InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes of the past ❯ Walking in unannounced ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mistakes of the past

Chapter1 Walking in unanounced

Well, here is my most recent story!

I'm sorry for not updating `Addiction` or `Dance on ice`, but I promise, two new chapters will be out this weekend, until then, check out this story!

Patronus. Electus. Veneficus.

Three words with which she was defined, with wich all humanity defined her.

Patronus...the protector.

Electus...the chosen.

Veneficus... the magician.

Walknig again, she looked at all the ignorant people passing by, people who had no idea who she was and yet knew all about her.She saw their tired faces, their sadness, their anger at an unknown God, because of the time they lived in.

She couldn't say this was hell, because it wasn't .

It was a normal world, home to normal people, unlike her, who in turn live normal lives.

Except this tiny detail, mentioned somewhere in tiny letters: Nobody is free, each mortal belongs to him.

Each living soul, answers to him.

Each breathing body, kneels before him.

Walking again, she went up the steps to the shrine where she used to live, her home.


"You have not found the Electus." A calm voice more stated than asked.

The man standing in front of the owner of this voice, trembled. Here, he was, the most known assassin of Japan, trembling before this man.

"No." Brief and to the point, the shadowed figure of the man in front of him hated to waist time on meaningless things.

"Find him, before I decide to search myself. I trust you already know , what awaits you then." The voice echoed calmly again.

Nodding, the assassin turned and exited the office, leaving the shadow figure .

"Running from me, will result in nothing Electus.

I am allmighty everywhere." The voice warned to no one in particular.


She remembered the last words of her grandfather perfectly.

" He can be stopped only where he has not yet become powerfull enough. He can only be stopped in the past. The well will be your portal, go now..."

This was yet not all she remembered. She remembered a face stained of tears, a figure kneeling beside him, asking the Gods, why they were pleasured by her agony.

Opening the doors to the well, she had so many times seen , she stepped towards it's edge, closing the doors on her way there.

Looking down into the dark abiss which awaited her, she had only one wish, only one coherent thought, only one belief: would he have died in the past, her family would have not died, would he have died in the past, innocent people would not have been hurt, would he have died in the past, would she have never suffered.

Locking her eyes with the numb blackness of the well, she jumped in, fullfilling her destiny.


Waking she looked around her, since when was her room this pitch black? And yet better, since when did herbs grow on her bed?

Turning her head she suddenly saw a frog eyeing her like she had invaded it's terrytory.

Getting up quickly, before the yucky frog decided to jump on her , she looked up, only to be meeted by a clear night sky.

She also got a good look at how much she would have to climb, to get out of this hole, or whatever she cursed mildly and began her ascending.

After finally getting out she now knew where she was, or maybe not exactly.

A forest, in the middle of nowhere, near what looked suspiciously like the well from her home, in a world she had never seen. This definetly was another world. So ok, not exctly would be an understatement.

Walking on one of the many paths , from this well , she decided to look around, since this place seemed to be deserted.

Another world...Everything was peacefull, only the night song of little insects piercing the wooden silence of these great mighty trees, the sky so clear each star could be seen, but yet the darkness so invading and dangerous as it was centurys ago.

Walking ahead she got to a clearing where a small lake appeared to be.

Looking down on her clear reflection, she suddenly flinched upon seeing the clear profile of a man standing behind her.


"Jaken, take Rin to sleep." A unemotional voice ordered.

"But , but... Sesshoumaru-sama, the little ningen will not.." the green toad exclaimed.

"You will do as I said." The voice ordered quietly again, making it clear it was not up to discussion.

Suddenly the man to whom this voice belonged turned his head, looking for strange scents.

Upon finding one he decided to see who exactly it belonged to.


Spinning around , she found herself being mistyfied by the man who stood there in front of her.

His silver silky hair swayed lightly because of the soft breezes of wind, making shadows of light blue moonlight dance on his features. His soft pale skin reflected this dance of shadows, but she found herself enticed by the dark purple markings he had on his face . Each cheek was adorned by two purple stripes while a crescent moon contrasted his silver bangs on his forehead. Looking down slowly she saw his deeply calm amber eyes as well as his red lips.

He was tall, very tall and wearing an armor, but she didn't have to look, his appearence was to angelic and thus deadly .

Slowly she noticed his eyes upon her and she decided to speak.


So this was the trasspasser of his lands?

He had first only seen her petite figure standing out there , making him notice her every curve. She had long legs, round hips and a slim waist from what he could tell.

Going towards her, he stopped beside her waiting for her to notice him, and notice him she did.

Turning around he watched how emotions spread across her features. Curiosity, anger, admiration.

She was human, nothing compared to him and in other times he would have killed her for trasspassing but now...

Looking at her long ebony hair flowing because of the wind, looking at her milky soft skin , her cherry red lips and her saphire eyes... he couldn't.


"What are you doing on my lands human?" he asked.

Anger flared through her for a moment, making him see she was no ordinary human, a miko, to be exact.

"What is it to you?" she asked angryly. " It's not like you own this place."

"Actually I do." He observed casually. "And do not forget who you are talking to."

"OH , well excuse me, who am I talking to ?" she asked venom dripping from her words, this guy was a jerk.

Suddenly she found herself pinned to a tree, with a hand squeezing her neck.

"I am Lord Sesshoumaru , tayo-youkai of the Westerns Lands, so do not disrespect me." The man told her icyly.

"What is your name?" he asked, but she didn't answer.

"Well?" he asked loosening his grip a little bit.

"Well it's kind of hard to answer with your blood circulation not working and air simply lacking.

Kagome. Do you want me to spell it out for you, because I..."

"Why did you walk in my lands unanounced?" he asked rudely interrupting her.

He was such a ... Sighing Kagome knew this wasn't not going to go well.

"I lost my memory."