InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Secrets Uncovered ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just to let you know, I'm gonna move the story on quite fast cus I gotta update my other fics and I got new ideas I want to write down aswell. Soooo…
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 7
Tuesday. It was the day after she had received that note from him. She had gone to school anticipating tonight's date. All through her lessons she sat and stared at the hated clock, willing the hands to move faster. Finally, the minute hand rolled round and touched 12.
Yes! She jumped up out of her seat, gathered her books and pencils and shoved them in her bag, and then rushed out of the classroom doors while all the other students were still packing up. Before anyone had noticed she was gone in a flash of Kagome blur. Curious glances from all over the room was looking at the now empty spot where the petite girl was standing.
Kagome hurried her pace as she walked home. She has the strangest notion of being watched. Stop it Kagome, you're being paranoid. Still the eyes continued to bore into her back. She was relieved when the shrine steps came into view. Surely no one would try anything on holy grounds, right?
As soon as she reached home she raced up to her room, dumped her bag on the floor and called Sango. The phone started ringing as she flopped onto the bed.
“Sango! You're still coming with me tonight right? Hurry up and get over here quick then.”
“Yeah, lemme just get my stuff. I'll head over now.”
“Cool. See ya then.”
Kagome hung up the phone, and then gazed at her wardrobe in contemplation. What to wear…what to wear…She began the arduous process of going through her clothes.
Inuyasha was enjoying himself…quite. If the girls would just stop giggling and whispering like ten year olds. He sighed. Maybe he shouldn't have suggested bringing their friends along. Kagome wasn't paying any attention to him, Miroku was busy ogling Sango's butt, she in turn was slapping his hands when they reached for her in between conversation with her friend, and the waitresses kept trying to hit on him. All in all it wasn't quite the evening he had planned. He must admit Kagome looked particularly sexy tonight. The white sundress was simple but hugged every delicious curves on her body. The bodice was snug with thin lace straps, and a wide strip of satin white ribbon circled just below her breasts. The waist flared out with the skirt ending a few inches above her knees, swishing at her thighs with every step.
Kagome leaned closer to Sango and whispered so only they can hear. “Come with me to the toilets”
Sango just nodded and got up, making sure to keep her ass away from Miroku's hands. Kagome followed after her. “Hey guys, we're just going to the little girl's room, `kay?” The girls giggled even more before dashing off.
Miroku leaned back in his seat with his hands locked behind his head, his expression cool and nonchalant. “Sooo…What do you think they went to gossip about?”
Inuyasha scowled. “What makes you think they're gossiping?”
“Oh please, it's a well known fact that girls go to the toilets together so they can gossip and powder their noses or whatever.”
“You seem to know a lot. And people powder their noses in the 19th century.”
“Well, they put on that foundation thing then.”
“What ever”
They both exhaled and relaxed into their chairs waiting for the girls to finish what ever they were doing.
“What do you think of him Sango?”
“Don't play dumb, you know who! Miroku.”
“Oh, uhh. He's all right.”
Kagome smiled knowingly at her friend. Sango turned even redder. “Oh, so you don't think he's cute?”
“I never said that! He's just…a bit of a pervert.”
“That could be his way of saying he cares.”
Kagome leaned forward and carefully swiped that mascara brush over her lashes. Sango proceeded to do the same next to her. They were silent for a while, both of them thinking about their date.
“Sango…ano…I don't think I can do this.”
“What? It's easy you just put the brush like so…”
“No, I mean, I don't think I can keep up with my plan. I think…I'm starting to like him. Oh Sango. I don't know what to do! I mean, I never expected him to be so funny, and caring, and kind, and handsome, well ok the handsome bit yeah. But he's totally different from what I envisioned though. Maybe I should just give up now.”
“Kagome no! Think of all those poor girls he ruthlessly tossed aside. Think of Aiko! You have to hang in there. Just a little longer. He's starting to fall, I can see it. I even heard some of the boys from his school on the way home. They were saying he was acting funny all day, head in the clouds. Probably thinking of you.”
Kagome sniffled. “All right. I'll try a bit longer.”
