InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror of truth ❯ Mirror of truth ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The sun was shining brightly in Inuyasha's face , he could no longer feel the sharp pains of the cold snow against his skin

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and I never will so don't sue me .

This is the last chapter !

The sun was shining brightly in Inuyasha's face , he could no longer feel the sharp pains of the cold snow against his skin . He was beginning to wonder if he

was in heaven , just this thought alone caused fear and regret to cross his face .Fear of never touching , loving , and seeing Kagome again , and the regret

was for never proving to Kagome that it wasn't him who had betrayed her . As if reading his thoughts a Lady spoke . "No you are not dead , and yes you

are in heaven . I am Aphrodite goddess of love . Us gods know of what you seek and one of us is going to help you . We put you through two tests and you

passed with flying colors ," said Aphrodite , she was dressed in a beautiful silk strapless gown that was pink and she wore a crown made of flowers . "

How are you going to help me ?" asked Inuyasha who was still having trouble convincing himself that he was in heaven . " I am not the one who is going two

help you, Kanna is . She is the youkai goddess of truth ," said Aphrodite . Kanna came in wearing the same gown as Aphrodite, she was holding a mirror that

held diamonds . " The mirror of truth ," spoke Kanna . " It will show the truth . You will give this to Kagome and have her look into it , she will see only the truth

," said Kanna .

The gods had sent Inuyasha on his way after they explained to him how the mirror works , all he had to do was get Kagome to look into the mirror . He

was already a mile away from where all of them were camped out at . Inuyasha ran as fast he could and he finally reached Kagome in 3 minutes flat .

" What do you want Inuyasha , haven't you broken my heart enough ?" asked Kagome . " I'm here to prove to you that it wasn't me ," said Inuyasha while

looking into Kagome's eyes , they were cold and he only saw a flicker of what they used to be . " I don't have all day , are you going to prove it or not !" yelled

Kagome , he was just staring at her for like five minutes and she was ready to get this over with and move on with her life . She was hurt pretty badly when

she caught him cheating on her and she didn't want to go through that again . " This is the mirror of truth all you have to do is look in it and it will show you the

truth ," said Inuyasha who was now praying to the gods that the mirror would work . Kagome looked into the mirror for about 10 minutes , it showed her

everything . From Kikyo and Naraku making there plan, to where she caught the fake Inuyasha screwing Kikyo . ` Inuyasha didn't cheat on me !' thought

Kagome . This new found information brought tears to her eyes , she then set down the mirror and jumped into Inuyasha's arms . " I love you Inuyasha and

I'm so sorry for not believing you !" said Kagome as they kissed like crazy , it was like the had over a months worth of passion they needed to make up for . "

It's alright Kagome were together and that's all that matters . " You won't be together for long !" yelled Naraku and Kikyo at the same time . Naraku and Kikyo

both threw energy blast at Kagome and Inuyasha . They both didn't have time to react because it was so fast, so the just stood there and watched the blasts

come closer and closer . It was in slow motion , the blasts were only 10 inches away from hitting there target when the mirror of truth float towards Kagome

and Inuyasha and got in the way of the energy beam . It deflected it and sent it right back towards Naraku and Kikyo killing them . The mirror was now

disappearing but before it was totally gone someone spoke . " You're love is to strong to be killed by the likes of them ! Take care of each other !" Zeus yelled .

The mirror disappeared and as soon as it was gone Kagome and Inuyasha were showered with rose pedals . It was a gift from Aphrodite . The shikon no

tama was now whole but Kagome and Inuyasha were to wrapped up with each other to notice . They were soul mates , there love got them through all of

the obstacles . There wouldn't be anyone who had there kind of love for millions of years to come .

Well that's the end of my story . I don't realy like this ending but if I feel like it I might change it . Tell me what you think ? And please no more stupid flamers I really don't feel like cursing anymore people out . If your going to give me a flamer make it good .







I might write a side story to this . You know like what happened to Miroku and Sango or Sesshomaru and Lex what do you think ? Tell me in your reviews !