InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Assassination - Terminated ❯ Closer to the Enemy ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, why would I be writing fanfiction?

After a long time, I've finally updated. I apologize ppl but stuff, etc, etc have been on my plate for a while. I know you're all eager to read so I'll just be quick and the responses will be at the end of the page k?

`Mission: Assassination - Terminated'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 4: Closer to the Enemy


"Oh no! You're not going to. . ." Sango trailed off her sentence when it became undoubtedly clear as to what Kagome's intentions were.

The younger girl simply nodded as she finished with the last of her packing. She had changed her clothes so now she wore a loose brown long sleeve shirt, a long brown skirt and plain brown shoes, basically rags. Her hair was a mess and she purposely threw mud on herself.

She made sure all of the things she needed was in the pack but she also had to pack light to make what she was able to do believable.

Kagome turned to her fellow ninja. "It's the best way Sango. If I can get as close to him as possible then it'll be easy to kill him."

"Yes but isn't there any other way?" Sango hated when Kagome insisted on putting more danger upon herself. Though both of them shared a thirst for action and adventure, Sango was the more cautious one. She felt that it was her duty to protect Kagome since she had thought of Kagome as the little sister she never had. Her own little brother, Kohaku, was killed when her entire village was burned down. Sango was the only survivor of that village. To this day, she did not know who had done such a horrible deed but she had vowed that once she had figured out who did it, she would personally kill whoever was responsible.

"There is but then again. . ." Kagome left off with a smile on her face, "I want to have some fun. He's the first challenge I've had in a long time. I would like to toy with him first before I kill him." She swung her small pack to her back.

Sango nodded sadly. "Do what you must," she paused, "Fenikkusu." Kagome smiled in approval of her use of her ninja name. "Be careful, ok?"

They shared a hug. "You know I will, Tonbo. Take care of yourself." With that Kagome hitched herself on Hissori, her horse, and before she rode off into the night.


This plan should work, well at least in her head anyway. She had prepared for it as soon as she collected her last payment from the merchant at the shop where she worked. Granted she would not be back there for a while yet.

As soon as she went home, she had gotten ready. Everything from her story to her clothing. Everything must be planned.

So now she stood in front of a wooden door, leading to an obviously less important part of the castle since there were hardly any guards here. So far they haven't spotted her yet.

She had left Hissori in the forest that surrounded the castle. Hissori would come if Kagome called for her and the horse was well enough on her own. The horse had no saddle or reins so anybody who comes across the black Friesian would think that it was wild.

Kagome knocked on the wooden door, hoping that somebody other than a soldier would answer it. Soldiers tend to be less friendly towards outsiders. She hoped that her plan would work. Even though she had done this quite a few times, the unsettling feeling in her stomach never failed to transpire.

A seemingly young female youkai opened the door. She had grass green hair and pale skin. The youkai was slightly taller than Kagome. The most intriguing feature of her was her cerulean eyes. Though the youkai appeared to be a young adult, her eyes spoke volumes as to what her true age was. They glowed with wisdom, somebody who had lived to see the best and the worst from both humans and youkai alike. She wore a pink kimono with dark green stripes.

"May I help you miss?" Kagome almost signed in relief. This youkai didn't appear to be so bad; she seemed polite and kind enough.

"Err yes," Kagome said in a timid and quiet voice, "I've. . . run away and I've got nowhere else to go." Kagome's blue-gray eyes were filled with unshed tears and she bit her lip. "Would you let me stay?" She did her best to look as pitiful as possible.

The youkai frowned. "I don't know if a young girl like you should stay here. . ."

"Please," Kagome begged on her knees, leaning on the youkai. "Please, I beg of you. Let me stay! I'll do anything." Kagome watched as the youkai's expression softened.

"I suppose you could stay if you are willing to work as a servant. That's the only way I could allow you to stay." The youkai didn't want to let the girl in because the lord was known for his hatred towards humans even though he didn't pay much attention to them. But another look at the human girl's face changed her mind. From her clothing, the girl was probably poor or at least was away from home for months. The human was also skinny, but she didn't look like she was off food for weeks. Still. . .

"Oh thank you. Thank you so much!" Kagome gave her a grateful smile.

