InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Kouga Returns ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 9
Kagome woke up to the feeling of someone rubbing her back. She stayed still and just enjoyed the comforting feeling. Last night rushed back at her, and she blushed. Unconsciously she burrowed further into the hard naked chest in front of her. She heard low laughter above her head.
“Good morning, koi.” She smiled sleepily, and cracked open an eye, looking up to see him grinning at her.
“Morning, Inu.”
“Pleasant dreams?” Kagome inadvertently blushed, her mind going back to erotic dream she had. She was about to reply when she caught sight of his smirk. Egomaniac. Well, she won't give him the satisfaction of letting him see her so embarrassed. Coyly she slid a hand onto his chest, drawing small circles with a finger. She looked up at him through her lashes, and smiled seductively.
“What if I did?”
Inuyasha gulped. He hadn't expected her to react so brazenly. To be honest, he thought she was going to stutter, turn red, deny it, smack him, or a combination of those things. Not that he was complaining. Her hand on him was turning his thought process to mush.
He saw Kagome smirk at him. Obviously she knew the effect she had on him. Why that little…Catching her by surprise, he deftly rolled them until she was pinned beneath him, her hands trapped between their panting bodies. He could already feel himself hardening between her thighs.
“Well, how about telling me what it was `bout?” Kagome blushed heatedly, but before she could stop them the words slipped out of her mouth.
“How about I act out what it was about?” His eyes widened, but then a grin crept its way onto his face.
“Sure. If you can.” Damn, he had to say that. He knows I don't like backing down from challenges. She lay there for a moment before getting up the courage to do what she needed to do.
She flipped them over so she was now the one straddling him. Kneeling forward slightly she captured his wrists and held them above his head. Of course, both knew he could break free at any time, but he played along anyway. Teasingly she leaned down and brought her lips to his, brushing them lightly. Before he had a chance to respond she pulled away, only to start kissing down his neck and chest instead.
His breathing caught in his throat as she flicked one male nipple with her tongue, before sipping at it gently.
“Hmm?” Damn, he couldn't think properly. His hips thrust upwards, trying to grind his arousal into her.
“If you don't…pant pant…stop that…gulp… I won't be able to control myself.”
“Then don't.”
“Kagome…As much as I'm enjoying this, last night was your first time. I think you might still be a bit sore for that.” He heard a sigh from her, before she reluctantly agreed and pulled away. Instantly he felt the cool air wash over his heated form. They lay together for a while, just enjoying the silence. Kagome couldn't be happier. It felt so right waking up next to him. This one's a keeper. She thought about her plan. How could she have even thought of doing that to him? She'll have to tell him soon, if he heard from someone else, there could be misunderstanding, and a lot of troubles.
“Inu I-”
“Kagome I just remembered-”
They stopped mid-sentence.
“You first Inuyasha.”
“Kay. Did you call your parents to tell them you're here?”
Her eyes widened. Damn. How could have forgotten about that. Inuyasha saw her expression and decided the answer was no. They hurriedly got out of bed, took turns in the bathroom and dressed themselves.
Forty minutes later found them downstairs in the kitchen. Kagome was about to go get the phone when their friend's voice floated over.
“Hey guys. See you finally dragged yourselves from more pleasurable activities.” Guess who said that. A loud slap was heard.
“Hey Kag, Inu. What're you doing?”
“Kagome's gotta tell her parents where she is.” Sango gave a smirk.
“Oh don't worry I already have.” Kagome gave a squeak.
“You have? Um…did they…uh…flip out?”
“No. Why would they?”
“Well you know…I am staying with-”
“Me. You've been at my house all night.” Kagome squealed, and embraced her friend.
“Thank you Sango! You are such a great friend. They would have flipped if they knew I stayed at a guy's house.”
“Any time, girl. That's what I'm here for.” A loud crash was heard behind them. Both girls glance backwards to see Inuyasha staring at them sheepishly. At his feet were the unconscious form of Miroku, and many pans and smashed eggs.
“Uh. He he. I…tripped?”
The girls shook their heads in exasperation before shushing him out of the kitchen, telling him they'd make breakfast. He can go do whatever guys do with their time.
x Mission: Irresistible x
“Tell me about it.” Kagome shook her head as they went to work in the kitchen preparing breakfast, but couldn't hide the fact that she was smiling. Sure, they could be idiots, but that's what made them so adorable right? At least when you look back on the incident, not while you're so annoyed you could…oh I don't know, castrate him? Ok, maybe that's a bit drastic.
“So what are we making? Pancakes? Sausages? Eggs? Bacon?”
“Umm, just make it all, considering who we're feeding.” Kagome hummed to herself as she set to work.
“So, what did you and Miroku get up to last night?”
“Nothing!” Sango was a bright red as she said this.
“Is that a blush I see? Oooh, spill.”
“I'm telling you, nothing! He was being such a pig anyway. Hentai…” Kagome frowned as Sango mumbled the last part. Did something happen?
“Sango, that's just his nature. You can't force him to change. You know that.”