The date went pretty well for the rest of the evening. Kagome kept down most of her fidgeting, not that anyone but Sango seemed to notice. They finished their dinner and headed to the cinema. As expected the boys argued over what to watch. Kagome and Sango wanted to watch the latest romantic comedy, whereas the guys wanted the action packed blood filled one. This went on for quite a while until they noticed people giving them disapproving looks. They all blushed to their hairlines and settled on a horror movie they had all wanted to see for some time now but never had the chance to. The guys were quite happy with the choice, especially a certain lech, since it meant a lot of squealing and burying faces in chest…or so they thought. Miroku was sorely disappointed when Sango turned out to be enthralled with the movie, drinking it all in, no attention to him whatsoever. He looked to see if Inuyasha was having better luck. He groaned with envy as he saw how tight Kagome had pressed herself against him, well, as far as she could with the handrest separating them. Inuyasha looked sickeningly pleased it made Miroku want to puke. But that could just be to do with the fact that he wasn't getting the same treatment from his `date'.
“Thanks for a lovely evening, Inuyasha. I really had fun.”
Inuyasha smiled at her as he walked with her to the bottom of the steps. Miroku had left on his own after the movie. Sango had ridden with them in the car but had already went inside her house. (a/n did I mentioned they live next door to each other?) They both stopped at the bottom of the steps and turned to face each other. Kagome looked up through her lashes at him standing there, silhouetted against the black sky. Her eyes drank him in just as his did her.
Gradually he moved closer to her, leaning down slightly. Their lips were so close she could feel his hot breath against her skin. She waited for him to kiss her, but he just stood there, eyes half closed, looking at her intently. It's now or never Kagome. Hesitantly she stoop up on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to his. She marveled at the softness of his lips as hers brushed tentatively over them. He still hadn't responded. Sighing in disappointment she ended the short but perfectly sweet kiss, even if it was a little inexperienced. Great, now you've gone and done it. If he wanted to kiss you he would have done so. She was just about to pull back when arms roughly encircled her waist and brought her into his chest hard.
Inuyasha had been shocked that she had so unexpectedly made a move that he had just stood there, stunned. When she pulled back he realized he must have given the wrong impression so he quickly gathered her in his arms again. Her oft body pressed up against his made him achingly aware of her femininity. He moaned as his mouth swept over hers, ravaging her senses until she couldn't think straight. His tongue began pushing at her lips, begging for entrance. She was only to happy to give it to him. The soft muscle sensuously stroked hers, before sweeping the inside of her mouth, exploring the wet cavern. She felt so damn good against him! His hands came up to caress up and down her sides and across her ribcage. This time he knew there was no mistaking the hardness between his legs.
Kagome gasped as his tongue entered her mouth. When he began caressing her sides she sagged against him and gave up any control she had left. Her arms came up to wrap around his neck and toy with his hair. She tore her mouth away from his with a ragged breath when she felt something stiff pushing insistently against her hip. Was that…? She wasn't so naïve she didn't know the birds from the bees. There had been enough things in the romance books she kept in a box under her bed, and tv, to inform her plenty. She didn't care if it was wanton of her, but it just felt too good. She began rubbing herself over his erection.
When Kagome pulled away from him he thought it was because he had scared her so he about to apologize when her arms wrapped itself around his neck. He took that as a sign to carry on so he did so. His mouth latched itself to the neck tasting the salty skin there. His tongue darted out to lick at her. When she grinded herself into him he nearly lost control. He moaned into her neck as she continued to grind, his sensitive ears picking up her panting and shallow breath that matched his own. He had to stop this before they went to far.
Abruptly he pushed her away from him and held her there. He tried getting his breathing under control Kagome moaned in disappointment when he pushed her away. He just smirked at her.
“Wouldn't want passersby to see us doing the dirty on the pavement, do we?”
“Ooh that jerk! He just had to go and say that.” Kagome was still beet red from his comment, even though it had been nearly 20 minutes ago he had left her. She was in the bath taking a nice long soak. She was so confused about her feelings. Logically she knew he had only been teasing her, but she thought what they had shared was special, then he turned around and made a flippant remark like it was nothing, like he did that sort of thing everyday. Well he probably did, but that's besides the point! Maybe she just needed some time to cool down. Sort out her haywire emotions so to say. She sighed and sank lower into the tub until the soapy water came up to her chin, giving her a white foam beard. Her body still tingled with pleasure in certain places. She remembered what she had said to Sango, that she would be able to control herself when the time came. Apparently she couldn't. But she was just leading him to believe he had a chance right?…Right? She exhaled a deep breath and slid into the tub until her head was under and abruptly came up sputtering. This was going to be a long night.
