InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Missing ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: If you do not like Kikyo, then do not read this.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything about the anime or the manga InuYasha, nor the song Missing by the band Evanescence, nor any lines from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean.
Forgive me, InuYasha...
A light breeze rushed through the trees, whispering through the forest. Far in the distance, the dim light of a campfire glowed dimly against the pressing, consuming darkness of the night. Nearly a mile away, a dark figure stood on a cliff. The breeze playfully snagged on the figure's pitch black hair, tugging it gently, and whipping it across the figure's face. Light brown eyes sparkled gently in the wane light of the stars, for tonight, there was no moon.
A bow fell from the figure's hand, dropping with a light thud to the ground. A quiver of arrows slid off one shoulder, falling slowly to rest beside the weapon. Several arrows dislodged themselves on impact, scattering on the ground surrounding the figure's feet. They lay there, unmoving, fallen warriors who never got the chance to fight. A soft sigh rustled the figure's loose clothes as her legs bent.
Goodbye. It should not have been this way. We never got to live our lives, the way they should have been lived. It doesn't matter now though. You won't miss me. You won't cry for me. I have been forgotten.
A dark grin turned up the edges of lips, stetching muscles that had yet to be tested in such a manner.
I am not angry though. Its better this way. And, who knows, maybe someday, you'll remember me. Someday you'll wake up, my image before your eyes, my name on your lips.
The lips relaxed once more into their customary unfeeling line.
I hope you're happy. Happy with her. She's good for you. I've seen it in your eyes, when you look at her. You never looked at me like that. You never felt for me like that. Oh Kami...
A dark head bowed in pain, raven tresses escaping from their tie, spilling forward over bony shoulders. The brown orbs were covered, black eyelashes brushing against ivory pale cheeks.
Why? Why did this happen to me? Urasue. The figure gave an uncharacteristic growl of hatred. If you weren't already dead, I would hunt you down. This was all your fault. Her dark head shook in self-disgust. It was no-one's fault. If it was anyone's, it was her own. If I had only done as I was supposed to. If I hadn't fallen in love...
A soft sigh escaped from cold lips as the figure straightened up slowly.
InuYasha. I wish I could talk to you, one last time. Just to tell you what I never said, what I should have said. I love you. I love you so much, that I must leave you.
A small tear escaped from the corner of an eye. The figure stiffened with surprise as the glistening drop ran silently down a cold cheek. A hand raised and brushed against the wet trail the tear had left. I feel...cold.
A minute noise sounded behind her, but it was not what made her spin around. The over-whelming presence of the being she hated most in the world consumed her senses, blocking everything else out with its sickening presence.
A lip curled up slightly in disgust. “Naraku.”
The evil hanyou smiled maliciously and sneered. “Well, I am so pleased that you remember my name, Kikyo.” He spat the name out as though it caused him physical pain.
Kikyo's lips once again lifted slightly in a rather terrible grin. “I am pleased that you return the favor. But it does not matter. None of it will matter, for much longer.”
Naraku seemed to disregard her last words and instead decide that antagonizing her before her killed her would be a much more satisfying approach. “What are you doing here Kikyo? Spying on your little hanyou lover? Wishing it was you down there with him, instead of your reincarnation? Well, to me its no wonder that he cho-”
His sentence was cut off as the incomplete Shikon no Tama resting above his heart glowed brightly white. “What the-?!” He grasped wildly at his chest, the white baboon pelt he wore being flung off as the Shikon seared his flesh, making its way out of his body, purifying him as it went. Within a few moments it was free and returned to the miko who had summoned it from his body. Naraku gazed incredulously at the purified Shikon resting in Kikyo's palm. Even as he opened his mouth to ask how such a thing was possible, his body simply crumbled in upon itself, disintegrating into fine pasticles of dust which began falling in a slow trickle over the cliff. Miles away, the barrier surrounding a palace hidden within the mountains faded away, and a very startled wind youkai awoke to feel her heart beating strongly within her chest.
Back on the cliff, Kikyo stood for a moment, staring at where her arch-enemy had stood a moment before, and without warning collapsed. Her eyes sightlessly watched as the purified jewel grew tainted once more as the remains of the spiritual power keeping it pure slowly trickled out of the dying woman. With her last ounce of power she willed the jewel to go to her reincarnation. It vanished.
