InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirrored fates ❯ Suspicions ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything….besides a car that is on its last leg. I keep hoping someone will steal it
Ch. 5 Suspicions
Houjou inclined his head slightly as he pondered the day's events.
`Hmmm…I wonder how close they have become so far??? At least the jewel is still here, I wasn't too late.
“Houjou, tell me, how do you know Kagome?” Miroku asked, eyeing the individual from the future suspiciously.
Houjou turned chocolate eyes back into their mirrored image. “I go to school with Kagome-chan. I have also been wooing her for two years. Has she mentioned me???”
Of course Houjou knew Kagome had never mentioned least not in the way he was implying. He knew her heart was set on the Hanyou of Legends. And now he had finally set eyes on this Hanyou. `Now to gain their trust'. Kagome had never suspected anything of course, with her caring nature. He had been told early on that the present would be the easiest, that the past would prove challenging. He could see now that it would be true.
“No Houjou, she has never mentioned you before. Perhaps she is blind to the affections you harbor for her? Tell me, how do you show your feelings towards our dear friend?”
Sango elbowed Miroku's arm as she whispered to him, “Houshi, stop this. Don't pester the poor boy; he obviously doesn't have a chance with Kagome. At least he isn't stooping to your low level!”
“Ah, Sango my buttercup, jealous are you? Why the moment you say you would like to bear my child, you are mine forever. This hand will never sway………..”
“Never stray my ass! You can't control yourself for ten minutes, Letcher.”
“Ah, but such a lovely one it is dear Sango.” Miroku chuckled as he held his face with one hand.
“Pervert!” Sango angrily stomped out of the hut glaring at the young Hanyou and Miko as she passed.
“Sheesh, she is scary when she is mad. Glad I'm not Miroku” Kagome laughed at the mental image as she looked up and Inuyasha.
“Feh. Fuckin monk deserves what he gets. Askin' everyone to bear his freakin child like he is Kami's gift to mankind. Deserves what he gets, that's what I say.”
“Well Inuyasha, what would you do???” Kagome mused. “I mean he did have a curse on his hand threatening to end his existence. He just wanted to have an heir to pass down his family's hunt of Naraku.”
“Yeah, well what's the lecher's excuse now, huh?”
“Inuyasha, he hasn't asked anyone to bear his child…other than Sango that is…since we defeated Naraku. I think he's changed some.”
“Feh, didn't we just hear the phrase, `will you please bear my child' just yesterday?...I'm telling ya..hasn't changed.” Inuyasha smirked…thinking he'd won the argument.
“What wench….have a forgetful memory??” Inuyasha tapped his foot, smirk still in place.
“That wasn't Miroku…remember, it was Houjou, after he fell through the well and thought he was dreaming” Kagome explained.
“Feh, Whatever wench.” His smirk fell “Hey! Why did that Hobo….
“HOUJOU!! INUYASHA….HOUJOU!! I swear you are about……” Kagome trailed off as a loud growl started emitting from Inuyasha, his gaze no longer staring at her but trailing off further, beyond her towards the hut.
“Inuyasha….are you O.K.???” Kagome shook his shoulders fervently in an attempt to bring him back to reality.
“INU!! What is wrong!?”
His golden eyes locked back to hers, red bleeding in around the edges. She froze, terrified of what could make him so close to the edge.
“Magic Kagome. A strong fucking aura with strong fucking magic to go with it in that hut. Not yours, not Miroku's, and not Kaede's. It smells of the human runt who followed you here. Houjou.”
He gave her two hard shakes to bring her out of her shocked state. “Did you know Kagome……Did you know he had Spiritual powers???”
“N-N..No. Never. He must have concealed them. But, Inu….why would he conceal his Spiritual powers from us??”

“The better question is why did he unveil them now. And why did he follow you. This doesn't feel like a coincidence anymore Kagome. I don't think that bastard followed you here on accident to bring you your `necklace'.” He glared over her head towards the hut once more.
