InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku, Sango and the Demons of the Slayers Cave ❯ Confessions and Affairs ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Miroku, Sango and Kohaku were finishing up their lunch. Kohaku was settling in for a mid-afternoon nap, Miroku was subconsciously contemplating his next advance on Sango, Sango was subconsciously watching Miroku like a hawk. You know, same old, same old.
It was Miroku that broke the silence, “Sango, how are the crops in the south field coming in?”
“Quite well, as can be expected. I’m worried about the rye in the northeastern field though, I don’t know much about crops.”
“I’ll take a look at them later this afternoon.” Sango sighed, looking out the window, “is there something troubling you, Sango?”
“I’m just wondering about what Inuyasha and Kagome are doing.”
“I’m sure they are fine. If they run into any trouble I am certain that Inuyasha can handle it.”
Sango sighed again, “it must be nice to have someone special like that, even though they don’t really see it.”
Miroku took this cue to snake an arm around her waist, “I’m sure I could fill those requirements at least temporarily.”
Sango narrowed her eyes at Miroku, “I’m sure you would try.” She removed his hand just before it started exploring, ahem, interesting parts.
Miroku coughed, “so what are your plans for the rest of the day?”
“Well, the house needs cleaning and I’ll start on dinner later. Why don’t you go check the field and see what needs to be done?”
“I shall do my best, Sango.”
Miroku, Sango and Kohaku, when he woke up, went about their business for the day. Dinner was short and quiet, as everyone was tired, and after the dishes were seen to, everyone turned in early.
The night had turned very cold. Sango, who shared the main room with Miroku, was having trouble sleeping. Her shivering awoke Miroku, who was sleeping on the other side of the fire.
“Sango, are you alright?”
“It’s so c-c-cold.”
“Come over here, it’s probably a little warmer.”
Sango of course was more then a little suspicious about his intentions and stalled for another ten minutes before resigning herself to his embrace. They lay under the covers on their sides, her back to him. His hands stayed patiently to himself.
“Miroku, why are you doing this for me?”
“Because it is a mans duty to make a woman as comfortable as possible. And because you need the rest, you’ve been working very hard Sango. You deserve a good nights sleep.”
“I never knew you were so thoughtful.”
“Of course I am, I am always concerned for your wellbeing, Sango. You’re important to me.”
“I am?” ‘Miroku is being very sweet to me,’ she thought, ‘this is strange.’
The monk chuckled softly, “Sango, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I guess that’s why I am not very serious about anyone else.”
“You’re serious about me? That doesn’t seem very much like you.”
“Doesn’t it? Why do you think I play with you so much?”
“Well then, why me?”
“Who else? You’re strong, brave and you come to my rescue when I need you, you stand by me when no one else will. I know you care for me, even if you hide it from yourself. Sango, you are all I have.”
“Oh, Miroku, I wasn’t really sure you felt that way.”
Miroku wrapped his arms around Sango in a hug, “I do.”
Sango turned over into Miroku’s arms and there they slept.
The next day, Shippou arrived in the growing village with very bad news for Miroku and Kohaku. Demons had come to the patties in the southeast and kidnapped Sango.
“Where is she Shippou, what do they want with her?!” Miroku demanded.
“I don’t think it’s good, they said something about making the Demon slayer the bearer of a demon.”
The demons were going to rape her. (Author’s Note: Sorry that was a spur of the moment idea, I had to find something to get Miroku running)
“Where have they taken her, Shippou?!” Miroku demanded.
“The south slope of the eastern mountain. They’ve been hiding there.”
“You and Kohaku stay here. If we are not back by sunset, stay at the elder’s tonight,” Miroku ordered, and he took off running to the southeast.
“I never knew Miroku could run that fast,” Kohaku said.
“Neither did I,” the little fox demon replied.
“Do you think my sister would marry him?”
“If he learns to keep his hands to himself. Do you want him to marry Sango?”
“Well, I saw them sleeping together last night, and it made me feel good. Like we were a family again. We don’t have anybody but each other, Sango and me. It would be nice to have a big brother.”
Miroku arrived at the demon’s cave in moments. The stench of dead flesh and lingering spirits permeated the air, making it hard for the monk to breath. He made quick work of the guards and moved on into the cave in seconds he had made it to the lair of the patriarch of the clan. There were five of them. Two of them were on Sango trying to break her to their will and were succeeding. The other three were standing over them, waiting their turn.
Miroku was sickened and outraged, how could they do this to her? He didn’t wait to strike. He had made quick work of to of three of the demons and ripped a fourth off Sango before the fifth attacked. He hit the but of his staff into the monster’s stomach, knocking it to the ground. He turned into the fifth, launching one of his most powerful sutras at it. The four remaining demons scrambled towards the exit as Miroku turned his attention to the bleeding Sango.
“Are you alright?” he asked, cradling her body.
She tried to turn away in tears and cover her half naked body, “no don’t look at me. I don’t want you to see me like this. You don’t deserve it.” She was sobbing.
“Sango,” he said softly, “I came for you. I wanted to protect you. I’m sorry I failed.” Miroku stared crying and held her close.
After a moment, Sango noticed, “Miroku, they didn’t do it. At least not yet. TheyÉ it feels like they ripped me open butÉ”
Miroku looked Sango over, she was bruised and bleeding all down her arms and chest. A bad scratch had stopped bleeding on her cheek and she was very dirty. He was certain that her back was in just a bad a state. To his horror, her inner thighs were streaked with blood. “Sango, did they É take yourÉ?”
