InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Betrayal ❯ Kikyo and Sesshomaru ( Chapter 4 )
Kikyo was already prepared and ready to help everyone, but she couldn't go yet for she was in heat and had to relieve her pain with Sesshomaru. She traveled to the Western Lands to find Sesshomaru's palace. After a few hours she arrived and still in heat. She went to the entrance and was greeted by Rin.
"I wish to see Sesshomaru immediately!" exclaimed Kikyo.
"Lord Sesshomaru is inside. Let me go tell him we have a visitor." Replied Rin.
Jaken was told by Rin to let her in.
"You may come in now. Sesshomaru is waiting at his bedroom for you. He seems to know you." Replied Jaken.
Kikyo went inside the palace and located Sesshomaru's bedroom. She went in, while Rin went out and closed the door quietly behind her.
"What do you wish to see me for?" asked Sesshomaru.
"I came for your love!" exclaimed Kikyo.
"I was jealous of that brother of mine for having you all to himself, but now that you have come to me, I will gladly enjoy this." Replied Sesshomaru.
Kikyo locked the door and then both she and Sesshomaru ripped off their clothes and got in the bed. Kikyo caressed his shaft lightly, which gave Sesshomaru pleasure. The started making out and fighting in their mouths over which tongue would dominate. He then sucked on her hard nipples while she squeezed his ass.
"Ohhhh! Give me more Sesshomaru." Erotically yelled Kikyo.
"Don't worry! More is on the way." Replied Sesshomaru.
Kikyo then grabbed his shaft forcibly and put it in her mouth sucking on it and squeezing it hard. He then took out his now wet shaft and shoved down her vagina. The saliva on his shaft made Kikyo tingle with excitement. All of a sudden, Rin picked the lock on the door and walked in on them.
"Ah. Lord Sesshomaru what are you doing! You pervert! You were exploiting her through sex." Exclaimed Rin.
"Rin get out now! Can't you see I'm busy right now." Replied Sesshomaru.
"Well duh! I can see that!" answered Rin.
"I better get going. There is some important task I must do." Replied Kikyo who was overly embarrassed.
Kikyo got dressed took her stuff and left the palace. She got a cold look from Jaken. It took her a day to reach Kaede's hut. She went inside and was given a report on what's happening now.
"Kikyo, it seems Miroku has traveled to Naraku's castle and he took Sango with him. Go take Shippo and try to locate the castle as fast as possible. Also remember that killing Miroku will mean killing Inuyasha and Kagome so don't try anything drastic. To release them you must cut off his arm in a way that won't cause him to die." Explained Kaede.
"I'll do my best, but I may consult some help first." Replied Kikyo.