InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Assassinate Love ❯ Rivals in Every way ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

All her life she had been through trouble and pain. Even from the tender age of 4 years, her world decided to crash down upon her head. Being shunted from one end of society to another, name-calling and abuse was all she knew for her life as she grew from a child to a teenager. Fueled on anger and hatred, the thought of revenge burned in her mind, as nearly 15 years passed. Grown into a beautiful woman, she and her best friends started a secret organization to take down the evil in the deranged city of Yukalel.
And so, that brings us to the secret hideout of `Death Angels' in an underground housing area.
Against a large wall in the hideout, huge computer and T.V screens lined the area, sitting on a huge desk, and showing the insides of houses, the streets and even the sky. A female figure sat in a large, black leather swivel chair, talking to someone through a set of headphones with an attached microphone. Nimble fingers darted across the keyboard of the large computer, changing the camera views. Vivid grey eyes seemed to be glued to the screen, as a black blur passed the camera. Sighing loudly, the female ran a hand through her shoulder length, ebony hair in relief, before pulling a white band from her wrist and pulled half her hair into a ponytail to the side.
Meanwhile, inside a large building, two black clad figures dangled from thin wires from the ceiling, listening to the slightly static voice of their computer wiz. Both pressing a button on their waists, they watched as the ground below seemed to get further until they where both in the air vents once more. Looking at each other, they nodded and continued down the air vents while listening to directions.
Upon reaching the end of the vent, the stealthy female figure in the front punched the metal sheeting over her head up and climbed out, to meet the pale rays of moonlight coming from the large white jewel in the inky black sky above. Helping her companion, the first person pulled off her black mission mask, and grinned. Deep, sapphire orbs glinted maliciously in the moonlight, while the light bounced off her thick, wavy, azure streaked raven hair that tumbled past her shoulders and ended at her elbows. Turning her attention back to her friend, she watched while the other pulled off her own black mission mask.
Straight, dark brown hair fell down her back in a sheet to her waist, and dark brown eyes smugly looked back down the air vent. “Ready, Sango?” The first girl asked, getting a curt nod in response. “You bet, Kagome,” Sango grinned, a gloved hand lightly caressing the pink ribbon like sash tied around her waist. Rolling her eyes, Kagome reached for her own, light blue ribbon sash that adorned her own waist. Tied by the sash, the girls had a black sheath containing their prized katana's as well as other all sorted weapons such as Shuriken, a whip - Kagome had her own Cat o' Nine Tails, poison and paralyzing powder and a silver chain. Clad in the same, black outfit, the only way to tell them apart would be their looks, but often where concealed by the half black material half black poison shielding mask, so the only way would be the ribbons around their waists, blue for Kagome and pink for Sango.
Just as Kagome's gloved hand reached a pouch on her side, the earpiece that she was given started to go all static like, until a slightly exasperated voice sounded. “Raven! Huntress! You girls have to get out of there! The Demonic Mercenaries are just on their way, the radar's went off, and four against two isn't good. Now get going, you only have about 10 minutes to get back or you girls are toast!” The voice stated in a panicky tone, using Kagome and Sango's codenames. Sango and Kagome exchanged glances, “Thanks for the support, Mad Hatter, we'll be right home!” Sango stated and did a loud wolf whistle. Kagome grinned broadly when a large, saber toothed neko youkai flew towards them, black dipped paws engulfed in Sun kissed flames as was her two black marked, beige tails. Gleaming crimson eyes settled on the two assassin figures, and the feline let out a roar. Not stopping to pick them up, the youkai headed straight towards the two, who jumped up high and grasped a handful of beige fur.
“Thanks for the ride, Kirara!” Sango said as she flipped onto the large, flying cats' back, while lending a hand for Kagome to get up. Increasing her speed, Kirara headed towards home once Kagome was situated on her back atlast. A wolf's cry ripped through the silent night, indicating to the three that their enemies had arrived at the scene. “At least the wind is blowing our scent off course,” Kagome said as they neared home base. A shiver ran down Kagome's spine and her eyes widened. “They're close, too close! Kirara, stray off course, we don't want them following us to home!” Kagome said. Sango cheered when she saw her favourite weapon strapped to the underside of Kirara.
“Rin set you up?” Sango laughed at Kirara, who winked with a crimson eye. Suddenly, Kagome was torn off the back of Kirara by a brown blur moving at incredible speed, and yelped in surprise. “Well, well, lookie what we have here,” Came a low masculine voice. Sango hissed and grabbed her large bone boomerang off the underside of Kirara and glanced around. Kagome struggled from the brown blur's iron like grip and struck her elbow down in the juncture between the neck and the shoulder harshly, and smirked when she heard a groan of pain. Pulling her slim body free from the grasp, she noticed they where plummeting down towards the concrete ground. Hovering above him, she landed a nice kick in the middle of his back, and watched as he collided with the hard, grey, concrete. A morbid grin found her lips as she heard the sickening crack of bones from below, and looked down at the crumpled figure of the wolf demon twitch slightly.
