InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes we made ❯ Tears ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

please read this first!!
I have to say… I'm a german girl… and yeah I think my english is very… to say the right word… awful… Because of that I asked around… I yeah my dear friend Caissa was the person who has the heart to help me. I'm very greatul for that! She made all the work to translate my little Story, who has already30 Chapters… And bloody hell…it is alot of work!! So… that everyone couldread itand it comefrom heart:
Thank you Caissa
I hopethat my bad englishis goodenough to understand all what a had written down.
Also… this is my first FF I ever writeso complex. All I could hope that you all like the Story and gave me and Caissa reviews… ^^
Like Isaid, Ipostedthis Story in german already and I'm very proud to say that my little Story has already over 290 Reviews…
An now… scroll down and read already ^^
I hope you like the FF…
And you will make me happy when I get a few reviews…
So then…
And not to forget…. I don't own Inuyasha -sniff- Not a little -sniff- Happy? -sniff-
But -hehe- the little idea for the FF is my -hehe-
Mistakes we made
By Juna
Translation by Caissa
- Chapter 1-
“Damn!” Inuyaha shouted and punched the wall of rock. The water fall next to him rushed and sprikled him with a mist spray.
“Damn” he yelled and went on knocking the wall, which of course did not give way a single millimetre. His hand got wet and warm, but he did not care of it. Steps approached quitely.
“Inuyasha?” a low voice reached his ear, but the hanyou did not turn around. He could not look into her eyes now, how should he? It was his fault that the situation was like this now. If he had been more attentive, they would not have lost their last Shikon shard. Then Kagome would still be able to travel between his and her world. And Naraku would not hold the almost completed Shikon no Tama in his hand. Only one bloody shard was still misssing, a single shard which would change their whole life.
But he, he was not even able to defend Kagome against an ordinary demon.
With three steps she had reached him. His look turned to the earth next to her. He leaned agaist the wall and dropped to the ground. She had never seen the hanyou that frustrated, so she sat down next to him, took his bleeding hand and pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket to tie it round the wound.
He had to look at her, he could not help doing it. At first he refused, but there was a salty scent in his sharp nose. Now he felt even worse as he saw her tears dripping to the earth.
“I'm sorry, I'm really sorry…” he muttered. His bandaged hand was lying in hers and she put her other hand on it.
“It's not your fault,” she said in a low voice.
“It is. Just because I-”
“Stop it!” she shouted, her eyes flashing with anger.
“But I am to blame-”
“No! You can't be in two places at the same time.”
“If I had been faster he would at least not have hurt you!” Dejectedly he looked down on the bandage at her left leg.
“Inuyasha… please, this is not your fault. I should have been more careful,” she said likely more to herself than to him. It was a fact that they had practically lost the battle against Naraku now.
Tacitly they returned to the camp.
It was silent, no one was in a good mood. Kagome sat down carefully, helped by the hanyou, her face distorted by pain. She stretched her hands out for the fire, because the nights were still rather cold although it was spring already. Inuyasha stood there watching the freezing Kagome for a while until he finally dared to pull her on his lap and wrap the sokian jacket around her. With a slight blush she whispered “Arigato”, but Inuyasha said nothing.
“Kagome?” Miroku said seriously.
“Tell me, what do you want to do now?”
She stared into the fire.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean- I think… Well, Naraku needs only one more shikon shard and…”
“And what?”
“I think you should go home.”
“Go home?”, she said sadly. “Why, Miroku?”
“It sounds hard, but you come from a different world, not from this one. Your life is somewhere else, you should live it. There's no reason to stay here any longer. Our fate is sealed, but yours is not. So I beg you to return to your time. To live and not become a victim of Naraku.”
Tears ran down Sango's face. She knew that the death of them all was sure, but Kagome lived in another time and place, where Naraku's power did not exist an where she would be safe. Little Shippo nestled to Sango, turning his back to Kagome.
She took the words in. In fact, she was a bit homesick for her family, her friends and her school, but hadn't her live belonged to this world long ago already? She felt well in this partly crazy world, she had fallen in love here, aller her heart and soul was at home here and no longer in the future. This is my fate, too, she thought.
“Do you really want me to go?”
But she got no reply.
“If you want me to go, I will do so,” she whispered sadly. She knew that her friends did not want to loose her and she did not want to go either, but she wanted to hear from them that they would not simly accept their fate. If the let her go, Naraku would win. But if they held her back, there would be a way to defeat him. And she would not be separated from Inuyasha. How much she loved him, so much that it almost hurt. She would stay here for him, leave everything behind only for him. If he only loved her as much as she loved him, then he would certainly give her a reason to stay with him. No matter if she died by the hand of Naraku. She would rather die by Inuyasha's side, having done everything she could to stop that bastard, than be unhappy for the rest of her live because she had done nothing against his evil power.
