InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Betrayal ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"I'm going out to fetch more water. I'll be back in an hour." Said Kaede as she walked out of her hut. Kaede left the village and then Miroku smirked as he looked at Sango. He went behind Sango and grabbed her arms. Miroku then took her weapons and covered her mouth to avoid trouble with kirara. He forces her into Kaede's hut and pins her down onto the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing Miroku?" said Sango angrily struggling as Miroku pulls off her clothes. Miroku then pulls off his clothes.

"Better get ready! I don't take no for an answer." Replied Miroku who was grinning.

Miroku who was still pinning down Sango forcibly made out with Sango who was still struggling to get out of his clutches. Sango bit his tongue.

"You better not do that again you bitch." Screamed Miroku slapping Sango in retaliation.

"Fuck you!" replied Sango quietly.

"What was that?" said Miroku threatening to slap her again.

He forced his shaft down her hole and she screamed in pain and yelled hoping someone would come to her rescue. He took it out and forced down her throat next so she couldn't scream. He then started sucking on her breasts. She finally broke free and ran out but Miroku used his ofuda and paralyzed her before she could reach her weapon.

"Damn whore!" exclaimed Miroku as he pitifully took her paralyzed body and hid it.

Shippo who was hiding behind the bushes saw everything that had happened and sneakily ran to tell Kaede. He soon found her gathering water at a spring.

"Kaede! Kaede! Miroku betrayed us and is working for Naraku! He sucked in Inuyasha and Kagome and he just raped Sango." Exclaimed Shippo gasping for breath.

"I never trusted that bitch! We can't let him know we're on to him. Shippo come with me. I'll go tell Kikyo. Maybe she could help us." Replied Kaede shocked at what she just heard.

So they walked farther and farther away from the village in search for Kikyo's soul collectors. They appeared at an abandoned village where they sat and rest.

"We'll never find Kikyo. She seems to be hiding somewhere." Said Shippo exhaustedly.

"Don't worry. Kikyo's close… I can feel it." Replied Kaede.

All of a sudden Shippo noticed Kikyo's soul collectors roaming about at the end of the town. He excitedly got up off the rock he and Kaede were sitting at.

"Kaede look! Kikyo's soul collectors!" exclaimed Shippo.

"Yes! I see them now." Replied Kaede.

They ran across the village trying to reach Kikyo as fast as they could. They arrived to see Kikyo crying on a rock. They started eavesdropping as she started to talk for herself.

"How can I ever fuck Sesshomaru when Inuyasha still lives and roams about?" asked Kikyo.

Kaede and Shippo reveal themselves surprising Kikyo.

"You slut how dare you think about Sesshomaru, when you still think of Inuyasha!'' exclaimed Kaede.

"The real reason we're here is to ask for your aid." Replied Shippo. "Miroku betrayed us and is working for Naraku. Using his wind tunnel he sucked in Inuyasha and Kagome and raped Sango too."

"That beast! Of course I'll help, but give me a chance to gather supplies and prepare." Replied Kikyo who was grinning behind their back.