InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miscommunication ❯ Miscommunication ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Leaves crunched under Kagome's feet as she walked through the forest. She had come here alone to do some thinking. It had been two weeks since the defeat of Naraku, and people were beginning to move on with their own lives. Sango and Miroku were to be married soon and had decided to settle near the village. That made Kagome happy, since with the purifying of the jewel the well had stopped working. She had suspected that would happen, so she had at least been able to tell her family goodbye. Honestly, she hadn't been to upset about it, or wouldn't have been except for one thing; Inuyasha. She had given him the complete jewel, and in return he had broken her heart. He hadn't even hesitated with his wish. Kikyo was brought back to life. Sure, she was happy that he wasn't going to die, that he could live out a full life with the woman he loved. Too bad that wasn't her. What should she do now? She had lost two homes now. The thought of staying in the village and watching Kikyo live the life she so desperately wanted for herself didn't really appeal to her. It was already bad enough; with Inuyasha building a house for them to live in. he was almost obsessed about it, hardly ever stopping construction. He didn't have time for her anymore. In fact, he'd barely spoken to her since he'd made his wish. Of course, Kikyo was a different story, following him around, constantly checking on the new house. Kagome hadn't even been allowed to see it. She had hidden her hurt well. All of her friends seemed to believe she was over Inuyasha. `There's not much of a choice. Once Sango and Miroku are married I'll leave. I never really belonged here anyway. Shippo will want to come with me, but I better not tell him yet; he's liable to let something slip. One thing is for sure. Once I leave, I'll never see Inuyasha again.'
Miroku laid aside the axe he had been using and stretched, wiping the sweat from his forehead. With help from the villagers he had almost finished the hut he and Sango would be living in. it was just outside the village, near the woods. Shading his eyes, he made out the approaching form of Kagome, and frowned. While he pretended to go along with everyone else, Miroku sensed that there was something wrong with the girl. True, when she was around people she made s good show of being happy and content, but he could see the tinge of sadness in her aura, and she had been spending more and more time alone. `Inuyasha, the ass. Can't he see what he is doing to her? Is he truly as insensitive as that? If I were Kagome I would have already sat him into next year.' Kagome looked up, and seeing Miroku, gave him a bright smile. But he had seen the look on her face, and was concerned. Masking his worry, he called out, “Kagome! What are you doing out this way? Sango was looking for you earlier.” Kagome hopped up on the newly erected fence before answering. “Sorry. I just felt like taking a walk. Kaede says I need to meditate more often, and it's easier when no one else is around.”
“Spend anymore time alone in the forest, and you're likely to turn into a tree.” Miroku replied, only half joking. “If you are looking for Shippo, I think he may be with Sango. He was helping me, but he got distracted. You know how he is.” Kagome chuckled along with him, “Yeah, the other day he went out for a bucket of water, but ended up chasing a lizard for about two hours instead. I don't dare leave him alone to watch the fire!”
“Speaking of inattentive demons, have you seen Inuyasha today?” slyly questioned Miroku, glancing at Kagome out of the corner of his eye as he worked on shaping a shingle. She immediately stiffened. “No, I haven't seen him in two or three days.” Hopping off the fence, she waved, “Did you mention Sango was looking for me? I'll go see if she's in the village. See you later!”
Miroku sighed as she trotted away. `I have a bad feeling about this. If something happens, I may have to purify Inuyasha myself.'
Kagome made her way through the village, scanning it for any sign of Sango or Shippo. `Not here. Maybe I should check Kaede's hut.' Stepping inside, she immediately regretted not knocking. Kaede wasn't there, but Kikyo was. Along with Inuyasha. Kikyo had just handed him a bowl, and he looked up at Kagome, mouth full, “Oi, Kagome. Want somethin' to eat? There's plenty.” Kikyo shot him an irritated glance, “Actually, there is not. I only made enough for the two of us.” Kagome hastily backed out of the door, saying, “That's okay, I've already eaten. Sorry to interrupt you!” the reed mat slapped behind her as she raced off, trying not to cry. `I can't stand it! They're already acting like a married couple, sharing intimate little meals. I wonder just how intimate…' Choking back a sob she found herself nearing the well, and was relived to hear Sango's voice.