A neon yellow glowing like whip shot past her right cheek, and Kagome hissed as it chewed away at some of her soft skin. “I knew you'd be somewhere, fluffers,” Kagome sneered, narrowly dodging the youki whip again. A low growl of irritation sounded from the shadows, and Kagome spotted the ice Inu youkai standing on a building roof with an icy glare in his amber eyes, while his long silver hair danced behind him in the slight breeze. Nearly mentioning that he looked somewhat deadly while silhouetted by the moonlight, Kagome stared at his facial markings, that of a blue crescent moon on his forehead and two magenta stripes on his cheeks. Kagome moved towards the side of a tall skyscraper and pushed off the side into the air, just as the same whip hit her old spot. “Tsk, you really must concentrate harder,” Kagome mock scolded to the youkai, and only just narrowly missed the whip again, but not before it tore at her shoulder.
Sango, meanwhile, was busy with her own problems. After Kagome had been snatched by the over dramatic wolf demon, Sango was hurtled from Kirara, as she was knocked from the sky and landed painfully on a rooftop. After picking herself shakily from her little crater, she looked up to meet twinkling violet eyes, and sent a rounded kick in the middle of the strangers' chest, sending him back nearly 10 feet and off the long roof. Grasping one of the leather straps on her boomerang, Sango held it high above her head and glared, her hair whipping around her as the figure stood up painfully.
Lightly dusting the tiny bits of gravel from his black hair, currently slicked into a dragons tail at the nape of his neck, the monk gave a broad grin. Wearing black pants and a purple muscle shirt, with his right hand wrapped in purple cloth, a set of blue prayer beads wrapped around it, and holding his Shakujou in his left hand he looked slightly out of the ordinary, Sango thought snidely. “Why Sango, there is no need to be so violent,” The male pouted. Sango growled, nearly competing with a savage dog, and threw her boomerang towards the male. “Shut up, Miroku!” Sango watched with narrow eyes, as Miroku yelped and narrowly missed the boomerang colliding into his skull. Holding up her hand in the air, Sango easily caught the boomerang when it hurtled towards her, waiting for it to stop as it spun around a few times before hoisting it up over her head again.
“It's a shame we have to do this the hard way,” Miroku sighed dramatically, rubbing the back of his head with a sad expression. “Hah, you wish, Monk!” Sango snarled, chancing a glance to the higher building top. On that roof, Kirara was currently attacking and dodging a red clad hanyou. The hanyou paused and spat out some blood, before giving a good glare at Kirara with dark amber eyes. His silver hair was sticking to him slightly from sweat, and two triangular white dog-ears on his head twitched ever so slightly.
A strangled cry brought Sango out of her glaring contest, and her head snapped over towards Kagome. “KAGOME!” Sango cried, swinging her boomerang with all her strength towards the two attacking demons. Kagome had been playfully mocking Sesshomaru, and didn't notice Koga sneaking up behind her, until she was kicked from her back towards the ground at the same time Sesshomaru's whip collided with her face. Kagome turned her wide sapphire orbs towards the wolf demon above her as she fell towards the ground on her back, and met harsh pupil-less icy blue eyes. Her cheek was bleeding from the Sesshomaru, and her shoulder was out of place because Koga's foot had hit her shoulder before crashing down on her shoulder blade.
Sesshomaru sensed the flying boomerang before it hit, and moved to dodge, but instead it clipped his shoulder, making him growl in annoyance, mainly at himself and watched silently as it hurtled towards the smirking wolf. Another yelp of pain came from Koga as Sango's boomerang collided with his chest and sent him crashing into a nearby building side, his normally well kept jet black hair in a disarray around his tanned face. Kagome pushed her shoulder into its socket in mid-air before throwing out a long, silver chain towards Sango. Sango, who wasn't paying attention to the monk behind her, instantly regretted throwing her boomerang as a staff whacked into her side, sending her to her knees in surprise. Growling, she got up and caught her boomerang as it headed straight towards her and smacked it against Miroku, but he was anticipating this and blocked it smartly with his staff. Jumping up, Sango watched as a chain, belonging to that of Kagome, wrapped around Miroku's ankle, and dragged him across the roof with wide eyes, while he attempted to grip the side of the roof when a strong tug from Kagome pulled him to the ground.
“Argh!” Kagome cried, still pulling on her chain, as Sesshomaru cracked his whip across here lithe body, and sent her into a set of dumpsters with a clang, at the base of the building. Sango looked up and saw an untransformed Kirara, who seemed no more then a foot high, came falling towards her, a smirking hanyou looking down at them smugly. Catching Kirara with one hand, Sango scowled up at the half-demon, promising a harsh beating to come. Just as Inuyasha was about to jump down and start fighting Sango, a childish giggle rang through the area; making everyone, save for Sango and the wincing Kagome, look around in alarm.
