InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Nightmare ❯ Miroku's Nightmare ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer : I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi. I am only using them for pure entertainment value.
Miroku's Nightmare

By Inu Hanyou Nikkie

It was finally time. They had just been married not moments ago. Before Kaede, Inuyasha and Kagome. The long, and oft times, torturous battle with Naraku was over. They had won and they had lost. They had lost Kohaku who ripped his own shard from his back, staying alive long enough to hand the shard to Kagome before taking one last shuddering breath. Sango took her grief and transformed it into Taijiya strength, making her attacks all the more powerful.

Shippo had abandoned the group, rather rudely, after finding a very pretty , very young looking kitsune (seems she looked alot like Kagome - that cause everyone to shudder in revulsion) and her tribe so he didn't even reach the final battle. 

But it was worth it. Inuyasha after staring into the blackened spot in which Naraku once stood, he spun around suddenly and yanked a very surprised Kagome into his arms and planting one very passionate kiss upon her lips before throwing her up into the air and whooping with joy. Needless to say once Kagome was safely returned to the ground she lay into Inuyasha for giving her a fright like that.. Couldn't he have at least Warned her first!!? Sheesh. 

Meanwhile sitting on a newly battle some distance from Inuyasha and Kagome helped fallen tree Miroku carefully unwrapped his hand to see the perfectly formed palm. Sango was so thrilled by Miroku's curse being lifted SHE did something completely unexpected as well.. She launched herself into Miroku's arms and planted kisses all over his face before she gave a rather firm squeeze to his behind rendering the lech speechless and frozen.

But that was then this was now. Sango was his beautiful and now loving wife. He couldn't wait to show her all the things he had learned throughout the years. Those Geisha houses and the women who said yes all taught him new things and let him perfect his technique. After all his Rod of Bhuddha was anointed with the spiritual oils of many a shrine and holy place his visited and had many blessings placed upon it. Now he would see ALL of his beautiful Sango once and for all. He sighed lecherously and happily.

Sango slowly began to undress before her husband, being extra slow to remove each layer of cloth until she was finally clad in just a fundoushi... a rather odd looking fundoushi.. not like anything he'd ever seen or stolen. Not even like Kagome's. (Once he attempted that, never again!! He still has a scar from Inuyasha's claws when he made it absolutely clear he was to never touch anything of Kagome's again.)  Pushing the oddness from his mind, he slid out of his clothes in seconds, again a technique perfected from all the times he had only moments with a willing woman. He backed Sango towards the futon and laying her down asked her to remove her last layer. Sango blushing furiously did this. Miroku eased himself into position between her thighs of steel and positioned himself. He spoke loving words and soothing phrases of comfort knowing of the pain to come. He asked Sango if she wanted him to take it easy and go slowly or if she wanted the pain over fast. Sango shyly told him to do it fast, get it over with. 

Miroku was almost beside himself with pleasure. His warrior maiden, his fierce Battle goddess never ceased to amaze him. And so he entered her swiftly.

Several things happened all at once...

Miroku entered Sango.

Sango groaned in pained pleasure.

Miroku's hands wandered.

Sango whimpered and shed a tear.

Miroku's hand went to grope a firm rounded ass...  and found nothing!!!

Miroku leapt off Sango as if burned by fire. He shook violently and asked Sango to turn over. Sango had lots of questions in her expression and eyes but did as he said. And there glaring the truth in all its horror was Sango's Assless ass.. she had No ass!! Nothing!! Just a flat view!! No curves, no cheeks to speak of!! Nothing to hang onto!!

This could Not BE!!! Sango had to have an ass!! After all he felt it on many an occasion!! But as much as his soul wanted to deny it the truth was blazed into his mind in 3-D or.. in this case.. lack of!! Seems Sango stuffed her fundoushi...

"NNNnnnnnnnOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!"