tried to calm the fierce beating in her chest. Soon though, she felt unbearably compelled to look out again. She fought the urge for a long time before she heard a quiet groan, and the painful crack of a stiff joint being stretched from across the fire...
Miroku watched Kagome's antics across the firelight, noting the nervous doubt suddenly playing across her face as she finally realized she alone with him now that he little fox kit was asleep.
The look of doubt had him rethinking his position, but only for a moment. After all, she had already shown him that although she may be innocent, she was more than receptive to him.
Recalling the way she'd leaned into his side earlier, Miroku was unable to stifle a groan as a hot streak of arousal shuddered through him.
'I must find a way to get closer to her,' he thought desperately, and that, of course, was when providence struck.
Concern overcoming her discomfort, Kagome brushed her hair from her face and cautiously sat up. “Miroku?”
“Yes, Kagome-sama?” A pained hiss followed his response.
Kagome crawled out of her bag and crossed the campsite without a second thought. “Are you okay, Miroku? What's wrong?”
“Oh, nothing to concern yourself with - it's just...a rather painful cramp.”
Kagome froze. Slowly, she put her hands on her hips and glared down at him. “Oh, really, you must be kidding me! Did you really think I was going to fall for that 'Ow-I-have-a-cramp' line? That's so tired - “
Miroku made a noise that sounded like he was dying, and her eyebrows flew up.
Kagome sighed, lowered herself to sit next to him, and looked on with drowsy eyes. “Where is it? Your leg?” she asked, resigned.
Miroku's hands were slowly massaging his right calf muscle, his face taut with pain. “Yes.”
“Um...try stretching it,” she suggested, still hesitant to get too close to him. Who knew what kind of trick he was trying to pull?
“I already...tried that,” the monk groaned.
Kagome looked at his face - his eyes were hidden beneath the fall of his dark hair, and his jaw and mouth were both pulled taut.
“Um, try stretching it by pointing with your heel instead of your toes,” she suggested again. “It always works for me.”
“How is that?” he looked over at her, apparently confused. The agony in his eyes looked too real to be faked, so Kagome shifted closer, and put her hands on his, tugging them away from leg. His hands felt large, and rough, but warm - long-fingered, well-shaped, and elegant - her fingertips brushed the glove and beads on his right hand, and she blanched a little, recalling why they were there. He felt so alive and solid, and real right now...
“Kagome-sama?” he murmured near her ear.
“Um, right!” Startled by the roughness in his smooth voice, she moved her trembling hands down the tight muscles of his leg, flushing a little as she felt the warm, silky hairs slide against her palms and fingers. When she came to his foot, she slipped off his sandal and grasped the back of his heel and tilted it upward. “See? Stretch it from here - no, no, don't point your toes.”
“Alrigh - ah!” Miroku leaned back on his arms, gritting his teeth.
“It'll go away soon, I promise,” she instinctively soothed, pushing upward on the ball of his foot. After a few tense moments, Miroku seemed to ease, and he sighed with relief, falling back to rest against the tree.
“Okay, now?” Kagome let go of his foot and sat back on her heels, placing her still unsteady hands on the tops of her knees.
“Yes - but only because of your good will, Kagome-sama.” Seemingly by accident, Miroku stretched out a hand to pat her reassuringly - and ended up rubbing the slope of her breast instead.
Kagome ground her teeth as a vein popped out on her forehead. “Mir-o-ku...”
Miroku glanced over and arched a brow. “Hm?”
Hand,” Kagome bit out.
Miroku looked confused - until she reached up and batted his hand away. He looked at her, and then at his hand, as if in surprise, and sat up. “Kagome-sama, you misunderstand me.”
Kagome stuck her nose in the air, stood up, and turned away. “Hmph.”
“Truly, I did not intend - “
“Whatever. I am going to sleep - on MY side of the fire. You stay on yours! Understand?”
“Please, Kagome-sama, stay.”
“No way, are you kidding? I knew I should have gone with InuYasha!”
“What must I do to earn your trust, Kagome-sama?” Miroku looked up at her with a earnest, wounded expression and her resolve melted.
“If I promise to sit here with you, do you absolutely swear not to grope me, or otherwise lay hands on my person in any manner?”
“You have my promise.”
