InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes Are Ours To Make ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<center><b><i>Chapter 2</i></b></center>
Kagome stared at the Inu-hanyou. He just proposed. Inuyasha Taiyoukai just proposed... to... her...
She wasn't sure whether to be angry or ecstatic. She decided to go with the former.
Eyes narrowed, Kagome pulled her hand from Inuyasha's grasp and stood with all the dignity and grace she could muster with the white-hot rage boiling inside of her. She could hardly breathe, could only see through a thick haze of red fog as she clutched Miyoko to her chest.
"Responsibility? Is that all we are? We're your... responsibility." Her voice was low, soft, but the venom that poured thick and deadly off each syllable left every male in the room wincing. "You seduced me, got me in your bed, then left the minute you knew that I wouldn't see you leave, TO GO FUCK ANOTHER GIRL!"
Kagome had never felt such strong emotions. She normally was quiet, shy, and reserved; but now, all she wanted was to claw his eyes out. She wanted to castrate him, beat him senseless with a club, ANYTHING to make him feel as bad as he just made her. She was making sacrifices for her baby, yes, but hell would freeze over before she married this chauvanistic, whoring son of a bitch!
Inuyasha had stood up at this time, ears drooping and pulled back as she screamed at him. Izayoi ran to her side and tried to calm her down, but she yanked her arm away and stalked up to the hanyou.
"Well, I'm fucking sorry, Inuyasha, but no, I will not marry you. You changed overnight? You've stopped running from one woman's bed to another like some kind of man-whore? No, I didn't fucking think so. And until you fucking grow up and start acting like a father, then you will not be involved in any part of Miyoko's life, even if I have to move to fucking Antartica to do it!"
Sesshomaru grabbed his brother and yanked him away as Izayoi tried to reason with her. When she started screaming, Miyoko had started as well, tears running down her cheeks, squirming in her blanket until she kicked it off.
"Kagome, please," Izayoi's eyes shone with sympathy. She could very well understand why this young woman was so distressed; her idiot son had chosen his words poorly, if not grammatically correct. She had been stressing for almost a century that his sexual life would get him trouble, and she'd been right. "Please, don't make any hasty decisions. Inuyasha may be... promiscuous, but he is a good man. You should give him a chance."
Kagome's eyes glared daggers at the hanyou in question, whose ears had drooped even more, if it were possible. His father, uncle, and brother were quietly berating and giving him occasional smacks on the back of his already abused head. Her vision began to blur, and vaguely she realized that she must be crying. She felt moisture stream down her face as she rocked her daughter, trying to soothe her when she couldn't even soothe herself.
"Give him a chance? I gave him a chance..." a lump formed in her throat, the secret of that night lodging itself. "That night... I was a virgin... I gave him... I gave him my virginity." She raised her face, pain-filled eyes, meeting Izayoi's shocked ones. "I gave your son the one and only chance he's getting from me. I didn't love him, I still don't love him, but he tore my heart out by tossing me away like any other slut he's bedded. And no, I'm not giving him that opportunity again."
Kagome rose slowly, wiping the tears that continued to fall with her free hand. "I'll show myself out."
She slowly began to turn, feeling sluggish, like she was swimming in water she couldn't see. The carpet stretched before her eyes, the path freedom becoming looming a mile long walk. For some reason, the door seemed to get bigger... Kagome could see every single swirl and grain in the wood... blackness began swirling at the corners of her vision... the carpet... its rising up to meet her, she knew she'd hit it soon...
"KAGOME!" something grabbed her, something strong and warm... something else took the baby out of her arms... she was crying again... why was she crying? She had to hold her... had to...
Inuyasha could smell something was wrong. Kagome's scent was getting thicker, tainted with a sickly-sweet smell that began to overpower her as he saw her begin to fall. In a second he was by her side and grabbed her as his father snatched the baby, who was screaming again as she smelled her mother's off-scent.
Inuyasha picked her up bridal style and swore, setting her on the leather couch. "Shit, she's burning up! Someone call that idiot Totosai!"
Sesshomaru ran to the door and pushed the call number for the family's youkai doctor. Izayoi quickly let in Mrs. Higurashi and explained what happened, apologizing profusely for her son, family, and basically for things she had no control over.
Mama sighed. "I told her to wait until at least next week. She just got out of the hospital today. It was a hard birth, with her being so small and Miyoko being such a big baby..." Mama ran her fingers through her short black locks as she sat next to her unconscious daughter. "The doctor told her to be careful, to take it easy for a while. I knew today was a mistake."
