InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Assassination - Terminated ❯ Sent to Kill ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Inuyasha.

I must be nuts. Why on earth am I starting a new fic when I have like four other fics to complete? Well to tell you the truth, I wanted to get my idea out before I forget it. I tend to misplace some things and I don't want to misplace this idea. I warn you that it's a Sess/Kag AU fic. Enjoy!

`Mission: Assassination - Terminated'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 1: Sent to Kill


A dark hooded silhouette crept along the dark corridor quickly and quietly.

This corridor was one of the many in this secret place known only by selected individuals where all ninjas go to retrieve a message about their assignments. Usually these assignments include assassinations, infiltration and espionage. This was an underground base where the many hidden passageways all led to rooms where each ninja had a compartment and a box in which would consist of missions to fulfill. Even though there were many highly trained guards there, the ninjas still had to be careful to conceal themselves to the best of their abilities because they would never know when an outsider would come. It had happened before and none of the intruders escaped with their lives.

This ninja in particular had just received a note containing information about a certain lord to assassinate. She crept to her quarters and scanned the information quickly. Apparently she had been hired by the dark lord of the mountains by the name of Naraku to kill the Western Lord.

She had heard about the dark lord of the mountains before. She was slightly suspicious of this Naraku since he had a reputation for manipulating those under him. He had always preferred to let his servants and his own spies to handle his situations and had never bothered to hire a ninja from their base, so why would he change now?

Dismissing the idea for now, she read the ancient Japanese writing further. Over the next few minutes she had learned that the Western Lord was a very powerful inu youkai with silver hair, a blue crescent moon on his forehead and was very tall.

`Hmph. That's hardly what you call a description,' she thought. She had also learned that his castle had a magical barrier to keep intruders from coming in. Well she had an idea to take care of that, no problem. She wasn't one of the best ninjas for nothing.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by someone knocking on the door.

"Come in."

A girl with a long ponytail, and pink mascara above her eyes came into the room. This ninja was dressed in a dark purple suit with shoulder and knee pads, and a sword attached to her belt. She was also carrying a six foot long boomerang made from the bones of a large youkai and very lethal.

"Kagome-chan," the girl started but was interrupted by the other girl sitting on a chair.

"Sango-chan, remember I told you to never call me by my name?" she said seriously.

The girl, Sango, replied, "But we're not in public so isn't it all right?"

"No. These walls have ears Tonbo. We mustn't risk it," Kagome said.

Sango frowned. "You're right but I still prefer my name over my ninja name."

Her friend shook her head. "It is better this way. We are in the era, Sengoku Jidai. It is much too dangerous these days without being a ninja, yet it is our way of life. There are youkai, and dangerous people out there."

"Hey, do you want me to help you on this mission?" Sango asked with an almost pleading voice.

Kagome sighed. "Tonbo, this is nothing I can't handle." She gave her friend a smile. "I'm one of the best remember?"

Sango laughed than gave Kagome a sad smile. "Yeah I know. Be careful all right, Fenikkusu?"

Kagome returned the smile and answered, "I always do and look after yourself."

They hugged just like they always do before one of them went on to their assignment, knowing that they could be killed in any one of them.

Sango left Kagome's quarters soon afterwards. Kagome tossed the letter in the fire and dressed in her ninja attire. When she came out of her room, she had on a sleek black ninja suit with a cloth covering her nose and mouth, a bag of ninja stars, a bow, a single arrow and a sword sheath attached to her belt. She had an extra dagger hidden in her right boot and she had tied her midnight black hair which was tucked underneath her hood. She also brought along some poisons and small explosives with her just in case.

After checking that she had everything she needed, she crept along the shadows guiding her out of the secret underground cave, and stole off into the night.

She was very confident that she would succeed. After all, she had never failed a mission before.




youkai: demon

Sengoku Jidai: the Warring States era

tonbo: dragonfly

fenikkusu: phoenix

Cool huh? Or not? This is my first AU fic and probably one of the most interesting stories I will ever write. READ and REVIEW please. I see no sense of continuing if people aren't reading this.


Fenikkusu Ice