Kagome sighed and sat down beside him again with a graceless thump.
“Well,” she sighed after a awkward silence, “I guess we should get some sleep.”
Miroku seemed to have other plans.
Automatically she turned her head to look at him - and his head blocked out the firelight as he leaned in and captured her lips with his.
Kagome squeaked in surprise as his lips explored hers, warm, gently brushing...he tasted faintly of mint and green tea. Her heart thundered. The kiss was so soft, his scent so delicious that it made her dizzy.
She was swaying towards him when he opened his mouth slightly and licked her lips with his warm, wet tongue, and she was startled into moving back.
Miroku titled his head to one side, watching her quietly but with excitement burning in his eyes.
Kagome, still stunned, lifted a hand to her lips to rub her fingers across them. 'He-he...he kissed me?! Miroku?!'
“I thought you swore you wouldn't touch me!” she burst out.
Miroku studied her reddened lips with a bemused expression. “Ah, but I swore not to to 'lay my hands on your person in any manner'. You didn't forbid me to lay...other parts of me on you.”
Kagome sighed unsteadily. Of course, what was he supposed to think, after the way she'd practically thrown herself at him when he was treating her hand, earlier.
“I - whatever. Just don't do it again, okay?” she told him nervously, tucking her arms against her chest.
Miroku only smiled.
She was embarrassed beyond belief a few silent minutes later when he caught her watching him as he absently slid a hand inside the fold of his simple black robes and scratched at his smooth, lean-muscled chest. Kagome turned red and looked away, ashamed of herself for staring, but there had been something so essentially and beautifully - male about the simple action, that it had taken her breath away.
“If you are in need, may I humbly offer my services, Kagome-sama?” Miroku said smoothly, taking her un-injured hand in a gentle, yet unbreakable hold.
Kagome's right eye twitched violently.
“Indeed, it would be my honor to lay myself down for your pleasure.”
Somehow, Kagome managed not to slap him. In fact, she managed to turn down his offer very politely.
Miroku, of course, seemed to take this as his due. He nodded, and bowed, his expression serene, but the wicked twinkle in his eyes belied him.
“Very well, Kagome-sama. Just remember - you need only to say my name, and I will attend you with all haste.” He paused and looked at her intently, his voice dropping a seductive notch.
“Of course, be assured that my getting to you would be the only thing I do hastily, Kagome-sama.”
Kagome swallowed a squeal, and fought the urge to cover her more feminine parts from his warm gaze. Freaky hentai! Why was he smiling at her like that? Kami-sama, she felt she was in danger of becoming spontaneously pregnant just from him looking at her that way!
Miroku winked at her, a sly, border-line-obscene sort of wink, and Kagome bit her lip, and looked away, and tried to tell herself it was nonsense. She knew it wasn't possible for a man to get her pregnant by just looking at her, but the heat and intent in the monk's dark gaze at that moment made her doubt her her very modern, twentieth-century common sense.
Kagome stood up. “I - I'm going to, uh - freshen up a little! I need privacy for a few minutes, okay?”
Miroku stood and quickly approached her. “Wait! I can't let you go by yourself.”
“Um, Miroku-sama...I kind of need to go by myself,” Kagome half-grumbled, half-whined. 'Please, let him get the hint without me having to explain!' she thought with a sense of excruciating embarassment as she turned to walk away.
Moving slightly forward, bending a bit at the waist, Miroku waited patiently until her hair had slipped over one shoulder and exposed her neck, and then blew a warm breath lightly against her sensitive nape.
Kagome shivered, and her muscles jumped in response.
“Such a forceful reaction to my nearness - dare I hope it is because you have fallen for me, Kagome-sama?” Miroku murmured through a smug little smile.
Mir-o-ku! Just go away!” Kagome gave a last shiver and quickly disappeared behind a thicket of dense bushes.
Miroku's answering, wicked grin was so wide and white it almost glowed in the darkness, but Kagome didn't see it, and he didn't allow it to be heard in his voice. She truly had no idea what he was planning for her, heh...everything was working out so well already! He was getting her to do things and she didn't even know it!
“Forgive me for embarassing you, Kagome-sama, but I cannot. It would be ungentlemanly of me to leave you alone and injured in the dark.”
