InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Mistake, Inuyasha's Punishment ❯ Chapter one: confessions, heartbreak, and decisions ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the show Inuyasha for if I did the show would not have left off where it did.
This is my first fan fic and I came up with the idea while I was washing my hands so bear with me
Chapter one: confessions, heartbreak, and decisions
Inuyasha and the gang had just gotten to a village that had been plagued by a powerful demon that was rumored to poses a fragment of the shikon jewel. Unfortunately the rumor had been false. The town that they had saved from the demon offered them a place to stay as a way of thanking them.
Sango had noticed Miroku was acting very strangely for the past week, though Miroku was always acting strangely so this didn't seem too odd, what was strange about the way he was acting, is that unlike his usually calm self confident self, he was acting anxious and worried. Miroku's voice knocked Sango out of her thoughts fairly quickly.
“Lady Sango would you give me the honor of going for a walk?”
“Sure monk just as long as you keep your hands to yourself,” Sango replies with a suspicious look on her face.
“Sango I'm hurt, after all we've been through you still don't trust me?” Miroku says with his I'm innocent tone of voice and face.
“Monk it's not that I don't trust you it's that I know you to well, and I TRUST you to do something perverted.” Sango replies with a dry expression on her face. `
After that there was an uncomfortable silence as they walked out of the inn and through the village. After they reached the edge of the village Miroku started to speak in a very serious tone
“Sango I want to apologize for the way I have treated you over the time I have known you, for I have done very little other than annoy you with my lecherous ways.”
Sango was dumbstruck by the monks words and was about to reply when the Miroku cut her off “Sango, I have recently realized that I have little time left on this earth and if I should fail to kill Naraku I would wish for some one to continue the quest in the name of my blood line.” Sango still is left speech less by the monks words as she starts to figure what the monk might be getting at.
“Sango I mean this in every sense of the meaning. Will you bear my child?” as soon as the all to familiar pain is felt and the darkness threatens to overcome him he has two thoughts. The first and strongest one is one of sorrow wondering how after his heart felt apology how could he rejecter, he was certain that she had feelings for him. The second thought was one small voice in the back of his mind saying `you idiot you should have just stuck the traditional will you marry me.'
As Sango left the unconscious monk and headed back to the inn she mumbled to herself angrily “that damned perverted monk! Here I thought he was going to say something romantic or ask me to marry him, but no! He decides to once again ruin the moment with one of his perverted comments.” She slams the door to her room shut leaving every one in the inn painfully aware of her bad mood.
“Keh wonder what her problem is,” Inuyasha says to no one in particular in between bites of the midnight snack he managed to scrounge up.
“It probably has something to do with Miroku seeing as she left with him and he isn't whit her,” Kagome replies.
“Will that monk ever learn?” Shippo shaking his head knowingly “Inuyasha maybe you should go bring Miroku back, cause judging by the mood Sango is in she probably knocked him out.”
“Keh why should I hel-“ Inuyasha stops mid sentence as he catches a whiff of a familiar scent. “Know what, I think I will go help the monk.” Inuyasha then gets up and calmly walks down the stairs of the inn to avoid alerting the kit or Kagome of his real objective.
“He didn't argue enough, I think something's up.” Shippo say as soon as Inuyasha got out of hearing range.
“You worry to much Shippo, maybe Inuyasha's just trying to be nice.” Kagome says due to her trusting nature.
Outside Inuyasha takes a quick whiff of the surrounding area to determine Miroku's location. Following his scent he finds the area where Miroku and Sango split up, by Miroku's lingering scent and Sango's fading one. Following Miroku's scent back into town he realizes it stops just outside a bar, happy to know that his friend was just fine he could now go and find what he was searching for. Rushing out of town he heads off into the woods.
Kikyo smirked to herself as Inuyasha burst into the clearing where she had been waiting. `He always did come running when ever she came by' “Inuyasha” she called out to him sternly “We need to talk”
Not quite excepting this he shakily responds “About what?” seeing the expression on her face he knows he isn't going to like what coming
“You have a choice to make,” Kikyo states in a slightly annoyed tone. “Me or my reincarnation, I have decide that you must either kill me now or send her back where she belongs or kill her. For I can not stand to share you anymore or be away from you, chose now,” She states oblivious to the obvious look of pain on the half demons face.
“Ki- Kikyo” Inuyasha stutters quite taken aback by the entire situation “how can you ask me to choose so suddenly, I still have to kill Naraku to avenge you and I require Kagome's ability to sense the jewel shards to do that, and I could never kill you because I still have feelings for you”
“Inuyasha what you seem to fail to comprehend is that one of several things will happen depending on what you chose” Kikyo responds coldly. “If you kill me the soul's I have taken to fuel me will be freed, as well as my reincarnations soul will be one and my knowledge, power, and control will go to her, but if she is killed my life will be returned to me as well as my full power, but if you don't want to kill her my power and my life can always be restored by using the power of the jewel once it is complete. So I believe you now have a choice to make.”
“Kikyo I-I need to think about this, I need time to make my decision” Inuyasha replies not sure of what to make of this situation.
“I though that would be you decision, you are to indecisive and so I will be in town waiting for your answer, but beware make you choice before I make it for you,” and with that Kikyo left the very confused half demon to make his choice.
So there you have it, the first chapter of my first fan fic. I'm sorry if the story starts off a bit slow but the next chapter is where things will defiantly get more interesting.
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