InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Worthless ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: I don't own anything having to do with Inuyasha, which makes me really sad. Oh well. I woulda had him nekkid by now anyway. ^-~

Thanks for the reviews guys! I love ya'll so much! I know I'm not much of a writer but it's really nice to have you guys reading my story and actually appreciating it! Arigato! Anyway... I am really really sorry that that last chapter was so short. I'm gonna make this one quite a bit longer if I can. And I'm terribly sorry that I've kinda been later updating than I would like. Life has been a bit hectic since I got my job. I've been working mornings, which means I'm so exhausted when I get home. That plus school starts again in another couple of days, I have karate, and I'm *trying* to keep up with all the other fanfictions I read. Which reminds me... I wouldn't mind if people gave me the urls to their stories if they want me to read them. Anyway... Sorry for the rambling. On to chapter twelve!

Chapter Twelve: Worthless

~I don't need your acceptance,~

I don't need your help.

I can live without your presence,

~I don't need you here.~

Kagome looked down at Shippou, her heart pounding madly in her ears. "Sesshoumaru...?" She felt a flash of recognition at the name, though she just couldn't find a face to match it.

Shippou glanced up at her before turning his gaze back out the window. "Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's half-brother. He's full demon and he's really mean." His tail twitched madly.

Kagome would have relaxed hearing it was only Inuyasha's brother, but her instincts were telling her she was in danger. "Do they get along?" She asked innocently, absently stroking Shippou's twitching tail.

"No. Actually, Sesshoumaru tried to kill Inuyasha a couple of times. He was after Tetsusaiga for a while. Inuyasha cut off his arm." Shippou said simply, smelling Sesshoumaru getting closer.

Kagome stilled her movements, stunned. "But-but their brothers! Why would Sesshoumaru want to kill him?" Her eyes widened at the thought of Inuyasha cutting off his arm. 'What's going on between those two to cause such conflict?' She wondered to herself, before picking up Shippou and rushing outside.

She saw a dot in the sky, and trained her gaze on it. "What in the world is that? You guys don't have planes here..." She noticed the dot drawing closer, and taking on the shape of a... It was hard for her to describe. It looked like a two headed dragon, with a man on its back.

Shippou shook in fear, crawling on Kagome's shoulder and clinging to her neck before answering. "Sesshoumaru... and his dragon servant." He tucked his face into her hair, tail swishing from side to side.

As Kagome continued to stare at the oncoming shape, her body began to tremble in fear. 'I don't know what I have to be afraid of... Him and Inuyasha don't get along, so what? That doesn't mean Sesshoumaru is going to hurt ME. But... What if he's here to hurt Inuyasha? I won't let him!" Unbeknownst to her, her miko energy flared slightly as she once again felt the need to protect Inuyasha. Shippou yelped slightly, falling to the ground.

Kagome looked down at him quizzically. "Are you ok, Shippou?" She noticed he looked just a little bit singed.

Shippou nodded, shaking his burned hands to cool them. "I'm fine, Kagome. But can you not get all powerful when I'm on your shoulder?" He asked innocently.

Kagome stared down at him in shock. "Did I do that to you? I'm so sorry Shippou!" She knelt down and hugged him to her, her miko energy dissipating. Sesshoumaru was momentarily forgotten as her guilt consumed her over hurting him.

Shippou hugged her back, then started trying to squirm out of her grasp.

"Sesshoumaru'" He said meakly, looking over her shoulder.

Kagome stiffened, standing up and turning around with Shippou in her arms. She took in the site of the two-headed dragon quickly, noticing that although it looked dangerous it had an air of mischief about it. She turned her gaze to the intimidating man in front of her. She drew in a breath quickly, instantly noticing the similarities between him and Inuyasha. He had the same silver hair, although his was sleek, longer and less wild than Inuyasha's. He had the same golden-eyed gaze, but his was devoid of emotion, unlike Inuyasha's. He bore a crescent-moon shaped purpled mark on his forehead, and two purple slashes on each of his cheeks. He also had a white, fluffy...thing wrapped around his right shoulder that appeared to be a tail. She looked to his other arm and noticed that his sleeve was flapping loosely. He appeared to be wearing some reddish eye-liner as well, but he didn't look in the least less masculine because of it. His features were quite feminine, but they didn't draw from his raw masculinity. He had spiky armour over the shoulder of his missing arm and across his chest, and a black plate over his stomach. He was wearing white robes befitting a lord, with red flower patterns gracing his neck and sleeves. There was a yellow and blue sash tied around his midriff, where he carried two dangerous looking swords. He was also looking down at her disdainfully, as if she were a parasite.

