InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Explanations *LEMON* ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yay, finally a lemon! =D enjoy the citrusy goodness
If anyone would like to beta this story pls email me ^^ But as a warning, sometimes I go for long periods without updating…
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 8
Inuyasha lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. All the lights were off and the curtains drawn, leaving the room gloomy and dark. It was befitting his current mood. Glumly he roll over and buried his face into the pillow, and then let out a long groan. He was probably going to lose her now too. Ok, so maybe he over-reacted a little back there. A little? His mind scoffed. Fine, a lot. He just didn't want to risk getting hurt again, not after that awful incident with Kikyo. Logically he knew Kagome wasn't like that, and would surely accept him if he ever told her, but the instinct to protect himself was too strong, so he had pushed her away, be fore she could hurt him. Now that he thought about it, he was sure if he hadn't blown up like that things would have been fine. Now she was most likely angry with him. He'd have to go apologize to her. He groaned again, but the sound came out muffled. He had a lot of pride, it wasn't going to be easy. I'll talk to her later.
Inuyasha was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't hear the sound of his door opening and closing softly. Kagome walked in and had to wait for a while for her eyes to adjust. She saw him lying (or is it laying =S) face down on his bed, mumbling incoherent things. She gulped nervously. What if he didn't want to listen to her? Would he push her away again? Is this the end of their relationship? That thought hurt her more than it should. She had to fix this, she had to get through that thick skull of his if she wanted them to remain together. Males and their testosterone.
“Inuyasha” She called out softly. When she got no reply she tried again. This time his form notably stiffened. She walked over to the bed, and gingerly perched on the side. This way she had her back turned to him.
“I'm…I'm sorry if I upset you.”
He didn't respond. She started to panic. Maybe he will break up with her after all. Perspiration formed between he brow.
“Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is…is that…erm…I love you and I don't care that you're a hanyou and-”
“What did you just say?”
Kagome was confused. So maybe she had rushed her sentence a bit but she was sure he heard that she didn't care about his hanyou heritage.
“That I don't care that you're a hanyou?”
“No before that.”
Inuyasha wasn't sure if he had heard her right. Did she just say she loves him? Kagome looked unfocused for a second, trying to remember what she said. Then abruptly her cheeks reddened. He nearly grinned but suppressed it. He was now pretty sure he heard her right.
“Erm…ehehe…I love you?”
Kagome's mouth opened in shock. She had just said she loved him and he…he…all he can say is COOL?! Her eyes narrowed in anger. She was about to open her mouth and really give it to him before he interrupted her.
“I'm sorry too. For blowing up at you like that.”
Kagome found all her anger vanished with that sentence. Inuyasha never apologized. That he did so now…does that mean he also held her in some affection? He did say he found it hard to express his feeling sometimes.
“I guess it was instinct. Someone hurt me before and I, well, you could say it really hurt my pride.”
“Do you…want to talk about it?”
He gave a sigh and roll over so he was once again facing the ceiling. She tentatively laid down next him. When he didn't protest she rested her head on his chest and placed her left hand on his stomach, since she was on his left. Her right hand was trapped between them. Both his arms were behind his head as he stared fixedly at the space in front of him.
“I suppose it wouldn't hurt to. Several years ago I met this great girl. Her name was Kikyo. We began chatting and after a few months I finally got the courage to ask her out. I had never been so happy. I never told her I was hanyou, I figured she already knew, or thought, I was at least part, if not all, youkai. I mean, kinda hard to miss the hair and gold eyes, and claws right? Keh, anyway we went out for a, what, half a year. I was so in love with her. She told me she loved me too. At this point we had never gotten further than kissing, and I've always had some kind of hat or bandana on.
We were out one day at a club. I went to get us some drinks, when I came back I found her hugging this guy. I saw red. She said she loved ME and the next minute I turn my back she flirts with a stranger? I was young and rash, it never occurred to me they could have been friends or something. I transformed. I couldn't stop it, it just happened. Next thing I knew I had this guy up by his collar and was growling at him. Then I beat him bad. Kikyo was crying at this point and begging me to stop but I couldn't control my demon nature.