“I've looked everywhere for her Shippo! You don't suppose something's happened to her do you?”
Kagome called out Justas Shippo opened his mouth to answer Sango.
“Here I am! I just talked to Miroku and he said you were looking for me. What's up?”
Sango and Shippo turned towards her, relief evident on their faces. “We were starting to worry! Shippo and I have been looking everywhere for you! Anyways, I wanted you to have a look at my wedding kimono. It might need some alterations, and the wedding is in only a few days.” Kagome shoved the earlier incident to the back of her mind and focused on Sango. “Sure! I might not be much help though. Sewing has never been my strongest point.” Shippo hopped from Sango's shoulder to Kagome's. “Can I help too?” Kagome smiled at the little kit. “Of course you can. Could you bring me my sewing box? I left it at Kaede's. “Sure!” chirped Shippo, always glad to help. He was halfway down the trail before Sango called to him, “Bring it to my house Shippo! That's were I left the kimono.” Shippo waved one little hand back over his shoulder to show he had heard. Turning to Kagome, Sango shook her head.” I don't know where he gets all that energy. He's already worn out all the children in the village, but he just keeps going.” Kagome grinned as they started back to Sango's. “I think it's just his age. Souta was like that too.”
Sango gave a mock shudder. “And Miroku wants ten children, at least! Maybe I should start praying for all girls.”
Kagome giggled. “Are you sure? If you were anything like I was as a child, you might want to think twice.”
Sango grimaced, remembering. “On second thought, maybe I should stay single. You know, a little old lady in a tiny hut, with thirty-one nekomatas named Miroku.”
“Speaking of Miroku,” said Kagome, pointing, “It looks like he's finishing up for the day.”
“Ah, Sango, my flower!” exclaimed Miroku, “I'm so glad you have returned. May I ask what you lovely ladies are planning to do?”
Sango and Kagome exchanged amused glances, and Kagome answered, “Oh, you know. Take a look at Sango's wedding kimono.”
“Go over my trousseau.” Sango added.
“Make final wedding plans.”
“Discuss the other weddings in the village.”
Start making plans for your children.”
“Would you like to join us houshi-sama?” questioned Sango, all wide-eyed innocence.
Miroku quickly back-peddled out of the yard, an insincere grin plastered to his face.
“I would love nothing more, but alas, I have things to attend to in the village. Until later!”
And as he sped away, the girls heard him mutter under his breath, “Much, much later.”
That sent them into gales of laughter, and they had to lean against each other for support.
A few minutes later Shippo skipped into the hut with Kagome's sewing kit. Kagome patted him on the head. “Thanks Shippo. Did you see Kaede?” Shippo shook his head, taking out his top to spin on the floor. “Nope. Just Inuyasha. He asked where you were, and told me to tell you he had to go somewhere, but that he'd be back in time for the wedding.” With a sickly smile she asked, “Why did he have to leave? Did Kikyo go with him?”
“Dunno, he wouldn't say. Kikyo wasn't with him when he left though.”
Kagome let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding as Sango glanced at her suspiciously. “Kagome, I thought you had gotten over Inuyasha. You're not letting this bother you, are you?”
Kagome forced a laugh. “No, of course not! I just would have been surprised if Kikyo would have traveled alone with him before they were married, that's all.” Sango only nodded, as it suddenly hit her that the other girl was not over the hanyou at all. Turning the subject back to the kimono, she made sure not to bring up Inuyasha again, and they spent the rest of the evening working on her clothes.