She glared right back at him.

"So I see Inuyasha's bitch is still alive." His face was absolutely expressionless, although she thought she saw a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Kagome stiffened at the insult, raising her jaw in defiance. "I am NOT a bitch. My name is Kagome!"

Sesshoumaru quirked a brow at her. "You are a female, are you not? Then you ARE a bitch." Then he turned his back to her, looking into the forest intently.

She glared at his back for a moment, before drawing her attention to the flash of silver and red approaching them. "Inuyasha..." She murmured, surprised at the relief that flowed through her at his arrival.

Sesshoumaru gave no indication of his hearing her. He kept his gaze fixed on the angry hanyou running toward him.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he came to a stop a fair distance from Sesshoumaru, his hair swirling around him. He kept his eyes on Sesshoumaru, drawing Tetsusaiga. "Kagome, daijouba desu ka?"

Kagome nodded at him. "Ah, daijoubu! But what is going on?" She asked, her eyes flickering in between the two men.

"Sesshoumaru! What the hell do you want?" Inuyasha asked tersely, his grip firm on Tetsusaiga. He brandished the huge fang around menacingly.

Sesshoumaru barely even glanced at the sword, looking down his nose at Inuyasha. He quirked a brow. "This Sesshoumaru did not come here to kill you, half-breed. This Sesshoumaru felt a powerful surge of energy generated from this direction last evening. This Sesshoumaru came to investigate." He explained coolly. AhUn nodded their heads as if in agreement.

Inuyasha glared at him, tightening his grip on the sword, his eyes hostile. "Is that right?" He asked sarcastically. "Well you can just sit your frigid ass back on your pet and fly back home cause I ain't telling you nothing!"

AhUn stomped their feet angrily, obviously insulted. Sesshoumaru's gaze didn't move from Inuyasha's face. "If you do not tell this Sesshoumaru what has transpired, this Sesshoumaru will have to force you!" His hand began to glow with the deadly green poison.

Kagome froze, terrified that Inuyasha would get hurt...or worse... Her heart pounded so loudly she was sure the other two would be able to hear it. "Inuyasha! Onegai! Don't get yourself hurt!"

Inuyasha growled, effectively silencing her protests. "Keh! I'm not going to be the one who loses!" He said arrogantly. "Just stand back and let me protect you!"

Sesshoumaru witnessed the transaction, a look of disgust crossing his otherwise cool features. "This Sesshoumaru sees that you still carry your disgusting love for the pathetic humans. How pitiful." His poisonous hand glowed brighter. "Are you going to explain to me of this strange new power, or is this Sesshoumaru forced to beat it out of you?"

Inuyasha's eyes flickered over to Kagome for an instant, before focusing intently on Sesshoumaru. "Keh! You can damn well try to beat me!" He invited him, flicking his silver hair over his shoulder. He charged at Sesshoumaru, lifting Tetsusaiga in a striking position.

Sesshoumaru smoothly avoided the attack, stepping slightly to the side. He raked his across Inuyasha's face, leaving three long gashes across his right cheek. They immediately went black from the poison. Inuyasha growled in pain and anger, quickly swinging around to face Sesshoumaru again. Kagome screamed, Sesshoumaru's actions having been only a blur. She gasped at the state of Inuyasha's face.

Inuyasha glared at Sesshoumaru, blood running thickly down his neck and onto his haori. "You bastard! You'll pay for that!" He charged at Sesshoumaru again, this time anticipating his movements and intercepting him. He swung Tetsusaiga sideways, toward Sesshoumaru. The demon simply back-flipped, landing feet-first against a tree. He pushed off swiftly, aiming towards Inuyasha, and drawing his hand back to attack again.