4 months later
Inuyasha and Kagome cuddled up on his sofa. They were presently in his entertainments room. Figured he had something like that. There were all the latest technological entertainment items here, games, movies and other gadgets littered the floor. Miroku and Sango were on the other sofa, also holding each other. Everyone had been watching a movie when they had all fallen asleep, looking absolutely peaceful and innocent in their childlike expressions. It was hard to believe the pervert under Miroku's exterior at times like this. She had finally gotten them to admit their feelings of attraction, hoping it might turn into something more. If nothing else a beautiful friendship was blooming.
Kagome felt shifting next to her and turned to see Inuyasha stirring.
“Morning sleepyhead!”
“It's not morning. And if I recall correctly you were also sleeping.” He grunted out. Then his frown turned into a smile. Not his trademark smirk, but a genuine, I'm-happy smile. Kagome smiled back, then pointed to the other sleeping couple making a shush motion with her other hand. They both watched for a while, both wishing time would stop and leave them relaxed and totally happy like this. In the months they had gotten to know each other Kagome had to admit she had grown quite attached to him. She was now sure she would never be able to hurt him. Was this how the other girls had felt? Had he somehow ensnared her too? Or did he only act like this with her, comforting and caring and sooo totally lovable. Somehow she doubted he had let those other girls see this side of him. But that could just be wishful thinking. But she had lasted quite a while longer than all those other girls. Maybe he felt something. Wait a minute…loveable? Was she in love with him? Even before she finished the question inside her head she knew she was hooked. She was in cloud nine. Now when to expect the fall down to earth was the question. Her time with him was limited, she knew that. So she was going to make the most of it. And if she ended up getting her heart broken in the end, it would be worth all the happy memories she'd have leftover of their relationship. Her smile turned watery as she attempted to stop the tears from falling. Inuyasha noticed and frowned, upset to see her crying.
“Oi, wench, what's wrong?”
“Nothing.” He had somehow taken to calling her either that, or bitch, at first she had been offended, but he looked genuinely hurt when she confronted him and threatened to break off their relationship, that she just gave in and asked him why he did it. He just said it was his way of showing affection, since he wasn't a very good at expressing his feelings. She doubtfully accepted his explanation.
“It's not nothing or you wouldn't be crying. Now tell me. Don't make me force it our of you.”
She really didn't want to tell him.
“Nothing I said. It's tears of joy.”
“Ha ha, you think I'll fall for that?” He tilted up her chin to look into her misty eyes. “Onegai, tell me what's wrong. I don't like seeing you upset.”
She buried her head in his chest. He was so sweet sometimes. It would just make it all the more harder when he sent her packing. Maybe she should dump him soon, that way she'll still have the end result she wanted and he would also not have to be with her. He was still nudging her head to look up and explain. She shook her head and pushed on his shoulder so he lay flat on his back along the sofa with her on top. His eyebrows knitted in confusion, but still he tried to get her to talk. Her fingers started undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing smooth tanned skin. Hopefully this should shut him up. In all the time they had been going out they had not gotten further than kissing and mild caresses. Sometimes she wondered if he was really just interested in sex with her, but then she would feel his throbbing manhood and her doubts would clear again.
Inuyasha sucked in a breath when she had undone all his buttons and started placing wet open mouth kisses along his collarbone and chest area. “Kagome…”
“Shh. I don't want to talk about it.”
“No. Shut up or I'll stop.”
He nodded dazed as she continued to lick down his torso stopping just above the waistband of his jeans. Then she surged back up and placed light butterfly kisses all over his face, but avoiding his wanting lips. He tried to kiss her but she wouldn't allow it, shaking her head at him. She brought both of his hands up beside his head and pinned them there. Rationally she knew he was much stronger and could break free anytime. Inuyasha also knew this. She paused to see if he would go along with it. He considered for a moment, but the decided to just let her have her fun with him. He had gotten to explore her many time while she had only been brave enough to occasionally run a hand up and down his back, or play with his hair or some such. It had never the less drove him wild. If his little temptress wanted to dominate right now, who was he to deprive her? He leashed all his instincts and relaxed under her.