After Inuyasha saved Miroku, he watched as the chain around the poor monks ankle returned to Kagome, who sent her chain up into the air to wrap around a flag pole on the side of the building which Sango resided at and tugged three times, making the chain zoom up and she waved idly to Koga, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sesshomaru who all had stopped to watch. Doing a double flip in mid-air, Kagome kicked off the pole and landed next to Sango on her hands and twisted to her feet, her sapphire eyes glittering as her chain snaked back to her and she put it, coiled, behind her back.
Just as all four males started to advance at them, the same childish giggle tore through the silence and echoed. A black mist pooled around Kagome and Sango, and a smaller figure, no taller then 5'2' stood in the middle of them, arms crossed against her chest, and gave a toothy grin. “Honestly, boys,” The girl scolded, linking arms with Sango and Kagome, Kirara now conscious, perched on Sango's shoulder. In one motion, all four sets of eyes narrowed at the girls and they watched from the ground below as the smog traveled down the building in a creepy manor.
With a shrill cackle, the girls where engulfed in a black tornado, and a huge flare of purple miasma surrounded the guys, paralyzing them as they watched with squinted eyes, as the tornado burst, and nothing but a few flickers of flames in the black haze remained. “Damn it!” Inuyasha cursed, once the paralyzing miasma weakened. Koga growled and Sesshomaru was inwardly smirking at the display. “They always end up ditching, and that insane child always bales them once we have them cornered!” Koga smacked Inuyasha upside the head and growled. “What did ya do that for? You mangy wolf!!” Inuyasha roared, lunging towards Koga, who just sidestepped and watched with a sneer as he smacked into the concrete, face first.
“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru said in a cold voice, glaring at his half-brother with annoyance. “Do not be a fool, half-breed, I only have so much respect for you, do not embarrass our family with your childish antics,” Sesshomaru said coolly, but his eyes told another story. Scowling, Inuyasha folded his arms over his chest and grunted, “Feh!” he stated intelligently. Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Sesshomaru turned on his heel and started walking back towards their home base, his thoughts lingering on the strange person who had just saved the two female assassins.
Kagome sighed as she plonked herself on the large, squishy blue couch. “Was the dramatic entrance really necessary, Rin?” Kagome asked the shorter girl who was currently at the large computer wall, typing with extreme speed. Sango had demanded Kagome to change into something that she could easily attend to the scrapes in, and so Kagome sat in her sports bra and short shorts. “You know me, I always have to make some kind of distraction!” Rin stated, putting her leg over another and put her fingertips together, slowly spinning around on the chair with a childish grin on her lightly freckled face.
Sango gave a snort from the doorway, dressed in some shorts and a black tank top, carrying some salve and plasters. Skipping merrily over to her groaning friend, Sango sat herself down next to Kagome, and instantly started looking at the bruise and bleeding gap in Kagomes shoulder. Sango gave a tired sigh and started cleaning her wound, then applied some salve, and bandaged it, as it was deeper then it appeared. She then turned Kagome's pouting face to the side to clean the slash on her cheek, and watched with a frown as Kagome winced.
Nearly five minutes later, Kagome had a plaster on her face and fat bottom lip, not to mention a sore back. “Thanks,” Kagome said in a slightly bitter voice, her body aching now. Standing up, Sango gave her a harsh look. “Don't thank me, thank Sesshomaru,” Sango said sarcastically, walking off to put on her boom box. Rin blinked with wide grey eyes and cocked her head to the side. “Fluffy did that?” Rin asked curiously, a slight notch of anger in her voice visible.
“Yes, Rin, fluffy butt did it,” Kagome said with a slight sneer. Rin frowned, “He went easy on you then,” She stated stiffly. Kagome knew Rin had the `hots' for Sesshomaru, and she got angry when her friends where hurt, especially by him. “Yes, he did. He didn't want to kill me this time. He seemed to be holding back,” Kagome said thoughtfully, relaxing out on the couch lazily with a lopsided grin. After ten minutes, Sango had walked back in listening to her silver Ipod to find Kagome snoring on the couch, and Rin hacking into some random computer system, her fingers a blur and her eyes glued to the computer screen.
It was well past midnight, and Sango decided to have a snooze herself for a few hours until their college classes started, so the 19-year-old walked out of them room towards her large bed room, but not before flicking Rin on the nose and telling her to go to bed soon. As she walked into her pink and black room, Sango barely acknowledged Kirara curled up at the foot of her king sized bed, before she crashed, face first, onto the silk-sheeted bed, asleep.