The next few days sped by quickly, everyone working at a furious pace to have everything done in time for the wedding. The day was bright, without a hint of rain, as Kagome hurried to the shrine o help Sango get ready. She had been able to finish her own kimono, and was pleased with the results. It was a deep purple, with a cherry blossom tree trunk traveling up the front left side, as the branches spread all the way around the kimono in full bloom, with a few petals scattered in the middle and at the bottom, as if just fallen. She had tied her hair up on top of her head for the occasion, since it was elegant and also kept her hair out of her face. And as she came upon Sango, she saw it had been a good idea. Distractions couldn't be afforded, as Sango was in a full-blown panic. Pacing back and forth in only her yukata, hair still unbound, she cried out to Kagome, “Thank kami you're here! I don't know what to do. Am I making a mistake? Will he even show up? We're supposed to be married at sunset, and I haven't seen any sign of him! If he runs out on me I'll die! No,” she amended, clenching her fists and narrowing her eyes, “I won't! I'll hunt him down and kill him with my bare hands!” Kirara mewed from where she was crouching in the corner of the room, trying to stay out of her friend's warpath. Kagome reached out to unclench her fists, and said soothingly, “Sango, everything is fine. I saw Miroku just a few minutes ago, and he's terrified you'll change your mind. He's already dressed, and we need to work on you. Now, sit down and let me fix your hair.” The tension went out of Sango's body at Kagome's calm words. “Thank you Kagome. I'm just so nervous! Especially about…” she paused, blushing, “Tonight. I've heard how to please a man, but knowing how and actually doing it are two different things.”
Kagome answered as she twisted up Sango's hair, “Don't worry too much. I overheard the men talking, and apparently Miroku is more innocent than he lets on.” She grinned down wickedly, “Poor Sango, your husband may faint on your wedding night! Whatever will you do?”
Sango stood, laughing, he better not! If he does, I'll threaten to tell the whole village!”
Kagome helped her into her clothes and put on the finishing touches, when Kaede stepped in, smiling broadly. “It is time. Are ye ready?”
Kagome took Sango's hand in hers, tears filling her eyes. “You look beautiful. I know you and Miroku will be very happy.”
Sango squeezed back, saying, “I do to. Now,” she took a deep breath, “Let's do this.”
The wedding was pulled off without a hitch, and the couple was positively glowing at the wedding feast. Kagome sat beside Sango, facing Inuyasha, who was on the other side of Miroku. She didn't think he had looked at her once. Luckily, Shippo was sitting beside her, and made a good distraction. After the dinner there was some dancing, and Kagome waded through the crowd, determined to find Inuyasha. She almost wished she hadn't, for sure enough, Kikyo had already snagged him. They looked so happy, so perfect together, that her already cracked heart shattered. Turning away, she ran blindly to the well, seeking the solace it offered. `I can't go back there. Not after that. I have to leave tonight.' She sobbed quietly for almost an hour before she felt a warm little body snuggle up at her side. Kagome pulled him into her lap and hugged him tightly.
“How did you find me, Shippo-chan?”
The kitsune gazed up at her with sad eyes. “I saw you leave, but I thought you might want to be alone for a while.”
Kagome scratched his hair softly. “Shippo, what would you think of me moving to another village? You could come with me if you wanted.”
“It's Inuyasha, isn't it?” asked Shippo with a dark scowl. “That baka always messes things up!” he cocked his head in thought. “Will we ever see Sango and Miroku?”
“We'll tell them as soon as we find a place, and they can come visit whenever they want to.”
“Alright. When do we leave?”
Kagome sighed. “I'm starting off tonight, when no one will think to look for me. You need to stay here, and I'll come for you when I find a good place.”
“You will come back for me, won't you?” asked Shippo nervously.
“Of course I will! Now, I need to get my things together. Come help me pack.”
They slipped stealthily into Kaede's hut, which was still empty. Kagome quickly stuffed her few belongings into her pack, and grabbed her bow and arrows. She then kissed Shippo on the head. “Don't worry. I promise I'll come back for you soon. Be good.”
“Hurry back. I don't like it when you're not here.”
A last reassuring pat, and she was gone.
`One last thing before I go.'
Waiting till she was sure it was late enough, she crept to the Goshinboku. She had counted on Inuyasha to drink enough sake to sleep heavily, and he hadn't disappointed her. Raising her hand, she called forth her spiritual energy. A pink glow emanated from the necklace as it came apart from around Inuyasha's neck to float down and reform in her outstretched hand. Taking an arrow, she shoved it into the hole that had once held Kikyo's arrow, and draped the beads over it.
