InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey guys thanks to all those who reviewed my fic.
firegoddess372- looky! an update an update! GizmoMoon- thanks, I really appreciate it a lot. :p cyberdemon- I am really glad that you think it's interesting. Thanks so much for taking an interests! pyrostrykes- here is that chapter! I love that word you used in your review... smithereens ... just a really cool word. InuKagluver91- Tank you!!! firegoddess372- here's another update! loving that you love it!
AGAIN! thank you guys for your reviews, I a really am trying to get this fic off of my chest and on here before I really loose my inspiration. I already have chapter three almost complete so hopefully I will have it up laters. I do have to say that this fic though was an idea I had come up from reading one of my mothers books. This is like a branched base line from the book. It’s called In a Wild Wood, by Sasha Lord. It’s a good book. But anyway I thought it would be good to mention that just in case I might get sued. ;P Wouldn’t want that! Same with Inuyasha, don’t own him either, dammit. Thanks again.
P.S. here's your chapter... hehehhehe
Declaimer: I do Not own rights to Inuyasha or the characters. All rights to him are to his real owner, Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you and please don't sue.

Chapter 2

A blue arrow flew swiftly true with nothing else but the large demon it was aimed for. It struck, digging itself into the hard skaled flesh and powerful purification energy quickly ran through the wound, turning the creature into ash, for the wind. The archer standing tall, lowered her bow slowly and took a deep breath. Breathing was important to recuperate the sudden loss of spiritual energy.

"Kagome, that was a beautiful shot." The owner of the arrow turned around, her thick, black hair shifted across her face, then returned to the position it held before in the high hair tie it was held captive in.

“It wasn’t that bad I guess, but it still takes me a minute to gather my strength back. If there had been another demon, he might have had the perfect opening.” Kagome replied. She wiped her long, white sleeve of her priestess robes across the sweat on her forehead.

“Please Kagome, if there had been another demon there, I would have had your back. No fighting alone, right?” she said with a soft smile. Kagome returned it.

“My shots have improved more than I had exspected though, Sango thank you. You too did a great job yesterday, if I remember correctly, with that bear youkia. You were able to destroy him without injuring any of the children he held captive.” She winked at her friend. “I am not the only one that has improved these two years.” She walked over to the other woman.

The slayer wore black and pink, second-skin clothing made from dragon hide; a specialty of the demon slayers. She herself had her long, brown hair in a high ponytail but even then her long hair hit the edges of her shoulders. A large weapon was strapped to her back. It looked like a very large boomerang, reaching past her head and right to the bottom of the back of her knees. A sword lay tied at her waist with a sash that also held other variables like her mask or powders.

“Now where is my cat and your pets? Kirara! You can come out of hiding now!” Sango laughed out loud, as if beckand, a two-tailed, yellow kitten came out from the trees into the small clearing. She had black paws and her tails looked like little paint brushes with black at the ends. She mewed and jumped up on Sango’s shoulder, nuzzling her master’s cheek.

“Hey, you three! Come on out. We're done for the day.” Kagome yelled out to the forest. Three small, but muscular wolves came into the area with a certain caution in their steps. After a few sniff’s in the air and ground, they ran and pounced on their human mother-like figure. She laughed as she went down to be smothered in wolf kisses and nips.

“I think they are happy to see you unharmed. Remember when we first told them to stay put to let us train. They kept trying to come and aid us and you had to make that barrier. They were so mad at you.” Sango said with her own laughter. Kirara mewed in agreement. She was used to the fighting and the importance of training. The young pups still had problems with it.