Inuyasha, taking Miyoko from Inutaisho, narrowed his eyes at that. "She just got out <i>today</i>?! After how long?"
Mama sighed again. "She was ordered to stay for a week."
Inuyasha growled. "A WEEK?! What is she, insane? Humans need at least two or three weeks after birthing a demon to recover! What's wrong with her?!"
Miyoko whimpered pitifully, still scared by her mother's illness, but somewhat comforted by her father's presence. She whined and growled at him, in a language that only the family understood.
<i>"Mother sick! Want Mother! Father help! Want mother!"</i>
Miyoko's pleas yanked at Inuyasha's heart and brought a sympathetic wince from Inutaisho and Sesshomaru. <i>She's a baby</i>, he reminded himself, <i> she isn't old enough to understand</i>.
<i>Yea, but the reason her mother made herself sick is because YOU are a whoring bastard. Care to explain that to her?</i>
He swallowed down a giant lump of guilt that seemed to have lodged itself in his throat. Kagome was right; he wasn't fit to be a father. He wasn't fit to be alive, really. He wished that Kami would kill him now, just strike him with lightning or something. He hurt, was still hurting Kagome and their pup.
His next words he spoke with complete conviction. <i>"Mother will be fine. Father will take care of Mother and pup. Pup needs to stop crying. Father is here. Father will take care of pup."</i>
Miyoko sniffled, and looked up at him with wide, golden eyes, still streaming with tears. Tiny, clawed hands gripped his shirt as she snuffled her face into his chest, tiny whimpers betraying the fact that she was still upset. Inuyasha's heart lurched, and he knew that he was going to have to make some serious changes if he wanted to be a part of his daughter's life; because now, he knew that if he couldn't see her, couldn't hold her or be with her… he didn't know what he would do. He rubbed his thumb idly over her smooth, plump cheek in an attempt to soothe Miyoko. It didn't work.
The double doors opened, and in walked the aging Totosai. With his bug-like eyes and stooping back, Totosai was one of the oldest youkai walking the earth, much older than Inutaisho, older even than Inutaisho's father. He ambled his way to Kagome's side, then turned to the crowd of family.
"If everyone except Higurashi-san and Taiyoukai-sama would step out please; I need to examine her." Everyone nodded and left, leaving the two grandmothers to help Totosai undress the still unconscious Kagome.
While the doctor examined Kagome, Inuyasha stood against the wall parallel to the door, watching his daughter finally fall into a fitful sleep in his arms. He didn't even bother to look up as his father deemed it time to address him.
Inutaisho stood with his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes intense but with a hint of amusement at the sight of his philandering, womanizing youngest son holding the infant with such care, love even…
“Remarkable woman, Kagome,” he glanced at his eldest son, who smirked, knowing where his thoughts were. “Bitched you out better than any Inu-youkai I've ever met. But were you listening to her rantings, Inuyasha? Did you happen to hear what she <i>complained</i> about? The one thing that she probably should have been the angriest about, but it seems she didn't mind it at all.”
Inuyasha's head shot up, his golden eyes pain-filled and full of anger, at his father or himself, no one was sure.
“I heard every word, Oyaji,” he growled, teeth clenched so hard pain shot up to his already throbbing temples. He kept his voice low enough so that he didn't wake Miyoko. “I royally fucked up. I'm an insensitive, inconsiderate bastard who left her minutes after I took her virginity to go fuck the village bike. I insulted her with my proposal, so much that she made herself fucking SICK. If you want to make me feel worse, then its not fucking working, because right now, I just want to fucking cut my ears off.”
Both Inu-youkai raised silver brows, as well as the two humans, at that statement as Oyaji continued. “That little girl… Kagome's mad at you, but never once did she complain about having to carry her for nine months, or now having to work her schooling around a child. Strange, a woman as dedicated as Kagome to her work, never bemoaning such an obstacle between her and success. I think it says a lot about her character, the mere fact that she is willing to raise a child, a hanyou no less, at such a crucial point in her academic career.”
Inuyasha blanched. Kagome could have done so many things; got an abortion, given up Miyoko for adoption, even just tossed her onto someone's doorstep. But she was keeping her, willing to take care of her and try to be both mother and student.
Inuyasha had never before in his life known such a myriad of emotions. He felt humbled, scared, disgusted at himself, angry at Kagome for making herself ill, even unknown affection for the warm, sleeping child in his arms…
At that moment, Totosai ambled out of the study. His ancient, wrinkled face looked grim, which put the five men at a state of unease.
