InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Broken Soul, Broken Hearted ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

Holy cow! I am soooo sorry! The update is a little bit later then I planned on. I somehow(being a baka) managed to basically delete the whole thing by saving over it. Here it was, already to be uploaded, and I go and do a stupid thing like that! Anyway... Here it is. I think the next chapter may be up on Wednesday, but don't quote me on that.

Thanks again to those reviewers. I am so happy. I'm on people's favorites list! *Dances*.

Anyway... On to chapter four!

Chapter Four: Broken Soul, Broken Hearted

~Heart aches,~

Soul cries,

Something inside me dies,

~I'm unable to fly home~

Kagome looked up from her seat upon the grass as Inuyasha walked out of the hut, a feral growl escaping his lips.

"Ummm... Inuyasha?" She timidly spoke up, wondering what HE had to be mad about. It's not like he had just been told he was going to be MARRIED to somebody he didn't even know. Or... remember. She was still just slightly skeptical about the whole 'miko-Shikon no Tama' thing. Kaede sounded like she knew what she was talking about, or it could just be one big ruse. Maybe they were going after her familie's money? Hmmph. Whatever the case, she didn't think in a normal kidnapping situation that the person being kidnapped was told such an elaborate tale. Maybe she'd been drugged? No... no she didn't think there were drugs that could make you completely forget some things but have other memories flashing around like bright neon lights. And why would a kidnapper have fluffy white dog ears and claws? Maybe some sort of a strange cult...

Her musings trailed off as the potential kidnapper snapped his amber eyes to her, effectively making her jump. He seemed just a little bit, for lack of a better word, ornery. Yup. Ornery. That described his attitude perfectly. Unfortunately, kidnapper or not, she was forced to trust Kaede about the well. She had been given a shred of hope that she could go home through it, and possibly leave these strange people, and the especially strange feeling of... something... getting closer. She didn't know what it was, but it felt like it was drawing closer at an astonishingly fast rate. Well, she'd just ignore it. She wanted to go HOME.

"Oi! You ready to go or what?" Inuyasha questioned, having watched her expression go from suspicious to frightened to a heartbreaking sadness.

Briefly Kagome wondered why she was marrying him, he seemed so rude.

"Yeah, I guess so... Which direction is this well in?" She questioned uncertainly. She'd seen 'The Ring'. Freaked her out. Scary wells. She shivered in remembrance, drawing the dog-boy's attention yet again.

"What's wrong with you?" His left ear flicked irritably. "You still worried somethings gonna eat you?" He asked with a bit of a smirk on his face, a fang effectively displayed.

Kagome was suddenly starkly aware of how different this boy really was. His fangs looked like they could rip a person to shreds.

Nonetheless, her head snapped up in anger.

"No, I am no longer worried about something going to eat me, and that was an honest mistake so I don't see why you have to bring it up! It's not like I remember any of you people..." She trailed off, realising she was arguing with a would-be kidnapper who could probably do whatever the hell he wanted to her and still get away with it. Although he still didn't strike her as the kidnapper-type. Much too handsome, especially with those long, flowing silver tresses of his. 'Whoah, snap out of it girl. You've only just met the guy!'

Inuyasha observed her descent from anger to having her eyes lingering on him in what could have been described as an... appreciative manner. He himself stir with need. She *was* supposed to be getting married to him right? 'Whoa, down boy! Not yours, even though she thinks so.'

He felt something tugging on his sleeve, and looking down, noticed Kagome looking up at him with a frightened gaze. Quirking a brow at her, he sniffed the wind. And caught scent of a rather offensive odor.

"Hey mutt! Where's my woman!" Kouga yelled out, coming to a wind-swirling stop in front of Inuyasha.

"Kouga..." He growled, baring his teeth and drawing Tetsusaiga.

"Kouga? Is that the strange guys name?" Kagome asked, ducking behind him. Inuyasha could smell her fear growing.

Inuyasha felt very smug at that moment. 'Feh! She can't be his if she don't remember him eh?'