“Yeah. Good times. They still have a while to get used to it. Though they do, do a good job of saving my neck with some things.” The wolves were, as Kagome called them, her blessings. She had been training by herself for the day when a large female wolf came to her, bleeding heavily on her left side. Kagome tried to get close to help the poor creature but she kept moving away from the helpful hands, making Kagome follow her until the eventually they reached her den. Three young pups yipped as they scented their mother nearby and came out to the edge of the cave, not quite outside being fearful of the human sent. Their mother yipped softly at them and they came out with little jumps and yips of their own. Their mother gave them each a lick and whined at Kagome’s tearful face. Kagome nodded as a silent understanding past between human and beast. The wolf howled one last time to the world and collapsed. Her pups pushed at her soulless body and whimpered, but to no avail did their mother move again. Their mother had been killed by a passerby demon looking for a meal and the wolf mother defended her pups. Kagome found the dead youkia nearby and it ended her suspicious. She petted the dead wolf, hoping to take some of her sent onto her hands and then approached the young wolf pups. At first they had been scared but with the familiar sent of their mother, they allowed contact. Kagome became home for the orphans and loved them with all that she could. She came back later to burry the dead mother and say a prayer for her soul.

That had happened almost a year ago. Since then, the pups were at her side constantly and became apart of her and her training. They were viciously protective of her as once a human boy found out trying to make a pass at her and almost lost a hand. They did however back down when asked and even loved training with Sango. The latest thing they were being taught was sometimes human mommy needed to train on her own and they needed to stay back. It was hard but they were getting it. They trained with Kirara at such times. The cat had compassion for the pups in her own way and helped with teaching them to battle.

66Later that night.66

Kagome sat down with her knees tucked under her chin, with a thoughtful look to her face. The fire danced into her blue, distant eyes, proving that her thoughts were deep and far away.

“What’s on your mind, Kagome?” No response. “Kagome?” Sango threw some more wood into the fire. Kagome blinked and watched Sango as she went back over to a very large, saber-toothed looking version of Kirara. Routine was at night Kirara would change into her large form to protect the girls easier. If there was any trouble, her deep growl would wake them and they would be ready for it. They all were trained to sleep lightly, even the animal companions.

“Oh… sorry.” Sango sat down across from her by Kirara, snuggling into her fur, but listened attentively. “I just don’t know what to do.” Kagome paused, rubbing her fingertips to her temples. “ I just really don’t want to return home.” She sighed and looked down, eyes avoiding her friend’s.

“Why wouldn’t we go home Kagome? Don’t you miss your father or your little brother? I know I do. Two years Kagome, two years since we’ve seen the beautiful castle and village. Two years since we last saw the people that we love and been within the fields of our home. Why?” Sango was worried. Kagome was very, very family oriented and loved her home. Why would she not want to go back?

“Don’t get me wrong, please Sango. I do miss home and my family very much but-” Sango breathed a sigh of relief. She did miss home. “but I just don’t know how long I would be there. Remember the other half our journey together? I failed my end of the bargain, and Father will have to complete his half by choosing a companion for me.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she buried her head into her knees.

The deal they had made with Lord Higurashi to leave for training, how could she have forgotten? “You never know Kagome, your sister may have never developed her powers. You might still have a fighting chance. Plus, we did manage to collect a very large amount of wealth when we slew that dragon during last year. We had it sent to your father, remember? That was a godly amount that we were even able to pay the men who took it handsomely to the point that they didn’t believe they had the need to steal any more of it. You just never know, you might already have those lands of your mother’s family in your grasp.”

It was no secret amongst the slayers of the Higurashi’s when it came to their past. Sango’s mother, Kamii rest her soul, had been a wet nurse for Lord Higurashi. Sango had been her babe born two days before her sisterly friend. They grew up together through thick and thin. Sango’s mother Sauna loved Kagome like a daughter but she lost her life giving birth to her son Kohahu. Kagome, who had never seen Sango cry before, did so for several hours and at her mother's funeral. When the crying had come to an end, she had picked up her baby brother and kissed both of his cheeks. ‘You were the last gift my mommy gave me, I will protect you.’ she had spoke in a vow. ‘Me too, Sango. You’ll always have me to help protect what is dear to you.’ had said a eight year old Kagome. They smiled and kept the babe occupied as her mother’s body burned hot in the blaze.