Inuyasha barely managed to move out of the way, leaping back quickly and landing in front of Kagome. "Kagome, get the hell outta here!" He yelled, swinging Tetsusaiga again and searching for the wind scar. He found it swiftly, and aiming in the general direction of Sesshoumaru, began the lethal attack. "Kaze no-" He was silenced when he felt a fist hit his diaphragm. The air whooshed out of him quickly, and he doubled over, losing the attack.

Sesshoumaru looked down at the bent over hanyou, his hand resting on Tokijin's hilt. "Now, does this Sesshoumaru have to continue beating you, or are you going to comply?" He practically sniffed in disdain, turning his nose up and lifting his chin arrogantly.

Kagome stood staring, eyes wide in shock. "Inuyasha!" She screamed, her heart skipped a beat when she saw him double over.

Inuyasha straightened up slowly, grimacing slightly in pain. He raised Tetsusaiga again, and glared at Sesshoumaru in defiance. "No fucking way I'm telling you a goddamn thing, you bastard!" He leaped high into the air, coming down swinging at Sesshoumaru. The sword cut into the earth deeply as Sesshoumaru nimbly avoided the attack.

Kagome gasped as Sesshoumaru seemed to disappear right in front of her eyes. He had just flickered, and vanished. She screamed at Inuyasha when she saw Sesshoumaru reappear behind him in mid-air, a golden whip extended from his hand. Inuyasha didn't even have time to turn before it cracked ruthlessly against his back. It cut across, ripping at the fire-rat robes, and splaying blood on the ground. Inuyasha screamed in pain and outrage before slamming into the ground, losing his grip on Tetsusaiga. He skidded painfully across the dirt.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried out again, breaking from her frozen state and running towards him.

Inuyasha climbed to his feet slowly, wincing and throwing Kagome a reproachful look. "Stay back, Kagome!" He turned away from her, facing Sesshoumaru. She nearly cried when she saw the state of his back.

A huge gash cut from his right shoulder to his left hip, gaping open and bleeding profusely. 'Inuyasha...You must be in so much pain...But you keep fighting to protect me...' She backed away from the two, heading back towards Shippou, who was cowering in fear. He was also shooting Sesshoumaru dirty looks while his attention was diverted elsewhere. "Shippou! We have to stop this! Inuyasha's hurt!" She bent down and picked the kit up, squeezing him to her, but never taking her eyes off of Inuyasha.

Inuyasha glared at Sesshoumaru, desperately trying to sense where Tetsusaiga was. He spotted it, laying in the grass, over Sesshoumaru's shoulder. 'Fuck...' He inwardly grimaced in pain, feeling the blood seeping out of the cut and down his back. His cheek ached, his body trying to fight off the poison. He smirked at Sesshoumaru, determined to hold his ground. Sesshoumaru glared coolly back at him, his posture that of a well-trained lord.

"Keh! Where's your other little servant today, Sesshoumaru? Have they deserted you?" Inuyasha questioned mockingly, speaking of Jakken.

"This Sesshoumaru will not lower himself to answer your pitiful barks. You are to answer my questions, or this Sesshoumaru will begin to lose his patience." He answered threateningly.

"Bastard! You talk too damn much! Now I'm going to kill you!" Inuyasha took off running at Sesshoumaru, raising his claws menacingly. At the last moment, he jumped into the air, flipping over Sesshoumaru and landing right next to Tetsusaiga. He grinned arrogantly, picking up his sword and pointing it at Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru didn't even turn around, instead he began to walk over to Kagome. "You! Pitiful human! You WILL tell this Sesshoumaru what has transpired here, as the half-breed is obviously too brain-less to act civilly." He approached the trembling girl, stopping not but five feet away from her. He wrinkled his nose slightly, obviously not approving of her scent. He could smell the terror radiating off of her in waves.

Inuyasha yelled in anger after being dismissed so obviously. He ran at Sesshoumaru, only to be thrown back by one flick of the demon lord's wrist. Sesshoumaru continued to glare at Kagome intently, awaiting an answer. Kagome's eyes were wide in fear, her arms clutching Shippou tighter to her.