"If I were you, Kouga, I'd leave right now before I rip you to shreds!" Inuyasha ground out. He could feel Kagome shivering in fear against his side.

Kouga ignored Inuyasha, racing around him to take Kagome's hands.

"HANASTE!" She screamed, stiffening.

"Now why would I do that? Omae wa ore no mono da! My woman! You can leave dog-face here and come with me!." Kouga told her, tugging on her arm to get her to follow him.

"I don't know you!" Kagome shrieked at him, in a full-fledged panic. She used the only attack she had.

Needless to say, a certain wolf youkai was on the ground, clutching that certain vulnerable part of a man's body, and looking up at her with surprise. Kagome ducked behind Inuyasha again, who could only stare at Kouga in surprise. 'Kagome just... ' He felt a very, very, very small pang of sympathy for the stinking wolf. After that brief moment was completed, he just had to laugh at the stupid youkai.

"That's what you get for trying to take Kagome! She's mine! Got that you wimpy wolf? MINE! Touch her again and you won't have anything left to kick." Inuyasha threatened between chuckles. 'Where the hell did that come from! Kagome is not mine! After we defeat Naraku I'm going to hell with Kikyo. I owe her.' Inuyasha was waging a small war inside his head, a part of him wanting to believe Kagome was really his, the other part trying to reiterate his responsibility to Kikyo.

Kagome was in a state of shock. After kicking that *creepy* guy, then having Inuyasah claim her so... possessively, well it was like a swift kick in the ass.

"Oi! Are you ready to go now?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome nodded her head dumbly.

Inuyasha turned his back to her, crouching down a little bit. Looking over his shoulder at her expectantly.

"What?" Kagome was slightly confused.

"Are you gonna get on or what?" Inuyasha questioned impatiently.

"Wh-why would I have to get on your back? Aren't we just going to walk there?"

"Feh, stupid wench." Inuyasha muttered. Then speaking to Kagome, "This is how we always travel. You usually ride on my back." His tone was just slightly condescending, and Kagome picked up on it.

She bristled instantly. "Excuse me? I'm sorry if it doesn't ring a bell, baka, but in case you haven't noticed I don't remember you! I don't know if I should believe that farfetched story of yours, or if I should believe the more believable tale that you kidnapped me! And I am not a stupid wench!" Kagome shouted angrily.

"Why in the hells would I want to kidnap a stinking, weak, HUMAN like you?" Inuyasha shouted back, slipping into his old role as 'The Big Obnoxious Jerk' with almost no effort at all. He instantly regretted his words as he saw the hurt look on Kagome's face. 'Now I've done it. Not even a full day into our 'relationship' and I've already proven myself to be an unsuitable mate by insulting her!' His ears drooped at the reminder of her amnesia. The though of her not remembering him almost made him want to cry. He was in a full pout.

Kagome had stiffened at the insult, and was about to retort until she noticed the sad look he had. And the absolutely kawaii droop of his ears. She felt the urge to comfort him.

Inuyasha suddenly felt a rubbing at his ears, and jerked his startled gaze up to Kagome's face. 'She's... she's rubbing my ears.', was all he could think before he closed his eyes and practically melted. He was almost purring as she rubbed and scratched his ears.

"Umm... do I do this often?" Kagome asked, continuing her administrations.

Inuyasha's eyes flew open, his moment of happiness ruined at the reminder of their situation. "Ummm... Yeah, almost everyday." He answered, hoping that it would get him more ear rubs in the future. Not like another little lie would hurt either one of them, considering the large web of them he'd already laid out.

"Now can we head to the well?" Kagome asked, ceasing her attention on his ears.

Inuyasha nearly sighed in disappointment, but nodded his head at her. He crouched down again, motioning for her to get on his back.

After a brief moment of hesitation, she climbed on, taking a moment to get settled. After she had finished getting comfortable (and appreciating the feeling of him), she nodded, telling him she was ready.

