InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirror ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Declaimer: I do Not own rights to Inuyasha or the characters. All rights to him are to his real owner, Rumiko Takahashi. Thank you and please don't sue.

Chapter 5

Kagome felt stirred in her place of calm and warmth. She was in a bubble surrounded by a strong force that seemed to cradle her in an unbreakable grip. She felt a tug and a crash. Her warpped world fell apart. Her powers she hadn't know were still there, flowed back into her naked body. She had been intwinded with someone, someone close. Her power had secured them in a tight knot at their cores, and that was something she was not understanding in her sleepy state. Her body was wrapped in something a little ruff, but hard, warm flesh was against her backside and something forgien was against her round bottom.

Kagome's eyes flashed wide open. A body was wrapped around her growling at a disterbance. What, Kagome didn't care, her current disterbance was the fact what she was lying next to was another human and it wasn't a sister sibling body. She looked around only to have her eyes caught by another pair. Her father's brown eyes crashed into hers. Fear and shame fuled her emotions but modesty came first in her book. She went diving into the covers.

At least she tried to. When she moved, an iron grip circled her waist enabling her to move or hide and to be even more pressed into the body behind her. He shifted her as close as he could and it was then she relized her traveler had long silver hair that had found it's way over her shoulder. It was soft but her heart was beating so hard that she couldn't concitrate. She looked down around her stomach and took in a deep breath. The hand was mostly under her stomach wrapped, but his thumb stroked her side through the blanket, try to reassure her a little with a long white claw.

'The one to marry is not a demon fully but half. Your husband-to-be is a half demon.' An 'eep' came to her lips and her contracted husband she had hoped to never meet, was staring strait at her with his large molten gold eyes.


He growled instirictively. His demon blood was no longer held at bay by the strange clam that had swept him up into paridise. The sweet smell was a distraction but he couldn't place it, but he knew that he wanted it, needed it, and was willing to fight anyone who came near it. The calm fell away leaving his emotions in a fighting, protecting state. He needed to take care of his trembling mate. Something was threating her and his nose picked up an intruder through out the smell of their love making.

Her hand had reached for his in strength which surprized him for some reason and allowed his anger to melt, his demon blood restrained once again. He looked down at the shivering woman in his arms. Her back was to him but with her body flushed so tightly against him, he knew the emotions that would be playing across her face. Her scent was full of fear and confusion. He tried to hold her even closer to his body and even though he knew she didn't quite reconize him, she held onto him for help. That was a sign that this woman was to be his mate, if anything.

"What do you want here, Lord Higurashi? Am I not able to enjoy my morning after a hell of a night being sick?" He was not a morning person and being woken up by his demon blood reacting made him even worse. The girl shivered again, pushing against his lower half making him groan. 'Good thing we have company or I would take my little wonderer again. I don't believe I have ever been this pleased or connected to a partner. No wonder my demon side demands her, it wants me to mark her as my mate.' He growled again as the Lord Higurashi moved a little. He quickly looked over his new woman to make sure none of her beautiful skin showed. He covered their arms with the blanket and waited for and explanation from this Lord.

"Lord Inuyasha, I am glad you found my daughter," Inuyasha took in a surprised gasp "but I had wished to have the ceremony first. It gives me a peace of mind that there might be little ones around here soon though." Lord Higurashi spoke with a grin. Miroku, came into the room holding in a laugh at the Lord's words. Inuyasha growled deep at the disrespect from his friend. 'Daughter? Shit.'

"I'll give you two a moment to right yourselves." He pushed the men behind him away and shut the door.

Almost immediantly, his little lover jumped from his grasp, or tried to. She ended up moving the covers to leave her chest wide open and she turned from her side to her back. Wide eyes of fright looked back into his into his own.

She was more beautiful in the morning light than the dark fire's glow the night before. Her hair was tangled but fanned out and her sent was of sweet vanilla coated with a hint of his own. 'Daughter huh? Was it a wonder that he didn't see it in her? They didn't have the same eyes, nose or smile. The only thing that really seemed to be the same was the fact that they shared the dark black hair. Her father may have had before but it was greying with age, but stilll the shimmer was still there.

"So you are the daughter of the Lord Higurashi? You were to be home today so that I would meet you, yet here we are little wonderer with you believing you had comprimised yourself to get out of union. Have any explanations?" He felt her intake of breath and as angered as he was at her trying to make herself impure, he let her out of his arms reluctantly. She took the sheet with her, holding it tightly over her frame. He jumped to his feet, unashamed of showing his body to his bride and stood with his arms crossed, facing her down.

