InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of truth ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer : I don't own Inuyasha ! :(

Sorry for not updating for a few days . . Just to let you guys know my birthday is August 16th 1990 and me and my friends we had a joint bd party . At the party this guy that I really like said he liked me so I have a date tonight ! Yeah ! At the party I got a new cd player and the new bonecrusher cd . The bad thing about the party was some guy punched me in the face . I hit him where it hurts its just the fact that a guy would hit me is what bothers me . He had the nerve to hit me on my bd . That was the wrong thing to do because after I hit him in his special place all my friends started kickin his ass . Lol . On with the chapter . Oh yeah the mofo finally left !!! On with the chapter

Chapter Seven

The next morning Kagome woke up to find Inuyasha still holding her possessively around the waist . At

first she was a little freaked but then she had flashbacks of what happened between them . 'So it wasn't

a dream !' Thought Kagome happily . She tried to get out of his embrace to go make breakfast but

Inuyasha's grip on her only tightened . "Where do you think you're going bitch?" asked Inuyasha as he

started to open his eyes . At first Kagome was angry at the fact that he called her a bitch but as soon as

she looked in his beautiful amber eyes all thoughts of yelling at him were washed away . "I was just going

to go make breakfast for us ," replied Kagome . " Kagome you are the Lady of the house you don't

make breakfast we have servants for that ," Said Inuyasha . "Fine ! I'm going for a walk , come get me

when breakfast is ready ," sighed Kagome . " Okay I will come get you when it's ready ."

When Kagome finally made it to the gardens outside of her and Inuyasha's mansion she saw something

far ahead . She ran as fast as she could . She finally got to it and what she saw was awful it was a small

Kitsune badly beaten and bleeding from head to toe , he had cuts and gashes all over his body . Kagome

picked up the little boy and ran back to the house to nurse the Kitsune back to health . After she finished

bandaging up the little boy she left to go talk to Inuyasha . "Inuyasha do you know who did this ?"

Asked Kagome . " Yeah ! It was that bastard Naraku , his scent was all over that boy !" Yelled Inuyasha

. "I wonder what he was after ," said Kagome ."Me too , we'll find out as soon as that boy wakes up."

Said Inuyasha .

A few hours later the little boy began to stir. "Wwwwhere am I ?" asked the little boy . Soon he

caught sight of Kagome and Inuyasha and began to scream . " Who are you guys? Leave me alone please

don't hurt me !" pleaded The little boy . "Calm down, we won't hurt you ," Said Kagome as she picked

up the little Kitsune and hugged him . " We just have a few questions to ask you ," Said Inuyasha . " We

found you in our garden bleeding to death . What we want to know is what happened ? "Asked Kagome

." My pappa and momma heard a rumor about the priestess Kikyo was going to give the shikon no tama

to Naraku . So they wanted to go stop her . When they found her, my momma snatched the jewel from

her and ran while my pappa held her off . All of a sudden Naraku showed up and killed my pappa he then

ran off to find my momma . I ran out of my hiding place to try and help pappa when Kikyo attacked me .

My momma heard my screams and ran back to help me . Just before I blacked out I saw momma break

the jewel , which sent a thousand pieces of the shikon jewel flying in different direction. After that

happened Naraku and Kikyo killed my momma . That's all I can remember ," Said the little boy who soon

began to sob . "It's all right we'll protect you from them . By the way my name is Kagome what's yours

?" Asked Kagome. " My names Shippo thanks Kagome ," said Shippo . "Well Shippo I think you should

go to bed now you've had a tiring day !" Said Kagome as she tucked him in . Both Kagome and

Inuyasha walked out of the room and made there way to the living room . "So what are we going to do ?"

asked Kagome . "Well we'll keep Shippo here while we go get revenge on Naraku and gather the rest of

the shikon shards ," said Inuysha . "Well I guess this is the time I get to use my miko powers !" Said

Kagome as she used her miko powers to start a fire in the fireplace . " I knew you had miko powers but I

didn't think you knew how to use them !" Said a pretty impressed Inuyasha . "Well I've trained to be a

miko since I was a little girl ,"said Kagome . "Well then its settled we'll start on journey tommorow ," said

Inuyasha .

~ Thats the end of chapter seven yeah . I'm still a little pissed off at the fact that some stupid mother fucker had the nerve to hit me in the face . Just a few hours ago we dropped off the little brat I had to babysit . Yes!! Listen to my new Bonecrusher cd !!!


Girppin the Grain !!!!

From the Front

To the back

Can't you feel my woofers pain !!

Calm me down bumpin

Knockin pictures off of walls!!!!