Inuyasha coiled his muscles, taking a forward and upward leap, startling Kagome. Her arms tightened around his neck, as she was surprised by his near-flying abilities. Suddenly, she was hit full in the face with his long, silver tresses. Before she could stop herself, she had taken a long, deep sniff of his hair. 'He smells like pine...' She thought, fully appreciating the intoxicating aroma.

Before long, she began to revel in the feeling of the wind whistling by her ears, and tugging at her hair. She was happy for a brief instant.

They left a confused youkai kneeling on the ground, staring up after them in shock. "Ka-kagome... I will love you...Kore kara zutto itsumademo." He whispered.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

All too soon, they had touched down at the well.

Kagome slid off his back, feet hitting the ground lightly, and looked apprehensively at the well. Inuyasha felt a pang of loss. He had been enjoying the feeling of her pressed up against him, her breasts squashed against his back.

"Umm... so how does this work exactly?" She asked uncertainly. She wasn't quite sure she wanted her belief to be confirmed that she really had been kidnapped. Despite their arguement earlier, she still wasn't exactly believing their story.

"Well I ain't too sure about the magic part of it, but we just jump in and end up in your time." Inuyasha answered.

"Alright. Let's go then!" Said Kagome, forcing a cheerful tone into her voice.

Inuyasha's ears drooped again, instantly saddened at her hurry to leave. 'Does she hate me that much?' He thought. 'Not like I haven't deserved it sometimes...' He trailed off, noticing Kagome watching him intently.

"Ready?" He snapped at her, disturbed to have her staring at him.

She nodded, opening her mouth to say something, but before she could say a word, he had swooped her up into his arms. She instinctively clutched at his neck, trying to stabilize herself.

Making sure she was settled, Inuyasha lept into the well, expecting the tingling feeling of the magic working on them. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut, startled at his sudden movements.

After she felt them hit the ground, she cracked them open a little bit.

"Inuyasha? Did it work? Am I home?" She questioned hopefully.

Inuyasha couldn't understand what went wrong. All the other times he'd gone to her time he had been instantly at her shrine after he jumped in the well. Maybe it was broken. Still, he decided to try again.

Clutching Kagome tighter, he leaped back out of the well, instantly leaping back in again. And again hit the bottom.

Kagome began to get worried. This didn't seem normal. She opened her eyes wide, taking in the dirt and bones at the bottom of the well.

"Inu-Inuyasha? What is wrong?" She asked, fearing his answer.

"Kagome, don't get mad please. I... I don't think you're going to be able to go home yet. I think the well is broken." He explained, afraid of her reaction.

"What? What's going on?" She questioned, becoming more frightened by the moment.

"Don't worry, we just gotta go talk to Kaede. I bet she could fix it up quick." He explained, hoping to comfort her. He jumped out of the well, bounding back toward the hut.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede was waiting outside the hut when they got there, slightly bent over, a sad expression on her face.

Noting Inuyasha's worried glance, she explained quickly.

"It is as I feared then. The well does not work. I had hoped that it would remain uneffected by Kagome's situation, but her soul has forgotten it. If Kagome does not remember the well, then her soul cannot work the magic needed to get her home." Kaede placed a comforting hand on Kagome's shoulder. "I am truly sorry child, but you may not be able to go home until you remember." She did not say that she may never be able to go home if she never regained her memories.

Kagome realized this though, her heart instantly breaking at the thought of never seeing her family again, and having to stay with these strange people for the rest of her life.

Her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, tears streaming down her face.

End Chapter four! Arigato for reviews and reading!


Hanaste- Let me go

Baka- Idiot

Omae wa ore no mono da- You belong to me

Kawaii- Cute

Kore kara zutto itsumademo- Always and Forever.

Yup, I think that's all the japanese I used in this chapter. I'm using phrases now! Yay me! Oh and if you want to check out my poem I posted on, it's under the same pen name. I would be so ecstastic if you would read it and review. Ja ne!