“Sayonara, Inuyasha. Be happy.” She whispered, then turned her back and left as silently as she had come.
The rising sun stung the hanyou's eyes and he squinted, rubbing his temples, trying to dispel his slight hangover. `Damn sake. Shouldn't 've had that last one.' But he had been bored and had lost track of how many times his cup had been refilled. He had returned just in time for the wedding, ad hadn't been able to see Kagome until he had sat down across from her to eat. She had looked gorgeous in what must have been a new kimono, and she had her hair up in a way he had never seen her wear. He had been so stunned he wasn't able to look at her, let alone speak. Which he regretted, since he had intended to ask her to dance. He was making his way over to her when Kikyo asked him for the first dance. Not wanting to seem rude, {and figuring he could use the practice) he agreed. Escaping as soon as he could, he looked high and low for Kagome, but wasn't able to find her. That's how he ended up sulking at a table, downing sake as fast as it was poured. `Now to find the wench. She's been acting kinda cold lately. Need to find out what's gotten into her.' Leaping from the tree he headed to where she was most likely to be; Kaede's. As he hit the ground, though, he noticed something odd. There, where he had once been pinned, was a rosary hanging by an arrow.
`Funny. Looks just like mine.'
He raised his fingers to his neck absently, and was startled not to feel what he knew should be there. He looked down at himself, then quickly back up at the tree. “Shit!” he snarled, then was off at top speed.
Bursting into the hut, he was more than a little surprised to find Miroku and Sango.
`Hmph. Expected the lecher to keep her in the hut for days. Something's definitely up.”
“Oi, where's Kagome?” noticing the uniform upset of the group, he added, “What the hell's wrong?”
Kaede fixed him with a cold, one-eyed stare. “Kagome is gone, Inuyasha. Why does this concern ye?”
Inuyasha gestured to his neck. “She took off the fuckin' beads! And what do you mean, `she's gone'? Where the hell would she go?”
Shippo ran up to him, hitting his legs with his tiny fists. “You're so selfish! Why do you think Kagome left! It's all your fault, you baka!”
Inuyasha sat down, shaking his head in confusion. “What'd I do? I haven't seen her in days. Besides that, she hasn't sat me in weeks either.”
Miroku gave him an icy look. “What did you think she would do when you wished Kikyo to life? She took all she could.”
“That's right,” threw in a pissed off Sango. “Not only have you ignored her since then and stuck to Kikyo, but you expected her to just sit quietly back as you married her and raised a family!”
Inuyasha scratched his head. “What the hell,” he said, eyes wide with disbelief, “Made you think I was going to marry Kikyo?”
This revelation stunned everyone, not the least of which was Kikyo, who was the first to speak. “What other purpose did you wish me back for, if not to reclaim what was lost so long ago? Have you not built for us a house?”
“I wished you back because you shouldn't `ve died in the first place, and I didn't want to die and leave Kagome. I built the house for her! Why else do you think I wouldn't let her see it?” He suddenly realized the implication of his statement. “I mean, I thought it was understood that I just wanted to be friends with you, Kikyo. You're not mad are you?”
Kikyo looked into his sad puppy eyes. “Actually, I'm embarrassingly relieved. Understand, I care greatly for you, Inuyasha, but I have no desire to be your wife. I felt obligated since you resurrected me, even after I condemned you to follow me to hell.” And indeed, Kikyo looked relieved. The constant strain she had been under seemed to lift, and she looked over to Shippo. “Now, young one. What do you know of this?”
Shippo peered out from under his bangs guiltily. “Kagome left to find a new village to live in. she said she'd come for me once she found one.”
“Then it looks like we'll have to find her.” Said Sango, making as if to stand. She was restrained by Miroku's hand on her arm.
“Wait, my dear Sango. I believe we should let Inuyasha go alone. Explaining to her will be difficult enough without all of us breathing down their necks.”
“I suppose you're right,” said Sango resignedly. “You had better hurry Inuyasha.”
But she was talking to air.
Inuyasha sped back to the Goshinboku to try to pick up her scent. Grabbing the rosary, he yanked it down and dropped it over his head, sniffing the air in all directions. His ears pricked. `That way. She can't `ve gone too far.'