She had the graces to blush and look down. 'After the night we shared together and she is stil shy around me?' He took a seat back on the bed. "Are you going to speak or are you to frightened of the man you signed your life over to and tried to disgrace?" He watched as she flinched.

"I never ment to disgrace you my Lord, I am sorry. I didn't know what else I could do." she whispered. " I never thought I would meet you." She refused to look at him in the face. He growled.

“So you truely didn’t want to be in union with a damn hanyou, right priestess? Or is it because you do have another lover and didn’t believe your father would approve of your choice?” Even as he spoke the words of another lover, he knew they were untrue for he was her first. She was so shy and he had taken her innocence; that proof was on the sheet she now held. She became paler and her grip tightned on the sheet in horror.

“Like I said, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry or disrespect your reputation. I didn’t want to force you into marriage or into my family without love or understanding. I didn’t want anyone to be invovled with my family.” She sounded broken and tired. “ I didn’t think you would even accept a preistess such as myself. To drag another into this is not right. I was going to battle my sister on my own and not have to worry about another person to be burdened with.” She took a breath. "I didn't want to marry without love either, sir." She looked away from him competely, turning instead to look at the dead fire place.

Inuyasha took up his pants from their large pile and started to pull them on. “So, you don’t care that I am a hanyou?” he asked quietly. He pulled up on his pants and tied them up for modisty now that they were talking calmly.

“I will not lie to you. At first I was concerned when my father spoke of your blood line,” At this he began to resume the growling but she continued her words to him. “ I didn’t know if I could trust you. Through my travels not one hanyou I tried to save or came in contact with had any control or balance between their human and demon forms. I was worried because of my miko power you could be greatly affected and cut off any balance you may have. Seeing how you handled your human night, and may I add that secret will not leave my lips to another,” He looked surprised at this, “I see how well you are able to transform back into your true form assures me that you respect both sides and don’t favor.” She responded. She looked more confident all the way through her words but he was surprized. She was so true to her words. ‘She thinks I don’t favor my forms and that I have control.’

“Please. You know nothing of my control.” Her face grew round and her eyes flashed in warning. He took the hint. “Thank you for your honesty though." Eyes changed again to a softer tone in response. “Here,” he tossed her clothing to her. She caught the cloth but amost lost the sheet. He turned his back to give his new found lover her privacy.

“Thank you, Lord Inuyasha.” A small voice spoke. He groaned at the name.

“Don’t call me Lord Inuyasha. We are to have a relationship so don’t call me Lord.” He blushed and was thankful that she was unable to see his face.

“If we really are to be together, Inuyasha” she pause and the sheet hit the floor but he stayed where he was. “Please just call me Kagome.”

“Alright, Kagome. Is there another reason? Why compromise yourself? Why not just run away and battle this out yourself without your father's knowlege?"

"To be honest, I thought that you were really just a traveler. I needed to find someone not noble birth that I know my father could not force me to marry and hope that you would have hated me enough to not want me and I could go to battle. If it was not possiable to win that way I would have come back here to be a slayer with the village. How well that worked out."

Inuyasha took a deep breath in. He didn't know whether this was a good sign or a bad sign but he knew he was in deep.


Miroku stood outside of the cabin with his head low and his thoughts in the clouds. His best friend had been careless. The woman he was going to be bound to was trouble waiting in the bag. Yes, they were supposed to be together but they had skipped words and promises to each other. Hell, the girl tried to make herself ruined. What for?

‘Just weird that shouting hasn’t come within. Inuyasha has an awful temper and I believe Kagome can when she wants to from the way people speak of her.’ Still the silence bothered him. He had been left to escort the new couple back to the castle, with little fuss hopefully. Sango would be taking care of sealing Kagome’s room and chaporoning her with fiercness.

“The look on her face was priceless.” he said speaking allowed. Sango had been sick with guilt for not being here to prevent her Lady from comprimising herself. She went right away to do her job of tightning the exits of everything in Kagome’s rooms when the Lord Higurashi asked of it. She was to also start packing for Kagome’s departure. Miroku had been shocked for this informotion but held his composuer. Sango had knodded her head and left, her kitten companion on her left shoulder.