When Kagome had said her vow, Sango remember it knowing deep in her heart that Kagome would always live up to that pomise. When they turned 13 together, Sango made a silent vow of her own. ‘ When Kagome goes forth to fight for her birthright, I will be at her side to make sure she has the lands she dreams about.’ Kagome did have dreams of a home that would be as welcoming as the one she had here. Sango didn't hear her talk about it often but enough to know that it was a hard decion for her. She had wanted the home of her mother’s to be able to give Souta, her adopted brother, the lands that her father and the slayers built together. Sango knew without the spoken words that Kagome truly wished that she could make friends with her sister and become the second daughter that her mother would come to know and hopefully love. Sango hoped that dream would come true.

“Thanks Sango, but if she is Miko, then I would be lost. No doubt she and Lady Higurashi have made plans to have her wed. Remember, she challenged my father the day we were born to see who would become the stronger daughter in all different areas.” Sango nodded. “ The only reason Father allowed us to come on this journey, was if I promised to look for a suitable man to become my husband. I couldn’t find my companion even after traveling as far as we have, so I failed and now I will marry the man Father chooses without ever knowing love.” A tear fell from her eye. She was a strong woman, she just had a large, warm and caring heart. Sango first believed that it would stand in her way of building her strength in life but really her compassion for protecting people that allowed her strength to overflow.

“It’s not like your father would choose a man you couldn’t live with and share your life with. He loves you and wants to see you happy.”

“ I know but I have wished that if I did marry, it would be for love, not because I need to use a man for land and a stupid battle between siblings. I am supposed to be leaving on this journey soon. My 18th year is tomorow. From there who knows how long I am allowed to stay at our home before having to make that journey?” Sango felt anger toward herself. How could she have forgotten her own birthday and Kagome’s? They were going to be turning 18. Hell! she was 18! Yesterday had been her day of birth. “I did try to tell you, Sango but with the bear and the children; we were a bit preoccupied.” Sango took herself into deep thoughts so Kagome laid back down on her pallet and was immediately covered with her wolves’ bodies, waiting for Sango to get her world in order. The wolves snuggled to the caregiver's side as she srached the ear of the pure black wolf she called Kitz.

Kitz was the dominant male wolf of her little pack. He was very protective of their entire group and kept the others in line when a battle approached them. The only female who lay on Kagome’s left side, was a brownish wolf she called Mya. Sweet tempered she was but could also be the most ferocious out of the three when danger was near. Shigure was the name of the large tan wolf with white tipped ears and paws. He was playful more then anything and was almost always hungry. Evidence of his appetite showed by his slightly larger stomach when compared to his siblings. It didn't slow him down though when he was needed.

“What about that wolf demon Kagome!?” Sango said suddenly, taking Kagome's attention away from her wolves. “I mean, he did claim you as his woman and loved the fact you had three pups that you protect from everything and you protecting them. It would be a great way for your little family to grow. You love your wolves.”

“Kouga?” A shiver went up her spine. The wolf demon had scented the pups and the girls' scents and checked it out. He was angry when Kagome refused to allow him to take her pups to be raised with his tribe, but then was very impressed with her fierce motherly instincts and the wolves trying to fight him off. He claimed she was the perfect mate for him but Kagome tried to get him to understand that she was not a woman to claim. She told him that they were going home and would continue to train. He said that he understood and would track her down later to take her as his own. Kagome had shook it off, hoping he would never find her. “Sango, as great as he may be I don’t think I could handle him. He runs so swiftly on his emotions. The man said that he loved me without even letting me get out two words or knowing my name. A little to cocky for my taste, I think.” Sango laughed.