“She's suffering from a postpartum hormonal imbalance.” All five men gave him a blank look, causing a rather dramatic eye roll from the physician. “Her emotions are so unstable and intense right now that any small thing, or big thing, can and will exhaust her. I've called the school and informed them that she will not be able to attend probably until next month at the earliest. Surprisingly, they agreed and are making arrangements for her to have a tutor, videotaped lectures, and a nurse to be sent over until she's strong enough to handle going back to class.”
All five men nodded as Izayoi and Mama stepped out of the room, closing the door gently. Totosai told them all to give her an hour or so to sleep, and they retired to the parlor again. Inuyasha sat on the couch with Miyoko in his arms, eyes staring at the wall, refusing to look at anyone else in the room. Izayoi blushed and begin wringing her hands.
“Um… Higurashi-san?”
Mama blinked at her in surprise. “Yes, Taiyoukai-san?”
Izayoi gave her a nervous smile. “Would it be… would it be all right if I held Miyoko?”
Mama's eyes softened. “Of course it would. She is your granddaughter as well as mine. You can hold her anytime you like.”
Izayoi gave the other woman a relieved, sweet smile. “Thank you, Higurashi-“
Mama shook her head. “Please, call me Aika. No reason for such formalities.”
Izayoi smiled and gently took her granddaughter from Inuyasha. Her eyes filled with tears as Miyoko began purring in her sleep at her grandmother's scent. Izayoi nuzzled her cheek against the top of the pup's head, white fluff brushing against the cool cheek. She touched her finger against a tiny hand, which opened up and wrapped around it.
Inutaisho smiled as he watched his wife poured out complete adoration and love onto their granddaughter. <i>Granddaughter</i>. That was something that he hadn't expected to happen for another fifty years or so, after Sesshomaru and Rin wed and mated. But Inutaisho had few regrets or worries in life. Money and power insured that anything worth worrying about would be handled by people hired to worry and fix it.
Izayoi had been hinting for a century that she wanted another baby. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were only about ten years apart, which meant that they looked almost the same age now. She'd been content to raise her first two boys, but Inutaisho knew that she wanted a little girl desperately. He hoped that with Miyoko here, it would take her desire away for another few years. Then maybe he would be willing to have another child.
<i>Hello pup. I Father-Mother. Father-Mother love pup</i>.
Miyoko purred and whined in her sleep, earning a happy squeal from her grandmother. Inutaisho smiled.
<i>Maybe another baby wouldn't be so bad around here…</i> Inutaisho smiled lecherously. <i>The trying certainly would be worth it</i>.
Mama stood by Izayoi and stroked the little girl's cheek with her finger. “How can you speak to her like that?”
“I've been around Inu-youkai for almost eight-hundred years. It comes with the territory.”
“Is it easy to learn?”
Izayoi nodded. “Some sounds humans can't make, but for the most part, it should only take a month or so before you can understand the more important phrases.”
Inuyasha stood up abruptly, pulling everyone's attention back to him. “I'm going to sit with Kagome.”
Sesshomaru let out a growling bark. <i>Do not upset the Mother, pup.</i>
Inyasha let out his own string of guttural retorts. <i>Do not worry, Brother. I am smarter than I appear.</i>
<i>You better be, pup, because you have not proven to be otherwise.</i> Inutaisho's words stung as Inuyasha pushed open the doors to the study, closing them quietly but harder than what was probably necessary.
Kagome lay on the couch on her side, tendrils of dark, wavy hair sticking to the fine sheen of sweat that covered her neck and face. Her lips were slightly parted, and his ears could pick up deep, even breathing. She was just sleeping now.
Totosai had given her a red blanket, draping it over her lightly. At some point she must have wrapped her hand in the blanket, because her fist still clasped it tightly under her chin. Her feet, flip-flops now on the floor next to the couch, peeked out from under the blanket. She was so small, so petite. Miyoko was a large baby; he had no doubt that the birth had been strenuous and painful.
What now? What could he do to change? Well, partying and drinking were going to be out... forever. Clubbing, late-night "study dates" with a random Amber, Britney, or Ashley wouldn't be happening for a long, long time.
He winced at the thought. Geez, even his father managed to go out once in a while; granted, it was always with Izayoi, but still. His parents had fun; why not him?
He reached out to touch the mother of his child, then paused. She wanted nothing to do with him; very different from that night they had spent together.
He dropped his arm and slumped into a chair. He wouldn't be spending anymore time like with her again, even if that night had been haunting him for the past nine months...