InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Lyric ❯ Interlude- Rain ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

."When it's stormy outside, it's calm in my heart,

with you in my arms,

And when you're away from me,

I wish it would rain,

because it's always the same,

Every raindrop makes me think of you,

Wishing you were close to me,

There is nothing that I'd rather do..."

-Janet Jackson

Making Love In the Rain












Interlude- Rain








I always loved the rain.


She looked out the window, giving a soft smile as water poured off the glass. She rested her hand against the window.


I remember times when I was younger, stopping short walking to school, standing in the rain, leaving the umbrella cast aside, and just stood there until the rain stopped. I remember once when I was ten, I had stayed out there for several hours. When my mother found me, I was soaked to the bone with a fever of thirty-nine degrees. From then on, my mother picked me up from school every time it rained...


Sango turned towards her brother. He sat Indian style on the couch, a sketchbook in his lap as he drew vigorously, his eyes focused solely on the paper before him. It was a common habit of him to go through several erasers and a half a sketchbook before he was actually satisfied with work, his face twisted into a focused expression, only the sound of rainfall and pencil lead scratching against the rough thick paper in constant quick strokes.


Kohaku had gotten used to Miroku residing in the house, the two spent most of the time home alone, as Sango spent most of her time at the hospital. She would go back to the university next week.


My mother was a very strong woman. Shy, and quiet most of the time unless there was something that really needed to be said. She'd been raised old-fashioned, so she scolded me for anything that didn't seem up to the standards of a lady. Unfortunately for her, I was just about as tomboy as I could get, anything she wanted me to do I did the opposite. She bought me baby dolls, I played with the action figures my male friends had. She gave me a sky blue sun dress to wear at a family gathering, it was brown by the time the party ended from playing with my cousins. Every time, all she'd do is sigh, and send me to my room.


She was an intern, spending time at the hospital for part of her education and as part of her job. She had made a covenant with the hospital, it being short on staff. She took the advanced classes at the university, and work at the hospital for money. She only got paid half as much as the other doctors, but it got things done and paid for, which was more than enough for both of them.


Sango sighed, getting up from her cluttered desk and looking around. "Where is Miroku?"


Kohaku shrugged, never taking his eyes off the sketch. "Don't know, last time I've seen him, he was in the backyard."


Her eyebrows furrowed. 'It's been raining for an hour. He can't still be out there...?' She entered the kitchen, looking out the back window. Sure enough, there he stood, still as a statue, standing in the middle of backyard as it stormed on and around him.


But of the many people I've known in my life, the one person that I believe will always stand out in my memories would be Miroku Akamatsu. There's just... something I can't really explain. He seems so connected to the Earth in an almost childlike way...




He looked up. "Hmm?"


She walked up next to him, a large black umbrella looming over her head to protect her from the rain, looking up at him from under it. "You'll catch a cold."


He didn't respond for a moment, lifting his head slightly, letting out a breath. "Are you afraid of the rain?"


"Huh?" She blinked at him, trying to register his question. "Why would I be?"


"Water," he said softly, "despite how much we need it, people still hurry to get out of the rain. But... we could learn a lot from the rain. It's been here since the beginning of time, and will probably be here long after the human race is long gone. As much as we hate to admit it, we'll only be one of many intelligent spieces who will roam this land, if we don't destroy it first."


They stood in silence for a moment. Sango looked up, suddenly realizing that the umbrella was no longer over her head, but now at her side, both arms hanging limply, her clothes soaked. She sighed, tossing the umbrella to the side. The storm had lightened up to only a soft drizzle, the sun shining through the soft clouds.


The sound of chirping reached her ears. She turned towards a small tree in the far corner of the yard. A small beak poked out of a small hole in the trunk. The small bird hopped out of the hole onto the low branch, its head darting about, shaking off its wings. She reached out towards it, stepping towards the tree as quietly as possible. Its head darted towards her, only to leap up towards a higher branch.


She jumped as an arm wrapped around her waist.


He looked at world as if it would do something special, unique, but it would always do just what it would always do, yet he was always amazed and enchanted by it. His had this juvenile light to them, yet they held more wisdom than anyone else I had ever known. And it made me wonder what he saw when he looked at me...


He stood behind her as he took her hand in his, his chin resting atop her head. He lifted up her arm, once against reaching toward the bird. "Narcissus Flycatcher, or Kibitaki," he whispered.


She shivered slightly. "Miroku..."


"I won't hurt you," he replied softly, "calm yourself. You'll scare it away."


She let out a breath, reminding herself that he wasn't going to harm her, but another side of her knew that wasn't the reason she was so nervous. She heard him make a low pitched whistle from the back of his throat, stilling her shaking hand. The bird darted his head towards them, and Miroku's voice became softer. The bird remained motionless for a second only to flutter its small wings and land upon her finger. She gasped, admiring its smooth black feathers and yellow underside, studying its every movement as it darted about.


"It's... beautiful..." she whispered. He smiled slightly. It was amazing how people had unintentionally overlooked at what was around them. She'd probably hundreds of these birds in her lifetime, but had never taken the time to notice the things around her. Human life was too fast paced and busy that way.


The bird flew off into the air, joining a flock of birds who had passed by. She smiled slightly, putting her arm down, watching it as it went off into the distance. She turned around, realizing that Miroku had let go of her.


He gave a lopsided grin, inspecting her up and down. "You look good in white," he stated. She gave him a confused, then looked down at her blouse. She glared at him, throwing a, "You're such a pervert!" at him. He gave her another lopsided grin before entering the house again.


She smiled.


I always loved the rain.













A/N: In case you didn't figure out, her blouse had become transparent because she had gotten wet. See, he's still the same Miroku! ^_^


And by the way, these little interludes are probably going to be more frequent in the story, just because I like them, and I tried not to make the chapter all dialogue-ish like I have with most of the others.



Preview of Next Chapter:


Kagome kneeled down towards him. He was hunched over in the doorway, clutching at his stomach.




He looked up at her with desperate eyes. "'Gome..."


His voice was hoarse. She inspected him worriedly. "Inuyasha... what's wrong?"


He hesitantly moved his hand away, his stomach covered in blood.