“'Ungentlemanly'?'re killing me, Miroku, you really are! I can't believe this...are you sure you're really a monk?” Kagome asked in pure exasperation. “Ouch!”
Concerned, Miroku craned his neck over his shoulder, even though there was little enough to see in the dark. “What is it?” he asked, still sounding faintly amused.
Kagome's heavy sigh was more like a huff of impatience. “Nothing - just bumped my cut hand...wah, it's throbbing...!”
'Sadly, that's not the only thing that's throbbing around here...'
“Do you need...assisstance?” Miroku bit the inside of his cheek. 'Control and patience, man, control and patience...'
Miroku sounded too hopeful for his own good to Kagome's ears. “No, thanks, I think I got it,” she returned dryly.
After a few more moments, and a rustle of clothing, Kagome reappeared, casting a distrustful look the monk's way. He was standing about ten steps away, looking innocent as can be as he stared into the canopy of leaves and starry sky above.
“Were you peeking?”
Miroku didn't look in the least offended by her wary question. “Not at all,” he said complacently. He looked from the sky to her and winked. “Of course, one could not be blamed for trying. You are a beautiful young woman, Kagome-sama.”
“Oh, I'm not!” she exclaimed, startled, and then cast her eyes to the ground. ”I mean, maybe I could be considered 'cute', or 'pretty', but...I'm not beautiful! Not like...not like Kikyou was.”
Miroku frowned. “I have not seen seen her, but I say that you are. Not to say your looks aren't part of it, but your loveliness comes from your character, Kagome, from your willingness to be friendly and helpful to all, to your irrepressible cheerfulness. Your kind heart reflects upon the faces of those around you - although, admittedly, InuYasha's stubborn hide is sometimes too thick even for your great benevolence to reach through. That hayou is a veritable mountain of ingratitude.”
“Yeah, you're right...but don't think you're gonna' get away with flattering me, Miroku!” Kagome watched him with a cautious eye as she shook a finger at him. “I know what you're up to, monk - you just want me to bear you a son, right? Trying to get in my pants?”
Miroku was a little shocked by her forwardness, but quickly recovered and said, “I do think you would be a loving mother, Kagome-sama, but I feel I must point out - you are not wearing 'pants'. So, in fact, I am not trying to get into them.”
Oh, is that so?” Kagome asked suspiciously.
And she was right to be...!
Trying not to laugh, Miroku lowered his head, his face serious. “Of course not.” He looked up at her from beneath his lashes, and winked.
“Obviously, I am trying to get under your skirt.”
Kagome laughed in spite of herself, and Miroku thanked Buddha for the fact that the girl had a decent sense of humor.
After all, it would make it easier to calm her temper in two or three months time when she realized she was 'increasing'.
A son...! Miroku could barely keep an excited snigger from escaping his throat at the idea of Kagome, so deliciously soft and feminine, holding a carefully wrapped infant up to him, the proud father...!
Meanwhile, Kagome watched Miroku doubtfully. She supposed it could have just been an odd reflective cast-off from the fire, but the monk had an awfully creepy glint in his eye. He was laughing silently to himself at something, but he looked positively evil, like he was about to commit some kind of heinous crime...
Hmph. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!
The tea kettle whistled, and Kagome automatically got up to retrieve it. Before she even reached for it, Miroku was there beside her, a hand around her wrist, and he gently pushed her down to sit beside him.
“Allow me.”
Blinking with the suddeness of his movements, still feeling the warm strength of the hand that had grabbed her wrist, Kagome hesitantly sat down, and watched the monk pour the steaming water into two small cups and add the tea. Though it was just plain green tea from home, Miroku had a very elegant, skillful way of preparing it that never ceased to impress her.
When he handed her the tea, Kagome thanked him and then felt her injured hand give another angry throb. “Mm, I think I need some aspirin.”
Miroku surprised her again by bringing her her backpack.
It made her wonder again what he was up to. She wanted to ask him why he was being so kind, but she didn't want to be rude. Besides, he knew she was hurt, and he was kind to just about everyone - even InuYasha, on occaision. Maybe she was just reading too much into it.
Miroku smiled at her, his eyes crinkling a little at the corners, as she thanked him, and Kagome remembered her mother saying how that was a certain sign that a person was predisposed towards kindness.
