InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress of Time ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.
Chapter 2: She's Back
“Kagome…I'm here waiting for you.” said the deep voice.
“Who are you?” called out Kagome.
Silver strands of hair were flying through the air.
“Aishiteru Kagome.”
“Please tell me!” exclaimed Kagome. Things were getting creepy. Who is this person? She could remember his voice, but she had no idea who he is. All that she knew is that this person was somehow really important to her.
Golden eyes were staring intensely at her.
“We will meet again!” the voice was fading.
“No! Don't Go! Come back! Please…don't leave me here!” cried Kagome.
A deep blue crescent moon.
“Sesshou!” she called out. She did not know who this person was, It just seem right to call him that.
Running after the voice was futile. Images of silver hair, golden eyes, and the crescent moon repeatedly flickered through her mind.
A soft, warm voice called out to her, “Kagome, find your Chosen One before it is too late. Find him and defeat the evil!”
“How?” Kagome called out.
“I will help you. Follow your heart, it will always lead the way to you. Wake up. Leave the village and go west.”
With that everything came to a stop and Kagome felt like she was drifting in water. Her brain was telling her eyes to open, but they resisted, feeling heavy.
Using every once of energy that she possessed Kagome opened her eyes. She sat up suddenly, scaring the little girl beside her.
“Milady! You're awake!” said the little girl.
“Where am I?” asked Kagome.
“Y-You're in my village. A hunter saw you unconscious in the forest and brought you here. You have been unconscious for three days now,” explained the little girl.
Suddenly the voice entered Kagome's mind again, `I will help you. Follow your heart, it will always lead the way to you. Wake up. Leave the village and go West.'
Kagome's stomach growled angrily waiting for food. Kagome turned a slight red when the girl said, “Oh- Where are my manners. My name is Yume and I have been taking care of you for the last three days. You must be hungry. Wait here while I'll fix something for you to eat,” With that she was gone. Minutes later Yume hurried back in with a tray of food. “You must be starving. Here, eat,” said Yume. Kagome nodded and started to eat. When her stomach was quite satisfied she stopped. “Thank you Yume, my name is Kagome,” she said.
“Does your village have any spare bow and arrows? You see I am on an important mission, and I must leave soon,” explained Kagome.
Yume nodded and told Kagome to wait. When she got to the door she stopped and asked Kagome, “Oh, by the way Lady Kagome, do you know why you were out unconscious in the forest?”
Kagome answered, whispering more to herself then to Yume, “I wished I know how to answer that myself.”
Yume was confused by her statement, but took that as an answer anyway.
The next morning Kagome was ready to set off again. It seemed to was a beautiful day. The sky is clear blue. People surrounded her asking if she was sure if she'd have to leave so soon.
“Thank you everyone for helping me in my time of need,” said Kagome “ but I have an important quest that I am on. I will remember you people, and when my journey is done, I will come and visit.”
The villagers were sad that the miko was leaving so soon. She seemed to be such a nice person. She helped the village's miko gather the necessary herbs yesterday, and now she was leaving.
With everything said and done, Kagome headed West.
It was about midmorning and Kagome was still in the forest. The trees were tall and shaded her way. She stopped to rest when she noticed the eerie silence. It was unnatural. There were no birds chirping or any of the smaller animals about. Grabbing a bow and notching an arrow, Kagome stood ready to fight.
“So what Shin said was true, you are back,” called a voice. Out of the shadow walked a woman dressed in all black with silver hair. “Tell me, Kagome, how did you live for so long,” said the lady. She spat out Kagome's name with venom.
“Who are you?” asked Kagome.
“You don't remember me, well you have to know my name. You will scream before you die. My name is Tsubaki, remember it well. I will take my revenge,” said Tsubaki.
In a flash Tsubaki's shikigami (a serpent spirit) went after Kagome. Taken by surprise Kagome didn't have time to defend herself. Jumping up it took one strand of her hair and went down and bit her in the ankle and came back to its master in a matter of seconds. When Kagome stood up Tsubaki was no where in death.
A voice echoed through the forest, “Start digging your grave Kagome, I will take my revenge and you won't live long.”
There was nothing that Kagome could do but she had a bad feeling about what Tsubaki said. `What did I do to her? Why does she want to take revenge on me? What does she mean that I lived long?' With unasked questions in her mind, Kagome continued her journey.
“Lord Sesshomaru, may I come in?” asked a voice.
“Come in, Rin,” called out Sesshomaru.
“What do you need Rin?” asked Sesshomaru.
“Well I brought you tea. You are here the whole morning and Uncle Yasha is getting annoyed teaching the new soldiers.
It was not a good day for Sesshomaru. He was having a headache and he was trying to get all his paperwork done.
“You know, its not good for you to be stuck in your room the whole day Sesshomaru-sama,” said Rin quietly.
Sighing Sesshomaru said, “You know, today is the anniversary of her death.”
“I know Sesshomaru. I miss her terribly too, but she wouldn't want to see you this way Sesshomaru-sama. She would want you to be happy. I know she will be back soon” Said Rin. Her hanyou ears drooped on her head.
“I supposed she would,” Sesshomaru said quietly.
“Tell Inuyasha that I am going to patrol the land. Tell him to take over the paperwork then, Kohaku can train the soldiers,” said Sesshomaru smirking. Lately it have become a hobby for him to make Inuyasha's life slightly miserable. Inuyasha hated paperwork but as the second son of Inu Tashio it was one of his many duties along with Sesshomaru.
Grinning, Rin nodded and walked out.
Grabbing his armor and swords Sesshomaru headed out towards the forest. That was when he heard a scream, a scream that reminded him of someone missing from his life.
Kagome have been walking towards West for a couple of more hours when she stopped to rest. That was when she was attacked.
“Hey brother, look what I found, lunch.” said a voice. It came from one of the boar demons that were surrounding her. “A pretty and powerful one too it seems.” said another voice. He looked like he was the leader of the group. Holding up her bow with an arrow notched she said, “Don't come any closer.” “ She's not scared. Attack her!” One of the boars lunged forward. Kagome let go of the arrow and it plunged into the boar's heart with a pink light. In a flash he was nothing more than dust. “You killed my brother? Die bitch!” He lunged towards her and with no time to prepare, he was on top of her both of his hands choking her.
A flash of silver flashed before her eyes. A yellow green whip cut the boar's hand to release her. “Such a foul language, didn't your mother teach you anything?” Looking up she saw silver hair, golden eyes and a crescent moon.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” growled one of the demon. “This is my land, I have every reason to be here.” replied Sesshomaru. In a flash he killed all of the demons. That was when the air blew his way and he smelled something, or rather someone who he hadn't smelled for 250 years.
`No it can't be her. She died, in my arms!'
Turning over Sesshomaru saw Kagome, long midnight black hair flying when wind passed by. So black sometime it shows hints of blue in it. Big brown eyes.
The voice of this man has a very weird effect on Kagome. Suddenly she remembered. It was the man from her dreams.
“Its you,” she gasped. “Sesshou…” Then blackness took her.
*A/N Hello! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I hope this one is more interesting then the last one. Give me reviews on what you think. This chapter is edited by by betareader SesshyStalker1. Thank You!*