Suddenly a crash woke his thoughts. Then other heaver object then the last went through one of the cabin's windows. Miroku backed away from the building as a fumming preistess hauled herself out of the cabin. Miroku started to raise a hand to stop her but she went strait past him toward the castle. At least he didn’t have to worry about her running off- hopefully. He turned back to looking at the door she had come from. Inuyasha came out at a more slow pace with bits of wood in his hair and he was brushing the splinters that had stuck to his clothing. When he started on his hair Mrioku finally had the guts to begin conversation without a crazed hanyou or the very mean loking preistes.

“What, if I may question, was that about Inuyasha?” he asked. Inuyasha ‘keh'ed and lifted his nose to the air, eyes closed.

“All I did was ask if she wanted pups. She told me yes and hopefully soon. I said that it was a damn good thing because I need an heir and I asked if she was up to going a round right now and she threw a chair at me screaming she wasn’t married yet.” He folded his arms into a cross over his chest. “Women! One minute they want sex and the next moment they are throwing furniture at you, out the window and threatening to purify your ass. What the Hell is SOO funny Miroku?”

The puple clothed man had broken out in tearfilled laughter as the hanyou had explained the situation. He straightened himself and breathed in deeply.

“Inuyasha, don’t you think she has a point? I mean do you think it is wise to be making ‘pups’ now without a ring on her finger to make her father secure. People might think you love her then be in a contracted marriage. You need to be careful too my friend, with this incident both of your reputations might be ruined.” He paused breathing deeply and continued with his eyes closed. "To top it off, you may need boy heir to piss off your brother, but what if she needs a girl in order to triumph over her sister? It is a woman dominated family you know. Have you thought about that?"

“Yeah. Who believes in love or real happiness, anyway? She bound herself to me, she's mine.” His friend knodded and headed down the path, his steps echoing with the question.

“Yes Inuyasaha, who really believes in love? And who is really owning who here?”



Sango watched in despair and apperhention as her best friend threw a candle holder at the wall, surprizingly shattering the thick metal. Sango was a little nervous. Kagome was even losing her power on the objects now.

“Kagome,” Sango began, realizing she might be hit for making the comment she was about to say. “You made this decion. You should be greatful for the fact this Lord Inuyasha is still willing to marry you.”

Kagome scoffed and sat down on the on the now shredded bedding. “The only reason that he is still willing is because kamii allowed him to be my first and now only has he had it, I am stuck with the man from now on. I am suposed to leave this home to fight for the other. This Inuyasha will only get in my way. To make it worse, he will want to have a male heir and may not claim a girl as his. Oh damn it Sango! What am I to do?”

She threw herself around on her belly, burring her face into a pillow. Sango’s thoughts ran threw her head like wild fire. Could Kagome be right? Was the only reason they were still go through with this because they were in the high up? Reputaions? Becuase Kagome wasn't really ruined? What was the hanyou after?

“Kagome, you are under contract with this man. You are getting married in a few moments. Now be the woman that you really are, and get this thing done with pride. Your honor is on the line with this so wake up, get dressed and hold your head up high as you walk down those steps.” Sango took command. “Look, maybe when this whole deal is done with your family, you two can make some kind of deal so that you are both happy. Now get dressed, you leave tonight and your bags are packed up already. Miroku and the rest of the caravan will follow at a slower pace behind you and your future husband, but you know that you have to get there within the week.”

Kagome sat up and started to get dressed in silence. Sango moved from the wall she was leaning against and helped out. She stiffled a laugh long enough to ask, “ Are you seriesly going to get married in this Kagome?”


“You really think this is going to work out? She was ready to not marry you and even tried to ruine herself to do it. Something is up with that 'Yasha, even if you don’t want to believe it.” Miroku spoke. Inuyasha was dressing quickly and quietly but his ears were up, listening to every word. “How is this going to go for you? You know that if Sesshomaru finds out about this, your going to be in so much trouble.”

“You think I don’t know that?" Inuyasha whipped around to look at his friend with confusion and anger. "You think that I don't know once Sesshomaru finds out that I was trapped into a marriage without knowing the woman first that he will have the perfect excuse to not let me back home?” He turned back around and sat down to tie up his boots. “ Or the fact that even though we had sex, we are to marry, I haven't marked her as mine even though my demon blood is trying to break loose to finish what I started? I do. We are not even having a proper ceremony with having to leave this day after this part. I will be lucky if he doesn't send the thunder brothers after me to repurify our fathers line. Trust me, I am in hell. " He took a deep breath and his ears drooped. "I just wish I knew what was really going on.” He swept the bangs from his eyes in exhuastion.

