InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Girls Come and Go, but Ramen is Always There ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I just want to voice my opinion to you guys, even though I'm pretty sure you won't really care…lol. Anyway, I think InuYasha is really cute (THE EARS THE EARS!!) and that Kouga is hot (loin cloth…). However I think Kouga is very very annoying. There, just had to get it out.
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 3
Kagome was a girl on a mission, and nothing and no one was goin to stop her. While she mechanically went from one lesson to another, her mind was busy formulating a plan. Oh but she was going to make him regret his womanizing ways. At the end of school she giddily confessed her plan to a disbelieving Aiko.
“…and that's how I plan to bring the Great Inuyasha Tetsusaiga to his knees.”
Kagome chuckled, almost to herself, but then she saw Aiko vehemently shaking her head, a look of horror and concern on her face. Kagome lifted a brow at her. (a/n like this -.^ lol, ignore me)
“No no Kagome! You can't do that!”
“Why not?”
“I heard some girl tried something similar in the past. She thought she could get him to change his ways for her. I admit she lasted a bit longer than most, but in the end he just dumped her like nothing has happened. I don't want to see my friend hurt.”
“I won't fall for his charms that easily.”
“That's what I told myself too.” Aiko was worried about her friend. Couldn't she see the emotional pain she would be opening herself to if she did this?
“He must have had at least one steady relationship in the past.”
Aiko frowned as she tried to recall past gossips and rumors. “Now that you mention it, I think there was one, but it ended pretty badly.”
“There you go. The only thing hat would stop me now is if he suddenly turned gay in the few minutes we've been talking.” Kagome was now pretty confident she could put her plan into action.
“Wait Kagome-chan. What about Hojo?”
“I guess I'll just have to dump him.” Kagome brightened considerably. Aiko knew how she felt. Hojo was her first boyfriend. He also went to Shikon High. When they has started going out six months ago, she had thought him charming, cute and polite. Now the charm and politeness just grated on her nerves. Sometimes it got so much that she wanted to pull at her hair and scream.
Was it so much to ask that her boyfriend have at least some personality? She had avoided going out with him lately. Every date always seemed the same. Dinner, coffee, a walk home, peck on the cheek then goodbye. He hasn't even tried to kiss her yet for god's sake! Kagome sighed. She had wanted to break up for a long time but he kept insisting she give them more time. This just gave her the motivation to actually do it.
“Kagome?” Aiko's voice brought her out of her reverie.
“Oh sorry, I was just wool gathering.” (a/n for those who don't know it means thinking stuff. I wasn't sure if it was commonly used cus I only read it once or twice in my books.)
“I just thought you should know that he always wears a bandana or hat or something. Don't ask him about it. I asked him after we…why he didn't take it off. He just kinda exploded.”
“I'll remember.” Kagome said distractedly, she wasn't really paying attention. Which was a mistake.
“Oh Sango you are never going to believe this.” Kagome kicked off her shoes and flopped down onto her bed. Her best friend since babyhood (a/n is that a word?) Sango lived next door to the shrine and they were constantly at each other's house. Right now Sango was lounging in Kagome's beanbag, flipping through the pages of her latest magazine.
“I won't know if I believe until you tell me.” The reply was somewhat distracted as she read a particularly funny embarrassing story. Kagome stuck her tongue out at her friend before continuing.
“You know that guy Inuyasha? He fucking went out with Aiko, screwed her over then dumped her!”
Sango raised a brow at her (a/n -.^ hehe) since Kagome hardly swore unless she was truly angry. They had both seen Inuyasha once, when they went shopping and one of their girlfriends had pointed him out. He was too far away to notice his features, but from what they could see he was gorgeous.
“What do you intend to do about it Kagome-chan?” Kagome always intended to do something about things she saw as injustice in the world.
“Well, I have come up with the perfect solution,” Kagome sat up so she could look at her friend's face, “I am going to go out with him, make him fall head over heels, hopelessly in love with me! Then I dump him like how he dumped all those girls. See how he likes it, hn?”