Feeling a little flutter of excitement as she watched him, Kagome caught herself staring and tried to look away...but those little crinkles were pretty cute...
Suddenly nervous again, Kagome took her time finding her bottle of aspirin, and carefully shook two into her palm. The tea had cooled quickly, and she swallowed them with a long sip.
They sat in silence for a long time, nursing their tea, until a chill night wind blew against Kagome's legs. Once again, she barely had time to shiver before a blanket was tossed over her lap.
Kagome took a moment to appreciate the warmth before she set down her cup and turned suspiscious brown eyes on the monk.
“Alright, that's it!”
Miroku looked at her in surprise. “What's 'it', Kagome-sama?”
“You! You're being way too nice! No one is that nice!”
“You are,” the monk countered silkily. “Must you be so skeptical, Kagome-sama? Can't you believe I'm caring for you just because I want to? Because you deserve it? Or have you just been around the ever-neglectful InuYasha for too long?”
“Hey, InuYasha has reasons for being the way he is!”
“So do I.”
He reached out with his hand and stroked his fingertips up her throat until they rested just below her chin. His middle finger softly teased the underside of her chin, gently stroking as he gazed deep into her eyes.
“S-stop it,” she said weakly as her heart leapt in surprise - and something else. “You're just trying to...distract me.”
“Mhm. Perhaps you just mean 'seduce you'. Is that it? Are you accusing me of making illicit advances toward you, Kagome-sama?”
Up-close, Miroku's eyes were startlingly clear and the purple-y color made them seem fathomless. Kagome was frozen - the feel of his fingers rthymically stroking her sensitive skin held her mezmerized. It was a sensation that made her unbelievably relaxed and sleepy, yet intensely euphoric at the same time. It also made her recall just how handsome - and virile - the young monk was.
Stuttering hopelessly as her brain began to melt, she finally settled on, “I...I didn't say that. Stop - putting words in my mouth!”
Something flared in Miroku's eyes, and he quickly moved closer, leaning into her before she could back off in alarm.
“Fine, then,” he said in a quiet rumble she'd never heard from him before, “I'll just have to put something else in, instead.” And he kissed her.
Drowsy and warm thanks to his presence, Kagome kept telling herself she would stop him in just a second...just one more second...but she never did. He just felt so good, his hands were suddenly holding her tight against him, his hands were suddenly all over her skin, caressing, rubbing, purposeful, but oh-so gentle and enticing.
The world around her shrank, and kept shrinking as he continued to touch her, his kiss deepening little by little, until all she could think of was him. Compelled by new emotions and instinct, her hands began to touch him in return.
Miroku's hands began sliding up her waist, running underneath the edge of her blouse - uncertainty welled up in her for just an instant before his thumbs gently brushed over her nipples through her bra and she forgot all about protesting.
She was drowning in sensation when his hands moved down, abruptly and unceremoniously flipping up her skirt. Her eyes snapped open in panic, but then he gentled her with his mouth, whispering low words she couldn't hear against her lips as his palm skimmed over her thighs. The tips of his fingers slowly stroked the sensitive flesh, and then slipped between them.
“Spread them for me,” he whispered against her lips, shocking her silly.
But she did.
He murmured approvingly at her helpless obediance, his voice vibrating against her hyper-sensitive lips, and she moaned as he slid his fingertips under her panties, trailing them through the aching heat there with agonizing was excruciating!
Unable to hold still any longer, she thrust her hands against him, coming in contact with his hard, trim waist beneath his robes. He sucked in a breath as her fingers brushed against a hard length, and she went giddy with the knowledge that she had affected him in the same way he had her. She found herself pushing and pulling at his robes, fighting until she found a way through the layers of fabric and had him in her hand.
Miroku gasped and trembled as she cautiously but hungrily explored him. He was like nothing she had ever felt before - and she wanted to feel more...
Kagome was panting, lost in his touch, the tip of her little pink tongue caught between her teeth, and in that moment hope sprang in Miroku's heart.
Feeling confident - and not a little desperate - he pushed her thighs wide, and gently fondled her softness again before bravely pushing a finger into the wet heart of her.