Kagome was surprised when he conceded so easily. She had expected more of a fight, but one never looks a gift horse in the mouth. She briefly wondered what was going thorugh his head but continued her leisurely exploration of his body. He groaned and writhed under her inexperienced touches. It made her feel so womanly, having this strong man beneath her at her mercy. She could now clearly see, as well as feel, how aroused he had become as she tortured his senses. He started to buck his hips up a little, trying to eliminate the ache in his groin. She moaned against him and felt herself getting wetter as she retaliated by grinding back. Up and down she went, tightening the coil in her belly as well as his. She could feel it, something waiting for her at the end of this journey. Something wonderful. And he was going to take her there. Right when she was about to fall over the edge he swiftly held her hips and flipped them over until he was on top, then continued to grind into her. He undid her blouse and licked her nipples through the lacy fabric of her bra dampening the material till the rosy peaks could be seen clearly under it.
Inuyasha's mind was clouded with the hazy fog of passion. All he knew was that Kagome was beneath him, willing and submitting, and nothing else existed. He proceeded to push his hardened manhood into her, getting at the spot that would give her the most pleasure. Her skirt had ridden up to her waist and he could feel the moisture soaking through her cotton panties and his jeans. He growled and dipped his head to nibble at her ear. She mewled with pleasure and bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts. Her hand found it's way up into his hair and she ran her fingers thought the silky soft strands, then pushed her fingers up until the reached the top of his head, only to meet with the fabric of his bandana. Unthinking she pulled it off and tossed it aside. Her hands returned to their position atop his head and was greeted with something standing erect and covered in fur. It twitched when she stroke it and she giggled and did it again, tugging it gently, causing Inuyasha to thrust harder into her with a groan.
His ears were getting the best treatment they ever had since his mother died. It was being petted and stroked lovingly, much like how a person would pet their dogs. Suddenly his eyes widened and he ceased moving. He heard her whining underneath and trying to get him to continue but he just got off her and stood up facing the away. He could hear her sobbing at being denied her pleasure, but his mind was instinctively trying to protect itself, saying she was crying because she realized his hanyou heritage. Unfortunately he listened to it.
That was not the case at all. Kagome was sobbing hysterically now. Why did he stop? Did she do something wrong? Didn't he want to make love to her or did he find her unattractive? All she knew was that he rejected her, and that had hurt. Here she was offering herself to him, and what did he do? He backed off.
“Inuyasha…what's wrong?”
“Inuyasha. Inuyasha! Talk to me!”
He whirled around anger in his eyes. If it was at her she didn't know, but she knew she didn't like it one bit. He pointed to two furry appendages atop his head. When he spoke his voice was full of anger, mistrust, sorrow, and pain.
“Fine. Is that what you wanted to see? Huh? Answer me bitch! You probably hate me now you know I'm hanyou right. Only hanyous have despicable animal traits. Neither full demon or human, accepted by no one unless I pretend to be full demon.”
“No Inuyasha you don't-“
“Feh. You say that now. What about later? You'll start to feel disgust for me. Gradually you'll turn me away, just like Kikyo! No, I won't be rejected again. Not again.”
The anger had left his voice, now there was only sadness. Deep sadness.
“Inuyasha wait-“
“Save your tears. I'm going. See yourself out.”
He turned and stormed off before she could reply. The door slammed shut, and his footsteps could be heard walking away, out of her reach. Kagome was in tears, she slid to her knees on the floor and cried her heart out. It all became clear now. Why he dallied with girls. He was afraid of being rejected. Someone had hurt him in the past, and he couldn't get over it. That presented a small amount of hope for them. Maybe they could be together after all. But his thick head might not let her tell him that. She had to somehow break down his barriers or they really were going to be over.
“Kagome, are you all right?”
Sango's voice came from beside her. Her friend had placed an arm around her shoulder and her other hand was stroking her hair, crooning to her.
“What happened?”
This time it was Miroku. He was standing behind them, a concerned look in his eyes.
“It's Inuyasha…he” She broke off with a sob.Sango's demeanor changed in second.
“What?! What did that bastard do to you, I swear if he hurt you…”
“No, he just…I…his ears…I'm sorry I have to go.” Kagome stood up and rushed out desperate to patch things up, leaving Sango and Miroku on their own. The television was still on because they fell asleep during the movie and hadn't turned it off yet. Sango turned to face Miroku.
“Ears? What is she babbling about?”
“That's not my secret to tell. Gomen nasai.”
Sango's expression turned stony and cold.
“Well, if he hurt her in any way know that I will not hesitate to call off our relationship and beat you both up so bad. I may really like you but Kagome comes first.”
She turned to follow after her friend but Miroku's voice stopped her.
“Leave them to sort it out.”
His girlfriend hmmph and sat down on the couch and ignore him. He ran a hand through his hair, Inuyasha no baka, what did you do now.