InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome woke up half and hour later and sat on her bed and sniffled a bit. “How could I have been so stupid as to make that wish?” Kagome muttered to herself. She looked out the window and sighed. “Sesshoumaru recognizes me. I saw it. He just can't figure out where. Maybe if I can find him, I can find out how Inuyasha died and where this all went wrong,” Kagome stood up, “it shouldn't be too hard to find Sesshoumaru he does stick out like a sore thumb.” Kagome raced downstairs on got on her bike once more and made her way through the busy streets to find the silver haired lord.
After an hour of searching, Kagome stopped to get a bit to eat. `Who knew trying to find Sesshoumaru would be this hard' Kagome munched thoughtfully on her burger. She looked out a window and saw the small child Rin. “It's Rin! Wherever she is Sesshoumaru is too far away!” Kagome grabbed her burger and fries and ran over to Rin who was scrounging for food. `What a terrible sight. She probably is this way because she travels with Sesshoumaru' Kagome thought darkly knowing once more the extent of the damage she'd done. Kagome walked over to Rin.
“Hey there,” kagome smiled. Rin looked at Kagome worriedly. “You look hungry,” Kagome offered Rin her untouched fries. Rin looked at them and took them and started to eat them like Kagome would try and take them back. After Rin was finished she looked at Kagome.
“Thank you,” Rin gave a small smile, “but why did you give them to me? I stay with a demon.” Rin looked down.
“I know you do but everyone has to look out for each other,” Kagome said and knew immediately it was a mistake. Rin grew slightly angry.
“What do you know about looking out for each other? I see no humans wandering the streets homeless and looking for food. I see only demons doing your dirty work! I see demons growing sick and dying because they couldn't live with the fact that they have no freedom!” Rin turned to run away but Kagome caught her. “Let go of me! Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin wailed and immediately Sesshoumaru came and he looked like the Sesshoumaru kagome knew, cold, distant, and right now, pissed right off. Rin ran to Sesshoumaru held onto one of his legs.
“Sesshoumaru! I just wanted to get some answers! I didn't mean to frighten Rin!” Kagome started to back away. Sesshoumaru picked Rin up.
“She says that humans need to look out for each other but all humans do is look out for the nearest fast food joint,” Rin glared at Kagome. Sesshoumaru remained silent ad he seemed to remember something.
“Human. Meet me here again after dark. I will answer the questions that you have,” Sesshoumaru said then turned and left. Kagome stood there. `I never thought I'd see the day when Rin would be mad at anybody' Kagome recapped on what Rin has said.
“I understand why she would think that. To her that's all we do,” Kagome walked back inside the fast food place and sat back down.
When the sun set, Kagome returned to the spot where she saw Rin and waited for Sesshoumaru to show. Just when Kagome was about to leave, Sesshoumaru showed. Kagome walked up to him and studied him for a second. He was wearing only the white pants that Kagome always saw him in, but his feet were bare, he had no swords or shoes or a shirt, he was sun burnt from more than likely working all day in the sun.
“You know who I am don't you Sesshoumaru?” Kagome asked timidly.
“I do and when I did, it created quite the paradox,” Sesshoumaru answered.
Kagome looked down, “I never knew that my wish would make this much of a difference.”
“Do not bother thinking of such a thing. It's too late to change what has happened,” Sesshoumaru crossed his arms.
“I have to know though. How did Inuyasha die?” Kagome closed her eyes and tears fell.
“Inuyasha broke the law too many times and the punishment was death,” Sesshoumaru looked away, “he was killed right in front of me. He said he would rather die then live in a world such as this.” Kagome took that in.
“Who killed him?” Kagome just had to know this.
“If I knew that, I would have killed him myself but Inuyasha was killed so long ago that his killer may not be alive,” Sesshoumaru answered. Kagome then saw the scars all over his body and knew that they had tried to kill him before.
“Why didn't you die?” Kagome asked.
“Even though you can't see it, the Tensaiga it by my side. It would not allow me to die,” Sesshoumaru answered, “besides; there are worse things than death.” Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru.
“Like?” she asked.
“Being locked up and never able to feel the sun or elements again,” Sesshoumaru seemed to be looking past her at something only he could see, “that would be worse than death.” Kagome looked behind Sesshoumaru and saw a man with a gun.
“Sesshoumaru! Behind you!” Kagome pointed to the man. Sesshoumaru whirled around and saw the man but couldn't move fast enough the man shot him but the bullet was different than the ones Kagome knew. It glowed as it hit Sesshoumaru.
“Demon! You know the punishment for being out at night!” the man scorned. Sesshoumaru stood and glared at the man. The man shot Sesshoumaru again and this time Sesshoumaru fell to the ground. The man walked up to Sesshoumaru pointed the gun at Sesshoumaru.
“Wait! Please don't kill him!” Kagome pleaded.
The man looked at her, “give me one good reason why I shouldn't!”
“Because I told him to come here tonight,” Kagome lied. The man looked at her then back at Sesshoumaru then stepped away from Sesshoumaru.
“He's your responsibility now,” with that he walked away. Kagome helped Sesshoumaru up.
“Why did you do that?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“I only have you and Shippo and right now I need you both,” Kagome answered.
“But I am an enemy,” Sesshoumaru looked at her confused.
“Maybe before but not now,” Kagome smiled and something in Sesshoumaru awakened, he wasn't sure what it was just yet.
Sesshoumaru got Rin and with Kagome's help, they got to Kagome's house. Sesshoumaru got the bullets out and kagome wrapped treated the wounds with disinfectant and such then led Rin and Sesshoumaru to guest room. Rin was in awe.
“Look my lord! It's a bed!” Rin squealed then jumped onto it. Kagome smiled at the site.
Sesshoumaru smiled then turned to Kagome, “thank you. I know you didn't have to do this but I am grateful you did.” Sesshoumaru walked over to the bed and laid down on one side and Rin curled up next to him and soon both were asleep. Kagome shut the door behind her and went to her own room.
`How am I going to explain this to my family?' Kagome wondered as she, herself fell asleep.
I hope you like it! It's different from my other fanfics I know but I hope it's still good!