“No they didn’t but they broke me. I’m sorry I was hopingÉI was hoping that you would be the one to do that, when we were ready,” she smiled wincing.
“Oh, Sango,” he held her close in his arms, “I’ll take you back to the village. If you like we can stop at the river so you can clean yourself.”
“I’ll never be clean Miroku, never again.”
“Don’t say that, Sango, you’re still perfect to me. You always will be.”
“Miroku stop treating me so nice, I’m tainted.”
“You said yourself that they didn’t take you. They might have stolen your innocence but that doesn’t make you unclean. You are Sango, you will always be Sango to me, a beautiful woman that I care very much for.”
“You don’t deserve me Miroku, not after what happened today.”
“I get to choose who I deserve, and I choose nothing more or less then you Sango, I love you.”

(Author’s Note: HA! You expect me to cut off now don’t you? Nope! Think again! By the way it gets kinda R rated after this.)

“I’m taking you to the hot springs for a bath. I am going to carry you.” Miroku stood up, wrapped part of his robes around her and picked her up.
“MirokuÉIÉ” Sango drifted into a light sleep as Miroku, her rescuer, carried her away from the source of her pain.
“Shh, sleep now, my angel.”
Soon they were at the springs, Miroku lowered Sango to the ground and softly awakened her.
“I’m going to leave you here Sango, I’ll go keep watch,” he said turning to leave
“No!” Sango cried, reaching her arm out towards the monk. Her covering slid down revealing her exposed breasts. Miroku turned, blushed and turned back. “I É want you to stay with me.”
“Sango, you want me to bathe with you?”
“Yes I do. I don’t want to be out of your arms right now.”
In short order, Miroku was undressed and sitting in the water with Sango back asleep in his arms. Most of the bleeding had stopped and Miroku was tired after he had calmed down. He nudged Sango awake.
“Why don’t we stay here for the night, it’s late and were both tired.”
“Miroku, would youÉwould you take me?”
“I remember, what you said to me in the cave. I love you too, Miroku. This pain won’t go away. I’ve been abused, I wantÉI want to know what it feels like to be loved.”
“Sango it is not my place to take what should be given. I will not bed you unless you make the move.”
Sango sat in silence for a few moments, than she did something that every fan of the pairing has wanted to see. (Author’s Note: other then her boobs or them fucking) Sango kissed Miroku soundly. Miroku kissed her back ardently. Sango slipped her hand between Miroku’s legs. He rose against her involuntarily to her stroking his cock.
He broke the kiss, both of them breathing hard. “Sango, are you sure?”
“It’s the only way that I know I can feel like myself again.”
“Oh, Sango.” Miroku kissed Sango, hard, driving his tongue deep into her mouth. He lifted her out of the water and set her on his cloak lying in the grass. He started kissing down her neck and then her chest. He licked her breasts and started fingering her.
Sango let out a deep moan, raising her hips against his fingers. He started sucking her tits, moaning slightly himself. After a moment, Sango took his face off her chest and kissed him again. Miroku savored the sweetness of her lips, slowly licking her tongue inside her mouth.
“MirokuÉ” Sango moaned as she broke the kiss, “I’ve been waiting for this to happen.”
“Sango,” Miroku whispered softly, licking her wetness of his fingers. He was quite hard by now. “Would youÉsuckle me Sango?”
“Yes,” she moaned, sitting up, “oh, yes. Give it to me.”
Miroku offered his still hardening cock to the very aroused demonslayer, who immediately started licking the tip. Miroku moaned very, very loudly as Sango put his cock in her mouth and sucked hard. It felt insanely good to the monk, who wished he could kiss her at that moment. He swung himself around and started licking her increasingly wet pussy. Sango moaned against his cock as they came at the same time. Sango took the cock out of her mouth and spat. Miroku let her cum all over his face. They were both breathing very hard. Miroku flopped onto his back. Sango crawled on top of him and started doing everything she could to get him up again, with success. When he did, he slammed her playfully onto her back and tickled her. She giggled and he kissed her lovingly. Sango wrapped her arms around his neck and never let go as he plunged himself deep into her.
(Author’s Note: Should I stop or keep you guys hanging É nah)
The next day when they arrived back at the house in the village, Kohaku immediately noticed a change in his elder sister. Sango set about making her and Miroku some breakfast. Miroku took the buckets to get water from the nearby well. Kohaku followed him outside and startled him with a powerful hug.
“Thank you, Miroku,” Kohaku sobbed, “my brother.”
“How do you knowÉ?”
“My sister, she’s never been this way before, thank you for saving her. She’s been through so much pain, because of Naraku and the village. She needed to learn how to be happy again. You gave her that.”
“You’re my brother now, aren’t you, Miroku? You are my sister’s man.”
Miroku sighed and knelt down to Kohaku’s level, “yes I suppose I am your brother then, Kohaku. I will take very good care of your sister, the best I can.”
Kohaku hugged Miroku tightly, “oh, thank you Miroku, you don’t know what this means to me.”
“I might not know what it means to you but I think I know what it means to your sister.”
“Miroku! What’s taking so long with theÉ” Sango cut off when she saw her brother with the man she loved and started walking over.
Miroku stood and offered and open arm to Sango, leaving the other on Kohaku’s shoulder. Sango stepped into Miroku’s embrace and gave him a loving kiss.
“I’m so happy for you sister, will you marry Miroku?”
Sango gave the monk an appraising look, “perhaps, if he behaves himself.”
“What are you implying my dear Sango? I am in a committed relationship I have no time for frivolous whims of the flesh.”
“I think that’s a yes Sango,” Shippou said out of nowhere.
Everyone laughed.
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