Silence returned for a while. It was Miroku who spke first then.
“Well, let's go back to Kaede's village.”
Nobody nodded and nobody shook their heads. So now it's definite, Sango, Miroku, Shippou and Inuyasha thought at the same time. It's best like this, isn't it? Sango snuggled against Kirara with Shippou to fall asleep quickly sho she weould not longer have to think about telling Kagome good-bye.
“Give me a reason to stay,” Kagome murmured against Inuyasha's breast. His ears switched. These low, lonely and sad words stroke his ears. His heart felt heavy. He would have loved to ask her to stay, but he couldn't. He couldn't ask her to keep in fighting. He couldn't ask her to stay with him. He couldn't damn her to die.
Inuyasha noticed that his eyes burned. He was not used to such strong emotions. What has she done to me? he wondered, but he had already been knowing the answer for a while. I love her. Thinking this… he felt even worse. He loosened his grip so that Kagome could get into her sleepiongh bag. It was late, the day had been long and it was time for all of them to sleep.
Kagome's hands cluched his shirt.
“May I … sleep with you?” she asked in a low voice. Holding her in his arms, Inuyasha got up and jumped onto a high tree, his usual sleeping place. There she sat in his lap, still leaning against his breast. He wrapped his sokian jacket around her because she should not feel cold and then he slung his arms around her so she would not fall down. She snuggled against him closely and listened to his heart beat.
If I have to go… I want to enjoy the remaining time, she thought and fell asleep. The hanyou hid his face in her hair, breathed her wonderful scent and closed his eyes to find some sleep himself.
In the early morning Kagome woke up. Inuyasha was quivering. She carefully looked into his face, where little beads of üperspiration were glittering in the moonlight. His head banged from one side to the other and his grip became tighter.
He's dreaming, she thought, but it's a nightmare.
“No-”, he murmured. He's speaking while he's sleeping, and then she saw that Inuyasha was crying. Salty tears dropped down on her hands. Inuyasha? What are you dreaming of? she wondered as his arms pressed her against his body.
“Ka… gome.”
He is dreaming of me?
“Onegai… don't leave me…” it came from his lips sadly. “Can't… be… without you…”
Kagome's eyes filleds with tears. She put her hand on his wet cheek before she slung her arms around his neck.
“I love you,” she whispered tenderly and closed her moist eyes. Inuyasha relaxed.
“I love you, too” he said and finally went on sleeping calmly. Kagome had to cry. You love me, too? Do you? Onegai! Tell me again when you're awake, tell me! Her tears dried, but her grip on Inuyasha didn't loosen. Some time had to be gone by. She was not able to sleep any more, or did not want to. Her friends were already awake, too. Kagome had to giggle a bit as Sango and Miroku tried to have a “silent”quarrel, which did not work at all.
SMACK! it echoed and drowned out even the birds which were chirping merrily.
“It's your own fault, pervert.”
“I'm not a pervert!”
“Oh, that,” he said and scratched his head. “Well, you know, there was a beetle on it and I just wanted to remove it.”
Sango rolled her eyes.
“You've had better excuses,” she grumbled.
“It's not an EXCUSE!”
“SHUT UP!”, Shippou shouted who really had enough of this. “You're waking up Kagome and Inuyasha.”
The two squabblers stopped immediately. Kagome had to giggle again. My little Shippou, she thought. The hanyou had of course woken long ago because of the trouble. He looked at Kagome who lay in his arms in a different position than when they had fallen asleep. He would not mind it to be like this more often, he was sure. Kagome sat up a bit to see if Inuyasha had already woken up, too. When their eyes met only a few inches were left between them. His golden eyes looked into her brown ones. Nobody said a word. Inuyasha couldn't help himself, he had to do it. His eyes closed and his warm lips lay down on hers. Kagome's heart made a leap. She shut her eyes, too. Inuyasha let her go just a short moment to allow her to breathe, then immediately kissed her again. Her arms held him tight. With one hand he held her head, with the other he stroke her back. No one of them noticed anything at that moment, the birds' chilping had disappeared. The only sound left was that of their hearts beating. Kagome tickled his neck while Inuyasha went on kissing her.
No one of them could tell how long they had been kissing. But the time had definitely been too short… He pulled her back into his arms, stroke her long hair and reviewed the last minutes. How much he was in love with her, how happy he was at the moment. But stop…
What have I done?, he thought and would have liked to hit himself.
“We… should have breakfast,” he said quickly, jumped off the tree and put Kagome down on the ground. She was slightly confused. What was that?, she wondered. The hanyou tied his sokian jacket and sat down next to Miroku. Luckily, the two squabblers had at least prepared breakfast.