He was wrong, as he found out three hours later. Over the years she had developed a remarkable stamina, and was now putting it to good use. It was another two hours before he spotted her, while flying to the trees. And even then he nearly missed her, for the kimono she was wearing was a rich forest green. It was only the glint from the lighter green metallic thread that was shot through it that caught his eye. Jumping to the ground a few yards behind her, he softly crept up. Shwing! An arrow zipped past him, nicking his ear.
“Come out. I know you're there.” Spoke Kagome in a hard voice.
Slowly, Inuyasha stepped out of the trees, to find Kagome with an arrow pointed at his heart.
`So, it ends like this.' He thought bitterly. `I'm such a damn fool.'
Kagome's eyes widened in shock as she saw whom it was. Dropping her bow, she ran forward, stopping abruptly when she saw him flinch away.
“Inuyasha, what are you doing here?” she then noticed his ear. “You're bleeding! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!”
Inuyasha relaxed somewhat, but still sounded a bit hurt as he asked, “You didn't know it was me? I thought you were trying to pin me to a tree.”
“Of course not!” Kagome looked offended at the very idea. “I heard someone sneaking up on me, so I shot an arrow. Let me fix your ear, and you can tell me what you're doing here.”
Inuyasha flopped down cross-legged and glared at her. “I could ask you the same thing.” He bit out. “What did you mean by running off like that? And why the hell did you take off the rosary?”
Kagome focused on cleaning Inuyasha's ear so she wouldn't have to meet his eyes.
“I just thought it would be nice to settle down somewhere else, is all. As for the rosary, it was time to set you free.”
Inuyasha grabbed her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes as he stared back at her intently.
“Maybe I didn't want to be free. Did you ever think about that, Kagome?”
Kagome struggled uselessly to get out of his grip.
“Of course you want to be free! Especially now…” her voice trailed off, breaking on the last word.
“Why now? Tell me why it's so important.”
“You know why! You're going to marry Kikyo soon. You don't need a reminder of me.”
Inuyasha released her to shoot to his feet and turn his back.
“So you just ran away. Am I so horrible to be around? So awful you can't stand to be in the same village?”
Kagome stood and came up behind him, clenching his haori in her fists.
“You know better, Inuyasha. You built her a house, and you're going to marry her. I can't stay there, I just can't!”
Inuyasha turned around upon smelling her tears.
“Come home, Kagome. You belong there.”
“No I don't! Please don't make me do that.”
He pulled her into his arms as she wept, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“Baka,” he said softly, “How am I supposed to take you as my mate if you don't come with me?”
Kagome pulled away enough to see his face. “But you built that house for Kikyo. She's going to be your mate.”
Inuyasha snorted, turning to the side while crossing his arms. “I built the house for you. I had Kikyo look at it to see if it was pleasing to a female. I thought you knew.”
“How was I supposed to know? You wished her back to life, ignored me, and started building a house that I wasn't even allowed to look at! You never said a word about it to me!”
Inuyasha's ears flicked at her rising voice. “I wished her back because I owed it to her,” he muttered, “And I had to build the house before I asked you officially. I had nothing to offer you, dammit! What was I supposed to say? `Hey Kagome, wanna mate with me and live in a fuckin' tree?”
Kagome placed her hands over his. “You baka! That never mattered to me. But that still doesn't explain why you had to ignore me.”
Inuyasha grabbed her by the waist and shoved his hips into hers, growling, “That's why! Demon's mate, but I knew you'd want a human marriage. Trying to control myself around you had gotten to hard. Hell, you looked so good last night I almost took you right there on the table! I tried to get a dance with you but Kikyo got to me first. Probably a good thing she did, come to think of it. Being that close to you, on top of the sake, I might've lost it.”
While he was talking he had been unconsciously rubbing himself up against Kagome, who had quickly become aroused.
“I don't think I would've minded.” She mumbled, nibbling on his neck, as her hands slid into his haori to stroke his chest. Her mouth moved down to join her fingers at his nipples, scraping her teeth over them.