Kagome mewled beneath him, her little, soft hand still tentatively stroking his aching cock, and he groaned, pushing in another, moving deeper, harder - and he suddenly, barely kept from releasing a string of obscenities. He hadn't thought that one who dressed as she did could be completely untouched, but apparently he had been terribly wrong. The barrier was very real against his questing fingers.
His sense of honor wavered on the brink.
Closing his eyes as he prayed for control, he let out a frustrated sigh and let his hand slip from her. He could have wept when he pulled his eager cock from within her teasingly gentle grip.
The miko made a sound of protest as his warmth left her, and her eyes flew open.
Miroku looked down at her through heavily lidded eyes, his lips parted as he struggled to regain his breath - and his sanity.
“Oh, please...” Kagome moaned, and Miroku bit his cheek until it bled trying to do the 'honorable' thing, and leave her alone, while all he really wanted was to fuck her into the ground until they were both senseless, and nothing in this world mattered but the two of them and what position they would try next.
“Do you know what it is you are asking of me, Kagome?” he whispered in the air next to her ear.
Swallowing hard as his control - and honor - began to dangerously slip, Miroku leaned in and kissed her, his tongue once again dampening her soft lips. “I can pleasure you in so many different ways, Kagome, and still leave you virgin.”
Kagome's eyes opened, and she looked at him dazedly.
“Miroku...mhm, it hurts...” she murmured faintly, hips shifting restlessly.
“I know. Give me the word, and I will help you,” he purred into her mouth, tongue flicking - odd, but now, suddenly, he did not feel the least bit shameful...
Kagome moaned again, stretching against him, but not answering.
“If you do not answer me,” he whispered in between careful nips, “I will take you...I will take you any way I wish to, have you any way I want to...”
Kagome sucked his tongue into her mouth, and Miroku felt his eyes roll back in his head - and then she released him, and he made the biggest mistake of his life and said it.
“Does this mean you are willing to bear my child, Kagome?” Miroku breathed lustily.
Kagome was drifting along on clouds of pure pleasure when suddenly the bottom dropped out and she hit harsh reality with a painful thud.
“Does this mean you are willing to bear my child, Kagome?”
' I tempted...'
Brushing away the insane stray thought, Kagome sat up, shocked at herself and the situation. This was the last thing she'd pictured herself doing when she'd come back to the Fuedal Era this last time - and definitely not with Miroku!
She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at the monk with a helpless, defenseless expression that had him sighing, and coming back to his senses as well.
As he sat back on his heels away from her, Kagome looked down and saw his...
“Miroku, put that thing away!” she sputtered, yanking down her own skirt.
“Are you certain that's what you want?” he asked soberly, carefully tucking himself away behind the concealing blackness of his robes.
Kagome's cheeks bloomed hot red as she watched him in fascination. The way he handled himself, he was so casual about touching himself there - she just couldn't seem to look away.
It wasn't until he looked up at her again a beat later, eyes cryptic and hot behind the dark spikes of his bangs, hands folded together in his lap, hiding the erection tenting the soft fabric of his robes, that she was able to move her lips in some kind of response.
“Of course it is! Why would you even do that?! I - you - IT - !”
“If I may, you are the one who took 'it' out,” Miroku said with outrageous calm, though there was a definite edge to his voice that she hadn't heard before. He sounded...dangerous.
She almost swallowed her tongue as she abruptly recalled the hot, velvety hardness that she'd been touching only moments before. Her fingers tingled, her whole hand feeling oddly empty...curious, and hungry for more. The sensation of having held his most masculine, vulnerable part felt singed into her skin. Furiously, she rubbed her hand on her skirt, trying to erase the memory of the touch.
“I did not!” she squeaked out indignantly.
Oh, but she had, she had! Was it possible to die from embarrassment?!
“You most assuredly did, Kagome-sama.” He looked at her, and beneath the annoyance in his eyes she could see a dark tenderness which was directed solely at her.
Kagome felt her heart skip a beat. Feeling herself start to soften, she swung away, fists clenched at her sides as she tried to ignore the incredible ache still spreading between her thighs. “Ugh, you're rubbing off on me! I can't believe this! I'm going to murder InuYasha for leaving me alone this long with you-!”
Leaving Kagome to her childish, self-righteous rant, Miroku closed his eyes and helplessly recalled the passion of moments past.