Kagome shivered once as she unconsciously stepped into Inuyasha, his arms coming around her to cradle her.
“What are you saying Inuyasha??”

“I think he knows, that's what I am saying Kagome, ..I think he knows about the well, and everything.”
“He can't…How…No Inuyasha…I can't believe that. He is harmless, I promise. Maybe he didn't know he had them. Surely I would have sensed them earlier.”
Inuyasha thought maybe that was possible…maybe. But it didn't fit. If he didn't know his powers existed then in no way shape or form should they be that powerful. But he didn't want to scare Kagome. She trusted him.
But he's be damned if that idiot human was getting anywhere near Kagome alone. He'd be damned.
“Kagome, your not to go anywhere with him by yourself. Got that?”
“Inuyasha, you can't protect me all the time unless you are with me constantly. Get real. We can't rely on everyone to drop their lives …AGAIN, MIND YOU…so you can feel better about being all `alpha male'”
“Great Idea!”
Inuyasha was smiling….his scary happy smile when he thought he had thought of something `super smart'.
“What exactly is your `great idea' Inuyasha?” Kagome said slowly.
“You and Me. I am not going to leave your side until this Houjou guy goes home. Then I can protect you all the time.”
“Uhhh!!! Kami, you are soo infuriating sometimes. SIT!!”
Unfortunately Kagome hadn't realized that she was still nicely tucked within Inuyasha's arms when she had said the incantation.
Inuyasha smirked as he lifted his head to stare at Kagome's eyes. She was effectively smushed between Inuyasha's hard body and the cold ground beneath her.
Inuyasha however, was not cold like the ground beneath her. He was warm and smooth and that smirk he shot towards her….well it made her forget about being mad at him, that was for sure.
“What's wrong Kagome?” He whispered in her ear.
“N-n-n nothing.” She muttered as his lips brushed across cheek, getting closer and closer to her lips but stopping just at the edge of them, waiting.
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
The feel of his breath against her skin brought delicious tremors to her as desire took over her body.
“” she stuttered
Her eyes widened a fraction as she saw his nostrils flare and his grip on her hips tighten in response to the desire he smelled on her.
“Liar” he whispered as he lowered his mouth to tentatively brush against hers.
“Not..mmph…fair..mmph” she mumbled in-between tiny kisses before he glided his hand up from her hip to the underside of her breast.
As she gasped he took that opportunity to deepen the kiss while his claws gently brushed against her skin under her shirt. He felt Kagome slowly melt under his ministrations. One of her arms came up to clutch to his haori while the other snuck around to start gently rubbing his ear.
Inuyasha growled as he kissed her more fervently, more demanding then before as she arched into his touch and moaned into his mouth.
“Ka-…….” Sango's greeting was instantly cut off as she realized her two friend's position and instantly flushed a shade of red even Miroku had never seen grace her face. “Um….nevermind..I…uh…I'll just go find Miroku and Houjou now…sorry!”
Kagome buried her face into Inuyasha's haori as Sango rushed around them into the hut.
Inuyasha let out a sigh as he stood, bringing Kagome with him as he swept her up and jumped into the nearest tree.
“Inuyasha..what are you doing, I mean, what were WE doing..I mean…put me down!”
“Shhhh!” Inuyasha muttered before wrapping her underneath his arms and sleeves of his haori, effectively trapping her and keeping her snuggled against him comfortably. “Go to sleep Kagome, in the morning we are gonna find out why that bastard hid his spiritual powers. No one can see us up here, I promise, so just relax and go to sleep.”
“Okay” She muttered as he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and they both closed their eyes, lulling each other to sleep with the sounds of each others heart beating in synch.
SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I know I haven't updated in like…forever. Excuses aside, life happened, my aunt passed away very unexpectedly, new apartment, new roommate and her daughter was born with gastroschesis (intestines outside of her body)…so while I'm not in nursing school or at work at the hospital..I feel like I have a little clinic at my apartment between the ng feedings and central line..etc. So again…sorry. Promise it won't be as long between the next update!