InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I finally remembered to put this! I don't own Inuyasha (I'd like to own Sesshoumaru though!)! But I don't so go bug someone else!
Sesshoumaru lay against a wall of a cave hidden from sight. He was amazed he found it though. He turned slightly, painfully and looked at the unconscious Shippo. Before their escape, Shippo had been beaten pretty badly for sticking up for himself. Sesshoumaru still had his own wounds but nothing he couldn't handle. He was weak yes, feeling a little funny from the tranquilizer they used to try and stop him yes, but other than that he was okay. `I hope Rin is alright with her foster parents. She'll just have to hold out until I can get to her' Sesshoumaru thought. He found himself hoping Kagome was okay, it didn't surprise him, he had decided he loved Kagome while he was locked up.
“I know I love her but the question is does she love me?” Sesshoumaru muttered to himself. Shippo made some noises in his sleep but didn't wake up. He muttered something about pancakes with syrup which made Sesshoumaru realize he was hungry. `My hunger will have to wait' Sesshoumaru told his mainly his stomach but it didn't get the message because his stomach kept on making its hunger known. Sesshoumaru sighed irritably and looked at his surroundings.
The cave was pretty dark; no human would be able to see much without a flashlight and even then they still couldn't see much. There was a turn further down in the cave which led to a steep decline, much too steep for anyone, human or not to try and get down without a rope. At the mouth of the cave there were large rocks that would be painful to walk on bare feet, unfortunately Sesshoumaru only had bare feet. Outside there were trees and long grass to hide the cave almost completely from sight.
Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and let sleep take over. `I will need to be strong enough for whatever happens' Sesshoumaru thought wearily, `I will have to eat when I wake up and get Shippo something t eat as well, he'll bet too weak to hunt on his own' Sleep finally overtook the great demon.
Rin ran as fast as she could looking for Kagome's house. `I can't go back to them! They'll kill me!' Rin made a small sound of desperation as she ran. All the houses looked the same to her though. She couldn't pick out Kagome's house. She stopped seeing the tree near Kagome's house. `I'm close!' Rin would have jumped for joy but her pursuers were too close behind her. She headed for the tree and if she wrong, at least she could climb up the tree to safety until she knew which way to go to get to Kagome's house. She got the tree and climbed up quickly. Luckily her pursuers couldn't climb too well and couldn't get at the little human monkey known currently as Rin.
From high up Rin watched her foster family try to get at her. They cursed and shouted and spat at her (not the brightest bunch are they?) when they realized the little girl was far from reach.
After a while they left shouting up at her, “stay up there then. Let the streets have you once more. I hope you die of starvation!”
Rin closed her eyes tight as those words were spoken. `Lord Sesshoumaru shall come and get me. And we'll all be safe living freely from these people who are like me but aren't' Rin thought. They were her kind but yet, not her kind. These humans took advantage long ago of the demons being of no threat. `They enslaved demons. Human really are never content with what they have' Rin leaned against the trunk and realized she couldn't get down.
Night had come and Rin was still in the tree. `I have to get down! But how?' Rin slowly made her way to the tip of the branch and slowly eased her way down to the branch below and repeated this cautiously until a branch snapped sending her plummeting to the ground but luckily she wasn't that far from the ground anyway. Rin landed on her rear end and then stood up and looked for Kagome's house or at least a safe place to sleep for the night. She started singing a song she remembered from before the wish on the Shikon Jewel was made.
“In the mountains in my dream, Lord Sesshoumaru where are you? Jaken is serving under you too. I will wait for you, waiting all alone,” she sung as she walked. She then saw a demon she knew quite well. “Shikobira!” Rin yelled happily as she ran towards the demon with short light brown hair and brown eyes with a gold rim. Shikobira saw her and picked her up.
“Rin, are you alright? Sesshoumaru and Shippo have escaped and apparently so have you,” Shikobira looked at the young child in his arms who was wearing a dress that was torn at the bottom and had twigs in her hair.
“I'm alright. I ran away from my foster parents. They were going to kill me Shikobira!” Rin buried her face into Shikobira's chest and cried. Shikobira held her and made his way back to where the demons slept.
“It's alright Rin. Everything's fine now. Tomorrow we'll go get Kagome and then she'll help us look for Sesshoumaru and Shippo,” Shikobira said to sooth the crying child. Rin nodded and fell asleep.
Kagome stared out her window. It was well past dark and she should be in bed but she couldn't sleep. News had gotten around that Sesshoumaru and Shippo had escaped and now couldn't be found. She wanted to go running out right that second to find them but knew she couldn't.
“I'll never find them in the dark or by my self. I'll have to wait until morning and find Rin then we'll both look for Shippo and Sesshoumaru,” Kaogme walked over to her bed and buried her face into her pillow `That stupid wish! Why couldn't I have made a different wish?!' Kagome fell asleep like that.
I finally made a chapter! I'm thinking about updating to chapter eight but not sure yet. I have an idea but not a full one. Please review constructive criticism welcomed.