“ - can't believe I let you do that! I must be coming down with something, my cut must be infected, I'm becoming delusional - “
The feel of her innocent, soft little tongue so tenderly yet so fervently stroking his still had him reeling. It was so difficult to talk when all he could think of...was Kagome's body making wicked with his. Hell, it was almost impossible to think - his brain, apparently, had decided to make a permanent move to nest in his nether regions.
“ - supposed to be doing this! What would InuYasha say? What would he do?! This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever - “
Miroku narrowed his eyes, finally looking at her.
“Don't you dare say you didn't like me touching you.” Smiling perversely as he abruptly cut her off, Miroku stood and made a small bow in her direction. “I could have had you on the forest floor any time I wanted, any way I wanted, for as long as I wanted to have you - but when I realized you were an innocent, I stopped myself. I was trying to be a gentleman, and leave the choice to you. If you want to pick up where we left off, Kagome-sama, I am more than willing - but do not lie about what you felt when I touched you.”
Looking shocked by his abrupt change in attitude, Kagome stared at him, and then looked guiltily away.
“I'm...sorry, Miroku...sama. I - I did feel something...but I shouldn't have. We shouldn't have.” Shaking her head, she stared at the ground, shoulders slumping tiredly. “It's just...I think I might be in love with InuYasha.”
Miroku swallowed. It amazed him how much that little confession hurt him. He only wanted her body, perhaps her friendship - that was all, right?
Kagome sighed, holding herself. “If only InuYasha hadn't left. If only he wasn't so impatient, none of this would have happened. If only he - “
“'If only he' what?” Miroku snapped. “InuYasha is not perfect - noone, demon, or man, truly is. InuYasha will not change - his mercurical moods won't just go away. You say you think you love him, but...? What you feel for him is hero-worship. That isn't love. It sounds like you would rather have the dream than the man, Kagome.”
Kagome gaped at him, hurt. “That's not true! You make me sound s-so shallow and selfish! Anyway, you don't have any room to talk!”
Miroku gave a small, harsh laugh. “Yes. I admit I am selfish and shallow. However, I also know that I will die young, Kagome. Is it so wrong of me to take whatever I can get whenever it is offered to me?”
She looked at him, clearly torn between desire, guilt, and pity. “No. I-I guess not...but I haven't offered you anything but my friendship, Miroku!”
Walking close to her, even when she tried to back away, Miroku lifted a hand to trace a fingertip down her jawline. “Haven't you realized yet that my interest in you from the day we met has always been far beyond that of friendship?”
Kagome thought about that for a moment. Well, he did grab her butt a lot...
“I just thought you were being a pervert!” she answered in protest. “I didn't know you were serious about me!” For a wild second she wondered if he was in love with her.
Miroku dropped his hand and stepped back. “Perhaps you were right, then - maybe it's best that we did not do it.”
“W-what? What do you mean?”
“I don't want this - between us - to become something you will come to regret, Kagome.” He looked at her with a bittersweet smile. “While I...want you, I do value our friendship. I wish only good fortune and health to be with you always. I don't want to see that part of our connection damaged irreparably - true friendship is a rare thing.”
'So is true love.'
Kagome was quiet, thinking hard for a long moment before she carefully said in a small voice, “I don't regret anything, Miroku-sama.”
Miroku didn't respond right away, though his body was vibrating with tension. She thought maybe she had surprised him. But all he finally said was, “I'm sorry, Kagome-sama. You must be cold. I'll prepare some more tea.”
But Kagome didn't want tea! She...she wanted...
One Day Later...
Miroku set his jaw, feeling a muscle jump in his cheek. “I'm sorry, Kagome-sama, but I'm afraid we must move on,” he said as the evening fell around the little group.
“Move on? But InuYasha?! We haven't seen him all day, and his human night is tomorrow!”
“What about him?” The monk grumbled savagely, still frustrated by his defeat of the night before. “You know, the weather has been rather dry of late. Perhaps he was waylaid by some desperate farmers. The ancient ancestors used to sacrifice black dogs for rain, you know. Maybe they will make do with him.”
“Miroku-sama! How could you say that?”
Quite easily. Miroku mentally gnashed his teeth, but inclined his head to her in apology. “Forgive me. It was an ill-timed jest.”
