InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken flowers ❯ Mistaken flowers ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Kaede, what's this?" Shippo asked pointing to some green powder.

"That's grounded clover"

Kagome was gone in her time for the past tree days.

"And that?" asked Shippo this time pointing to some red paste.

"A special plant that grows in water" replied Kaede

"And what's that and that and that, oh, and also what's that?"

Kaede felt a headache coming on.

"Why don't you go outside and wait for Kagome?"

"Okay" Shippo replied and bounced out the door.

`Maybe he could get a present for Kagome' he thought as he made his way to Inu-yasha's forest. He then say a beautiful flower and in a split second pounced on it. He started his way to the well, picking up flowers on the way.

`Where is she already!' Thought a certain hanyou. A familiar scent overtook his nose. `Smells like flowers and……..and……..and Shippo!'. That squashed his hope, and now he was feeling mighty irritated. `Now something to take it out on'

"eep" squeaked Shippo as Inu-Yasha jumped in front of him.

"What do you got there runt" snarled Inuyasha.

Shippo tried to hide the flowers, but failed miserably.

"What's that" said Inu-Yasha as he yanked the flowers out of his grip.

"Give that back Inu-Yasha, It's for….. Kagome!" Shippo bounded toward the well.

"Huh?" was all Inu-Yasha could muster

"Hi, Inu-Yasha!"

He turned.

" ohhh, those flowers are beautiful! Are they for me?"

"I-I guess" mumbled Inu-Yasha.

Shippo glared.

"Ohhhhh, thank you!" Kagome said as she walked up and kissed him on the cheek.

Shippo glare intensified a ten-fold.

"uhh". Inuyasha was speechless.

"Let's see Kaede okay Shippo" with that Kagome walked on.

By the time they were out of ear-shot

"What the hell happened?"

A/N:I want your opinion please!