“Fuck.” He groaned loudly, his hands wandering up and down her sides. Kagome moved one of his hands into her kimono, placing it over her breast, encouraging him to squeeze.
“Kagome…stop it…please.”
Kagome leaned back, her kimono sliding down her shoulders, exposing more of her to Inuyasha.
“But I thought you wanted this.” She pouted.
Inuyasha kept his eyes shut to avoid the temptation of her breasts.
“I'm gonna marry you first. The human way. I won't have you looked down on because of me anymore than you have to be. It's bad enough that I'm a hanyou.”
He tugged her kimono shut before opening his eyes, only to suddenly find he was only wearing his hakama. Kagome dragged her gaze up from his chest.
“You know, we could probably convince Miroku to perform the ceremony if we got back in time.”
Inuyasha tried to suppress the longing gleam in his eye as he replied, “Are you sure? Don't you want to have a big wedding like Sango's?”
She pressed herself against him, reminding him more firmly of his throbbing member.
“I've waited long enough.” She cupped him between the legs. “Do you really want to wait a whole week?”
He pressed himself firmly into her hand before jerking away.
“Alright. If I carry you back we might make it in time,” he said with a strangled voice.
“Just…just let me take care of something first.” He slid into the forest before she could answer.
Too bad he hadn't counted on her following. What she saw sent a trickle of liquid heat down her thighs. For there was Inuyasha, eyes shut tightly, pumping away at his cock with his right hand, while biting his lower lip to contain his moans. Kagome snuck up behind him, snaking an arm around his waist. Inuyasha lurched forward, but couldn't break her grasp.
“Hush Inuyasha. Let me help you.”
Carefully she slid her hand down to his, then under it to take over.
“Come on. Enjoy it,” she purred.
Inuyasha let his hands fall to his side as she continued to stroke him his hips shifting forward to match her rhythm.
“Ah, yessss….mmmm….squeeze harder…pump it faster…”
Kagome complied, while dragging one hand to lift the bottom of her kimono. Shifting the crotch of her panties to the side, she began to grind herself on the back of his cheek and upper thigh. After freeing herself and gaining some relief, she wound her hand back to fondle his balls. He responded by thrusting harder, reaching down to pull one of Kagome's legs up, allowing her lips to spread more fully.
“Inuyasha, I need to cum!” she panted out after a few more moments of blissful torture. He dropped her leg to begin rubbing her with his hand, his fingers massaging her clit, driving into her, earning him a tug on his shaft and a pinch to the area behind his sack.
“That felt good! Do it again, I'm almost there!”
Kagome did, as she pushed down harder onto his exploring fingers.
“Oooo, just a little more…” with a quick twist of his wrist she came, and after two more hard thrusts he followed. Inuyasha dropped to his knees to catch his breath.
“I think…I can make it…back to Kaede's now.”
Kagome readjusted her kimono. I can too, if we hurry. I'll go get my things.”
He waited until she had walked off before standing and pulling up his hakama from where it had pooled around his ankles, then shrugged into his under shirt and haori, rapidly tying them up. He caught up to her just as she was about to come back for him. Squatting down so she could climb onto his back, he tried not to react as she pressed herself to him with a small moan.
“Don't do that, or I'll have to stop again. We're barely going to make it before sunset as it is.”
“Then you'd better get moving,” said Kagome sweetly, “'Cause your honor isn't safe with me. I noticed you put the rosary back on. If we don't make it in time, I might just have to pin you down and have my way with you.”
Inuyasha shivered at the thought, as he flew down the trail that led back to the village.
“You want what?” Sango said disbelievingly. Miroku could only stare in dumb shock. How could two people as stubborn as Inuyasha and Kagome go from barely speaking to each other to wanting to get married in the space of one day? But his perverted mind restored itself, and a slow, lecherous grin spread across his face.
“Did the two of you have an enjoyable day? Making up, perhaps?”
This earned him twin blushes and a thunk on the head from Inuyasha.
“Stop flappin' your face, monk! Will you do it or not?”
Miroku raised his hand level with his face. “I would be delighted to be of service to you. Shall we go to the shrine?”