After a while I calmed down and Kikyo dragged me away before the cops could arrive. When we were far enough away, she turned and faced me. I don't think I can forget that look, all that fear. She asked me if I was youkai, I told her no, that I was a hanyou. I reached out to touch her, but she just backed away. She told me to stay away, she was really scared, then she turned and ran home. I just stood there and watched. Days after that I waited for her call, just moping in my apartment. When it came I was ecstatic. She said she was sorry about her reaction, and that she was willing to give our relationship another shot.
But it was never the same. She had changed. We didn't laugh or have fun anymore. She held herself at a distance. I though she was just getting used to it. I didn't know that she didn't love me anymore. One day the police broke into my apartment while we were there. They turned to Kikyo and asked “Is this the guy who beat up that man?” She just nodded. I couldn't believe it. She betrayed me and sold me to the cops. As they dragged me off I thought I heard her whisper “I'm sorry”. Anyway I was waiting in jail for a bit. The guy was barely alive when they found him. My half brother came and bailed me out. I never really understood why he did that, since we're not really on speaking terms. After that I never trusted anyone again, except Miroku.”
Kagome was sobbing quietly into his shirt now. To think he'd been through all that, no wonder he was such a player. She had really misjudged at the beginning. She didn't think it excused him hurting all those girls, but at least now she understood why.
“I'm so sorry. I had no idea.”
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
“You weren't suppose to. Miroku is the only one that knows.”
“You know Sango is going to demand to know why I was upset earlier and threaten bodily harm to you.”
They both laughed softly at that. Sango was very protective of her `sister'.
“Well, I suppose if you can trust her so can I.”
Kagome turned to face him. Does this mean this would be a real relationship to him now? Does she mean as much to him as he does her? At her questioning look he just smile and leaned down to kiss her.
It started off slow and gentle, with each other's tongues shyly sparring with the other. Inuyasha slowly rolled over until she was beneath him. She spread her legs out to accommodate him. They pulled apart for a bit needing air. They stared into each other's eyes, getting lost in the feelings showing.
Slowly, so as not to ruin the moment, Inuyasha leaned down and captured her lips again, all the while staring into her deep ocean blue eyes. He watched as they slowly fluttered close, her lashes fanning them. He closed his eyes too and reveled in this feeling of being whole. Only she could do this, make him forget all about his worries. He wanted to make her his mate, but knew it was too soon, they were still young, and she would want to experience what life has to offer first.
Getting tired of his inhibited kisses Kagome licked at his lips and ran her hands down his back. Inuyasha groaned and pushed his tongue into her mouth, sampling her unique flavor, and getting lost in it. He broke away from her lips and she whimpered from the lost of his mouth, but quickly started moaning again when he attached himself to her neck and started sucking and nibbling. He knew there would be a mark there. He gave the column of her throat one last lick before moving down and nuzzling her cleavage where her blouse was unbuttoned at the top.
His tongue snaked out and licked the skin then he moved up and kissed her again. She shivered in pleasure, feeling wetness gather at the junction of her thighs.
“Oh, kami.”
He just smirked against her skin and went right back to what he was doing. She brought her hands up and entangled them in his hair, arching her back in pleasure. He started to unbutton her blouse with his teeth. When it was all undone he snaked his arms aroud her back and sat her up. She soon found her shirt thrown off to the side of the room and looked down to see the man feverishly try to undo her bra hooks.
“Puppy having a little problem?”
He growled at her question. The only warning she got before he sliced them off her was a smirk and a glint in his eyes.
“You jerk! That was one of my favorite.”
“Don't worry, I'll buy you some more.”
She blushed and sputtered. He just ignored her and proceeded to take off her skirt. That too went flying to some unknown place in the room. Now she was just sitting in front of him in her black panties. He stared at her almost reverently. She started to feel a little self-conscious. Why is he just sitting there? She worried he found her lacking, considering all those girls he bedded, but then looked down at his midsection, and smirked. Nope, he doesn't find me lacking.
