InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror to my heart ❯ Where it all began ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha)
Hope you all enjoy this story and please review if anyone would like me to continue this story. Also this story is dedicated to my friends who help me create some my stories.
Mirror to my heart
They say love can last for many years but can it last after you die or no? Imagine if your love one is in a mirror where your true love comes to you at night but if the mirror breaks never will you see him again. Some say love he's the devil himself trying to take your soul and show humanity that love is just a piece of shit nothing but that. But you trust him with your own since you were child and he never let you down. So what will happen if you were scared to tell him that you love him? Where is your trust in him now?
So now to begin the story Mirror to my heart…
“Go to hell “yelled a young man as his charged towards the woman, as his dark black bat wing flapped furiously towards the girl. She dodged his sword from hitting her chest but he cut her arm, blood dripped from the sky and landed on the destructed earth below.
“Sesshomaru! You'll pay for all those you killed and I'll personally send you to hell” yelled Kagura as she pulled out her sword. She charged forward as he floated in the air. He saw her come but he was too slow to move as her sword pierced his right wing and fell from the sky as huge explosion echoed through out the perimeter. The dust cleared a huge crater was there about 200 feet, there stood Sesshomaru as his wing bleed badly.
He jumped from the crater and looked at his once love. His golden eyes turned pure blood red and jumped into the air waiting for the attack. “So Kagura you think those little tricks will save you from me!” he yelled coldly.
“Shut up Sesshomaru! This attack will submit you and nothing you do will destroy it but it'll also cost me my life but I'm willing to pay that cost.” She yelled as a she started to chant the spell:
“Your soul will be trapped in the mirror until
You are needed once again but until then
You will remain prisoner until that time”
Sesshomaru started to glow bright red as he slowly disappeared from the world. He entered the mirror as Kagura slowly fell to the ground she held the mirror as she walked to a near by village. Her black hair sprayed around her as her clothes were trashed. A young girl saw her and called her mom when the young woman came out she quickly rushed over to her.
“Miss what happened to you!” asked the woman.
“Please take this mirror and be careful with it I wish for you to take it and never break it please “begged Kagura as she handed the mirror to her
“I'll protect it miss, “said the young woman as she held the mirror
“It seems my life has finally left me! Forgive me my love. My Sesshomaru” whispered Kagura as her soul left her body; a silent tear fell to the ground.
Hope you all enjoy this chapter and beginning. please review if you'd like me t continue this story ^_^