InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes we made ❯ ...and so it will be ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello again!
That was fast, wasn't it?!?!?! *hehe*
Like I said I have holidays and time.... but after this weekend... school again... I don't want to... I really like to sleep loooooonnnngggg^^
But... ahh...
However: Like always: I translate myself: Mentalnote: Bad englisch knowledge/Bad gramma ect.
So read it or don't... but you will surely miss something good°-° By now my FF had 35 chapters number 36 in work...
So.... oh yeah: Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyahsa *sniff* but I wish *droll*
With Love,
...and so it will be
Kagome woke up late on the next day. She hadn't slept well, but had she expected better? A quiet sigh escaped her lips and sat up.
asked the monk from the side
"Good morning Miroku"
she greeted her dear friend a little sleepy and rubbed her tired eyes
"I would rather say its noon"
the monk nodded and goes back to his work. Kagome was astonished -I've slept so long? -
"Here... Eat something"
and Miroku handed her a cup of green tea and a piece of bread with butter.
"No big deal... And did you have fun yesterday evening?"
her friend asked. Kagome stared briefly into the cup tea before she answered
Miroku knitted his brow. -Well, that isn't the whole truth- he thought.
"How is Rüjo? That was his name, right?"
Kagome was silent for one moment and then it rumbled out of her
"You're right! His name is Rüjo. He is a very nice young man; I'll go this evening together with him to the celebration"
and bit in the bread.
he murmured quietly and thought of Inuyasha -If he didn't do something today, then he will lose her! And Kagome surely do something stupid and she will hurt herself with it...-
The evening had faster arrived like she thought. The hours just ran into the horizon and Kagome time plan wasn't anymore in time! She burst out of the hut and run across the village to meet the village boy Rüjo. And as expected, the village boy Rüjo already waited for her.
said Kagome a little out of breath
"It's ok! I was to early here"
Rüjo said with a brilliant smile.
"Today I will see your face..."
he announced happily and was very pleased with the fact. Kagome nodded.
"And I will see yours"
smiled the Miko from the future and hoped that it would be a beautiful evening.
Kagome danced much with Rüjo, like the evening before. Even if the kiss from yesterday lay heavy in her stomach, he was a damn good dancer…. nevertheless. And it helped her not to think of the Hanyou with the golden eyes. After some more dances Kagome asked for a small break and left the festival unseen. She needed a break from all… well… from all the happy faces. Because, she wasn't happy at all.
A small river finds his way in many curves through the village. It was a beautiful sight.
She sat down on the riverbank and saw that the moon reflected in the motionless water. Steps approached quietly and an older woman stood now beside her. In the traditional clothing of a Miko. The woman sat down beside Kagome, who has an empty view on the mirror image of the moon.
"I think my child you need someone to talk"
Kagome didn't answer.
"Your name is Kagome... isn't it?"
Slowly the young woman nodded but didn't bother why the Miko know her name. And…. in the moment it doesn't matter anyway.
"My name is Inoma"
she told her with a soothing voice.
The old lady smiled at her. Kagome removed her white mask and the fear of the old lady was confirmed. Kagomes eyes talk for her… pain filled… so much pain.
"Do you like to talk?"
Kagome nodded again.
Sango sit away from the festival and waited for the Miko. She had a talk with the Miko Inoma and asked, if she could talk with Kagome. She didn't bring Kagome to talk to her, and Sango couldn't bear it anymore that Kagome stored her pain in the inside. So much pain, needed to get out… somewhere. She couldn't believe that Kagome was overnight the same person like before. Sango know something was terrible wrong… really terrible wrong. Something what Kagome couldn't entrust her. She was sad that her friend won't speak with her, they share all secrets together. Because of that it must be something… something was Kagome couldn't tell aloud. The happiness was to her…. a fake… and Inoma was now the one, who should find out what was with her dear friend wrong… to uncover the secret. And perhaps…. maybe her little sister will be able to laugh again.
"What concerned you?"
"Many things"
the young woman said shortly.
"Many things?"
the older woman asked
"Does it concern your heart?"
Kagome escaped a quiet sigh and a few silent tears ran her cheeks down.
"Say Inoma... Why does someone make such a thing? Why?"
Inoma looked to Kagome, who looped her legs firmly.
"Why did he do this? He could have likewise just torn my heat out and trample over and over it again… same effect"
the Miko don't know exactly what Kagome meant. And her tears ran down, blurred her view to the mirror image of the moon. She closed her eyes.
"What do you mean my child?"
Inoma asked.
"He said it loves me, when he was asleep, however… he said it-"
Inoma nodded although Kagome didn't pay attention to her, she just talked
"-and he kissed me... Then he ignores me... "
a hand was now on the shoulder of Kagome.
"Afterwards…. I give him my heart, my soul, my love... And he leaves me after that alone... with all the things in me... "
Kagome sniffs silently
"The day come… the day he said he doesn't loves me. I am only an image from the one he loves..."
"My features are… are… similarly to the woman who held his heart. Perhaps more… than I could admit. Perhaps enough…. that he thought he sleeps with her and not with me... "
These words stabbed in the middle of the heart. Like a sharp sword bored through the middle. Each word... each part and the most painful thing was the last sentence, which came from her lips. The hurting words, which were carried to him and nearly don't let him breath again. Everything… every word she said…resounded 100-times louder in his ears and ate themselves through his body. But he knew, he couldn't nurse her pain, he couldn't simply say -I'm so sorry- that was his decision that it goes the way it goes now. A decision he make alone for them…
The village Miko sat quietly beside Kagome. Yes, she was wise. But at this point she can't really help the poor girl beside her. What should she say? Everything will be good? Everything would clarify itself? It isn't like it is appear? You will overcome this? Those were all stupid answers, which would give simply nothing to the girl beside her. So she sat simply in silence beside her, which was the only thing she could do for her. Just sitting here and be there for her. Some time has flown by and Kagome stood up. Inoma looked lightly confused.
she asked, and Kagome smiled sad.
