InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missy's book of one-shots ❯ A nigth at Kagome's ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hot wheels, hot tears: A night at Kagome's

Inuyasha had been waiting for Kagome who somehow snuck out of camp and got to the well earlier that morning. Inuyasha swore one day he would destroy the well. Now he was in Kagome's era and in her room. He was bugging her and actually started chanting the phrase "jewel shard" like some ten year old on a sugar bender.

Well until Kagome sat him about two dozen times. Though she didn't like the idea of having a ten-foot hole in the middle of her room. Now Inuyasha was growling and the growling turned into howling. Finally Kagome just couldn't take it anymore.

"Inuyasha leave me alone! I have to study! I told you I be back later tomorrow," Kagome said.

"You coming back now. We need to get more jewel shards! Forget these stupid tests," Inuyasha whined.

"Sit boy," Kagome said as her eye began to twitch.


"I have two very big test tomorrow and not even a thousand demons will pull me off this chair. You got that Dog boy! No, go back to YOUR era. Unless you want to go back in a wheel chair," Kagome said shaking her fountain pen at him.

"What the hell is a wheel chair," Inuyasha asked getting off the floor.

"it's a chair with wheels on it for people with back problems like you'll be having or with no legs or legs who can't work. Now Inuyasha you better leave me alone or else," Kagome said.

Kagome was getting mad. Man, she was scary when she was mad. Inuyasha made a silent retreated to her bed where he sat cross-legged, with his arms folded across chest and put the death glace on Kagome.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone but I won't stop looking at you. I'll give you five minutes and you'll crack. I'll have ways to make you come back Kagome.' Inuyasha thought.

[Fifth teen minutes later]

Kagome had been trying her best to ignore him but he was burning a hole in the back of head. She knew he was staring at her and it was bugging the crap out of her. She wasn't going to look back or say again. Maybe if she ignored him he would give up and go to sleep.

[Half hour later]

Kagome snapped. She had it with Dog-boy but only if she would have waited Inuyasha was about to doze off in a few more minutes after all.

"Get out Inuyasha! I'm sick of your staring! OUT! OUT! OUT! NOW," Kagome order while trying to pull him off the bed, so she can throw him out the window.

"It's going to take a thousand demons to get me off this bed Kagome," Inuyasha mocked.

"Inuyasha! I'll give you to the count of three and if you don't remove yourself," Kagome said.

"Go ahead and say it but I'm taking the bed with me," Inuyasha said with a smirk.

"You are so annoying!!! UGH! Inuyasha please just go," Kagome whined.

"Are you coming back with me," Inuyasha asked.

"Inuyasha I have tests," Kagome explained.

"Feh, I told you I don't care," Inuyasha said gruffly.

"SOUTA," Kagome yelled.

"Why you calling that brat for," Inuyasha said with his ears flatten.

He was her only hope. To beat a brat you had to get a brat. Yeah that right. It was pure logic. Kagome smirked when he entered the room.

"What's up sis," said her cheerful brother.

"Could you please take Inuyasha to your room. I think he needs something to do," Kagome said with a smile.

"All Right! Finally I get to show Inuyasha around," Souta said as he pulled the hanyou off his sister bed leading him to his bedroom.

Inuyasha gave Kagome his pissed off look, while she gave him a victory smile then she sat back down at her desk and started to study once more.

[Inside Souta's room]

"What is all this stuff," Inuyasha asked.

Souta room had a bunch of Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon figures, dolls, and cards, ECT. Plus, hot wheel tracks and posters of cars on the wall. The perfect guy room if one was into all those anime.

"That's Goku, that's Mewtwo, that the Blue eye's white dragon, that's a picture of Ash, and that's Cell. Oh and these are my hot wheels cars and tracks on the desk," Souta explained to his dog-eared idol.

"Funny Kagome only has one desk why do you get three," Inuyasha asked.

"I dunno. I guess cause she always with you and she's a girl," Souta said.