'What should I do? What should I do? Do I tell him... or not? He'll just continue to hurt Inuyasha if I don't...' She made up her mind firmly to tell him, opening her mouth to speak.

"Kagome! Don't!" Inuyasha yelled from his spot on the ground.

Kagome shut her mouth long enough to glare at Inuyasha. Then she turned her gaze back to Sesshoumaru. " was me... I *killed* Kikyou..." She told him haltingly.

The only sign of surprise on his face was the lowing of his eye-lashes. He absent-mindedly flicked away Inuyasha's attack again, keeping his eyes on Kagome's face. "You? A pathetic, weak, HUMAN like you? Impossible." He snorted derisively.

Kagome felt a brief hint of anger flare up in her. "It WAS me! Who in the hell do you think you are? Coming here, beating on Inuyasha, demanding information, than not believing it when it is supplied! I don't give a damn if you're some powerful demon. I think you're an ass!" She yelled at him, her brown eyes flickering with anger.

Sesshoumaru drew back, disbelieving that the pitiful human would DARE speak to him thusly. He raised his hand to strike her, and she braced for the hit. "How dare you..."

When the back of him hand hit her cheek, it snapped her neck sideways, and threw her entire body back and into the ground. Blood spurted out of her mouth, and her lip split open. Kagome felt hot tears well up in her eyes as the pain exploded in her head. She blacked out.

Sesshoumaru advanced upon her, intending to end her life, but was brought to a halt as Inuyasha jumped in front of him, growling ferociously. "Don't you ever fucking touch her!" His eyes flickered red, and the wind picked up.

Then Sesshoumaru noticed Inuyasha was sans Tetsusaiga. He felt a minimal amount of fear race through him as he sensed the change in Inuyasha's blood. He drew back a step, drawing Tokijin. Inuyasha was unpredictable in his youkai form.

"Back down, half-breed. She has insulted this Sesshoumaru for the last time." He threatened, although he knew it was pointless to speak. Inuyasha was far passed listening.

Inuyasha growled, one fang sticking out passed his lip. He raised his claws, and felt the need to kill course through him. He smelled his mate's blood, and was not pleased. "Time to die, you fucking bastard!" He howled, running at Sesshoumaru with amazing speed.

Sesshoumaru had not anticipated Inuyasha's new abilities, and he did not quite move in time. Inuyasha's claws scraped against his arm and shoulder, leaving a bloody gash as the hanyou swept past him.

Sesshoumaru leaped gracefully out of reach, disregarding the blood flowing freely out of the wound. "Worthless half-breed! It is far past time to be rid of you!" Sesshoumaru sheathed Tokijin, leaping into the air. The wind swirled around him in a golden blaze of energy. Sesshoumaru disappeared, becoming a huge white dog as he landed. The force of it shook the earth, and he left enormous paw-prints in the ground. His red eyes trained on Inuyasha, as a dog would on a cat.

Kagome flinched, sitting up with her hand pressed against her cheek. She screamed when she saw the huge white dog in front of her, and craned her neck back to take in the site. 'What is going on...' She noticed the enormous beast bore the same crescent moon as Sesshoumaru did. 'Is it couldn't be...' Although in her heart she knew it was.

Sesshoumaru turned to look at Kagome when she screamed, and her blood ran cold as she saw him look at her hatefully. His eyes glowed red, his mouth open just enough to show his huge canines. He took a step toward her, opening his mouth wider, as if to swallow her whole. Then she noticed he had only three legs, two in the back and one on the right side up front. 'It is Sesshoumaru...' She felt all hope die in her that they might win against him. 'Inuyasha couldn't possibly beat something a huge as him... He could swallow him in one gulp!' She trembled, tears coursing down her cheeks.

"Well too damn bad! I won't let you hurt him!" She screamed at the inu youkai, getting to her feet and standing tall. She swung her raven hair behind her, glaring at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru glared back, an evil intent in his eye.

There was a sudden yell, more like a growl than any actual words, and Inuyasha lept onto Sesshoumaru's back. He began to slash at him with his claws mindlessly, his bloodlust driven him beyond any control. Sesshoumaru howled in outrage, causing the very earth to shake, and the trees to tremble. Kagome fell down to her knees, staring at Inuyasha in shock.

