InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome walked down the halls of her school, it was now Tuesday and she hadn't seen Sesshoumaru or Shippo, and nor had she heard anything about them. All through her classes she found herself worrying about Sesshoumaru a lot more than she thought she would. `I really don't need Sesshoumaru now. He gave me Shippo, like he would really care if I decided to just let his fade away from my life. I can't do that though. I love him' Kagome stopped right in the middle of the hall “did I just think what I think I thought?” `Did that even make sense? But yes. I did think it! I love Sesshoumaru. But how can that be? I love Inuyasha well loved. Inuyasha is dead now' Kagome got to her class and sat down. She didn't pay attention to the lesson though. Her thoughts were on Sesshoumaru and Shippo. The school bell rang meaning that lunch had started. Kagome walked towards her usual table.
“Did you hear about those demons that were caught?” a person said as Kagome walked by to a friend. Kagome stopped nearby and listened to what they were saying.
“Yea. Heard that the older one attacked a human too to defend some fox demon and human child,” another said. `Oh no!' Kagome thought.
“And that stupid demon that attacked the human is in for it now,” another snickered.
“It was his last warning he used the other day when he had a girl by the throat,” they all started to laugh uproariously. `Sesshoumaru is going to die and who knows what they'll do to Shippo!' Kagome slid to the ground. She had to stop that from happening. She ran outside to where her bike was and headed for the imprisonment for demons was. `Please let me get there in time' Kagome went as fat as she could go.
She finally got to the imprisonment and walked up to the guards in front of the door.
“What do you want girl?” a guard asked.
“I came to see the condemned demon,” Kagome answered. The guards looked at each other and stepped aside to allow her entrance. Kagome took a breath and walked in. All around her were cages with demons in them. Most dying from being there too long and others that were getting close to being condemned.
Shippo saw Kaogme, “Kagome! Over here!” Kagome turned and saw Shippo, she ran over.
“Shippo! Are you alright?” Kagome held onto the bars that separated them. Shippo nodded. Kagome looked around, “where's Sesshoumaru?”
“He was taken away half an hour ago for the first part of his punishment for nearly killing a human,” Shippo answered, “He'll be back soon.”
“What is your punishment Shippo?” Kagome asked worried that Shippo would be killed as well.
“To sit in this cell for a year,” Shippo answered.
“That doesn't seem too bad,” Kagome muttered.
“To you maybe but demons aren't meant to be locked up and year locked up here could do some damage” Shippo answered. Kagome grew worried. She then saw Sesshoumaru bleeding and being roughly half carried to the cell he shared with Shippo. The guards threw him in and locked the door after. Kagome shifted so she could see Sesshoumaru. He had wounds all over his body from a whip and a jagged blade. It appeared he had been struck with both enough times; he lost a great demon of blood. Shippo moved over towards Sesshoumaru and helped get in a more comfortable position.
“Sesshoumaru say something,” Kagome pleaded. Sesshoumaru looked over at Kagome and thought of something he could say but when he tried no words came out. “I promise I'll get you both out,” Kagome said as she stood up, “just give me sometime.” She had to leave because her time was up. She waved goodbye to both of them and then left to formulate a plan. `I have to get them out of there but how? How do I go about saving them?'
I have completely run out of ideas. When I know what the next chapter will be about it shall be written then posted.