“It would be fine if he could refrain once in a while and especially around other girls.”
“Sango-chan, you know that doesn't make him love you any less. I may not agree with it, but it would be hard to cure him of a lifetime habit.” The thought of a hentai baby Miroku made her giggle, but then she sobered.
“Just give him a chance, kay?” Sango nodded, but didn't look very agreeable to the idea.
x Mission: Irresistible x
After breakfast they all decided to go out to the park since it was such a fine day. The park was surprisingly empty, probably because of the new amusement park down the road. Everyone went there now, but who were they to complain? They got the whole park to themselves, surely that was a good thing.
Kagome found herself trailing along behind everyone else. The park held a lot of memories for her. She used to come here with her father when she was little. There's the tree she learned to climb with him waiting to catch her should she fall, the sandbox where she build many castles only to have them crumble in a second, the spinny thing she never knew the name of, but he would spin her round and round until she giggled and told him no more. And the swing…oh god the swing.
“Gome?” She realized she had stopped and was staring at the toy mesmerized.
“You guys go ahead, I'll catch up.” They look at her dubiously, but continues on anyway. She turned back to the garishly red and yellow swing. Tears gathered at the corner of her eyes as she remembered.
“Daddy!” A little girl ran up to a man who was presumably her father.
“Daddy, can we go on the swing? Pleeeeease?”
“Alright honey. Five minutes, we have to get home before mama worry.” The girl just beamed and waited to be pushed.
Small feet encased in pink boots swung through the air, as laughter could be heard. In that moment, Kagome felt nothing could go wrong. Her father would be with her forever, and they would always have fun.
How wrong she was.
Five minutes later her father was hit by a truck. He had managed to push Kagome out of the way just in time.
As Kagome sat there crying her eyes out and asking what was wrong with her father, she never realized. It would only be later that she did.
That swing was the last thing she had done with her father
Kagome found herself crying again. It had been so many years, but she still could not get over it. Her father and she had been very close, they were almost inseparable. And then he just disappeared that fine sunny day, much like today.
“Hey! Is that my woman I see?”
“Kouga-kun? What are you doing here?”
“Just happened to walk past and thought I saw you. You looking mighty fine today. How about lunch, Baby?” Kagome frowned.
“You know I'm dating Inuyasha. And I'm not your baby.”
“That mutt? Aww babe, you could do better than him. Be my woman.” He said this along with a suggestive leer as he eyed her form. She grimaced.
“No, I love Inu, and he loves m-Hey! Stop that!”
Kouga just grinned and kept his arm around her waist as he leaned in to kiss the thrashing girl. So close…
“Oi! Wolf shit! What are you doing to Kagome?!” Relieved, Kagome put her arms around Inuyasha as he pulled her into his embrace. Oblivious to the glaring men, she put her face into his chest. Kouga seemed to fume even more while Inuyasha just smirked.
“I catch you near her again, you die. Got it? Good.” Without even waiting for a reply Inuyasha turned and walked away with Kagome, leaving behind an extremely pissed Kouga.
Oh dear.
x Mission: Irresistible x
Aiko frowned as she saw Inuyasha and Kagome put their arms around each other and kiss softly before hurrying to join their friends.
That back stabbing bitch. How dare she? She was supposed to be avenging her, not taking Inuyasha for herself.
No matter, if Aiko couldn't have the guy, then Kagome damn well couldn't either. And she knew just the person to make it happen.
x Mission: Irresistible x
“What happened Kagome-chan? You look awfully pale.” Sango said this while creeping away from Miroku, who looked a little depressed but was trying to hide it.
“Wolf shit is what happened. We leave for five minutes, and I see him trying to molest my girl.”
“That Kouga again? Boy he's persistent-Sango dear, would you please stop moving away, it's hurting my feelings.” Everyone but Sango noticed how true it was, but they decide to keep out of it.
“Don't worry, love. Everything's fine now. How about some ice cream?”
x Mission: Irresistible x
Meanwhile, in a small café just outside the park, two people were talking over glasses of iced drinks.
“So you agree?” The girl stared at the boy as she asked the question.
“Sure, why the hell not? No girl gets away with refusing me, and that bastard needs to be taught a lesson. But what do you get out of this?” She shrugged.
“I just don't want them together. Isn't that enough? You get the girl you want and torturing your enemy, and I get revenge for that bitch lying to me.”
“So it's settled. You get Kagome out of the house, and I will wait outside. She'll be taken to the warehouse outside of town. Come after you're done with him, and we'll…deal with her together.”
Now it was unlucky that they decided they had enough privacy to say all this out loud, because, unnoticed to them, the young brunette guy and the serious looking black haired girl their table was between heard everything, and they might just decide to tell the intended victims.
Ok guys, sorry for the extreeeemely late update. I knew what I wanted to happen, I just didn't how to make it happen. And the flashback was crap I know, but I needed something to make Kag fall behind so Kouga could catch her. And guess who the mysterious eavesdroppers were? =)