"I should go back to the celebration my friends maybe miss me already..."
Inoma rose up.
"Don't you like rather..."
she shook her head
"I don't want to cry any longer today and a nice young man waits for me..."
and cover her face with the white mask once again.
thanked the Miko from the future and slowly get back to the festival.
Afterwards Inoma visited Sango.
"Miko Inoma?"
asked the demon exterminator
"How was it?"
the Miko begins
"-she has a very injured heart but I can't say more to you..."
Sango nodded slowly
"Where is she now?"
"Back to the celebration..."
Sango thanked the village Miko and make her way back to the festival.
Rüjo said happily as she nudged him lightly.
"I thought you won't come back to me"
Kagome smiled slight forced.
"No, no... I only needed somewhat longer... "
Rüjo nodded.
"May I ask for the next dance?"
Kagome put her hand in Rüjos and he was delighted that she had accepted his request and carried her forward on the dance floor. With the next slow dance she snuggled deeply into his arms. She forced herself to like him; she forced herself not to think of Inuyasha now.
"I like to show you later something special..."
"What is it?"
she whispered loud enough to hear her words against his chest
"If I would say it to you now, it won't be anything special anymore"
Kagome nodded. -He is nice, he is nice, he is nice... - she talked to herself.
the monk was happy when she saw her
"There are you again!!"
Sango sigh and look out for Kagome.
"If you search Kagome... She dances with Rüjo... "
and pointed to the closely hugging pair. Sango sigh again
"That isn't good..."
Miroku nodded
"I know... nevertheless… nobody could hold her back... only..."
"Exactly: Only..."
"Hopefully she doesn't make anything stupid..."
Sango nodded. But what could they do? She didn't even talk about what was her painful problem, and the Miko couldn't tell her more which she already knew.
BANG!!! Miroku rubbed his cheek.
"I ask myself who do the stupid things here!!!"
she grumbled. He twitched only with the shoulders and a wear a nice smirk on his lips.
The midnight gong was to be heard and the people applauded. It was time! Many pairs faced each other and waited for the moment, when they see each other faces. Rüjo smiled at Kagome.
"Now... now I will see your whole beauty..."
Kagome nodded which she did often and removed like Rüjo the mask. His eyes get large when he looked into the brown eyes directly. His eyes run over her. Her tender skin... He put his hand on her cheek.
he said above a whisper and Kagome had to smile shyly.
Inuyasha sat again on a hut roof and saw the two at the edge of the dance floor. With sagging ears and heavy heart. His legs near to his body, looped firmly with his arms. He simply sat there and stared at the pair. He should stand there on the dance floor and look at Kagome in such a way... He should be the one who hold her in such a way... He should be the one that... and not this well built brown haired village boy. He was sad about what had he done to him and her. In addition to that, he was angry that it had comes to this. Jealousy sparkled in his eyes again and again up. But the pain don't let much room for that felling that he sat her in dark of the night and she was there… down there and he up here... with someone else and even smiled... she smiled again. She didn't smile for him anymore... for someone else...
One hour had probably past, in the time Rüjo and Kagome missed none dance. Proudly he presented himself with Kagome and some men stared after her. Kagome felt like… as she was a piece jewellery, which would be presented in pure egoism. She pushed the thoughts aside and the sentence -I like him, he is nice- repeated again in her head.
"Do you like to come now with me?"
he asked.
and speedily he disappeared with her from the dance floor, without Sango or Miroku saw it. Inuyasha stared at the dancing happy public, but he was so absent-minded that he didn't notice the disappearing pair. Rüjo ran with Kagome at the hand away from the village.
"Where do you want to go?"
she asked
he said and stopped under a large tree.
Many small bright lights fly around Kagome. It looks like many stars float in the air. With the finger she tried to touch the little lights, but she didn't succeed because they evaded smoothly. She smiled and looked up to the crown of the tree. There floated more from these many small illumination and in her eyes reflected the word -Wow-
"Do you like it?"
the young man asked, she had nearly forgotten
she said enthusiastic and turned around. It was a beautiful place and let her forget Inuyasha for the very first time. Until she felt warm breathing in her neck. Carefully he kissed her neck and took her into his arms. Kagome stood still, didn't move and closed tightly her eyes. -He let me forget Inuyasha... it will help me to forget... he will help me to forget...- Rüjo had meanwhile opened the kimono. She lay on the soft moos-covered floor. She didn't know when he had her lay down… He was beside her and kissed her belly. Her arms were like lead and she couldn't lift them. Her whole body felt so heavy that she thought that it would be crushed.
Inuyasha jumped from roof to roof and inside into the forest to search for Kagome. He had nevertheless noticed that she was no longer there and panicked a little. And his nose brings him fast to his goal. He landed only some meters without a sound beside Kagome and Rüjo.
Kagomes eyes slowly moved from his feet higher up to meet his golden eyes. Rüjo however hadn't noticed that someone stood beside there and looked down on them.
"Do you like this?"
he asked against her tummy, when he hand pushed his hand under her bra.
she whispered loud enough to hear.
"Say… Do you love you me?"
mumbled the young man again against her belly
she answered. Inuyasha looked her by each word into the eyes. -What have I done?- he cried in his head when she slowly closed her eyes… to forget…