“ I think I can answer some of your questions about my family.” A small boy walked into the room. He had short dark brown hair and light brownish eyes. He dressed as a higher up but seemed a little uncomfortable about being around them. He had to be around 9 or 10 by the judge of his hight.

“Souta? What are you doing here?” Miroku asked. Kagome's adopted brother had walked into the conversation with the knowlege that could answer their questions. Inuyasha hadn't met the boy but was greatful the little guy had come to help.

“You wanted to know what really is going on right? I think you have a right to know even if my sister doesn’t feel like she can tell you without thinking you will hate her.” Inuyasha sat down on the bench readying himself for the story he was about to be told. Miroku took his note and just leaned himself against the wall. “You must know that I am not born from Kagome’s parents. I was taken in by the Higurashi family, or what was left of it. My father had adopted me when I lost my family in a fire and brought me up as his own. Kagome instantly became my sister and took care of me. I could almost consider her like a mother to me sometimes.

It was a little over a year ago when my father talked to me about their past and why Lady Higurashi was not living with them or having any contact with them. I am sure that you have heard how my father was set up by a woman to break up my father and his wife. What I don’t know is if you know what happened after that.”

Miroku shook his head. He had been wondering what had really happened as Lord Higurashi was banished with one of his little babes with no help. Inuyasha's grunt told him he was wondering too. He hadn't been filled into the story between what had happened with the elder Higurashis but that could wait till later. Miroku would explain everything that he had heard and they would go from there. Right now, the important part was learning about the twins.

"My sister has been told that when she turned eighteen that she would have to leave here with a husband and wealth to fight for a land she doesn't know. She made a deal with my father that if she and Sango were allowed to go on their journey, that she would look for love and if she didn't find it, our father would choose the man she was to wed. Kagome and Sango fulfilled all the requirments like the great wealth and strengthing her power but she didn't find love. She didn't want to marry someone that she couldn't love. Yet my father had been worried since the day they left if he could find a man that might be perfect for my sister. To say the least, my father was happy that you stumbled onto our lands."

Miroku knodded. It was luck that they had ventured here, though he wondered if it was good or bad. "What would have happened if we hadn't found our way here? What was Lord Higurashi going to do about the marriage?"

Souta's face turned into concern and consintration. "My father wasn't sure what he would do but I don't know that he found anyone else. There was a wolf that had sent word a few months back but he made my father very uncomfortable.The man proclaimed that he loved my sister and wanted to lay claim the 'human' way. Seeing as my sister hadn't wrote anything about the wolf in her letters, my father didn't think it wise to have him here."

Inuyasha knodded his head in agreement. "Stupid wolf would have caused a lot of problems with this. They are just a whole group of over crazed animals that makes it tragic being a distant cousin to my family line." Miroku chuckled at Souta's look of worry. The boy was probably amazed seeing that was probably the most he had heard coming from the hanyou. Miroku motioned the boy to continue though for the sake of time. Souta shook his head and continued.

"To the fates sake another condition is to posses the Higurashi power of a preistess. I think it was going to come down to wealth after testing the strength between the two sisters. My sister was, in my opinion, already strong. With her devoting most- if not all her time- training when she was gone, her power should be completely developed by now and will be quite a force. I think my father was hoping for that. We found out not to long ago that the other sister has power and has proven herself to her mother. That was a balance that we believe Kagome can over come."

Miroku thought for a minute. Inuyasha spoke while Miroku processed his thoughts. "So, even though your sister may be able to defeat the other, what is the point of proceeding with the mariage?"

"Well for safety really. You never know if Lady Higurashi will change the rules." Inuyasha knodded in agreement. "Plus, Lord Inuyasha; under the circumstances of last night, it is a wonder you would be asking that question at all." Miroku was shocked and Inuyasha turned bright red and turned around giving the others his back. Miroku regained his composture and chuckled.

"Souta, what are the other requirements for these girls to meet? Marriage, strength and fortune? Those have been explained. What if the girls are tied with with these? If they could not defeat each other or had the same wealth? What would the Lady Higurashi do then?"

"They must have lands and then if still they match, one must have a child before the other. The land would be something easy for my sister if it weren't for me." The boy hung his head low. "Kagome has only a week to arrive there and fight for the lands of her ancestors and even then she may fail."