'Wha- what happened? His eyes are blood-red... He looks crazy. Where is Tetsusaiga?' She sat dazedly for a moment, before jumping back up to her feet. Which was difficult because Sesshoumaru had begun to buck, trying to throw Inuyasha off of him. After much failer, Sesshoumaru simply rolled over, almost squashing Inuyasha under him. He would be dead if he had not leaped off just in time.

This did nothing to stop the crazed hanyou, he just lept up and swung at Sesshoumaru's eye. Sesshoumaru swung his head around, hitting Inuyasha and sending him flying into the forest. Satisfied Inuyasha was set away for the time being, Sesshoumaru turned his red eyes back to Kagome. He growled at her, taking a small leap and landing with his huge paw not ten feet away from her. She jumped, and scrambled back quickly.

"INUYASHA!!! Get away from me!!! INUYASHA!!!" She screamed, panicking. Her terror built up inside of her to an explosive point, until it manifested itself into the raw power she had felt before. She blinked, lifting her hands and noticing they had a slight blue glow to them. She noticed Sesshoumaru pause as well, looking down at her quizzically, already poised to attack. He drew back, transforming back into his humanoid form.

"You hide this power? Why? This Sesshoumaru demands answers!" He growled at her. The feeling of her sudden power had surprised him greatly, though he would not show it.

Kagome looked up at him, her eyes wide and scared. "I...I didn't know I was! I swear Sesshoumaru!" She was almost pleading with him, terrified that he was going to kill her at that moment.

Sesshoumaru merely glared at her disdainfully. "You are a weak human. You cannot even control your own powers." His mind was whirling, suddenly realising she had been telling the truth before. 'This...girl... has killed Kikyou, one of the most powerful mikos known. She is dangerous. I, Sesshoumaru, must kill her before she realises her full potential.' He flicked his glance away from her, noticing the little kit had disappeared. He dismissed the observation, considering it irrelevant. "It is time for you to die, human scum." He said, drawing Tokijin.

Kagome's eyes widened even more, welling up with tears. She lifted her arms to shield herself, though she knew it would do no good. 'I'm going to die... And I'm never going to see Inuyasha again... Inuyasha...' The thought of him sent an even stronger surge of energy through her, and she unknowingly created a barrier around herself.

Sesshoumaru halted, becoming very still. He looked down his nose at her, disgusted. "You think that your weak barrier could hold against the great Sesshoumaru!? How idiotic." He drew back Tokijin, intending to strike the killing blow.

Kagome squeezed her eyes shut, forcing more power into her shield, and at the same time, trying to create another ball of energy like the one she had used on Kikyou. 'I don't want to kill anybody again...But if I have to to save Inuyasha and myself I will.' With new resolve, she built up on the power, forcing energy into her hand as fast as she could. 'I don't know how I'm doing this...' She thought dazedly.

Sesshoumaru paused, obviously surprised by her actions. He shook himself, moving to attack again. Just as Tokijin was about to pierce through the barrier, he felt a tearing in his back, a piercing that went straight through his stomach. He looked down, and saw the tip of the rusty blade Tetsusaiga sticking out through his innards. The blade was withdrawn quickly, twisting a little as though it was handled awkwardly.

Sesshoumaru hissed in pain, grabbing at the bloody wound in his stomach with one clawed hand. He turned around, facing his attacker.

"How dare you..." He growled, before falling gracefully to the ground.

End Chapter Twelve! Thanks for reading guys!


Sesshoumaru- Killing Perfection

Inuyasha- Dog demon (actually inu means dog, but yasha I believe translates into female demon *giggle*)

Daijouba desu ka- Are you alright

Ah Daijoubu- Yes, I'm fine

Onegai- Please

Kaze- Wind

Inu youkai- Dog demon(or monster or ghost or apparition or spectre or goblin, there was a lot of translations for youkai)

Anyway... Arigato again! And I know there was quite a bit of This Sesshoumaru and I, Sesshoumaru, but it would be so unlike him just to say me or I. I think I did alright with his character, but I probably mangled it horribly. Ja ne!