InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku, P.I. ❯ Surprises come in pink ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters. If I did, do you think I’d be sitting here writing fan fiction? Miroku, P.I. Surprises come in pink

I was sitting in my office debating over ordering Chinese or going to the local pub for lunch when she walked in. She was dressed in a little black dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

“Are you Miroku, Private Eye?” she breathed.

“Why, yes, yes I am,” I answered. She walked over to my desk. Nice legs. The long kind, the kind that didn’t quit unexpectedly.

“Well then, perhaps you can help me,” she said as she sat in the chair in front of me. “I have a suspicion that my boyfriend is cheating on me. If you could follow him for me, I would greatly appreciate it.”

Those eyes, one could get lost in a pair like hers. As big and deep as a river in the east. “Of course, I’d do anything for you, doll face. Do you have a photo for me?” She opened her bag and handed me a photo. “Those ears… This will do, but I would have rather have gotten a photo of you.”

She smiled seductively, “Maybe next time.” She stood and left my office. What could a pretty girl like her want with such a mangy looking guy anyways?

I decided on the pub for lunch, maybe I could get some leads. I grabbed my fedora and headed out the door. The day was cold and gray, it would be raining soon. I entered my favorite pub, and saw my favorite bartender.

“Hey, Sango baby. Whiskey on the rocks, and make it a double.”

“How many times have I told you not to call me ’baby’?” She groaned as she poured my drink.

“One more time, besides, you know you like it.” She was a feisty woman, and I liked my women feisty. “By the way, have you seen this man?”

“New case, I see. Those ears… Yeah, I saw him in her earlier today with some woman.”

“Thank you, Sango baby,” I winked at her as I finished my drink and turned to leave.

“Don’t call me baby!” she shouted after me. Ah, gotta love that Sango. Hair as dark as midnight and stubborn as an emu. It was a bright and sunny day; I tipped my fedora to block out some light.

Where to go next, I had no clue. So I flipped a coin and walked down the street. Before I knew it, “Those ears…” I found him! He was walking with a woman who greatly resembled his girlfriend. They were like two people who looked as one.

I followed them for a couple of blocks, until they went into a building across the street. I walked over, holding my coat closer. Why was it so cold? I peeked in the window and was, was…shocked. It was the most shocking sight I have ever seen. More shocking than an elephant doing the hula. I took a few pictures and headed back to the office.

The next day, after a restless night, I just could not get that scene out of my head; Kagome came back to my office.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news, “I said solemnly as I laid out the photographs for her to see, “I’m very sorry, really, I am.”

As she looked at the photographs, her face went whiter than a snowman on Easter. She shook her head, “H-How could this be!”

“I understand that it is painful for you, however if there is anything I can do to make you feel better, I would gladly help you,” I offered as I took her hands in mine.

“No, it’s ok. I think I can cope by myself, thank you,” she answered coldly as she pulled her hands out of my grasp. It was worth a try. “How much do I owe you?”

“This one will be on me; the events were too shocking for me to make you pay.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Then she was gone. I picked up the disturbing pictures and put them in a file labeled “highly classified” and locked the cabinet. I was still in shock. A grown man, in that bright pink tutu, doing plié s and tendues. Something about that was just not right.



So, how’d you like it? Please R&R, flames welcome as long as they have a point. If I get positive reviews, I’ll add more chappies. I’m thinking about crossing over, so if you have any character requests let me know, and I’ll try to think of ideas for them.