"Feh, yeah maybe," was all Inuyasha said.

"Let's play with my new hot wheel track okay," Souta said.

Inuyasha just nodded as Souta got a whole bunch of toys cars and laid them out.

"Here pick whatever you want but the green one that my special one. So, I don't really like to play with it," Souta said.

"Okay whatever. (Picks about three of them) Okay now what," Inuyasha asked.

"See it like this. (Turns on the tracks) You put a car on a track one at a time and (they watch the car fly around the track a few times) see that's it," Souta said.

[Ten minutes later]

They were having fun. For the most part, Inuyasha really liked it when the cars crashed and came flying out. Thus, he kept putting more cars on the track. Too many really but Souta got him laughing a few times.

"So what about the hot wheels outside? How come these are smaller," Inuyasha asked in confusion.

"Oh these are just toys. The ones outside are real and only grown ups can drive them. I'll be big enough soon and then I get one. Maybe we can go driving one day. We can go to a baseball game too," Souta said with a big smile.

"Feh, I guess but what baseball," Inuyasha asked.

"Gez, Kagome never told you what baseball is! Maybe you should come over here more Inuyasha. Oh well I'll tell ya later," Souta said.

"Can't gotta "beat up" Naraku and complete the jewel," Inuyasha said awkwardly.

Kagome had told him after many "sits" commands never to tell Souta about Naraku or use the "K" word around him. It was okay in video games but Kagome didn't want her little brother knowing about real killing like this. Beside she knew he would tell her mom and grandpa and that wouldn't fare too well with any of that either.

Thus, Inuyasha was forced and told you used phrases like "beat up" or blasted him far away. Yeah it was that one time that Inuyasha killed the evil mask monster but that was an exception. Besides Souta wasn't dumb. He knew that Inuyasha killed a lot of people back in his time that's what made him so cool and the fact that he had a sword!

"Oh. Look their about to crash!!! Duck," Souta cried out.

The two ducked as a shiny Blue and dull gray car flew off the track and crashed into the nearest wall.

"Hey do this kind of stuff happens in real life," asked Inuyasha really impress.

"YEAH! They blow up too. The bad thing is that people can get really hurt and maybe die. They happen more in America more then here though. They have more drunk drivers than we do," Souta said puffing out his chest like Shippo.

"What's America??? Another village," Inuyasha asked.

"No not really. More like another country. It a lot bigger and they have a lot of neat stuff over there. Like baseball and soccer," Souta explained.

"Maybe you can drive me there one day then," Inuyasha said still wondering what baseball and soccer was.

"Can't gotta boat there. The Pacific Ocean is in between the both of us see," Souta said using a wall map.

"So can't you fly? Kagome said you could fly to places like that," Inuyasha said.

"Can't fly too scared to go on a plane," Souta said.

"Why they crash too," Inuyasha said.

"Yeah that's how my dad died. Planes can crash and blow up too. (Getting teary-eyed) That why I don't like them, killed my father," Souta said in a small voice.

"Oh I'm sorry," Inuyasha said after a while.

"Ah, it okay. I was only a baby when it happen. Didn't Kagome ever tell you," Souta asked.

"No. I guess it never came up," Inuyasha said.

{Five minutes of complete silence between the two.}

More cars were all over the floor and crashed into the wall. Inuyasha nearly got hit in the eye a few times and save Souta from some. Most of the stuff he concluded, in Kagome's time was far more deadlier than back in his time. Finally, Souta broke the silence between them.

"So Inuyasha where's your dad," Souta asked. He wasn't sure how old Inuyasha was but he looked like he should be in high school.

"He died too. A long time ago," Inuyasha said.

Souta knew he was going into a sensitively subject but he told Inuyasha how his father died so it was only fair. Inuyasha tensed up, he had enough demon sense to know where this was headed. As he put another three cars on the track eager they would crash and hit the wall.

"So how did he die," Souta asked.