Sango considered it. “Well is sleeping with him part of your plan?” She winced as a pillow was thrown her way.
“Of course not! How can you even ask that?”
“Well you are nearly seventeen and with the hormones and all,” she ducked another pillow, “and I think from what we heard of our little Yashie, he's not gonna go dallying after a girl he won't ever get into bed.”
Kagome's brows puckered at she thought about this little flaw in her plan. “Well I guess I'm just going to have to do a little to make him think he has a chance…”
“Just make sure you can control yourself when the time come, my friend.”
“Sango sometimes you think so little of me.” Kagome said in mocked hurt expression. “Anyway, from what Aiko told me she's pretty sure he's gonna be at the mall tomorrow. You wanna come with me?”
“Sure nothing more fun than hanging out at the mall looking for a guy we're not even sure is going to be there.”
Inuyasha walked through the mall, heading for the source of that delicious smell. The scent wafted up his nose, filling his head and lifting him to dizzying heights.
He was pretty sure the stuff was second only to ambrosia (a/n I looked that up in Dictionary. Means food of the Gods.) If there was one thing you can rely on, it was Ramen. Ramen was always there, through the good times and bad. Two years ago many bowls of Ramen had saw him through evenings sitting in front of his TV in the dark, his heart slowly breaking. Girls come and go but Ramen was always there.
After that incident…He pushed the thought to the back of his mind. After it happened, he had never let anyone get close to him again. He had a long string of girlfriends who lasted no more than two or three months at most. Getting heavily involved would only complicate things and put his heart on the line. He didn't like to be vulnerable after what she did to him. Inuyasha sighed and carried on walking to the food court, unconsciously sweeping his gaze over the crowd. His eyes rested on two girls sitting in a corner, sipping drinks.
One of them had dark chocolate brown hair tied up into a high ponytail. She was facing him. She looked to be quite pretty, black brown eyes, and full lips. He turned his attention to the other girl with her side to him. He felt a prick at the back of his neck. A weird feeling crept over him, as if he had known the girl forever. Her thick raven black hair cascaded down her back in soft curls, coming to stop at about mid back. Her figure was nice, curvy but not overly so. He had to catch himself as he started to drool. Right then she turned his way and her eyes seem to connect with his. He felt drawn into their murky depths. Her eyes reminded him of a clear summer sky, so blue they were, yet the hint of underlying grey seemed to warn of an approaching storm, carefully kept at bay. Her skin was creamy and glowed with health. Her nose was petite and looked so cute he wanted to lean over and kiss the tip. And those lips…they were full and lush, and little dimples bracketed them when she smiled.
He finally realized he was gawking and recomposed himself. He went over to greet her, already deciding she would be his next girlfriend.
The ramen was forgotten.
“That was almost too easy.” Kagome had been shopping with Sango when they decided they needed refreshments. Who said shopping wasn't tiring? They were just slurping their drinks when Kagome felt someone boring a hole in the back of her head. She had asked Sango to see if someone was watching them. Sango had discreetly looked around, and calmly informed Kagome that they needn't look for him anymore. Kagome turn her head so fast she almost fell off her chair. She growled at Sango to stop laughing then looked over, only to be greeted by the most amazing pair or yellow gold eyes. They seem to light up from within with a fire of their own. She forced herself to study the rest of him. His whole body looked to be hard and muscular, but not too brawny. His face was perfection, for no flaws marred his skin. Above those eyes were thick black eyebrows that winged upward, but what was most mesmerizing was his hair. Although his brows were black, his hair seemed to shine silver and rippled down to the small of his back. She wondered if he dyed it. He wore a red bandana atop his head to go with his red shirt. He was approaching her, the gleam in his eyes confident.
Without a doubt she knew this was Inuyasha.
Oh I'm tired. I need sleep it is 2 in the morning. Good night everyone…I will update soon, lest the poor Inuyasha and the fair Kagome don't get any action. Also, I looked up Yasha, and it means female demon? O.o what cud our lil hanou be hiding *snickers*