“I guess your right. Who would want a man who never let you do anything for yourself and could tell every female he met he loved them at any time?" They laughed agian and suck into their sleepy states. "Well, hopefully we’ll get home tomorrow night before the new moon. I don’t want to travel in straight darkness for who knows how many demons have tried to nest in this area even with my people killing as many as their able without us.” Sango said. She pulled the light blanket up around her and Kirara. The cat purred.

“ I don’t think we are going to have that kind of trouble as long as we have a good start tomorrow. We might reach home before dusk.” Kagome said, pulling her own blanket over her and the bodies of the wolves. Kitz placed his head on her stomach.

“Night Kagome, my your dreams be filled with fields.”

“Night to you Sango, my your dreams be filled with skies.”

66The next morning.66

The woman cleaned up their campsite and left wood for the next traveler as part of their rules of traveling. They had a bit of a late start from speaking longer then normal the night before. They would probably arrive home a little after dusk if they made good time the rest of the day. That was fine with Kagome of course. She loved the travels they had made and didn’t wish for it to end. Of course though, she knew Sango and she would travel again when she went to Lady Higurashi’s lands. It was unspoken but it was what Sango intended. Neither one menchined that if they didn't make it home today, the day of Kagome's birth, that there were going to be searching parties everywhere. Lord Higurashi had threatened them with that fircely.

They traveled all the way up to midday. Sango came down from the sky on Kirara and stopped in front of Kagome and her wolves. Another way they had been training was Sango would fly with Kirara practicing air tactics, while Kagome built up her speed and jumping abilities on the forest floor and in the trees with her wolves getting a work out themselves. They would practice jumping at Kagome and she would have to dodge them or would get banged up from the force they jumped at her with.

They quickly ate their meal and drank their fill of water before continuing onward. Kagome jumped into the branches and her wolves followed underneath, watching her. They ran for a good part of the day until Kagome whistle loudly, telling the others one more break was needed. It was a bit far from dusk but time was closing in on them

“We should be there soon. At least right now we are on grounds we know so the darkness shouldn’t effect us to badly if we were to slow down.” Sango said taking a quick drink of water. Panting wolves and Kirara drank there own fill of water by a nearby stream.

“Yes, this should be easy to get there from here. I would say an hour to an hour and a half at the most so we should hit home just right after the sun fully set. Hopefully we will be in time for a good supper and not get question to much. Father should be pleased that we are coming home the day he asked.” Kagome said. She was readjusting her arrows and bow. “Could you imagine my father’s face if we came back a day late? By Gods that would be crazy.”

“You would be lucky to still be able to leave our rooms.” They laughed, finished their small tasks and continued on.

“Sango!” Kagome whistled a specific pattern before jumping, knowing that her companions would her it. Kirara flew just below her, catching her on her back. Sango looked behind her as Kagome spoke. “ I think that I need to get more air so Kirara will be able to stay up a little higher don’t you think?”

“Maybe, but it could just be solved with the height of the tree too. We should experiment later when we’re more rested.” Kagome nodded in agreement. “ You going to stay up here or do you want to give your wolves a wakeup call. Hopefully Shigure will be ready this time.”

“Set me on the ground Sango, Kitz and Shigure will get it this time, I’m sure.” Kagome whistled another specific pattern and her wolves perked up their ears. “Ready?” Sango nodded. She took Kagome’s wrists in a crossover and waited until Kirara was a bit lower. Kagome nodded back and leaned to her right allowing herself to slip off of Kirara’s back. Using Sango as a leverage she was able to swing under the cats fired paws letting go of at the same time as Sango, into a free fall toward the trees. She flipped readying herself for impact. Kitz and Shigure jumped right above the tree line to her, putting themselves just under each of her arms as support and landed on a tree branch large enough to support them. Mya was right below them just in case she was needed. They jumped to the ground swiftly. Kagome whistled up to Sango, telling her that it worked and nothing went wrong this time.

“Good boys, thank you. Shigure, you came just right this time. Good job, now lets go home.” The four raced to catch up with their flying friends as the sun set behind the mountains in the distance.