InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing Pieces ❯ The Story ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Based on the original story by: Norma Mazer*


Missing Pieces

Chapter 1

By: Mrs.Inuyasha


When I was small my mom used to tell me these stories of her and my father, "The Prince". She would start it off with "Now listen, Kagome, this is the story about me when i was a little girl just like you."

I was always sitting on her lap staring up into her eyes like waiting for something exciting to happen at that very moment. It amazed me to think at one time my mother had been a little girl just like i was.

"I had a mother and a father." she would continue, "and everything was nice until I was seven years old. My father went fishing in a big lake, Shinano lake, and a storm came, and the wind blew and there were big waves."

"How big" I would ask

"Big, Kagome! Big! My father didn't know how to swim, and he wasn't wearing a life jacket. The boat went over and he drowned. Jeez!"

She had always said that when she got upset it was a way of letting us know she wasn't well or didn't feel good. I would pat her cheek and tell her i would never get drowned and make her sad. "I promise" I always assured her. she would hug me close, and I would snuggle in because now the story got even sadder.

" My mom got married again" she would go on, "and you know her husband was now my stepfather? Well he didn't like me. Everyday it was "Motoko, you make too much noise. Motoko shut your big mouth. Motoko, your a brat."

"But your mommie loved you?" I would ask

"Yes, she did"

"Just like you love me."

"Then my mom got canser and....she died. Now, don't cry," she would say quickly. "Don't cry, Kagome. Your not are you?"

I shook my head hard and fast. "You wont leave me will you mommie, will you?" I would ask sadly.

"I promise you my little Kag, I will never leave you"

"Do you want me to stop, Baby? I dont mean to upset you.?"

I would shake my head again, "No please finish I wanna hear the part about daddy."

"Well after my mother died, my step father told me he was moving to America. He had a son there, from his marriage before my mother. He didn't want to take me, and I knew that. He didnt exactly

say he didn't want to take me, but he told me he didn't know how he got stuck with a four-teen-year old girl. So I moved in with my aunt Z. and I met James Wells...The prince from America.

For years, my mother told me that story. For years, I loved it, and I listened, crying and laughing at all the right moments. Well when I was small. I was a child. Not that i'm an adult now, but i am fifteen. And it's different. i don't ask for the story any more. for some odd reason i hear it....differently now that i am seems to me there is something missing- it's like the mirror with out the reflection, claer no deatils no nothing no story no meaning.....Something is missing: James. who was he, what was he like why he left us, why he left me...

