InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Kidnappers Revealed ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

And welcome to the final chapter of Mission: Irresistable! Finally it's done! I'm sooo happy! God I'm actually getting a bit sick of this fandom now XD anyways, enjoy!
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 11
“I see you're awake.” Kagome bolted upright as she tried to focus her eyes in the darkness.
“Who's there?” A menacing laugh was heard, but the voice didn't bother to reply. What was she doing here? The last thing she remembered was leaving Inuyasha's house and running down the street. She vaugely recalled something blue, before the blackness settled in around her. Now she was here, whereever here is, with God knows who. Call her paranoid, but she didn't think this was a very good situation to be in. Should she try call for help? The voice chuckled again as if sensing her trepidation. It almost sounded friendly, but she knew better than to fall for that.
“Don't bother screaming, no one will hear it but me.”
“Who are you? What do you want with me?”
“All in good time my dear, all in good time. Now how about you guess who I am? I'll be back in a few to see if you've figured it out.” She listened as his footsteps echoed away. A door was heard opening, but the other side must have been as dark because she still couldn't see light coming through. She shifted aroud and tried to touch the walls aroud her, thinking that maybe she could get a vague idea of where she was. However, her feet came in contact with nothing…wait! There were some wooden crates, pretty large ones at that. Some kind of basement? A cellar?
She huffed and leaned back against the cold metal wall. No, probably some kind of abandoned warehouse, considering the fact that basements don't have metal walls. How cliché. Her captor must be an idiot. The first place anyone would look were places like these. At least, she hoped so. No telling what would happen to her if her captor came back…
Voices? Sure enough, she could hear two people faintly talking on what she figured was the other side of the door. One was definitely masculine, her captor, and the other decidedly feminine. They seemed to be arguing about something.
“What are you going to do to her?”
“What we planned to of course.”

“We planned to get her away from him, but you're obviously going to hurt her! That wasn't part of the deal.”
“Shut up. You can't back out now. If we let het go she'll run and open her mouth. We can't have anyone knowing about this.”
“No, you can't mean to kill her!”
“Of course. No one else can know, just because you were once friends…” Kagome stopped listening. They were planning to kill her? Oh god…Inuyasha! She'll never see him again. She was aware of the continued argument, but her mind was elsewhere. Why did they sound so familiar? And what was that about being friends? Blue eyes and a cocky smirk flashed in her mind.
Kouga! Her eyes widened at the realization. That must mean…the other person. Aiko-chan? She was shocked. How could her erstwhile friend do this to her? All because Inuyasha didn't love her back. And Kouga too. She thought they were her friends…
Lost in thought, she was startled when she felt two presence in front of her. They must have came in when she wasn't listening. Why couldn't she see? She strained to look at the two people, but still it was hopeless.
“Kouga? Aiko? Why?”
“Don't bother trying to see, I placed a spell on you that temporarily blinds you.” He laughed again, and she could almost hear the glee in his voice. Aiko had yet to speak a word.
“Why are you guys doing this?”
“Why? Because you picked that damn mutt over me, that's why! No one refuses Kouga!”
“But isn't this going a little too far? I mean, murder because you were rejected?” He was angry at her words, if the growl leaving his mouth was anything to go by.
“Oh I won't kill you…yet. Maybe I'll have a little fun first.” Kagome didn't have to see his face to hear the sneer in his voice. There was a feminine whimper and she realized it must have been Aiko. She held her breath.
“As for you, I think I'll have to shut you up, just to make sure you don't go and turn me in.” There was a loud bang and a short scream before Kagome heard the sound of a body falling to the floor. She felt sick to her stomach. How could anyone just murder in cold blood like that? Aiko wasn't her favourite person right now but she didn't deserve death. She could feel the corner of her eyes prickling with tears.
“Don't think I've forgotten about you, Kagome. Let's see the reason why that damn mutt decided to keep you instead of throwing you away like his other whores.” She could hear his footstep advancing on her. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and she could feel herself panting in fear. Suddenly the footsteps stopped. She slowly breathed out, trying to reach out with her other senses to feel for his presence.
All of a sudden before she knew it, his heavier body was thrown against her and they both fell prone to the floor. She started screaming.