The youkai returned it with a gentle smile. "Come child. Stand up." She helped Kagome through the door. The room they came into was a kitchen. A pot of porridge was already placed above a fire; its smell lifted towards Kagome's nose. The ninja had purposely skipped lunch and dinner so her act would be more convincing.

There were cupboards, tables and chairs, stoves, and ovens. There was also another door that led to the meat compartment and other perishable foods.

The female youkai gestured for Kagome to sit in one of those chairs before she took a seat on the chair beside her.

"First of all, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Kikime and it's nice to meet you, miss. . ."

"Oh I. . ." Kagome gave a downcast expression. "I don't remember my name. I think I hit my head on something because of a pain in my head and. . . I don't remember anything except that I had run away from somewhere."

Kikime's eyes saddened. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." Seeing the girl was about to cry, Kikime changed the subject. "Hmm that won't do. You must have a name." Kikime then paced back and forth, thinking of a suitable name for her while Kagome wiped the tears from her eyes and watched Kikime's prancing.

Kikime smiled when she thought of a good name for the girl. For some reason, the human reminded her of a dove. The human maintained a peaceful, innocent and pure aura that so few humans and practically no youkai possessed. Yes, that name would be perfect for her.

She stopped right in front of Kagome. "I've got it! How does Tanrei sound?"

Kagome was well aware of its meaning and was a bit surprised that Kikime would name her that. She nodded in approval.

Kikime beamed. "That's great! Tanrei it is!" It was at that moment that a growling was heard. Kagome patted her stomach in true embarrassment and blushed slightly.

The youkai laughed. "I suppose I should get you something to eat. I was about to get this porridge to the other servants but I'm sure they could spare a bowl or two," she grinned at Kagome, "or three maybe."

Kikime poured the porridge into a bowl and watched amusingly as Kagome shoved it all down. Kagome was really hungry. Kikime didn't even have time to tell her that the porridge had cooled down a bit but was still hot. She almost laughed when she could have sworn that steam was shooting through `Tanrei''s ears. Kikime shook her head. The girl must either be too hungry to care or she had an iron stomach.

After Kagome's delicious meal, from which Kagome came to the conclusion that Kikime must be the head cook in the castle, Kikime told Kagome of her duties as a new servant and showed Kagome the servants' sleeping quarters. Then she led Kagome to her room. It was a small brown room that had one bed against the back wall and hardly any space beyond the door.

"Since you're not officially a servant yet, you can stay here in my room." When Kagome settled on the cold hard floor, Kikime pulled her up and said, "You can take my bed for tonight."

When it looked like Kagome was about to protest, Kikime gave her a mock glare that adults usually give when lecturing a child, "Don't you dare argue with me child. Now get over to that bed."

Kagome smiled her thanks and snuggled in the covers. "But what about you?"

Kikime waved it off. "I'll be fine. Besides you need it more than me and I have other duties to tend to. Oh and I'll take you to the lord for his approval of you tomorrow so you need your rest." Kikime walked out of the room and placed her hand on the doorknob.

"Goodnight Kikime-san."

"Goodnight Tanrei." Kikime closed the door, leaving Kagome to her own thoughts.

Kagome hated having to lie to Kikime, especially since the youkai had already seemed to take a liking to her. But there was her mission to worry about and she shouldn't get too close.

She smirked when she remembered that Kikime was going to take her to the lord tomorrow.

"So it begins. . ."


Translations (they're not my own. I got these from a site though I've thought up these names.):

hissori (Kagome's horse): quiet, still, silent, deserted

kikime (the head cook): effect, virtue, efficacy, impression

tanrei (what Kikime named Kagome): grace, beauty, elegance


UnlovedBandNerd, deception-3: Updated this story! Yeah I know I took too long. Sorry about that.

deadly thorn: I've updated `In My Brother's Place' too.

Sundragon, Fluffy'slova4life, Cresent Moon22000, ice_princess_1185: Here's the update!

A Single Spark

Cherasa: Glad your friends enjoy this as well! I'm sorry about the late update.

Mistress DragonFlame: Wait no more.

Well was that good? Next chapter `Tanrei' aka Kagome meets Lord Sesshoumaru! Read and Review!

Fenikkusu Ice