“Kagome, are you sure you want to do this tonight? We won't even have time for a wedding feast.”
Kagome smiled at Sango's concern. “This is what I want.”
Shippo jumped into her arms. “What will I do once you've mated with Inuyasha?”
“Keh. You'll stay with baba for a few days. We'll bring you home after that.” Cut in Inuyasha, relieving the kit's fears. Kagome sent him a look of thanks as they entered the shrine.
The ceremony was short, as Inuyasha had requested. Kagome was almost his now, only one thing left to seal it, the thing he had wanted for years now, only recently having any hope of it coming true. Saying a brief goodbye to their friends (who were still newly married enough to want to get to their own hut) Inuyasha led Kagome to the house, giving her the first good look of it she had had. Taking her hand, he excitedly pulled her through the door, hoping she would like what she saw.
“I know there's not much, but I figured that you might like to decide what you wanted.”
The main room was spacious, with a large table in the middle, its cherry surface polished to a high shine. Several comfortable looking cushions surrounded it, and shelves lined one wall. In another corner was a fire pit, ringed in smooth stones.
“It's beautiful Inuyasha! It looks as big as the headman's hut!”
“Keh. Wait till you see the other rooms. You might not like them as much.”
There were four rooms, two on each side of a long hallway. Starting at the opposite end, Inuyasha showed them to her. The first one was completely empty, which he explained was for storage. The next one warmed Kagome's heart.
“This is the runt's,” said Inuyasha softly. “I tried to make something a pup would like, like your brother had the first year or so I went through the well.”
Kagome looked into his eyes adoringly. “He'll love it. Thank you.”
Inuyasha had indeed taken great care, maximizing the space by making a small loft with a ladder for the bed. Intricately carved blocks and animals lined the shelves of one wall, and a chest with playful carved foxes stood under them. There was even a small table, with a stack of paper and pots of paint.
“Since the brat likes to draw so much. It'll keep him outta my way.” He said with a blush, when Kagome exclaimed her delight over it.
“What's the next room for?”
Inuyasha blushed even deeper. There were two beds like Shippo's, but what took Kagome's breath away was the crib on the opposite side of the room it was carved in the shape of a sleeping dog, and peering in, she could see it was lined in rabbit fur. A rocking chair stood close by, obviously modeled to resemble her mother's, down to the soft cushions that had been strapped to the back and seat. The only other piece of furniture was a magnificent rocking horse that looked like it could seat an adult comfortably.
“This room is for our pups. That is, if you even want to have my—“
Kagome threw herself into his arms. “I want them! I've always wanted to have your pups.”
Inuyasha grinned. “I was thinking maybe in a year or two, but for now,” his voice dropped to a husky pitch, “I think we should practice.” He leaned down to kiss her teasingly. “Last room.”
If Kagome had been impressed before, it was nothing compared to what had to be their bedroom. The floor was covered wall to wall with a luxuriously soft pelt that had her feet sinking to her ankles. A large, raised futon was covered with a smaller version, and topped off with what looked like dozens of silk pillows of different sizes, all colors of the rainbow. On each side of the bed was a giant stone dog demon, bearing an uncanny likeness to Inuyasha. On the wooden shelves sat exquisitely rendered netsuke, ranging from animals to plants to people. A large chest inlaid with ebony, cinnabar, and pearl sat at the foot of the futon, completing the look. Only as she took a second glance did she notice a thick leather book on the bed. Inuyasha picked it up and handed it to her. “I got this from your mom before the well closed up. I wanted you to have something to remember your time by.”
She accepted it gently, tears filling her eyes. What she had thought was a book turned out to be a photo album, with pictures ranging from her childhood when her father was alive to group shots of her friends from school. Flipping back to the front, her eyes caught an inscription; To Kagome, though five hundred years separate us, we are always together in spirit. Be happy in your new life with Inuyasha, and always remember you are loved by, Mother, Jii-chan, Souta.'
It was her mother's handwriting, though the others had also signed. Inuyasha brushed away a tear that slid down her cheek. “I didn't mean for it to make you cry.”