"In a battle, a long time ago. I was just a pup too. I only saw him maybe four times in my whole life. He was always fighting in some battle. Mostly it was just my mom and I. She died when I was a pup too. Then I was all-alone. Well there was Sesshomaru but that punk didn't want anything to do with me," Inuyasha said.

"How she died," Souta, said curiosity getting the better of him now.

"Don't know. Just didn't wake up one day. I still think she was…Oh never mind," Inuyasha said getting a little defensive.

"You okay Inuyasha," Souta said a little worried.

"Yeah. Like you said it happen a long time ago. I'm over it," Inuyasha said.

"That's good. Grandpa always telling creepy stories about people who get obsess with stuff like this," Souta said.

"Feh, I'm not like that," Inuyasha snorted.

Kagome's Mom came up to tell the guys it was time for bed. Inuyasha wanted to go back to Kagome bedroom to mess with her some more but Souta wouldn't let him go.

"My bed big enough for the two of us. It'll be fun Inuyasha forget my sister all she does is study anyway," Souta whined hugging on Inuyasha leg.

"Okay. Okay. Gez," Inuyasha said.

[Ten minutes later.]

Souta change into his PJ'S quickly and ask Inuyasha if he wanted any. Not like, any of his would fit the hanyou but he was a polite boy. Inuyasha said he'd sleep with what he had on. Soon the two had the lights out and laid in the small bed. Souta went to sleep instantly as Inuyasha was feeling all snug. In a lot of ways, Kagome was a lot like him after all.

"I'll let her do her test," Inuyasha mumbles as he closed his eyes.

Souta was whimpering in his slumber as he rolled over. Inuyasha sighed. Man, he was just like Shippo. Hopefully Souta didn't still have bed wedding problems. When he did go to sleep, he liked to wake up on his own dry place. Not by whiny little brats that wet themselves in the middle of the night.

"Daddy," Souta sniffed.

Inuyasha shook his head at the crying child. Crybaby. At least he wasn't like that.

[Five more minutes]

Inuyasha slid out of bed finally; he had to go to the bathroom if he could find it. He would use one of the houseplants but Kagome would get mad at him again. How was he supposed to know people kept stupid bushes and trees in their houses in her time? He thought he could take cars of business in them. That had been an unfair "sit" on her part. After two minutes of walking around the house a little too noisy. He found himself outside with the real trees so he can do his business. It wasn't long before Souta caught up with him.

"Hey Inuyasha what are doing? You're not going home are you," Souta asked.

"Nah. I had to take care of business," Inuyasha said.

"Oh. So you going to come back to my room now," Souta said.

"Yeah I guess so," Inuyasha said.

[Ten minutes later]

The house was quite and everyone was asleep again. Souta had his head on Inuyasha broad chest as he snore. Inuyasha ear's still twitched once in a while. Kagome was still at her desk drooling on her mountain of textbooks. Mumbling math problems and other test answers with each snore.

[Next morning]

It was early. Her mom had scolded Kagome for over studying again. She had showered and was ready for school. She had to be there really early to take her make up tests. She knew Inuyasha was still in her house. She walked quietly towards Souta's room. Sliding back the door to find in her opinion the cutest thing, she ever saw. Souta and Inuyasha sleeping together.

Souta was still had his head on Inuyasha's now topless chest, Inuyasha had one his legs sticking out of the bed. Souta was slightly snoring while Inuyasha was drooling lightly. Kagome started to pick up all the fallen sheets. She knew Souta slept rough but with Inuyasha it seem like the two had a pillow fight or something. Kagome put the sheets back on two of her favorite guys. As she notice something.

`Inuyasha, have you been crying in your sleep,' Kagome though in awe. Image the tough guy having nightmares.

She gently touched the side of his face. Yup he had been crying in his sleep. She smirk Inuyasha having nightmares. She started to leave when she start to close the door she hear him say in his sleep.

" Mom, dad don't leave me all alone," Inuyasha whined in his sleep.

[The end]