She had known that summoning the jewel would take all her energy, but she didn't regret it. For a few moments, she simply lay there attempting to gather some strength back, but realized it was futile. But, she was too stubborn to die on the ground and shakily rose to her knees, gasping for air, and slowly pulled herself up, grasping at a nearby tree for support. Panting inaudibly, she leaned against the tree, and looked to the campfire she had earlier been observing. It flickered erratically now, there were obviously shapes moving in front of it with great agitation. For a moment, she fancied that she could see a young girl in a green and white fuku standing next to a black-haired man in red, staring in awe at the jewel resting in her palm, but the image quickly faded. However, she knew that that was likely what would be happening at the campsite of the small group of shard hunters. A real smile broke over her clay face for the first time.
The smile dissolved into a grimace of pain as a gash on her back rubbed against the rough pattern of bark on the tree. Suddenly Kikyo remembered how hard it had been for her to actually make it this far. She vaguely recalled that young Taijia boy being sent to track her down when Naraku found she had left his range of sensing. She remembered his blank eyes, devoid of life, as his scythe tore through her flesh. And she remembered as his blood spurted out of the puncture wound from her arrow, and how that same blood had stained her hands as she removed the Shikon shard from his back. And she remembered how she had left him there to die, again, tossing his shard into the forest to make sure he could not follow her. It might be a good thing she would not live to meet his elder sister.
Another image flashed into her mind. This time, it showed her how she had first met InuYasha, when she had been young, powerful, and ignorant of the harshness of the world. Unbidden, her body straightened up and one foot snaked out to balance her body.
Another image flashed through her mind, she was riding in a boat, the only man she would ever love propelling it with a long stick.
Her other foot moved forward as well, her body seeming to forget its fatigue and weakness.
She was climbing out of that same boat, her foot was catching on an uneven plank on the dock, she was falling forward into his arms...
Another step.
She was sitting on a grassy hill. Several feet away she could feel uncertainty emanating from him as she explained how he could become human with the jewel.
Another step.
She was walking through a field, making her way to the meeting place where she would transform the man she loved, when excruciating agony exploded across her back.
Another step.
Her hands smoothly drew the arrow back to her ear as her voice shouted his name in anger.
Another step.
Her arrow was sinking into his flesh, passing through his chest and into the tree behind him, effectively pinning him there. The jewel flew from his hands to land, bouncing slightly, on the ground before him.
Another step.
His hand was lifting imploringly to her, incomprehension in his eyes as he questioned her. Slowly the hand fell.
She gasped as her foot knocked a pebble over the cliff. Once more, the breeze flared up to toy with her hair, snapping it wildly. An image danced before her eyes. A boy, with dog ears perched upon his head, gazing at her with shock as he stood ready to catch her...
Catch her...
She was falling. Maybe, maybe he'll catch me. Maybe I'll find myself in his arms, just one more time...
The wind was rushing past her, straining her weak imitation flesh, when her mind finally registered that she was about to die. He wouldn't be there to catch her. Not this time. This time she was going to hit the ground, and when she did, there would be no getting back up.
Her eyes stared at the ground as it rushed to meet her. One thought played through her mind as she allowed her captured souls to run out of her body in a bright flash, before she hit the ground.
Please forgive me, Inuyasha...
Far away, a man with black hair felt an evil premonition grip him and he looked up, straight at where, if it had been daylight, a body garbed in red and white would have been seen falling from a cliff. He had no way of knowing what the darkness hid, no way he could have felt her imitation body plummeting through the air.. And he would never have really known, were it not for the bright flash as souls escaped from a lifeless body, and in their light he clearly saw a limp body collide with the ground at an impossible speed, smashing instantly, and destroying any chance that the person falling could remain alive. A name leapt unbidden to his lips, as an image flashed before his eye.
A light breeze whispered in the treetops, singing a sad song. It seemed to be crying out for something it could not find, something that it longed for, something that was missing.

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out,
"Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?"

Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?

And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something...
Even though I'm the sacrifice,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone.
Isn't someone missing me?
A/N: So, there you have it. A nice depressing little one-shot. I hope you enjoyed it. I just thought this song would make a good story. I was going to do it on Kagura, but I decided that I'd rather do a Kikyo one. I might still do the Kagura one, if I can be convinced. (Hint, REVIEW!!!) If you don't like Kikyo, I really don't want to hear it. Go find a fic written by a Kikyo hater, and bash her there, NOT on this one. Don't insult her, it isn't her fault she's dead!
I enjoyed writing this, so if anyone has an idea for another song to do a fic off of, go right ahead and suggest. I might just comply. I hope you enjoyed yourselves, thank you for coming, and DRIVE SAFELY!!!! Ja Ne!!