InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Missing ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


you’ll need to read Mind games first or this wont make any sense. it’s a side story that takes place during the two week Inu was missing in chapter five.

Part one

All he could feel was a seeping cold and dampness that penetrated his skin, stealing away the feeble warmth in his body. He stirred sluggishly, the smell was rapidly becoming unbearable as he came around, the foul stench of piss, vomit and blood flooded his senses as he become rapidly aware he was lying on a cold stone floor.

Groaning, he tried to push himself up, his arms trembling almost too violently before simply falling back down with a soft groan. He could still hear the sound of the wind and ice raining down in all its fury on the roof above his head as he managed to flip over on to his back, panting slightly as his strength finally bleed out.

A dull, throbbing ache filled his skull as he pressed his ears flat, the dull pains roaming all over his body, leaving raw trails of embers in its wake.

The last fleeting image in his mind was a forest filled with snow and ice, the howling wind in his ears and the sudden pain in his left shoulder.

He winced as the thought came back as he reached towards his shoulder. The pelt was soaked beneath his numb fingers as they hit a long hard object imbedded in his flesh. He hissed in pain as he jolted the broken arrow shaft, stiffening slightly, his mind still foggy. It had to been coated with something to bring him down that fast; the snowy forest was turned from a white wasteland to a dark spinning vortex that sucked him into the dark nothing.

Gripping the blood soaked shaft he tugged on it, biting his lip in an effort to keep form screaming out as the black barbed head slid free. He collapsed to the stony floor, clutching his wounded shoulder that was set ablaze with agony. The freed arrow shaft slid somewhere out of sight, hissing across the barren floor.

Inuyasha only laid there, blood running over his fingers, gritting his teeth as the pain died down, leaving a dull aching.

Groaning slightly, he struggled to sit up, his head pounding painfully.

With blurry eyes he managed to make out were he was being kept; the room was small and damp, with heavy iron bars that lined the small cell he was crammed in. With just barley enough room to move in, his ears brushed the top of the icy metal bars as he leaned back, his arm still clutching his wounded shoulder.

His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of metal on metal, his ears swiveling to catch the sounds through the thick, iron-bound door he could see through the bars of the cage.

Inuyasha’s ears twitched as they picked up the soft footsteps slowly approaching the door.

He closed his eyes and focused on the sound, trying to drown out the pain.

They were heavy and hard, the sound of metal against metal echoed in the dank air.

The door swung open on its rusting hinges with a shriek. A sickly yellow light cast from oil lamps slid across the floor, highlighting dark red and brown patches over the walls and floor that, at one time, may have been blood.

He could barley feel something cold pressing into his side, before a second later without prior notice, he screams in pain and convulses violently. He slams into the other side of the cage as pain sears his nerves like acid, his chest constricts painfully, making the broken ends slide against the other.

He lies gasping on the floor, pressed as far away from the pain as he could.

“It’s about time you woke up, dog.” came a harsh voice from the darkness.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the comment, a rough chuckle and the sound of clanking filled the cold air as the edge of an ice white cloth came into view his field vision.

He rolled over to his uninjured side and forced his arms to move, only to fall back down. Inuyasha growled at the large shadow that fell over him, too tired and sore to move from the spot he had fallen to.

“Is that any way to treat your new master, pet?”

He bristled, fangs bared in snarl at the voice. “I am no one’s pet!” He flipped himself back over, all but dragging himself towards the speaker.

The speaker was a bear of a man, all hulking muscle under gleaming bone armor and old stained leather. He smelled of fear and blood, reeking of unwashed flesh, vomit and stale beer. His face was badly scarred, lines of pale, jagged scars ran all over it. His lank, black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail.

He grinned. It was a gapping wide grin that would have put a shark to shame.

“You are in no position to argue.”

He stood before the bars of the small cell. His eyes were alight with a sadistic glow and his scarred face was twisted into what could be called terrifying as he watched the hanyou.

Inuyasha cringed inwardly. He recognized the armor, a demon exterminator. The same one that must have captured him days ago.

With a cry of rage, he charged the cage’s bars only to be painfully rebounded; he landed on the floor with a thump, holding back a cry as he landed on his broken ribs.

A strong hand reached through the bars and griped one ear in vice like grip and hauled him up against the bars despite the pained yelps coming from the half breed. He would make a good pet, only he would have to be broken good first.

Half breeds were of little use to anyone except as slaves or pets. And this looked like a good pet.

His dark eyes studied the struggling half demon in his grasp, his claws weakly scratching at the bars and floor in a desperate attempt to get away from what must have been agony.

His mouth twisted into a cruel mockery of a smile as he watched the young dog demon try his best to get free from the painful grasp.

He let him go, watching him drop back to the floor. “Still feisty, good. I see you haven’t been house-trained yet pup. I can’t have the new pet misbehaving.”

Inuyasha ground his teeth in silent pain, holding his bleeding twisted ear and glaring at the demon exterminator through the bars. His eyes misted with tears as he stared at him with hate-filled eyes.

He failed to see the thick metal prod slide between the bars and brush against his shoulder.

A wrenching cry was torn from his throat as pain ripped through his chest; a few tears fell from his tightly closed eyes. Inuyasha shuddered and choked on his own blood as the pain crested along his spine. He convulsed once and went limp as the prod was removed. Only a shivering mass laid there panting.

With shaking limbs he hauled himself up into a crouch, the rage filling his eyes, his back pressed protectively against the far side of the cage, his chest heaving.

He was like a caged animal, growling at its captor through the bars. Constantly striking at them in a blind rage.

“Go to hell.” Inyuasha spat at the shadow.

“Still haven’t learned yet, have you pet.”

Inyuasha tried to dodge the prod being shoved into the cage once again, but to no avail.

Blinding agony followed by a gargled scream as red splattered the floor. He trembled at the very far back, his head hanging low as thin trails of crimson fell from his lips. His eyes clouded in pain. His limbs were shaking badly now.

“Now, pup, who am I?”

“A bastard.” came a low whisper.

Inyuasha hit the floor again, his back arched in agony, a scream wrenched from his throat echoed off the walls of the room. This time he did not get up, laying in a pool of blood gasping for air.


Inuyasha couldn’t recall much of what had happened after the sixth or seventh time he was caught by the prods business end, he lay crumpled in a limp heap on the floor. His back pressed against the iron bars, breathing through a haze of pain and blood as it fell from his nose and lips. Spasms still shook his abused form, unaware of the cruel taunting laugh or jeering of his captor, leaving Inuyasha alone in the darkness as the door was shut behind the departing human, leaving him behind with only his ragged breathing.

Inuyasha let out a long gargled breath, his chest painfully constricting with each one as he struggled to get off his wounded shoulder.

He groaned softly to the cold damp air, slowly forcing his trembling body upright. Sweat covered his body as he tried to concentrate on breathing instead of the pain that shot up his back and chest.

He curled into a ball, trying to make himself as small as possible as the door slide open slightly; a few tears falling form his eyes.

His silver hair pooled around him, creating a veil between his bruised face, only trembling again as another spasm shot through him.

The others wouldn’t bother looking for him so he needn’t waste his energy to hope and pray. As low and degraded as he had gotten, why would they..?