“Ha, ha, I think somebody's jeaal-lous!” Shippou sing-songed from his comfy perch on Kagome's slender shoulder.
Miroku barely refrained from snarling. He'd been hard enough to pound nails since early yesterday morning, and his patience was wearing more than thin.
“W-what?” Kagome stammered faintly. “Uh, Shippou, stop that! I-it's not nice to tease people like that.”
Miroku grunted. “It's not nice to tease people at all,” he muttered resentfully under his breath.
“Uh-oh, here he comes!” Shippou warned.
“Who else? Him.” Shippou yawned.
“Well, I can see it's been raining bullshit here ever since I left,” InuYasha growled as he suddenly dropped down from the trees in front of them. He roamed close to Kagome and gave an audible sniff.
“Why do you smell like Miroku, huh?”
Kagome didn't miss a beat. “He bandaged my hand again this morning - and just where have you been for the whole day?” she sniped right back, crossing her arms over her chest as she impatiently tapped one foot.
InuYasha gave her a snarky look. “Gettin' jewel shards, like you shoulda' been doin'! Hope you enjoyed your lazy day, because it's over! I got news of another shard in a village east of here, and we're leavin' now!”
“Jerk! How dare you call me lazy?! You don't have a clue as to what I've been doing while you were gone!”
Miroku coughed, and Kagome shot him an evil look.
“Yeah, well if ya' weren't gettin' jewel shards, you weren't doin' nuthin' worth while, so that means you were slackin' off, Kagome!”
“InuYasha! Osuwari!”
As the hanyou hit the ground, Kagome stood above him and told him just how the evening would proceed. First they would gather things for a meal, he would bathe, because he smelled like whatever demon - or demons - he had just killed, and then he would hand over the jewels he had collected to her for safe keeping. After that, they would spend the night in the camp again and start on their journey fresh first thing in the morning - after breakfast of course.
After much grumbling, InuYasha slunk off to bathe, and Kagome, still in warrior woman mode, ordered Shippou and Miroku to gather more water and firewood.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Shippou began grumbling himself.
“One shouldn't complain about such light work, Shippou-chan,” Miroku lightly chided.
“Yeah, you're one to talk,” Shippou griped again.
“Hey, what's that supposed to mean?”
“You don't work,” the little fox kit said, rolling his eyes. “You just trick people into doing things to get what you want.”
Miroku frowned. “Manipulation is an art, Shippou, and contrary to what you may believe, it is very hard work. I've invested years of my life in it.”
“Yeah, well not being able to manipulate Kagome-chan so easily must be such a kick in the balls,” the kitsune shocked the hell out of him by saying blithely.
Miroku nearly dropped his firewood as he stopped and stared at the fox.
“How much did you see?” he asked.
Shippou snorted. “I didn't see anything - but you guys are sure noisy at night.” The kit looked at him with disturbingly wise eyes. “I don't know what you were doing, but if it was anything like my mom and dad used to do, I think you've got a pretty fair chance at getting Kagome.”
“Shippou!” Miroku's jaw dropped.
The fox demon shrugged. “Just saying, Kagome must like you a lot more than InuYasha - she never smells like that when he's around.” Humming quietly to himself, he continued on to the river, swinging his little bucket beside him, leaving Miroku staring dumbfounded after him.
Just then Kagome's exasperated voice broke the silence.
“Shippou? Miroku-sama? Are you coming sometime tonight?” she called.
Miroku broke out of his amazement and heard what she said a little too clearly. He smiled slowly, wickedly.
“'Coming sometime tonight'?” he repeated to himself as he turned back towards the campsite.
“Kami-sama, I hope so...”
Miroku felt his heart start to bang against his chest in anticipation. InuYasha's foul mood would keep him far from the camp tonight, and if Shippou could be trusted, he would make himself scarce, too.
Still grinning, Miroku walked into camp just as Kagome bent over her bag, flashing him a wonderous sight.
Pausing, Miroku sighed and looked up at the stars beginning to wink in the night sky.
'The mercy of Buddha is truly boundless.'
The End
A/N: Hi, thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to get this second part out. But it's done now, and hopefully it will be followed by some more Kag/Mir one-shots in the near future. I really appreciate the reviews! Thanks again!