InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes We Knew We Were Making ❯ Catching Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi everyone! Another story! I have NO idea why I'm writing another story when I hate writing to begin with. So anyway here's the full Summary!
Summary: All he wanted was some coffee, but instead he received more. What did Inuyasha do to deserve this hard decision between two beautiful women; his girl friend, and some girl he met at the coffee shop around the corner?
Inuyasha Takahashi- 25
Kikyo Hakama- 22
Kagome Higurashi- 20
Sesshomaru- 28
I don't own any of Rumiko Takahashi's characters!!!!!!
It was a beautiful day in Manhattan. People were buzzing through the streets, car were honking, and/ or rudely dismissing people, and the local bums were sleeping on the street. It was a typical sunny day however, from this day on; a certain hanyou's life is going to be changed forever.
“Inu! Sweetie! Hurry up or you're going to be late for work!”
“Feh! Whatever. Can you pour me a cup of coffee please?”
“You didn't set the coffee machine to make any this morning hun” she said tentatively. Inuyasha could only function with coffee in his system before he had to go to work.
“Shit! GODDAMNIT WENCH YOU COULDN'T JUST MAKE ME SOME?!” Inuyasha began to pace and run his fingers through his hair over and over again
“Inuyasha, please calm down. You still have time to run to the coffee shop and grab a cup.”
“Ugh. Okay.” He quickly walked over to his girlfriend and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I'll see you later Kikyo.”
Inuyasha pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to reach their apartment. 30 seconds later, it arrived. Inuyasha stepped in and pressed the button for the main floor. He reached his destined point and stepped out of the elevator and quickly made it to the revolving doors to step outside, into the lively hood of the city.
Inuyasha was very wealthy, and considering that Kikyo came from a wealthy family too, they lived in a penthouse in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. He crossed a few streets and arrived at the coffee shop. He never bought coffee because he believed it was a waste of money when you could just make it at home. He pushed open the door and was surprised when he saw his girlfriend.
“Huh?” Inuyahsa was very confused. How could Kikyo have gotten here before him? And more importantly, what was she doing in a coffee shop? Working! Kikyo had a successful job at a law firm, and was one of the top lawyers in the area. Inuyahsa briskly made it to the counter were “Kikyo” was.
“Kikyo what the hell are you doing here?”
Kikyo? The young woman thought. KIKYO! UGH! I thought the stopped back in high school. I haven't seen her since she graduated. Kagome look up at the man wanting to rudely tell him she wasn't Kikyo, but was taken aback when she saw him
He's GORGEOUS! Oh. My. God. Look at those eyes! Wait a minute. Hold up Kags. He thought you were Kikyo remember?
“Uh, I'm not Kikyo my name is KAGOME like my name tag states.” She said pointing to her name tag which said Kagome.
Inuyasha felt like an idiot. How could have mistaken his beautiful, successful, girlfriend?
“Keh. How could I have mistaken you for her? Kikyo is much prettier.”
Kagome emitted a low growl from her throat at this. WHAT!?
“What would you like to order sir?” She spat. What a jerk. Wait. Maybe I can ask him for Kikyo's number since he sound like he knows her well.
“I'll take um a large cup of coffee, black. No cream or sugar.”
“Okay that will be 3.49.”
“FOUR DOLLARS FOR A GODDAMN CUP OF COFFEE!” Inuyasha hated spending money on things.
“Sir, please keep your voice down!”
“Feh. Just give me the damn thing.” He threw her a fifty since it was the smallest bill he had.
Ugh. He just had to give me a fifty! I already suck at this cashier thing. Actually, I suck at math altogether.
“Keep the change. Maybe you can buy yourself a new face with it.” There was something about this girl that made Inuyasha want to get her angry.
Kagome twitched at this. She was trying her hardest to keep her anger under control! Couldn't he see that? Was he trying to get her fired! After what happened last week with Koga, Kagome couldn't handle this.
“Thank you for your generosity sir.” Kagome grounded out through her teeth while her eye twitched profusely. She needed to take a break desperately. “Wait! You said I looked like a Kikyo. Are you talking about Kikyo Hakama?”
“Yes I am. Why?”
“Oh my gosh! Do you think you can give me her number? I need to call her.”
Inuyasha stared at the girl. Wasn't she just fuming like 2 seconds ago? Women he thought. He shrugged and pulled out one of Kikyo's business cards he kept in his blazer.
“Here.” He tossed the card onto the table, and it would have flown off if Kagome not had caught it in time.
“Thanks! Have a great day!”
Inuyasha exited the coffee shop and made his way down the street to Takahashi Corporations, his company that his shared with his older bastard of a half-brother, Sesshomaru. He entered the building several minutes later and made his way to the elevator. He pressed the button and waited for the elevator to come. He watched as the small number at the top lit up, which told the employees what floor the elevator was on. He stepped into the elevator and made his way up the top floor.
Kagome sighed. She hated this job. She desperately needed it though. Her mother was struggling with paying for her college tuition at NYU even with the scholarship. Her mother had about 3 job, while Kagome had 2. She worked at the coffee shop on the weekdays and at a club on Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday was her day off from everything.
Kagome didn't really have time for a social life or a boyfriend, between school and her jobs. Her only friends are Sango Taijiya, her co-worker at the coffee shop and Sango's boyfriend, Miroku. Sango was also in college at NYU, but Kagome never saw her because the were different majors.
“I'm here! Sorry I'm late Kags, anything interesting happen? Wait, I'll answer that NOTHING happens at this stupid coffee shop!” Sango joked
“Well actually, something did happen this morning like 10 minutes before you came.” Kagome replied.
“No way.”
“Yeah. Well this jerk came in and ordered coffee, and he gave me a fifty and said to `keep the change and buy a new face' or something like that. But that's not the cool part. He knows Kikyo, my old friend from high school.” Kagome could have easily looked up Kikyo's number on the internet, but she never had time or when she did, Kagome didn't remember.
“He said WHAT. Jerk. You're beautiful Kagome. Don't listen to him.” Sango said consoling her friend.
Kagome always had problems with her image. She didn't think she was pretty, and she thought she was fat, which was the complete opposite of how she really looked in actuality. Kagome was full of pulchritude and she was very thin. Not sickly thin, but thin. Kagome wasn't very tall. She was on the shorter side at the height of 5'4