“Sorry, I can't help it. Thank you so much for doing that for me. Wait a minute! `Your new life with Inuyasha'? Then they knew—“ Inuyasha cut her off.
“Keh. I asked your mother for her permission to take you as my mate. I figured it was only right for her to know.”
They stood there, holding each other for a few minutes before Inuyasha could no longer resist, and brought his lips down to hers for a kiss. Kagome responded, allowing his tongue entrance to her mouth, as his hands slowly opened her kimono. Not to be out done, she once again rid him of his haori and undershirt. Pushing him onto the bed, she straddled his waist, pressing herself against his erection. Kissing a path down his chest, she plucked at the knot of his hakama. She ran her fingers across his lower abdomen and down his inner thighs, eliciting a sharp gasp from Inuyasha.
“Damn, that's good…so much better than when I do it myself…”
Kagome dragged her nails across his sack, watching him harden further.
“I'm going to do what I wanted to earlier today. Something I've wanted to do for a very long time.” She admitted. Just as he raised his head to meet her gaze, Kagome took a long, slow lick up his cock.
“Oh shit!”
His hips jerked, and she took the opportunity to take him fully into her mouth, remembering to pay special attention to his balls. Inuyasha rammed himself up, feeling his dick hit the back of her throat.
“Yesssss…..that's my bitch…be good to my cock and it'll be good to you….so damn good, fucking me with your hot little mouth….oh, shit, I'm gonna explode!”
Kagome increased the suction, feeling his member stiffen. Hot, searing liquid poured down her throat. She swallowed what she could, then lapped up the excess that had spilled out onto his sack and thighs. He yanked her up to him, flipping her underneath.
“Did you like that?” he asked, scraping his fangs over the shell of her ear, his hands cupping and fondling her breasts.
“Do you like it when I ram my dick up your throat? When I cum so hard, you can't swallow it all?”
He pushed his member against her thigh.
“Feel that, bitch? I'm already hard just thinking about how much you like it.”
Kagome's spine arched in pleasure when she felt him brush her.
“Yess…I love feeling how big you are. Knowing how good you'll feel inside me.”
Inuyasha pulled away, wringing a cry of displeasure from her. Grasping her by the knees, he spread her legs wide.
“Look how wet you are for me. You're such a horny bitch! It's payback time!”
He plunged his face between her legs, his tongue flicking her clit as fast as any snakes.
“Ahhh! Good dog! Fuck me with your tongue!”
Inuyasha paused. “You have a dirty little mouth, bitch. Damn, it turns me on! Makes me so fuckin' hard.”
He leaned back in to thrust his tongue into her as deep as it would go, pressing her wildly bucking hips down with his hands. Giving her a few rough licks, he replaced his tongue with his finger, knowing he had to prepare her for his size. Kagome had fisted her hands into his hair, and as she came she brought them up to grip his ears, the stimulation causing his eyes to roll back in his head. Shaking himself out of his haze, Inuyasha positioned himself over Kagome, rubbing his head at her entrance. With one snap of his hips he broke her barrier, stifling her cry with his mouth. Once he felt her relax around him, he began a slow, experimental rhythm, going deeper with each thrust.
“Inu…faster! I need it faster!”
Kagome spread her legs wider as Inuyasha sped up.
“Fuck, you're so nice and tight! I don't know which I like better, pumping my cock in your mouth or your cunt. They're both just so damn good…”
Kagome hit her second orgasm with even more force than the first, stars bursting on the inside of her eyelids. Lifting her head up, she brought the tip of his ear to her mouth, the pleasure shooting straight through him as he followed her over the edge. Rolling to the side so he wouldn't crush her, he pulled her back against his chest, idly fondling her breasts with one hand.
“So, you still set on leavin' the village?”
Kagome playfully slapped his hand.
“Sorry dog-boy, but you just killed any chance of getting rid of me.”
“What changed your mind; the magnificent house, or the incredible sex?”
She pretended to think.
“If I had to choose, I'd definitely have to say….the ears.”
Inuyasha groaned, and Kagome laughed
In spite of all the miscommunications, the false conclusions, they had made it.
`Its good to be home again.'