InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Betrayal ❯ Where? ( Chapter 2 )
Inuyasha and Kagome had no idea where they were as they searched around. They saw nothing. And they thought for a while. Kagome couldn't stop fantasizing about Inuyasha until she couldn't take it anymore. She was in heat. Without any warning she runs up to Inuyasha and starts kissing him.
Inuyasha was at first surprised, but then started to enjoy it as Inuyasha forced his tongue in her mouth. Kagome stopped.
"I'm sorry Inuyasha, but I'm in heat and I can't stop thinking about you." Replies Kagome as she rips off her clothing.
"The truth is, I've been fantasizing about you too Kagome. It's been so long since we were alone together." Replied Inuyasha a few minutes later. After he relieved from his state of shock, he pulled off his clothes as well.
At first they started to make out. Inuyasha then had cupped Kagome's breasts as she went for his neck. After a few minutes of that, she stared at his shaft as she started giving it a blowjob. Inuyasha screamed in pleasure, as she wouldn't stop. Kagome enjoyed it all too well. Inuyasha took his shaft and then went to take away her virginity. Kagome allowed it. Inuyasha and Kagome made out again. Inuyasha shoving his shaft as deep as it could go
"Inuyasha!" yelled Kagome with a sound of pleasure in her voice.
Inuyasha then took his shaft out and shoved it up her ass surprisingly. Kagome couldn't help but yell. Inuyasha enjoyed seeing her scream. It wasn't until later that they realized they were sucked by the wind tunnel. They were so caught up in their sex that they didn't know what was happening. Inuyasha and Kagome, who was now relieved, stood up and put on their clothes.
"If Miroku sucked in all those demons, then they should be where we our." frighteningly said Kagome.
"Damn it! That bastard betrayed us! And now because Totosai made Tetsusaiga too heavy I'll hardly be able to defend us from the demons here. We have to find a fuckin way out!" Replied Inuyasha.
They strolled around until they found a demon. Kagome pulled out her bow and arrow and Inuyasha pulled out the Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha jumped up and wearily took a slash at it. Kagome followed up with an arrow shot at the demon's head. The demon screamed in pain. He then tried to bite Inuyasha, but he swiftly moved out of the way and gave the demon another slash to the head. It screamed and died.
"Damn it! If it too that much effort to kill one then think of how hard it will be to defeat the other ones." Exclaimed Kagome.
"Fuck it all! We need to find a way out!" replied Inuyasha.