Feeling a little emboldened she crawled forward towards him letting her breasts sway. He gulped when she slowly pushed him down to lie on his back and straddled his waist, putting her core right over his cock. He moaned as she rocked her hips once, twice, and then stopped.
“Someone's still too dressed.”
She sat him up and slowly slid his shirt over his head, brushing her fingers lightly against his chest. Once his shirt was off she scooted down his legs until she was straddling his thighs.
Kagome looked down at the tent in his jeans, and then looked up at him through her lashes. Smirking she placed a hand on the cloth covered erection and squeezed lightly. Inuyasha moaned and bucked his hips into her hand, seeking more contact. She stopped her hand and he almost whined, but then she quickly freed him of the constricting jeans.
“Ooh, you like going commando?”
“What? It's comfortable.”
He flipped them over so that he was once again between her legs and pushed his hips against her. He watched as she her eyes drifted close and she squealed. His claws went to work shredding off her panties. Soon they were both naked and panting.
Hw lowered his mouth to her breasts and licked her nipple. She yelped and arched her back, pushing more of her breath into his mouth. He nearly lost control when her soft hands found their way to his hard cock, and stroked it roughly.
He growled and forces her hands away. She pouted cutely and tried to reach for him again.
“Keep your hands to yourself unless you wish to be fucked into the mattress your first time.”
A playful gleam entered her eyes.
“And if I don't care?”
She had somehow gotten her hands on him again and squeezed his manhood lightly. He closed his eyes and growled, while his hips reflexively pushed into her hands.
“Did you not hear what I just said?”
His voice was hoarse from the passion flowing through his veins. She smiled. She had made him like that. It made her feel feminine, having this powerful man between her legs, needy and panting.
“And I repeat, what if I don't care?”
If she wants it like that…He brought a finger up to his mouth. She watched on curiously as he nibbled of the claw.
“Don't worry they'll grow back tomorrow.”
He pushed his clawless finger into her sheathe to test her wetness. She moaned and arched he back. Inuyasha looked at her, eyes closed in passion and skin flushed. Strands of hair clung to her skin from the sweat, and she was panting. He removed his finger.
“Look at me Kagome.”
Her eyes drifted open. She gazed at him as he brought the finger to his mouth and leisurely licked it. She groaned and her head fell back as hey eyes closed again. When he finished cleaning his finger he settled between her legs. Roughly he pushed her legs apart and slid into her pussy. When he met her barrier he muttered a quick apology and thrust in, breaking the membrane.
She cried out in pain her hands clawed at his back. He was still as he waited for her to adjust. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and pulled out until just the tip of him was sheathed. He pushed back in. She whimpered. It didn't hurt anymore. The friction was causing her such pleasure. Her hands tightened on his back.
His thrusts increased in pace until he was literally fucking her into the mattress. He wasn't kidding when he said that. The headboard made thump thump noises as he continuously pounded into her. He attached himself to her neck and sucked and licked the smooth column.
He felt her walls flutter around him and knew her to be close to climax. He pulled out all the way. She whined in protest, but he deftly flipped her over onto her stomach.
“On you hands and knees.”
She scrambled to comply. Soon he was thrusting into her from behind. The new angle made him hit something inside her that soon had her screaming his name. Out of nowhere her orgasm snuck up on her and she screamed. He let out a matching roar and spilled his seed into her.
~*end lemon*~
They collapsed onto the bed, still shaking from the force of their orgasms. He chuckled and pulled her into his embrace. He felt her snuggle into him as sleep overcame them.
x Mission: Irresistible x
“I think it's fairly safe to say they made up.”
Sango looked over at her boyfriend, her eyes narrowing.
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, she went up to his room over and hour ago…”
Miroku shrugged, but had a mischievous grin on his face. Sango caught onto what he meant. She threw a nearby pillow at him
Miroku continued to duck various flying objects, his hands going up to cover his head. Now how to get Sango to do that with me…
><><><><><><><><& gt;<
Ok, sorry for the long wait peeps. That was my second lemon, so pls go easy on me if you don't like it for any reason…It was kinda rushed, I wanted to make it longer but…I figured everyone had waited long enough for an update. =D