"Well, your sister has completeled all but the having a child. But I am sure with Inuyasha stamina, they will have a beautiful baby boy soon." The hanyou practiced his growling again.

"I wish. They must have girls. That is another reason it has been so difficult to find a match for my sister. All Lords must have a male heir and this family must have female heir. It was by chance that my father married Kagome's mother. Truth be told they had fallen in love and with no one to say no, they were able to marry even though my father was just a poor man." He took a deep breath. "My father and his wife never had to worry about a male heir. Tell the truth most marriages in this family are with those of little to no noble blood."

'So we were right, she does need a female babe to continue the line' Miroku thought quickly.

" And my sister also has to have lands of her own to complete the tasks."

"What do you mean? These are her lands here, correct? She is the eldest and has the rights here." Inuyasha exclaimed. Miroku agreed with Inuyasha. It was clear to the eye and Kagome was truthfully blood here and with the rights of the family, it was to the females.

"No. Kagome doesn't want her home to be in this. She has told our father quite clearly that the lands here are to go to me even if she looses against Kikyo. Meaning that she has signed over her rights to my name, not even keeping that cabin she built herself. She says that she will just live with Sango if she has to but our father's lands she gives to me." He sniffed a little as if holding back tears. "I hope she is able to win because I could never forgive myself if the reason she lost was because I am to inherit these lands and not her. She deserves to win the contest against her sister. Her life there, was taken from her so long ago, it's just not right."

"Don't worry kid, after we are wed, your sister will have lands. They are far, but they are lands of my family and it will belong to us. You have not to worry." Miroku was surprized to here Inuyasha's words. The only lands he owned were those of his mother. She had left him the heir but Inuyasha had left a friend to watch and care for the lands on his journeys.They were sacred to him and to say that to Souta was a great gift to give his bride.

"I guess that means you had better get busy and marry that girl so you two can have some fun together 'Yasha." The hanyou and the boy blushed. "Hey don't be to embarressed. You are lucky to travel alone together. You need to work hard to keep both of the lines going." Inuyasha growled deeply.

"Thank you for everything Lord Inuyasha. I am real glad that my sister found you. She is in good hands."


The cermony was short and small. Lord Higurashi stood for his daughter though unimpressed with her state of dress. She wore her dark travel clothing of black riding pants and boots with her dark blue shirt that she had made for herself allowing comfort but she had dressed like a man. Her hair was pulled into a tight braid in a high ponytail that still managed to fall past her shoulders. She had left her bow with Sango at least and her father had given her a flower which she wore now in her hair to give her at least a little since of femimity.

Inuyasha was astonished. She was a strong woman and he was glad that she thought ahead. Everyone else in the room had to be furious but Inuyasha thought the faster they got out of here the better. They were leaving after the ceremony for the journey that would give her a new life. A life that he, Inuyasha was bound to now. After listening to her brother it was still confusing why she wanted to comprimise herself if she needed him to complete the tasks giving to her from her mother. Could it be that she didn't what to have the land? She didn't want to be part of this crazy family issues? Miroku had filled in the beginning of her life after the kid had left. Why would a mother do that to her children? To purppusly make them enimes? It made Inuyasha sick. 'But here I am, marring into this family, I will make it right. Our children will never see those days.'

He thoughts were interupted by the preist. He looked deep into his bride's eyes as he said yes to the promise to care for her, cherish her and to protect her. He took the ring he had removed from the chain around his neck earlier, and placed it on her surprised hand. "It's all I can do for you. It was my mother's so it shouldn't be to bad, she prized it." was all he said to her questioning glance. The ring fit like it was made for the woman he couldn't help notice but could not bring himself to think of it any further than that.

The priest had moved on to Kagome. She held her head to him and answered yes to the promise to be loyal, to watch over him during hard times, and to cherish him. She then made a surprise of her own and took out a ring herself. He heard her friend gasp at seeing it. "This ring is to the man I marry. As it's type stays on my father's finger all this time, I hope this will stay on yours through the time we are together or apart." She slipped the ring onto his ring finger. If fit perfectly.

"I now pronouce these two husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Inuyasha looked at the proud woman and she looked at him. Would she let him kiss her? His answer was her small lean in and he took it from there. A tingle ran through their bodies as their lips connected. They left each other quickly not able to look each other in the eye. They stood took hands and faced their witnesses. "Please join me in welcoming our new Lord and Lady." And fates were sealed.


Hoped you enjoyed enough to review! Until later!